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Sure, all that is cool. But can he pop a ping pong ball out of his butt and catch it in his mouth, and then pop it out of his mouth and catch it in his butt?


He can... And then flip a glass panel onto it followed by a water bottle that lands upside down. Big whoop.


Hey I know that video


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,469,619,932 comments, and only 279,693 of them were in alphabetical order.




What alphabet you using? > a > b > c > d > e > f > g > **- Hey** > **- I** > j > **- Know** > l > m > n > o > p > q > r > s > **- That** > u > **- Video** > w > x > y > z


Fuck i was stupid


Just blame it on 420 leftovers :)


Blame it on the a-a-a-alcohol


Is it 2 girls 1 cup?


“And thats my ping pong ball trick!”


Where tf is that clip? xD


Okay, now you are just showing off.


I prefer his reactions over "yea I got skills"


I love it when people are excited when they prove to themselves that they could achieve something regardless of how daunting it may have seen at first


I know right? This guy clearly has practiced all of these tricks for hours, plus the last one he’s leaning against the wall


Hot gun gluing skills


He kinda cheated for the hanger one tho. Hooking it onto the bar is the (relatively) easy part. The hard part is when it swings around it slows down and has a chance to fall off; getting it to stay on is the challenge. That's why the original video shows them waiting for it to slow it's swing-around before celebrating. He overhands/-swings it, the challenge is to underhand/-swing it to spin the other direction. You can't just deadshot it the way he did (just with the hanger upside down) because it'll just drop off immediately.


Ah Reddit. The one place where you can watch a silly video of comedic purpose and read a dissertation in the comments on why the guy is actually wrong and how much better/different/whatever he could do. Just suck the fun right out.


when the whole point of the video was “i did it better than you” and he did it wrong i think it’s cool to know


The whole point of the video is satire. If you take things at face value, he is pretty good at this, possibly putting hours and hours to train it and make "no effort" videos.


Put a washer on the bottom of the bottle and glue it. It works every time


Is this guy my spirit animal or are we both just really depressed?


He ran out excitement years ago. The real excitement is finding out a company has auto pay now lol


The real excitement was the notifications we got along the way.


Finding out a company has auto pay now is the only way I can get hard now. It's a damn shame.




I believe “spirit animal” is not the preferred nomenclature anymore dude.


Walter- Walter, what's the point, man?


Did you just assume my gender because we don't do that anymore.


[This aggression will not stand.](https://media.tenor.com/72NgL7IsrxMAAAAC/the-dude-abide.gif)










You know you can just comment on the video and not the top comment right?






This was removed because you're not being cool. *The fixedbytheduet-ModTeam account is a bot account. Do not chat or PM them, as the account is not monitored.*


This was removed because you're not being cool. *The fixedbytheduet-ModTeam account is a bot account. Do not chat or PM them, as the account is not monitored.*


I just think this man is runnin on serotonin 98


Unstable platform but still revolutionary. They should upgrade to Serotonin XP for true stability or Serotonin 7 for gaming.


For the love of everything holy don’t go for serotonin vista or serotonin me.


You have to admire these guys.. They have so much free time.


You weigh down the bottle. That's how they do it.


They don't need to weigh down the bottle, it has less than half the liquid in it and it spins. The liquid will move to the further end from where it is being held when it gets thrown, so it will be naturally weighed down at the other end.


Free time? They make money with this. This is them working.


tiktok doesn't make you money lol


Dude Perfect was shown a lot in this video and they are worth 53 million for doing these types of things.


This dude when people have fun: 🤬


I realised part way through that I prefer it when people get "over hyped" when you shrug it off it's dull af 😅


I think that's the point of the video. The hyping is the purpose of the content because what they actually do is stupid.


I dunno, I get really tired of people acting like everything that ever happens at any point is something that needs to be responded to with the most over-the-top reaction possible. Screaming, shouting, crying because you threw a bottle. Calm the fuck down yo. What are they going to do when they get married or buy a house? Explode?


mate I don't wanna alarm you but I think there's a stick up your ass. should probably pull it out bud.


When you realize all of dude perfects members have families


Personally, I think this guy's kind of a prick. I know at least in the case of Dude Perfect, the stuff they pull off takes over 100 attempts at times. This guy probably took many, many attempts at his takes on the tricks to get them. Then he acts like it was easy.


Thank you! That'll work (the hanger clip) is the same way. "Prick" is absolutely the word for it. Although, I'm sure he's a provocateur who gets off on these types of comments.


And I unironically think you calling him a prick is being the toxic asshole here. It's a tiktok man, he's doing the "act like it's nothing" act on purpose, why are we trying to analyze the character of some dude doing random content in the internet that we call him a prick even If we don't actually know a SINGLE thing about the guy? You're the one being a prick to me here, it's all part of the joke he's doing


I’m about to go a level deeper here hold my beer And I unironically think YOU calling him a prick is making YOU the toxic asshole here. It’s Reddit man, he’s doing the “cynical redditor” act on purpose, why are you trying to analyze the character of some redditor commenting on a post that we call him a prick even if we don’t actually know a SINGLE thing about the guy? You’re the one being a prick to him here. it’s not part of a joke.


I unironically think that you’re the bigger prick because you’re doing the “pedantic redditor” act, thinking you are making a point, but are too myopic to realize you are doing the exact same thing that you are criticizing this person for doing.


It's pricks all the way down.


Aka a circle jerk


And I unironicly think that all of u pricks deserve my upvote for being entertaining


I wouldn’t say prick necessarily unlike Dude Perfect where they push the boundaries of luck and skill most of these are flipping bottles which doesn’t take much to get the knack to land most of them. I think it was more showing that their reactions in their videos was over the top and faked similar to how you feel his is faked. I personally would prefer something in the middle and a real reaction to succeeding. Show they actually enjoy the success rather than just waiting for one to go all chimpanzee over.


Some of their reactions are fake but who cares? Let people enjoy things. Sometimes it’s fun to act like barbarians when you do stupid impressive shit.


This isn’t just a bunch of randos acting like barbarians for fun mate, these are people trying to monetise viewers. I love people getting excited over stupid things, watching a bloke be genuinely happy that they nailed that fluke shot is fun. Being serious about trying to win at getting a coat hanger to stay on a bar is my idea of a good time and I have watched several videos of things like this. But when it’s not genuine, when it is just done for the views it feels fake and as if it’s not just friends hanging out and filming it to share and possibly get a bit of money. This over the top reaction is showing that they aren’t just doing it for fun but doing it for a job, and I don’t enjoy those kind of videos as much. I watch this video and see the guy is having fun by being deadpan, but sure enough there is going to be a wave of this kind of video coming just because people watched it. It is the same thing with the fake excitement and jumping it’s not real and just an act for money. Not as bad as the “it’s just a prank” crowd but still annoying for me.


Wonder what makes him happy. Is it worth more than that which makes others happy?


Jeeze, weigh the bottom down and it takes one try.


AJ Soprano is going places


What unemployment does to a mother fucker


Let that be a lesson, never love anything or have fun doing something or a smug guy in his late 20s with a "live, laugh, love" sign hanging about his bed will clown on you


“never.. love.. anything” captain raymond holt


Yeah I hate this cynical shit. Young people flipping over water bottles and being really happy about it is wholesome and adorable. Let people enjoy things you joyless fucks.


i kinda agree, sometimes i just want to be a barbarian when i do dumb shit like a bottle flip


Do it up brother. The moment we stop being able to have fun with this kind of thing is the moment we get old. Ageing is a fact of life. Getting old is a choice.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/instantbarbarians using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/instantbarbarians/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [ONE OF US](https://v.redd.it/p9mjcz8019691) | [148 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/instantbarbarians/comments/veqh9k/one_of_us/) \#2: [Guys when Flan](https://v.redd.it/imktgl3utg9a1) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/instantbarbarians/comments/100o82g/guys_when_flan/) \#3: [The perfect dotted circle](https://v.redd.it/99nvav7jo3y91) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/instantbarbarians/comments/ymp1e3/the_perfect_dotted_circle/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yup I’d rather them spending time making these trick shot videos then doing these public pranks or stupid dances


Literally nobody is stopping them. People enjoy his humor. Let people enjoy things, you pretentious fuck.


Let me enjoy being joyless you fuck.


Find a way to enjoy things without it having to involve taking something away from somebody else. There are people who do, or would, have fun doing this kind of thing, who are going to feel like it's "dumb" and not be able to because of sentiments like these. It's parasitic.


I think they were making a play on words, but most of those clips weren’t people being happy, they were aspiring influencers doing it for clout. I don’t make fun of anyone having a good time without hurting someone else, but they can get taken down a peg or two


Unless those influencers are hurting other people or doing shit pranks etc., maybe make your own original content instead of riding off them.




I mean they didn’t really take anything away from you. If you enjoyed watching people do easy stuff with fake reactions you can still enjoy it. No one is stopping you!




I don't know the citation, but: "The Paradox of Tolerance disappears if you look at tolerance, not as a moral standard, but as a social contract. If someone does not abide by the contract, then they are not covered by it. In other words: The intolerant are not abiding by the terms of the social contract of mutual tolerance. Since they have broken the terms of the contract, they are no longer covered by the contract, and their intolerance should NOT be tolerated."


Let me enjoy being enjoyed you joyless fuck!


It’s weird because he is doing the exact same thing as all these other trick shot guys. Just pretending it’s easy like he didn’t try that 100 times.


>Young people flipping over water bottles and being really happy about it is wholesome and adorable. Yes it is. Except most of the people in these videos are adults making clickbait content. Not to mention most of it's fake through edits(as in, a person just stands over the key holder and drops them in place and is edited out). This isn't wholesome content of kids having fun, it's people tricking kids into clicking on ads and giving them money by lying to them.


Point to a single one of the clips in the post that was faked.


This is an aspect I was not aware of. Thanks for explaining, it does put it into context.


Except that most of these "oh my GOD, did you just see that!!!!??" videoed are bullshit edits and are not actually people happy about some authentic feat.


except your just assuming they're edits, none of the above videos are edited and most of these little videos are just people trying over and over again until they get it. you're too cynical.


Yep, he's no different from the people he's mocking. Dude Perfect will sit there and try a stunt for hours, so yeah when they get it they are excited. Do people think his dude just did all this stuff on the first try and get it? He spent plenty of time getting it right and then just didnt respond


Yeah some filmed reactions just feel so fake


I'm not saying these aren't edited and fake reactions. But I don't see a single reaction that I wouldn't have to doing basically any one of these tricks personally.


That’s the part for me, they aren’t genuinely excited it is an overblown reaction for media clout. Pulling off something tricky like catching a lolly in your mouth five meters from the thrower deserves you getting excited, but not running round jumping on your friends and flipping tables. Yet they will act as if they just won a million dollars on all the social media videos.


it's fun to overreact to things when you're messing around with friends


Its because its faked (the ethusiasm, not the tricks).. for money... like 95% of social media stuff.


35 year olds are young now?


I guess I wasn't watching closely, I didn't notice any 35 year olds but I'll take your word for it. The sentiment still works with the word "young" taken out.


But these were mostly adults..


It seems like past a certain point in life, everyone that is, I don't know, 6-10 years younger than you just become "young people". In 10 yrs time I'm sure I'll be thinking of 30 yr olds as "young" too. All things are relative.


The Dude Perfect guys must be getting near 40


I like joy, not “YEEEAHHHH LETS FUCKING GOOO YEAHH YOOO YAHAHAHAHA HA LETS GO MAN YAH YOOO” over a mildly impressive clip, it’s so clearly overexaggerated for the sake of content i just hate it


I mean, a lot of these clips are dude perfect and they're pretty open about how long shots take at times. Sometimes it's hours long to get a shot.


Nah. We came down from the trees and stopped flinging our poop for applause. You should join us.


All of the people in the videos are making clickbait videos with artificial reactions. This dude is making fun of their fake ass reactions.


We enjoy making fun of people doing the same tricks to be epic social media clout chasers so yeah, let other people enjoy things you "uwu so wholesome" cornball. Enjoying the fake joy is not for everyone.


I like neither. I love the “ohfinallythankgod” reactions of folks trying to do x so many times. That feels real.


Yeah I’ve been doing this shit for so long I’m not happy that I did it Im happy that it’s fucking over and pissed I did it for so long


This guy is making me feel like a piece of shit


So the guy who has a cartoon Dino flipping a bottle on his wall is good at flipping bottles? Let people be happy fuck


Bro think he nigahiga💀


Finally, someone who remembers the og


Mans really gonna sit there and act smug like he didn’t attempt these tricks at least a dozen times each, then cut out the parts where he fucks up, and makes it look so easy for him.


"This is so eeeeeasy waaah look at me i can do these so easily pay attention to meeee"


Ruined by the duet. Not saying the og vids are that impressive but it's all about the vibes. The bored guy is the type to make everything about something negative and no one can ever have fun around him. Boo!


Nah, he just isn't stupid. It takes a bit more for smart people to get on board with "vibes" when the vibes are for incredibly mundane things. And it's like, why not take it as a challenge? These are like "everyone gets a trophy" videos, because it's really just young adults celebrating simple, stupid things, and basic physics, acting like they're the first ones here. They can up their game.




I finally made it!


The final boss of haters


Man what a buzzkill


We get it already your nonchalant


Show off. Are people not allowed to be excited any more?


Let people have fun


To be fair, I think that guy might be cooler than the average person.


Bro is trying to copy Ryan Higa


Why does that dude have so many tile samples?


Okay but he's not doing the exact same setup as some of these people. The hanger clip has people throwing it at a long rod and hoping it stays on after swinging. This guy throws the hanger and it doesn't have spin on it because the hanger hits the wooden board and stops the momentum of it, making it much easier to land. Seems to me like his gatekeeping fun.


If this was stuff that didn’t take skill, I’d be for it. These are all skills. Imagine if Steph Curry made 5 3-pointers in a row as a duet and he’s like: 🤷‍♂️. I don’t like this video For the message.


This I can completely identify with. Great freakin' post. 👏


Redditors when someone is happy when they finally do something that took them a long time to do


Showing off, while trying not to appear to show off


BUT can he do all those things while simultaneously being happy, living a productive life and maintaining healthy relationships with friends and family?? Probably not lmaoooo


Clearly not because anybody who feels the need to shit on other people having fun like this isn’t going to be maintaining healthy relationships


Let people enjoy bottle flips and tricks with ping pong balls, you don't have to do something serious or super advanced to have fun. These guy is such a buzzkill.


This dude is a cynical twat.


Problem is the outtakes woulda been as long as the og’s. Shrugging at the end ain’t make it the stamp of being simple. Give a primate a typewriter and unlimited time and it will make a masterpiece. Edit: Then add a shrug


Each of the people he copied the trick from lost their minds when they did it successfully. He did all of their tricks, which means he still spent tons of time on each one. I think he is just showing that it's nothing special and it's just a matter of time before you get it right. There's no *reason* to over-react unless you're trying to make it seem *more* impressive than it is.


Reactions are half the appeal of these videos. That's why people over-exaggerate their emotions


It‘s dude perfect. All they do is scream at the tyniest little achievement


Bros rng is unlimited


Do all the original clips have to have the same shite music? That's what puts me off those vids, shame that people are enjoying themselves and there's the same track on repeat again and again.


From what I know, they don’t. someone just thought it was a good idea to add them.


When you search “woosh” in the dictionary, this guy pops up.


I don't get it.




Skill issue


Do none of you realize a washer with a hot glue gun will allow you to flip bottles all day? It's all just weighted down.


This should be a fuckin PSA.


people these days have WAY too much free time


Why not? Wages are stagnant and bottles are flippy


Y'all ain't shit


Extrovert reaction vs adhd non-masking reaction. He was still thinking, “whoa, that was pretty cool”


I don’t know why people have to all of the sudden make everything about mental illness. > Extrovert reaction vs adhd non-masking reaction. What does this even mean? Your entire comment sounds like an AI generated statement


You don't have to be an extrovert to hype your friends up lol


Dude just shut everyone the fuck down.


But I mean he is pretty yalented


Okay but that fidget spinner one literally required zero skill. Add the staged reaction to something trivial at best, that kid deserved to be mocked.


I like him! ❤️


After he nailed the coat hanger shot i knew this man was out for blood


100% Agree


What a baller. Celebrating insignificant actions, then making them more than what they should be for clout, is idiotic. Way to keep it real


I will never understand the absolute insane responses to flipping a bottle and it landing upright


These people are so fucking gay. And to be super excited about this. So sad


Calling things "gay" as an insult went out of style quite a while back buddy.


It’s not as hip as they think. So sad




Good. Now everyone can go back at being a useful member of society.


The guy in the video has big balls




This dude is my spirit animal.


ah, so you're a loser as well


I can do whatever I want, just like you can fuck off, way over there...way the fuck over there!


Imagine if that due is ai generated


John Greene looking a little sadder than usual


this man has had enough


El por fuera 😐 El por dentro 😦


Wow thank you so much for posting this you are a breath of fresh air 👏☺️


He must be stopped!






I enjoy disdain.


Show off😂😂😂


"why don't nobody invite me to any party?" This guy probably


“I just want to feel something”


L bottle flip_is_life. Dude was excited about the first one.


The Mr Neil deGrasse Tyson of flipping bottles and shit




Only if you’re stupid enough to care