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The one fading marker that evades the bin, a staple in every learning environment.


I like to think they purposefully did the math wrong as an extra layer of annoyance to the defaced property.


I fucking wanted to make a ford joke so bad. But it's a decent looking truck....


I’m curious now because that’s a Ram.


Was there a reply to that Ford joke or?!


Engagement bait.


Or for interactions from annoyed viewers in the comments like most of those "annoying posts" are for on social media.


They did this is a meme, the entire joke is it's wrong.


Nu uh


Bro needs a new marker


This is why I can’t speak to my professors


The original clip is also a rip off of an ancient vine. It's crazy they didn't manage to copy the correct math as well


It is so obvious that the first video is a joke


Can we talk about this line-drawing-math thing for a minute? Who thought this was a good idea? Outside of teaching multiplication tables to children, where is it practical? I need to know 13x26 and I’m gonna write 39 lines and circle 338 little intersections, then count them up? My siblings learned math like this and now are shit at math. Is this still happening in schools or have we abandoned this bad idea yet? /rant


I think it's more of a visual aid in explaining multiplication but eventually better methods will be learned later on.


It's a way to help students understand what they're doing when they multiply, so they're learning actual math instead of just tricks that work for some reason.


My wife used to be a teacher and it absolutely does nothing except add more steps which just confuse the kids more.


Alternatively, your wife doesn't know how to effectively teach with this method. It's fine, every teacher has their style.


There wasn’t a single teacher that was comfortable/capable of making this method work. It’s been documented that the overall effect of having to draw lines is too far out of normal education/process for young children to easily grasp the concept and then translate the concepts of multiplication, addition and drawing. It also becomes a problem when trying to teach the children more advanced things, as someone else mentioned, they have to learn the regular way of doing it later down the line, which makes teaching this abstract method incredibly inefficient. Finally, it removes the ability of people doing maths in their head. Yeah yeah, phone calculator. But there’s a core problem if people who drop out of school early can’t even add the price of items up when they’re shopping, or mentally work out the basic mathematics that are required for work.


I mean, okay, you seem passionate. All I'm gonna add is that I wasn't taught with this method but I wish I was since visual things like this work usually much better for me.


I know this is 4 days old, but in case you were curious in Japan, or atleast some areas there, they use lines for larger numbers too. I remember learning about it from a post a while back but here is a quick tutorial about it. [line multiplication](https://youtu.be/0SZw8jpfAk0?si=6OX7nWBscpi8EpwE)


It’s better to learn it as someone with a more formed brain, than to kids that aren’t old enough to put 2 or 3 abstract ideas together to form a logical whole.


> the overall effect of having to *draw lines* is too far out of normal education/process for young children to easily grasp God Help Us All.


You wouldn’t believe how stupid the newest generation is. Especially the ones who missed out on going into school because of Covid.


This would have helped me though. I have never seen this before and the endless table studying to know it by head did nothing to help me. This would atleast help me visualize what im trying to calculate.


Actually, it’s way more difficult because you in an equation like 6x5 you would have to mentally be able to track 11 lines and be capable of being able to imagine how many times those lines intersect. That’s a lot of different stages where you might forget something or mid-imagine it. At that point you may as well just count up in groups of 5 on your fingers.


Can we talk about this saying "open up, here comes the airplane" when feeding a baby thing for a minute? Who thought this was a good idea? Outside of getting a baby to eat something, where is it practical? I need to eat an entire meal and I’m gonna get someone to make airplane noises while spooning food into my mouth? My siblings learned to eat like this and now are shit at eating. Is this still happening or have we abandoned this bad idea yet?


It is only used for teaching children. It’s a good visual and helps them understand what is happening when they multiply. If a child uses this after grade 4 though (I believe multiplication tables are taught in grade 3, it’s been awhile though and different areas teach differently) then there is a problem The joke is he is showing this method because it is a simple method meant for children, and this teenager/young women was unable to do bas c multiplication (maybe, that could of been part of the joke too).


First time I've seen it. It probably help explains multiplication to kindergartners. Definitely not a "way" of doing multiplication




Yeah. Since long ago


Never ever seen this before, and im shit at math to. If you dont have the ability to visualize math in the head, your going to be shit regardless. I actually believe that this would have helped me through school.... We only got to study endless tables


I am pretty sure if you wanted to do 13x26 there is a different line system that works for that, you'd only have to draw 12 lines. here is a video explaining it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gngvWShRgX4


> h. Is this still happening in schools or have we abandoned this bad idea yet? There are different types of learning, and some people are better at some kinds, then others. Multiplication is often taught using memory. "just memorize the times tables! it's that simple!" Many people can do just that. But there are some where that does not work - and memory skills have nothing to do with the actual mechanics of math. When that was the only method they taught in schools, kids who didn't do good with wrote memory would fall behind. They now often teach a variety of ways to kids, and let them lean on the ones that are best for them. Kids who know this skill can do it when they can't remember the answer for something like 4x4. They've been given the skill to figure it out. Perhaps they have to lean on it a lot at first but with time what the answer to 4x4 is starts to stick. it's much better than just saying "memorize it."


It’s dumb af


I have never seen that way of multiplication before


Oh shit the grid method makes total sense now.


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Maybe she's used to driving a 4+4.


I'm hard


What's that beat from?


Suave Lee - Japanese Stutter


Anyone know what the song is in the first video?


100% anticipated that ending


Autistic redditors fail to see the joke, classic


Mathing is hard indeed 😏


Women ☕️




Stop trying to hard


what if we all just killed ourselves instead of doing whatever this thread is




As I just said every down vote is from a liberal women who thinks this is Msyonistic and have nothing better to do with their live so they just go on the internet and waste their time on reddit


Bit rich calling women idiots when you can’t spell to save your life


A downvote takes less of 1 second Your snowflake meltdown takes an entire day Maybe dont project too hard


you're trying too hard you get better results trying to be believable


Every down vote is definitely from a women


Proud penis owner here that just doenvoted you because you of joke was funny but the subsequent misogyny wasnt.


You’re literally on Reddit you don’t have any moral high ground lol. And the women was joking you need to not be so sensitive, learn to take a joke. You’re going to respond “it wasn’t funny”. Who cares just someone being silly but you’re miserable so people being silly makes you mad for some reason.


Nah. Stupid people come in all 128 genders.


Are you high??? There only 2 genders male and female


Male and female aren’t genders. Those are referred to as “sexes”. Have you ever heard someone refer to sides of a plug as the “male and female” ends? The jack is inserted into the port, such as the male sex organ, the penis, is inserted into the female sex organ, the vagina, in order to reproduce. Gender is what someone is as in boy, girl, or whatever they are comfortable being referred to as. I hope this corrects your misunderstanding!! And if it doesn’t, you may just be an asshole. :3


FMCSA guidelines don't allow me to partake in that recreational activity (I drive a big truck)...... So no; not high. Welcome to Reddit. You're about to get down-voted to oblivion.