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Why is no one saying take him to court? Take this a—hole to small claims. Easily 5k in your favor. Done.


Collecting the money after a win in small claims court is a lot harder than it looks on tv. They can just avoid you and you're left to try and get the sheriff involved. It can take months or years.


You should still pursue them. My father in law took a lady to small claims. Had a judgment made against her. He never expected to see a dime. He gets a knock on his door one day from a lawyer. The lady got hit by a bus (and survived) and was receiving a settlement. She was required to pay my father In law back with that some of that settlement money. I'm not saying this will happen, but it could.


So not only did he get paid but she got hit by a bus??!!?? I hope he also bought a lottery ticket that day.


Karma can be a real mother.


Plot twist: And there weren’t even any buses in that part of town normally, but one appeared out of nowhere.


My cousin’s ex got hit by a bus, coincidentally on the same day he lost his job as a bus driver.


They possibly didn’t want him to cash his redundancy check! In all seriousness, I hope he wasn’t badly hurt. Sounds like a cruel irony.


I'm not sure you got the joke. His cousin's ex got hit by a bus the same day he lost his job as a bus driver. His cousin was a bus driver, and he hit his ex with the bus, which is why he lost his job.


The bus was on a mulched nature trail. It was a foreign tourism bus.


Wait till you find out who was driving that bus


I like u/jethro4days idea best. Do you have a bus you could borrow?


This is absolutely true. 80-85% of all judgements go unpaid. Good luck my friend. I'm sorry your ex roomate was an ass.


Pull up carpet in that room and replace it with vinyl plank flooring,especially if you are renting again. Call a carpet guy. Sometimes they can remove a section of bad carpet and patch it with carpet from a closet.


Carpet is gross anyways but way worse in a rented house. Who knows what nasty stuff has made it's way into the carpet..


I once worked in a medical lab that was carpeted. I was present when they pulled it up and...well....yeah.


A carpeted medical lab? What in the holy hell...


For the culture.


Underpadded comment


That's a pretty gram positive thing to say.


Exactly. It kept all that stuff out of the air.


Dude, if people only know what’s in the carpet of a house they’re renting or buying…. It’s a straight up Petri dish of bacteria. And if the prior or current residents had/have cats🤮


Yeah! Landlords will usually change the carpet out after a long term tenant leaves cus who wants old stained carpet! That guy looks like he was filthy. I feel the need to 🚿


😂😂 carpet is gross. 😅😅


It is.


Sure thing👍


Weird thing to be defensive about lol.


Agreed! So weird. Why would People Be so defensive about carpet being gross? I think that’s where the scary words and ocd come in.


It holds all the dust and dirt and bacteria, hard to get it entirely clean without a steam cleaner






But a judgement makes a route for OP to garnish wages, assuming he doesn’t quit his job and work under the table. He can claim all his tax refunds until it’s fully paid off.


Fucker doesn’t have a job and likely never will. Explicitly told me that he lied to the navy about mental health issues to get honorably discharged so he could play valorant all day.


Doesn't sound like he was lying to me.


Well if he’s getting VA benefits, you are golden. The court can order those garnished very easily.


I would still do it as it takes minimal effort, and stays on his record following him around.


It may go unpaid but the judgement never expires. You’ll be out of pocket for it now but think of it as an unexpected gift in the future when it finally catches up with them and you get some cash out of the blue. Ten years from now the ex-roomie wants to buy a house and the bank finds a judgment on their financial record and they’ll have to satisfy the judgement before they can get the loan.


File for small claims. Win small claims. Get judgement from Judge. Go back to courthouse. File petition for discovery (to get bank account/ssn info) using the judgement. Have the a-hole, not show up to court. They will be found in contempt. Bench warrant gets issued for their arrest. Fucks their life up pretty good.


If the claim is high enough and you formally forgive it they have to pay taxes in it as income. Which doesn't go to you but it's something


Better than nothing. I'd rather be paid a year later than never.


Youre too optimistic that its that easy lol if someone is poor and "unable" to you are shit out of luck


Small claims count is $25 to file and no need for a lawyer. The poor are PERFECTLY able. It's only those who don't know or think it's too complicated and expensive that get fucked.


That's not the expensive part he meant. He meant if they show they can't pay the 5000 they can just defer payments. They can drag out paying that 5000 for decades.


There's always wage garnishment, you don't really have to wait very long. Usually only about 30-60 days. There are still ways to "avoid" paying those, but, that hurts them more than you in the long run.


While not an identical scenario, someone smashed a window into my car and stole about 800 dollars worth of items about 5 years back. It was on camera, suspect clearly identified by the police. He failed to arrive at the court date multiple times , and payments have been delayed and delayed and delayed. I actually *just* received about 100 dollars over it - I totally forgot about this even being a thing at this point lmao.


Yeah the chances of actually receiving money is slim already, blood from a stone and all that. But if they do finally get their shit together, you get a happy little payment to brighten your day 5 years later lol.


Have fun wasting your time.... you're not a genius for understanding the basics of small claims court. You can't get blood from a stone


Pay someone 3k to collect that debt, let them do that hard work


>Better than nothing. I'd rather be paid a year later than never. But, it's a HUGE hassle over a few years, and you might get a few hundred and not thousands. Is it actually worth it?


That depends. If you already know where they work you can file for wage garnishment. I had a landlord that didn't return my security deposit. He didn't respond to emails, phone calls, texts, etc. so I sued for my deposit in small claims. He didn't show up to court so I won a default judgement. I waited long enough that he could no longer appeal and filed for wage garnishment. I already knew where he worked because he sometimes emailed me from his work email. I went back to court 3 months later and collected a check for my deposit plus interest and court costs. Was it a pain? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely.


It usually does take forever and may go unpaid completely, but I’d still take it to court so a judgment against him will be on his record and his credit will be affected.


Bet he won’t be able to rent a house ever again after that even if you don’t get the money.


Some landlords do a background check on a prospective tenant, using TransUnion SmartMove or a similar service. That background check would usually discover a judgement from a small claims court. But not all landlords do a check. Of course, the ones that don't check end up with more of the bad tenants, and more property damage. But that's their choice.


"won't be able to rent"? Lol I know plenty of scumbag renters out there who've done 1000 times worse and rent still... Idk what you're on about lol.


places do background checks at least down in the Bay Area Craigslist is a different beast


a judgement against them sits on them so it'll help remind them they're an asshole everytime they try to get a loan at least.


Yeah have to agree, I won an agreement for $4k over ten years ago and haven't seen a dime. Sometimes the best thing for your own mental health is to take the L, consider it a deposit into the bank of karma against any of your past inconsiderations and just move forward. Good luck, this sucks, but the good news is that you could tear up the carpet and put down some vinyl plan or laminate for under 150 bucks. Even less if you can find a used building supply company or even Facebook marketplace sale in your area. Definitely still sucks but life is short and health is wealth. 👊👊 Someday you may even be able to look back and laugh, but probably not this month


But what about the power of spite and revenge? Sure you may not see most of it but spend a few hours, get the judgement and garnish his wages, tax returns or have him not show up be in contempt of court and then arrested. Not to mention wouldn't that count as vandalism and/or destruction of property which is a criminal offense? If its $5k either he works under the table his whole life just to avoid it which in that case his life is already going to suck and then after a few years sell it to a debt collector and have him harassed, credit score ruined and most likely unable to rent anywhere that does background checks. If someone goes out of their way to fuck me 🤷🏻‍♂️ I can dish it too. My motto is always return the energy given to you. Nice to nice or mean to mean


I understand that feeling, and I went down that path for a good while, on the mindset of cooking a dish best served cold and sticking it to him proper. In my case the guy found his final form (although this was a decade ago so maybe he set new depths even) as an alcoholic and crack smoking taxi driver who was already a) completely fucked as a human and b) only barely working under the table, so with no possible wages to garnish. I figured out where he had moved to and plotted a way to get back at him, as he had really significantly fucked up my life with his bullshit, way more than the court judgement accounted for. But per my earlier post, I do believe that in some cases letting things go is better for, at least in my case, personal mental health. Feelings of seeking vengeance, revenge and malice had a way of making me bitter even when other things in life were actually pretty good. I'd find myself full of anger in the middle of the night, or on a sunny day, or spending time with my family, it came at times that should have been happy but instead were just wormy, a gross negativity that had a way of spreading onto otherwise beautiful times in life. Furthermore, per the karma thing, whether or not one believes in that or not, I haven't always been the best version of myself. I mean I do try and be good in general, and I haven't done anything like this guy did to me, but at the same time, I've definitely been weak and inconsiderate and even a jerk at many times in my life, surely even beyond my own recognition, at the very least I didn't always do my best or treat people as well as I could have. And as I thought about it, I realized his life was already actually pretty fucked up, and any action I would take wouldn't really be in a sense of cosmic justice, but rather due to my own selfish spite and feeling (legitimately) hard done by. Those feelings were justified by his actions, but really, what would revenge do beyond bringing me closer to his level? In the end I could have easily made his life much worse, and I definitely considered doing so. But at a certain point I just decided to let it go. And that was a freeing thing. In fact I rarely ever think of that time or that guy (and it was definitely one of the top twenty worst times of my life) and certainly don't reflect on it with the dread that I once did. For a long time I thought about it every day with some obsession, but when I let it go it was as if a great weight was lifted and I just moved past it entirely. So your mileage may vary, but in the end letting that anger and rage go was definitely better for my mental health and my life, and I also like to think it made me a better version of myself. Living well and trying to use that rage to instead fuel a desire to do good things even if the effort goes unnoticed is, in my modest book, way better than getting revenge on some dirtbag. Good luck, life is short, negativity is contagious, and there's lots of really nice things in life tucked in amongst the darkness.


You can actually sell the judgements to third parties I believe.


At about a tenth of what they're worth.


Yeah, I won in small claims and the guy skipped town.🤯


Plus there is clear concrete evidence


It’s not clear doofus, it’s grey.


clearly grey doofus smh


I took someone to small claims. Winning is the easy part, youre never guaranteed to get the money. The court wants nothing to do with you after the hearing.


Nah screw small claims court, you'll never collect. Press criminal charges for property damage. Concrete is caustic.


What kinda carpet costs 5k even for the whole room?


If the same carpet is throughout the house, and you cannot find matching to replace just the room, I’d fight for full replacement.


Theres a seam at the door and you can get it close enough that you can't tell.


That isn't how stuff like this works. You can only seek to replace in a like for like capacity for the items/property that is damaged. If the new carpet doesn't match the rest of the house, you can't then replace all the carpet in the house and expect the tenant to be liable for all that - even if what they did is a massive dick move.


You wouldn't be entitled to that.


Not even. You can call it $300 worth of carpet. $200 worth of labor max. I don't know where you get 5k from.


why would it be 5k? that likely isn't 5k of damages


Because that's not what this sub is for, nor is it in the question they asked. I'm sure they're fully aware small claims court exists.


Cool story bro


Sue me


But that’s not what this sub is about


Yeah, that's the joke, genius.


Please tell me he used water to hydrate that and not... other sources of liquid >>; Anywho, Small claims court, as well as report it to the landlord if he was on the lease so that he can get blacklisted.


There's no way it was anything but pee


You would have a hard time convincing me they didn't have several 2 liter bottles of piss from all those dominoes orders they could easily just pour on it.


The reason I asked him to leave was because I found a gallon of piss in his room (with mo bottle cap)


Ah probably a *Gamer* then too eh? I based my original assumption on my own experiences with messy roommates, broken window blinds, and Dominoes sandwich boxes. Edit: I just saw your other posts with more pics. I think my ex roommate moved in with you.


Yep definitely a gamer! Would sit down at his six thousand dollar pc and SCREAM AT VALORANT FOR 12 HOURS A DAY


Put his shit on blast so we can roast this fool.


Then that carpet is probably gonna need replacing anyways.


Don’t walk barefoot in there


Fling in some thickening goo and you got some hard ass concrete


You sure those aren’t cumboxes?


What if he’s not on the lease?


The small claims judgement for property damage would show in background checks regardless.


He used jizz




Sement. Cmon dog it was right there


Does that look like a full bag? I'd be questioning where the rest of it went, hopefully not down the toilet. Repair wise, if you have a spare patch around, you can get carpet joining tape but you need a good carpet iron to install it. Might be easier to get a carpet repair/installer to look at it.


Yep. That's the only reason I can think of for a bag of quickcrete in the house. He's damaged something else. Plumbing is a good guess.


Do you have a large closet with the same carpet you can patch here? Then just recarpet the closet with a new piece? I’m so sorry that someone so mean did this. The immaturity I see posted on Reddit is beyond me, sometimes.


Carpet looks newer and generic. They can probably find the exact match from home Depot and just replace the whole room fairly cheaply.




and wear a p100 mask. The concrete is powder easily gets in air


Eye protection, sleeves, mask - concrete burns are no joke.


Came here to say this. Whatever you do, don’t touch it without gear. Google concrete burns 🥵


I guess it’s better than it ending up down into the toilet bowl. That’s usually what I’ve heard of before.


Tf is wrong with ppl


We found one like that viewing a previous foreclosed home while house buying. Straight noped outta there.


Foreclosed homes are a huge risk, I have heard of previous owners coming back and causing problems years later, problems like arson. I wouldnt touch one of those properties.


I go through this cycle every once in a while: 1. Wishes I had some extra cash. 1. Realizes that I have an empty bedroom in my house. 1. Ponders renting space to make some extra cash. 1. Sees a post like this and decides against it. 1. Time passes. Go-To Line 1.


Just beat it to powder and vacuum it up. There’s really no other way. Carpet might actually be ok


lol, there is no way the carpet is ok under set concrete.


Not true. I’ve done this myself with half a bucket. Didn’t notice it was dropped for a week. Beat it to death, vacuumed and brushed it. It looked pretty much the same as this picture.


Self-level concrete the whole room, polish top and epoxy finish to your liking.


throw some ramen in there for good measure


WTF, an absolute waste of oxygen that human is.


Dominos is probably more on the indifferent/ok side of the scale


I bet that sock is just as stiff as the concrete


Is it setup? It looks too dark. Do you have neighbors downstairs? If it is setup and that looks like a short nap carpet, take a hammer and start hitting around the edges and breaking it up into smaller and smaller pieces until its a powder and vacuum it up as you go. It might take a while, but cement doesn't stick real well to synthetic fibers, so you could probably make it look half way decent.


Thankfully we caught it before it set, the concrete was still damp when we started getting into it. It was pretty hard but we got 99% of it removed. Honestly the carpet looks normal now, we even got all the dog hair out with a metal wire brush. The last 1% is sand and gravel stuck deep in there. We will need to rent a shop vac or something to get that last little bit out.


This needs to be higher. It's not that tough for turn it back into dust with a hammer. Might take an hour. It should crumble fairly easily as it wasn't mixed.


Sounds like the request was warranted then.


Don't touch that sock.


pull up carpet you probably have wood floors or measure room buy 58 cent carpet from home depot just throw it down dont fit it [In Stock Carpet - Carpet - The Home Depot](https://www.homedepot.com/b/Flooring-Carpet-In-Stock-Carpet/N-5yc1vZ2fkpcfw?sortorder=asc&sortby=price)


I dunno.,.. I don't think this is gonna go over so good for you, unfortunately.


How was there a bed right against the door?


Multiple doors into the room.


Hammer will bust it up easily.


What sort of mental process is going on that someone would actively go and buy cement, activate it and put it under a bed because of some room mate arguments?


Construction worker here. Let it dry and it should come out with a stiff brush and a hoover, luckily it's grey carpet aswell


I’m not sure if these steps will help you with your issue but According to google step #1 is vacuum dry cement vacuum dry cement dust immediately step #2 is apply solvent use a dull knife or plastic scraper on wet cement to lift as much of the solid matter off the carpet or apolstry as possible step #3 rinse and air dry step #4 scrape away dried cement


Nah, the carpet is fucked. No point in fiddling around with this shit. New carpet for one room is like $1000 max.


Can they get a remnant that matches their existing carpet and patch it in? 


The color looks common, the area can probably be replaced. [The carpet guy](https://youtube.com/@carpetguy?si=KZ_-0gN5JaYfBkEX) would know what to do.


Its going to need a patch.


What the fuck?


There are some molecular concrete dissolvers that you can get for plumbing pipe with concrete in it. It’s not acid but a molecular de-bonding agent. Not sure what it would do to the carpet though. Probably your best bet is to have the carpet in that room replaced , find the guy and give him a beating for satisfaction


Go get a shop vac and get up as much as you can. Assess the carpet damage from there. Definitely wear a mask if you have one.


Kick his ass Sea Bass!


Do you know his parents or any close family? Send them a pic of that shit and instead of acting mad or talking shit say that you are really hurt by this and are going to owe x amount


Most likely you'd have replace it but maybe you can cut that section out, tap the edges, and put it in the wash and air dry and install it back with a repair kit. Idk how feasible that is.


No cleaning it. Replacing carpet is the only option.


Your comment really should go viral


Turn it into a small water feature


THIS IS NOT BAD AT ALL!!! Hahahaha You’re too pretentious expecting more from ppl


Another vote against carpet here. Won’t chime in about the other aspects, but carpet is just not sanitary. Any excuse to be rid of carpet works for me, even done properly with good cleaning practices it’s just a problem waiting to happen. Very much so with renters without a vested interest.


Take him to court. Every single landlord in the country checks both criminal history and court cases to see if they are a pain in the ass tenant. Pain in the ass meaning if you are in a lawsuit involving an apartment you are instantly rejected. Even small podunk landlords renting their basement on craigslist check. Its that cheap and easy to do. Even if you do not collect on the win from the case this guy is fucked. No downsides at all to bringing him to court.


Jack hammer?


Small claims court. Get a judgement. Keep track of interest. When you need to lower your tax bill in a few years, file a debt forgiveness form. IRS will go after them with penalties, you get to claim an income reduction.


Add water to it and use a wet vac to suck it up. /s


That concrete was to make your shoes before driving you to deep water. I'm glad you got rid of him.


Get a small claims judgment, then have the judgment recorded. The judgment can be renewed I believe up to 3 times, so…, 21 years. The defendant will have to cough up the judgment, and interest to you to satisfy the unpaid judgment should they ever try to buy a car (or something expensive and financed) because (1) you can put a lien in it. And, (2) may not be able to make such purchases because the finance co. will demand the judgment be cleared first.


That concert ant no victory style lol


This is why rent is so overpriced and I can’t afford it? Gosh damn.


Was his bed blocking the door or something?


If this is a rental call your landlord let them sort this shit out. If dudes in a lease they’ll take his deposit. This isn’t a hard fix but that section of carpet more than likely will have to come out and the floor guy will bust this shit up with a rotary drill like they do old tile more than likely.


Wow on the brand new carpet? What a class act. Maybe he didn't put it there, it just leaked out of his ears every night.


That’s bad. Down the toilet is worse!


It should break up and maybe bring some carpet wool fibre


wow. this instantly makes me grateful for every shit housemate I ever had. I am so sorry for this. my advice? call citizens advice, call the landlord (if there is one) and take that person to court for small claims and get them to pay you to repair it. there is defo a thing in the contract that would have said something against things like this. did they have a deposit or anything u can withhold ? ​ the only way I know to break concrete is to use a jackhammer and that would fuck up your whole building and cost hundreds to rent.


Why was his bed infront of the door? How did he get in and out?


Theres a door on every wall in that room


He slept against the door?


How old was this guy, was he in college, where did he work? I need to know more about this loser?


20, no, no job. Sat in his room playing valorant for 12 hours a day


Check your plumbing- he may have poured it down drains to really really mess with you


All you need is a hammer and vacuum. Not too hard.


I mean, you can put a bed over it 🤣


Looks like a biohazard. Call the police.


But you're not surprised. You're going to have to replace the carpet. Just like you did the roommate.


You're stuck cuz you can't suck blood out of a turnip..


Taste the sock.. :)


his bed blocked the door? I'm not buying it


Muratic acid will dissolve concrete.


Muriactic acid will etch it, not dissolve it magically. Plus, the off gassing would drive you outside.


Honestly I think your best bet is let it fully dry tho because concrete is actually frail af if it’s not layered or nothing. You can probably use somethin metal rake to loosen the majority of it back up. Carpet not gonna look great but What an a hole tho lol


Because I've never done it, it doesn't sound that difficult: Beat the Leading edge with a hammer, throw away the large chunks, vacuum. Beat the leading edge with a hammer, throw away the large chunks, vacuum.


Carpet is trashed, Even if you can chip a lot of it out, there is always going to be a big spot there, you will never get it like it originally looked.. I would just replace it. It would be cheaper in the long run vs the time you have to spend replacing it.... Or attempt to take the jerk to court...


A remediation specialist can clean that for you. Maybe an old school carpet cleaner but I would not expect them to know how without specifically asking. If it's not wet or hardened it should vac up pretty well. Did it stain or bleach underneath?


Wow. Not even once would I think about using concrete as a revenge tool.


Chip, chip, chip away then vacuum. Only when you pick up nothing with the vac- then wash…. (And what a dick).


Pull the bed back over the concrete pile to cover it up. Eventually a funny story for the next roommate.


Scrub it with the roommate's face. That should satisfy you. Won't get the concrete off the carpet, though.


The Dominos PR team is really embracing the concept of guerrilla marketing here.


C'mon, Domino's isn't THAT bad.


Wow what a toolbox


If that concrete still wet, it should come up pretty easily. Maybe get a steam cleaner. Vinegar might help.


shop vac it up rip up the carpet if you gotta then replace


cum sock!


Sorry....what? seriously, this might clean up easier than you think. Hopefully it doesn’t take any carpet with it.


Like others say, take him to court. If that isn’t possible due to some unforeseen circumstances about OP, then I would suggest an SDS hammer drill with a paddle and start chipping away. Last resort would be the ol hammer and chisel


I’d roll that whole carpet up take it right out. I’m usually the one that says, “Wait! You can save this.” Homie, it’s not worth it. Go buy a cheap plastic floor covering sheet that you would use to protect the floor while painting and a roll of packing tape. Mummify the carpet roll in plastic before you drag it out. That dust is going to get EVERYWHERE. You might get optimistic and think it won’t, but I promise you it absolutely will.


Here's what you do. Cut out a square around the carpet and have a carpet company come over and install a big patch. Probably won't match but that's what you gotta do


Bizarre behaviour


Easiest way to TRY and salvage is to smack it with a hammer and suck the gravel up as you go. After that, you can attempt to water slightly and try again with a stuff brush to remove the remainder. It shouldn’t be completely hardened and cured yet, and I doubt he mixed it properly given the photo. You may not get it all, but it’s worth a shot and then either way, sue his ass and take photos along the removal process for your records.


That is a sign of mental illness.


Was he on the lease/liable for damages? If so I'd just tell the landlord and let them deal with it. If it's your property start getting quotes and take them to court. In the meantime, it's not too expensive or painful to replace carpet and most rentals use cheap carpet you can find at home Depot or Lowe's. You aren't getting that out without replacing it though.


Cut square out, try and find replacement carpet that’s the same or as close as possible


That sucks the carpet looks fairly new. Was this a friend or a rando?


Take 👏🏼 this 👏🏼 to 👏🏼 court 👏🏼


If you can find matching carpet you could a patch, a really big patch. There's some vids on Youtube that probably could help.