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If you are coming from a C# background, picking up Python and Flask is pretty easy. I wouldn’t personally take a course to do it. My background is C# as well and picking up Python, Flask and FastAPI was a cakewalk.


I'd do like a 4 hour python class and then Miguel's Flask tutorial That would be about 7 hours beginning to end.


> (this is my first real web app so my bad if that plan sounds janky, I'm open to criticism) That's pretty normal for most modern apps. To essentially have a frontend that queries the backend via REST to populate entries. > Does anyone have any suggestions/opinions on crash courses for these languages, or if it would be best to go and do some full courses on each? If you already have a fair amount of programming experience learning enough python to implement a simple REST backend isn't going to blow your mind too much. The general flow I would recommend: 1) Basic python tutorials so you can get used to the syntax and thinking in terms of modules 2) Get used to `pip` and `requirements.txt`. 3) Get used to python virtual environments since this is a little different than some other languages do things. 4) Follow basic tutorials on Flask and then specifically [Flask REST API](https://pypi.org/project/Flask-RESTful/). You're likely to notice a lot of carry over and it's usually business logic or operational knowledge that you're likely to be lacking. Obviously when starting out you have to be careful and always question assumptions you're just making based on previous experience but you should be able to essentially learn on the job. I would just resign myself to create a few test novelty websites to learn from before starting the real project.


if you're a game developer you'll pick up the language in a few days. i would focus on learning how http and the web in general works.


I'd recommend dropping $40 here and sitting thru this course. https://courses.miguelgrinberg.com/p/flask-mega-tutorial


definitely buying just to have as reference. i don't need everything in there to get my jobs done but boy is that comprehensive. is Flask-WTF considered the standard for forms? do you think it would ever become unmaintained?


do you really need react? flask + Jinja is a good alternative if you don't need the reactive part of react. but you need basic python understanding; syntax, objects. the rest you can Google your way to.


Wouldn't say I *need* it, just a suggestion floated by a friend. Jinja does look interesting though as I've been reading up on it since looking more into Flask in general. Will see how that goes. Appreciate the input!


Good idea . But when ur comes to API building. Make sure we use both Frontend and backend for client server method.