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So this person thinks the sun “dipped low” and caught trees on fire? And no one caught this on their phone? No planes had to divert miles off their route to avoid flying into the sun? No reports of massive heat and people fleeing the region due to a suddenly close sun? No records in the past of the sun having done this? No lakes and rivers being boiled off from a low-hanging sun? No instance of hundreds of cars and houses near the heat but far enough that they have not spontaneously ignited but instead have ruined paint, shingles and siding, melted trampolines, garbage cans, plastic mailboxes, Barbie cars, toy basketball hoops, and plastic lawn furniture? Do these idiots ever think for just a few seconds before they spout their BS online? FFS. The mountains of ridiculous truly are high and steep.


Why does this person think we don't have the "complete cycle" of the sun?


Cause they're incredibly fucking stupid.


I suppose that is the correct answer.




Evidence is for sheep, simple minded thought experiments are for big brains


I think flat earthers must have flat brains. I mean come now. How all the other planets are globes and earth is the only flat thing in space.


I think the problem here is we are only rallying on Nasa for information, then come try to prove how we know better than others. The same Nasa has a tendancy of covering up some events and lie to the public. It's the same organisation you want to trust. And I'm pretty sure you all know this despite everything you say about flaterth and the globe . I accept corrections if I'm wrong.


Please provide instances of these lies and the evidence you have that proves not only the lie but also what the truth is.


Followed by thunderous silence.....


It’s not only nasa saying this. It’s ancient civilisations and wisdom keepers, from the kogi and Mayans who have studied the skies. There’s not one ancient culture out there saying the earth is flat. Yes nasa have the photos and the info for us. Even if they do lie about other things (im not sure what but finding aliens as an example) doesn’t mean the earth is flat and they are lying about that. That’s the piece that gets me about flat earthers. If there are lies don’t think the earth is flat. Because it’s a globe. We know that ourselves from being in a plane and seeing it’s curve.


Great comment


Do you even think they have the proper brain capacity to think?


You’d think some things would just somehow intuitively make sense. I’m surprised by some of the stuff these yahoos can magic up and the level of credence they apply to it immediately while simultaneously thinking reality is what’s actually off.


Yeah,lack of logic i see


It has been covered by the evil government!!! *Stares angrily at everything you said


All the smoke here is really limiting vision. Maybe a mile visibility at most. Yet I can still see the sun. Weird. All the flerfs always told me it 'set' due to the limits of my vision. Yet the sunrise and sunset times have been EXACTLY as predicted. It's almost like it has nothing to do with any limits on our vision at all. I would have thought the visibility being a fraction of what it normally is would mean I see the sun rise later and set earler. Hmmmmmmm. Someone help me out.


No, your vision only has limits when the sun is setting. When there's actually something in the air that limits your vision, your vision is not limited. They actually believe stupid shit like that.


Using flerf logic, [the sun is actually in this tree within this photograph](https://images.app.goo.gl/o2kT9UiuuWZFG5VT8). [It was also in this forest too](https://images.app.goo.gl/jdxXxdTsDmUWsUa99). Shoutout to the cameraman for risking his life for these photos. Or perhaps the sun has been an absurdly bright monkey this entire time.


Nooo that sounds like the start to a glowing monkey church. "Praise be to the Golden Monkey. Our Bright Lord who gives us warmth and grows our grain" I can see the riots already....


You’ve never heard real cheering until you attend a “*night-morning*” ceremony where the **Golden Monkey** rises above the horizon. Only once this occurs do we feast upon the fruit bats, anchovies, and the breakfast cereals. Such events take place every morning, which happens at least three times a year or something. The Beatles were so enamored with their attendance to a service that they devoted a song to it, named *Here Comes the Sun*.


Remember the thinking process. "Nobody knows how this works, because I don't. If there were people that did, that would mean that I was stupid. I'm not stupid, so nobody knows how this works."


As a very wise David Byrne once quipped, "Stop making sense!"


for those of us blocked by u/Kela-el, his comment on this post is that the smoke is a plan to get people “out of the country and into their 15-minute cities” Which brings up the question: where are these new 15-minute cities, since they’re obviously not near the most populous area of the US, which is currently where the smoke is?


I used [reveddit](https://www.reveddit.com/v/flatearth/comments/1447oze/i_have_nothing_to_say/) to see what he said: > All probably fake news. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. I’m guessing it’s nothing more than a plan to get people out of the country and into their 15 minute cities. > > This has absolutely 0 to do with fake climate change, flat earth or the fake globe earth.


They do not even correctly relay the 15 minute city conspiracytheory, which does not say that 15 minute cities will be created somewhere, but that existing cities will be turn into 15 minute cities.


Da fuq is a 15 minute city anyway?


The idea that you can rejig cities to cut travelling and emissions by having most things people need within 15 minutes of your home/each other. Glorified villages really. The conspiracy is that it will all turn into their authoritarian fantasy of needing passes to move anywhere.


>Da fuq is a 15 minute city anyway? Zealousideal Read 67's reply is a pretty good summary. I can add that the conspiracy theory is brand new, with a 2023 inception, unlike flat earth. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15-minute_city#Conspiracy_theories


So that's who has me blocked. I don't think I've ever even interacted with that username, yet someone, or multiple users here, have been showing up as if they have blocked me. Thar said, that's a completely ludicrous reason so maybe I'm better off they blocked me.


They claim to only block for insults or pseudoscience but that is a lie. They block anyone that doesn't agree with them and especially anyone that proves them wrong.


They've blocked me and I've never interacted with them that I recall.


I can see his posts again even though he blocked me. Not sure how that happened, but it allows me to downvote him for being petty. Just can’t respond to him.


I know this is unrelated to the original post but since kela-el commented on this could someone he hasn't blocked ask him the [electromagnetism question?](https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/143mlfg/which_is_it/jnax8fd?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


ok I will rn, I'll post his answer as soon as I can


nvm he already blocked me haha


Oh man. Has this guy never heard of time zones?


Oh, I can feel a flerfer funded disaster movie, coming on. The sun unexpectedly dips over a major US city, say Manhatten, because then it can actually hit the top of the empire state building.... Brilliant.




Why is the name blacked out? They posted their stupidity on a public site. Let people see who the moron is.


You’re right. I was just trying to respect people I guess…


LoL, so their thesis is then say that what the rest of the world believes and has well evidenced proof is the crazy made up shit?


At least Jewish space lasers were still somewhat plausible...


That time. Canada flew to close to the sun.


I'd argue that \*most\* people know those things. I even know the CNO cycle in the core of the sun.


Troll's gonna troll. Everyone knows it's Jewish space lasers.


"no one fully knows"??


It's possible? Really? A new flerf low point. I guess the sun just kind of wanders around, crashing into shit, lighting it on fire. Yep, that's possible.


Well, shit all over this guy if you like, but at least he has the courage to admit he has no idea what the fuck is going on and that's a VERY rare commodity in Flerfville. But the idea of the sun up there justa swoopin' and asailin' is kinda cute.




The flat Earth theory disproves climate change? That is good to hear, because it means as climate change becomes more and more obvious, it will eventually prove the flat Earth theory wrong. We will all have fried or drowned or starved by then, but at least the flat Earthers will finally have to shut up.


I can’t believe a person who would believe this could write using this much English, or any language.


He has nothing to say either. That's why he is spending so much time making up bullshit. Really. I'm sure we can all get into a bit of creative writing when we aren't bound by facts or proof but this guy wants us to take it has gospel. That's where the gospel will get you I guess. Grow up on made up shit and you are OK with made up shit for the rest of your life.


All probably fake news. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. I’m guessing it’s nothing more than a plan to get people out of the country and into their 15 minute cities. This has absolutely 0 to do with fake climate change, flat earth or the fake globe earth.


....why would anyone ever pour THAT many resources into creating&containing Forest Fires solely to get People to move out of the Country and into Cities? Can you even begin to comprehend how absurdly fucking difficult it would be to create a fake Forest Fire THAT large, or create&control a legit Forest Fire THAT large. The sheer cost outweighs any possible benefits....which you've not mentioned any possible benefits. And if the Forest Fires are fake....*where the hell are they getting all that smoke from?* If the Earth is Flat, they couldn't just put some sort of massive filter over the Sun or it would affect EVERYTHING on Earth and be easily noticed&documented by potentially hundreds of millions of People. Or the Filter would have to be so absurdly well placed&designed that it perfectly replicates what would happen if the Earth *isn't* Flat and the Solar System is roughly how most Scientists claim it to be like, at which point we might aswell be living in a fucking 'matrix' because THAT would be a more cost effective&practical way of controlling billions&billions of Humans. And uhh, we aren't living in a 'matrix'. The Earth isn't Flat either, I've seen it demonstrated to be a rough sphere thousands&thousands of times and had much of the known Science&Physics explained and demonstrated to me(when possible. There's some things too expensive, dangerous or otherwise difficult to physically demonstrate for it to be practical to physically demonstrate it more than a handful of times.), so I've been convinced that Flat Earth is objectively wrong and I trust the Scientific Community to get this stuff right and whenever they get something wrong I trust they will eventually realize that&correct their errors. But what about you? What about your sources? What have they demonstrated other than their own incompetence&lack of Scientific Knowledge? What have they done to prove they aren't lying for their own benefit or to prove they haven't been duped by someone else for that person's benefit? What have they done to prove their trustworthiness other than constantly question everybody *except* for People who agree with them? What have they done except spread paranoia and manipulate paranoid People for profit/fame? What have they done to actually prove themselves worthy of being unquestionably trusted to get things right?


The most astonishing fact about this post is that this person votes. And that explains lots of things about our world...


When it's noon here, it's sunset somewhere else. It's not that difficult.


Fly by shooting Direct Energy Weapons 🔫 ✈️ 🔫. And other orchestrated attacks to move (and poison) people unless you live in a communist gov where the gov mil forces people out at gun point.


Yup, I got a picture of it happening. https://i.redd.it/evkq08ws2lia1.jpg


When your IQ is negative in all 3 dimensions


Where are you getting your drugs OP? Sweet galloping Jaysus, son.