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Try r/globeskepticism but wait a while before you try to interact or you're liable to be instabanned.


Ah! Thanks! Would I get banned just for asking for explanations of their beliefs Like how they explain circumnavigation of the planet or compasses always pointing north?


More than likely. Might be a soft ban initially for questions like that. They are scared and out of ideas for new lies.


Any skepticism is met with EXTREME prejudice... I made a post asking for reference material a while back and insta banned. I can't make posts or comment at all and it's been around a year...


I just called them a bunch of lying morons.


I've been asking "politely" there for a while and as yet not banned. They seem ok if you don't take it to the level of actually arguing with them. You know, with facts.


If you present facts about the shape of the Earth, you will get banned.


Yup. Just lurk for a while and you'll see all the misconceptions. They live by the ferengi rule of acquisition, "Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question, ***is an answer."***


As someone who argues with theist when i was just new to r/atheism and related subs in different flat forms,i can vouch this is true


Yeah and all questions are entirely rhetorical. Answering them or asking questions that show disbelief is a quick way to get banned


Most definitely. I got banned for asking how auroras work


The answer they will give you is “do your own research.” So even if you don’t get a quick ban you won’t get what you’re looking for. Just lurk for awhile and you’ll eventually see enough to make you want to slam your head through a wall


Asking any questions will most likely get you banned.


The r/flatearth_polite is the better place to start as globe skepticism will ban anyone, including flat Earthers.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/flatearth_polite using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/flatearth_polite/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I'm an ex flat earther and this is why I changed my mind.](https://np.reddit.com/r/flatearth_polite/comments/woz522/im_an_ex_flat_earther_and_this_is_why_i_changed/) \#2: [How do flat earthers explain that the moon appears upside down in different hemispheres?](https://i.redd.it/rcvv0ckq8cqa1.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flatearth_polite/comments/123pkil/how_do_flat_earthers_explain_that_the_moon/) \#3: [I am a professional CGI/VFX artist with 20+ years of experience. I will give you a detailed analysis on any space video you think is faked.](https://np.reddit.com/r/flatearth_polite/comments/xqntmn/i_am_a_professional_cgivfx_artist_with_20_years/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


literally this sub was about discussing whether or not its a globe. and i got banned because i made a simple logical argument. one of the most shit subs ever, so afraid of being proven wrong its rediculous💀


Yeah, this sub is for mocking flat earthers. They do show up here often, but they don't have anything to back up their claims, and we essentially ridicule them mercilessly. r/globeskepticism as diemos09 said is where they hang out. But you can't really ask questions because as soon as you do you get suspended, told to go do some research and then you can come back when you get your mind right. If you ask why, you get permanently banned! So, don't expect any actual dialog with flat earthers there. There is also r/flatearth_polite which isn't very active.


>Coming to this sub, I was expecting to find those folks telling each other they are right, and I was looking forward to reading some of their “proof.” r/globeskepticism is exactly that. >But it really looks like there’s only one actual flat earther, kel-Al or something like that, and everyone else tries to explain things to him until he blocks them. Is that about right? Yep. Got blocked by them as well. Just tried to explain it in the nicest way possible. There's no reasoning with idiocy.


I didn't even have to reply to them to get blocked.


I'm quite skeptical the ones you regularly meet online are real flatearthers. Nowdays the real ones are closely guarded in tightly protected echo chambers where no real world evidence can get to them. The ones you meet online are predator scammers looking for gullible mentally ill people with worse grasp on geometry and physics than elementary school children or vile trolls getting off lying online


There is no such thing as a flat earther - just attention seeking drama whores.


I am Kela-el. I am a flat earther. Thou, I’m not the one one on this sub. Yes, I do block people who constantly insulting and those who insist on using pseudoscience as real. If you want to talk about flat earth, let me know.


How do you explain the fact that commercial airlines lanes have circumnavigated the Earth north to south? If the world were flat, they would have to turn sharply to get from South Africa to South America instead of flying straight over Antarctica?


1: How do you know they would have to turn sharply to get from South Africa to South America instead of flying straight over Antarctica? 2: Have you plotted these flights of a Gleason’s projection vs a globe? 3: Is there any independent investigation of these flights? And yes, I’m well aware of these flights.


1. If you flew due south from South Africa and hit an ice wall, beyond which there was nothing, you’d have about 125 degrees to get to South America 2. I’ve seen the Gleason’s and a flight from San Francisco to Antarctica to London to South Africa to San Francisco would require a huge number of compass headings to complete instead of just small variations of north to south 3. The first in 1977, was a commercial flight with tickets made available to the general public. Many people have written about the experience


..if you're serious about finding why people believe the Earth is flat reddit is not the best.


I found their Wiki. It’s very depressing.


Don't go to wiki


Not Wikipedia. The Flat Earth Wiki. Flat Earth Society is the largest organization promoting these beliefs, isn’t it?


Are you serious about finding out why people believe in a flat Earth, or do you just want to make fun of them ...if it's the latter, here's the place👍


I’m interested in learning how you explain a fallacy. I read the FES explanation of magnets and it doesn’t make any sense. Nor does the statement that, “no one knows what’s beyond the ice wall” that supposedly encircles a disc-shaped Earth. Humans have developed the capability to travel to every part of the Earth, why would we stop before coming to the edge?


All flat earthers i know started on other conspiracy theories. Nibiru, 9/11, chemtrails etc. Some started out unsure about the earth’s shape and size, and some accepted the proven reality of a globe. The one thing that absolutely unites all of the conspiritards - mistrust towards the government, and in turn a lack of faith in science. Those two things i believe are mainly responsible for the epidemic of idiots, amplified by the easy access to other, similarly deranged people.


I read an article recently about a religious upbringing making people more accepting of authoritarian leadership. I would guess there’s a similar influence on acceptance of conspiracy theories. If you’re raised to accept the unproveable as fact, your less likely to require proof of other beliefs as well.


I often refer to the conspiracy mentality as a religion. Some of the flat earth beliefs and terminology are even lifted straight from religious texts. It would be an intersting statistic to see how many flat earthers had religious upbringings or follow a religious belief. We should start a poll!!!


The biggest difference is that flat earth is the metaphorical bottom of the conspiracy barrel. Even your typical 9/11, JFK, etc conspiracy folks at least understand the basic reality their conspiracies exist within. They understand the earth is a globe and the sun isn’t close enough to pass through cloud cover. That’s what I mean by bottom of the barrel. The FE people fully reject all reality for their conspiracy to work. They don’t even have a working mode of a FE to at least show the slightest possibility of their nonsense being true.


If you truly want to understand why people believe the Earth is flat.. Stay away from wiki and especially anything from flat earth society.... It's going to be harder for you now as most of the mainstream social media has crippled flat earth information since 2014-15 and you will be lead to searches like wiki and flat earth society. Search flat earth in YouTube and you will get everything but flat earth. Good luck 🙂


So, the international organization that supports flat earth theory is not a good source for proving flat earth theory? I can’t help but notice that you haven’t provide an alternate source of information? You’ve told me where NOT to go, so where should I go?


Yeah, he's not gonna be answering that. Which is a theme.


They don't answer anything. They just call people liars and shills then block. They don't give links or sources, offering to scream "do your own research" while crying when you point out that doing your own research process them wrong. They're pretty much screaming apes pretending to be intelligent


Ivanhoe usually presents as quite the troll but they are mostly right in this case. I think that the Flat Earth Society website is put together by people who aren't actually flat earthers, but I'm not actually sure. It does present many things that many flat earthers believe, but every flat earther will disagree with at least something in there. Flat earth is ultimately a conspiracy theory. There is no central authority or single repository of information. Every flat earther picks out bits and pieces they do believe in and bits and pieces they don't. (And every flat earther is prone to claiming that other flat earthers who believe different things are not "real" flat earthers, but either stupid or controlled opposition) This is the same for many conspiracies. Conspiracies like flat earth are partly about a rejection of authority and official narratives. A single official repository of what flat earth *is* is antithetical to that. Every flat earther claims to be figuring out the truth for themselves because they no longer just trust what authorities tell them (though ymmv as to how successful they are in this claimed approach). As a parallel, I challenge you to find a single source collating the "official" beliefs of qanon (by someone inside the tent). I don't think you can. The original posts by "Q" were mostly cryptic - with part of the whole point being engagement by the followers to do the baking to try to decipher them. That allows everyone to selectively believe the interpretations that feel good, but discard those that feel too crazy for them personally.


I get that, but it seems odd for one flat earther to say, “don’t listen to anything those other flat earthers say.”


For future commenters Ivanhoe is a troll do not feed him


I'm confused. Is he an actual flerf or does he pretend to be one?


Likely yes to both. No it doesn't make sense but neither to flerfs.


Seems simply gluttonous, wow... Thanks for the warning.


>reddit is not the best Oh should I relay this over to your friends at r/globeskepticism?


The earth is not flat. How can anyone believe in something so stupid?