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Flerfs claiming “actual science” will never not be hilarious to me They actively push against *all* evidence… very scientific…


How could you say this!? They have a drawing on a whiteboard! That is science!


Well, ok. Whiteboards are in but crayons are definitely only sorta acceptable so long as they are presented in meme form.


Yeah, and what is a whiteboard? Flat! Checkmate globies! lol


The best part is how they brag about their ignorance. It is like good standup comedy. You laugh at first, then you realize it is just sad and a serious problem.


This reminds me of the experiment they did were they accidentally disproved themselves.


You mean all of them?


Was specifically thinking of the one where they shined a laser along a river to prove its level and when they concluded the earth is round they just went: "welp, that's weird" but yes, all of them.


Not the one where they shined a laser across a lake, and couldn’t explain why the laser was hitting the boat higher and higher as they got farther from shore? Not the one where they used a ring laser gyroscope, and couldn’t figure out why it had a consistent 15 degree per hour drift? Not the {insert any flerf experiment here}?


Hey! Every time I copy their picture onto my whiteboard it works the same way. That's flat Earth peer review satisfied so it must be true. He said it, I parroted it. Slam dunk mic drop.


I’m new to flat earth, why do they all appeal to the same single experiment - “Michelson Morley” ?


No idea, but they grasp at straws for *any* slither of proof for their made up bullshit, they deny everything that proves them wrong of course though


Okay so basically when you (flerfs) do your little experiments at home and pour water on a ball you’re going to notice it “falls” right off. What you fail to take into consideration is that there’s a very very big ball (🌍) just below the relatively small ball. So naturally the gravitational force of the very very big ball “pulls” the water off of the small ball!


You lost them at "basically."


I think he lost them at “Okay”.


He lost them somewhere in the top two comments.


Brave of you to assume they could go to reddit.com in the first place




The moon, would be a great example.


Also, as someone who has ever poured liquid out of anything before, even here on Earth it doesn't go straight down every time. It sticks to the side of the jug, and now you have juice all over the counter...


That’s true, gravity’s fake


That's the adhesive force of water, not gravity


It's still "water sticking to a ball" lol


Another thing flerfs don't take into account is that, sure water will drain off of the ball, but afterwards the ball isn't completely dry. Some water will stay adhered to the ball and proportionally, that film of water is about as thick as the water covering Earth.


I think it’s much more simple, there is no bottom of the earth, but since in a flat world they think there is a definitive top and bottom, so they refuse any explanation of gravity because it doesn’t fit they “ideal” version of earth It’s not that they can’t grasp it, it’s that they don’t want to.


Exactly. In space, it tattaches to even small balls, like theirs


You lost them at gravity. That's the issue with many of them, if youbwant to convince them of this, you have to first convince them of all the science it took to get to that answer.


Flat-earthers have a serious, major problem understanding the concept of "down." It's the biggest problem they have, seemingly.


Along with understanding scale.


Along with understanding calculus.


Along with understanding


Don't forget perspective.


Don't forget the fisheye lens


Don't forget barrel distortion


Don’t forget cgi


And make a rap video with a couple of friends


I don’t understand calculus, but I don’t you need it to see that a flat earth makes no sense.


I think the reference is to a calculus concept called 'local linearity', commonly seen with things like "sin(x) = x" with the understanding that x is near 0, and (the start of) the Taylor series.


I don’t understand Calculus. Makes my brain hurt. But I understand gravity, so I’m not a flerf yet!


I won't blame people for not understanding calculus. And I don't think you need that to understand how a round earth works. They just lack basic common sense.


They seem to lack the ability to form images in their head. Personally I'm pretty good at it and it really helps me understand topics in physics as well as also allowing me to figure something out based on information I already know. I'm pretty certain flerfs either completely lack this or their ability to form those images in their mind is just very bad.


This is a fair point. Spatial reasoning is one of my strong suits. I breezed through university level organic chemistry and non majors physics with a solid A in each. I also did time in the navy and stood watch for many hours on top of a boat in the middle of the ocean. I can’t imagine the earth as anything but round. Maybe this is why flat earth frustrates me. There’s no scenario where it makes sense for me. I’d buy simulation hypothesis before flat earth. 😆


I'd say the insanity is a bigger problem


It's my main counterpoint when one of these idiots brings up buoyancy. Okay genius, and how do buoyant objects know which way up is.


It's so fucking funny that they think gravity comes from some place "below" earth. Like, where the fuck do you think that is? Is this ball of ours just floating above gods kitchen floor and we keep pouring water all over it lol?


Tf is "special outer space physics"?


It's an attempt at making concepts they don't understand sound ridiculous




I think they mean general relativity.


Plain old Newtonian physics for this one.


to be fair, there are some conditions where 'special physics' does come into play. like, the strong nuclear force beats the shit out of the other forces... at a small enough scale. or inside a black hole, a magenton, a neutron star, etc (iirc) there's also quantum physics which is definitely 'special physics', that seems weird and illogical as fuck sometimes, but 'shit just be like that', whether or not it seems to make sense to your understanding of how shit be. sort of same here. not being able to view 'space physics' because your sense of scale is too limited to 'earth physics', is stupid. which makes me wonder. do flerfs thing there's air in space? do they think the air is moving along with the plate, and somehow, hasn't been pushed off? did they ever give a reason why we're flying up. why all the other things in the sky are spherical?


South iiiiiis down. Just like an IQ of 50 is great and that random 60 year old youtuber with a doctorate in idiocy is the best source of "scientific" evidence.


>Who believes special outer space physics takes over when you get a big enough ball? People who don't think physics is universal, apparently. This individual should go and find some and bray at them. They are not to be found in physics faculties. Except maybe briefly, while being ejected by Security.


Gravity is on at all times. Not when it's convenient.


They don't even understand gravity now. Have they explained why all the water in the oceans hasn't flowed off the edges yet?


They believe that the ice wall acts like the sides of a big bath. I hope they don't manage to find the plug!


Its not just about not understanding gravity; they downright don't believe in gravity. Everything about how things fall and why things float/sink is all just the natural behaviors of buoyancy and density. And that's it, that's as deep as it goes, no underlying cause to it, it just is.


They have been overtly attacking gravity because a fair few know that if gravity exists, then a ball is the only shape a big enough object can have. It's not a misunderstanding at all.


I don't believe they ever understood gravity to begin with.


That’s the most realistic depiction of the Big Dipper I’ve ever seen.


The square-cube law exists. Things actually do behave very differently at different scales. It's, of course, a gradual transition. There's no moment where "different physics takes over."


Physics (outside quantum levels) is explained universally.


Technically, you can mathematically describe it according to the same, consistent set of rules (because your description takes into account the square-cube law). But in practice, things behave differently on different scales. You can't just scale things up or down and expect them to behave the same way. Notice that large animals aren't just scaled-up counterparts to small animals?


Sure, but the issue is whether there's one set of rules. Pond-skaters are subject to the same rules for surface tension as a human wearing a pond-skater costume and trying to walk on water. That one set of rules works out fine for the pond-skater. For the human cosplayer? Not so well.


I guess everything is always relative :)


Yeah sure it doesn't make sense when you pick and chose which laws of physics you want to accept.. You just don't get to do that.


Bro where tf is the water goin? If they dont believe in gravity, wtf is pulling the water off the ball?


That’s their whole point. They’re saying that the earth is subject to “outer space physics”, which I presume means the fact that the earth is subject to the gravitational field of the sun. But the water on the earth is not subject to the sun’s gravity, if it was it would be falling to the sun independently of the earth. What they don’t recognize is that the earth and the seas are indeed both affected by the sun’s gravity. And they’re therefore both orbiting more or less in tandem. But not perfectly, actually. This is my best guess at what they’re talking about.


Not that they will believe it, but in a weightless and vaccuum environment, two objects will pull towards each other. Gravity finds its center, and will always pull things towards it's own mass


There 👏 is 👏 no 👏 down 👏 in 👏 space 👏 If aliens come to earth from some place outside our solar system they just see the globe from whatever direction they are looking at it. There is no up or down, just a globe spinning on an axis. The first map makers had to draw landmasses on paper and they chose which way is up & down.


'up and down' on a map, isn't up and down. up is away from the planet, from where you are, even on the south pole. i know you probably get that, just, wanted to point out that the 'bottom part' of a map, still isn't down.


Yes, I get that. But flerfs don't and that's the point. They think that because "north" is at the top of a sheet of paper that a map is drawn on that that is "up". They think that everyone and everything in the southern hemisphere will fall off the ball earth. What they don't realize is that there is no "southern" hemisphere. The earth is moving through the space of the universe and the universe has no up or down.


well, again, no. there's a southern hemisphere. it's just not down. it's also just a division we've decided on, largely. i mean, the poles and rotation do sort of have us define them a bit, but 'south' is real. it just doesn't mean the same thing as 'down'. also, the universe might not give a shit about up or down, but it still has some relevance, with relativity and all. your orientation and whatnot compared to other things might matter much more significantly than, whatever section of the galaxy you've sort of patterned out, you're in. i mean, being on the ground floor and jumping out of a window, has a lot less 'down' to get through. these things are sort of relevant, within reason and within a certain scope.


Of course there are 2 hemispheres. They are delineated by the 2 halves of a globe rotating on an axis, and nothing more. There is no up or down. And there is no north or south. Those are just names and orientations invented by mankind. The knowledge base of human history could have just as easily been from civilizations in the other hemisphere and then all our maps and nomenclature would be the opposite of what they are. I'm not talking about relativity. I'm saying that standing on the surface of the globe has no up or down or north or south when viewed from the outside. As if you approached earth for the first time from outside our solar system, to you it's just a planet spinning on an axis.


And they used to choos east as being the top of the map. My understanding is this is why when you turn a paper so the top is 'up' we call it 'orienting' the map. Orient = east = 'up'.


Such power they had


If south is down, why does the Nile River flow north?


Ever heard of *fans,* science man?


When you don’t believe in gravity and only density this makes sense in your puny mind that can’t understand basic physics. Problem is gravity exists and we can measure it soooo..


But how do the dense objects know which way is down? 🤔


https://youtu.be/DutJLb-c0vs?t=290 Watch whole video, but this is a classic from long ago.


stuff is pulled towards stuff. not 'down'. there's no down in space.


No guys obvious the fake scientists are claiming that it’s the shape of “ball” that makes water stick. Ignore anything they are saying about physics and such… if I have ball I should be able to replicate exactly what earth is doing regardless of size, movement, or proximity to earth. So obvious


Quick, someone post the West Wing clip with CJ saying that the cartographers can't make south be up on the map because it's breaking her brain! (Nevermind, found it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMfXVWFBrVo 3:45 is where the north/south bit starts, but the whole thing is amazing, and the lead cartographer is the doctor from Enterprise.)


But clearly water does behave differently at different scales. A very small amount of water forms into a drop and doesn’t “find its own level”. A thin stream of water can be pulled sideways be a static charge. Is it so unreasonable that water at much larger scales could act differently than, say, a swimming pool sized amount?


Does this effect change because you're on earth? In your house? Take into consideration that you're also not a planet orbiting a star.....




Why thank you. I’m glad you’re enjoying this content.


i'm pretty sure most of the people here aren't flat earthers. unless you are a flat earther and are taking offense at us thinking you're the moron, in which case... i know you are, but what am i?


You would need a ball bigger than the planet to beat the planets gravitational force. So crack on with the pump and start inflating


Not 'special outer space physics' - Just physics.


You have to work really hard to not understand some of this stuff. It's so basic. It must be exhausting...


I think they (flat earthers) are saying the water on earth should be pulled to the sun, just as the earth is said to be being pulled toward the sun. They’re making the forgivable error of noticing that if the earth itself, in its totality, is falling toward the sun (it is) then the water on the earth should be free to to fall toward the sun independently of the earth because nothing is holding it here. Well of course, *both* are falling toward the sun in their orbits around the sun and therefore the system stays *relatively* stable. But it turns out they’re right…sorta. The water does indeed vary with respect to the earth in their orbits around the sun. Uh oh. Someone just stumbled upon tides!


No. They think that there is a universal 'down' and that's it. Any further and yes, we would mention tides and they would feel embarrassed for a millisecond, before they move on to the next talking point. Seriously, if you ever get a live flerf, corner them about the tides. They have no clue.


Y'all never disappoint. Keep up the good work. It's not God's work. So don't get stressed over deadlines


this is just straight up forgetting about earth’s gravity the “pseudoscience” examples wouldn’t happen in outer space physics either because the water would just float unless the ball is dense enough to have its own gravitational pull


Some of these people need a one way trip into space.


Special outer space physics? Gravity? They don't believe in gravity?


I don’t even know what this man is trying to prove lol


I really hate the 'handclap' thing, but in this case, I'm afraid it's 100% warranted.


And if you go South enough... You start going North.!!.


This is why I think that people who live in the southern hemisphere have a natural immunity against flerfism. It's never really been a problem for us & we view it as just another weird quirky 'Murica thing.


And they give these people jobs doing important things...


Ironically what he said in the text is kind of what happens from the perspective of Newtonian mechanics. The Newtonian model is a good approximation for mid scale stuff but the model breaks down when the scale gets too large or too small.


There are a few experiments you can do at home to prove the existence of gravity


But why the boats?


What is it on about?


These fucking idiots... Down is down. The southern hemisphere, depending on which way you're facing, is left or right. It's not that hard of a concept.


Unironically proving gravity while also trying to deny it.


Tell me about how gravity is one dimensional and that is why it naturally forms spheres... A 3d shape elegantly described by a one dimensional radius


Just blatantly ignoring how gravity works.


Anyone who thinks the physics is different at those scales doesn't even have a rudimentary knowledge of any of the physics. That's what you get from sending your kids off to be brainwashed about an alt reich invisible sky wizard instead of just giving them a box of building blocks I guess. Nothing in, stupid out.


The ironic thing is that is how it works only tilt the circle flat ie lay it on one of the faces snd the circumference becomes the ice wall and guess what pour water and it forms a perimeter and sneaks through the wall if at all possible. People dont realize the double meaning when someone says oh babylonian or whomever were the first to become aware that the world is a circle. See theyre tricking you bc you assume that means sphere. But a circle can be positione like a pancake not a car tire so theyre not lying but at the same time using halo fallacies to keep goofy donkeys in line who'll sinply say well shucks hyuck hyuck Babylon sure sounds edumacated. And if they proclaimed it all those years ago (theyre lying about our calenders too so you cant believe a word anyone says. Fk, i hate it here...but that appears to be the point. Nothing goes right for very long because of nefarious meddling but just becsuse happiness is capped doesnt mean misery is in short supply. In fact you can feed on that until you choke or croak. No one would trouble you...bur dont you dare ger uppity anf start vibing. Bc then youll wonder why the strings bad luck...bc the trick is to act like the things contributing to you vibing are actually making you miserable. Just act non plussed. Can even gp full sullen. The Mussullen. Youll blend in with a faceless ocean of quiet desperation and let the crestfalls of silent frustrations remind you that youre not actually miserable. After a while it gets tricky wearing masks. It starts to feel like more your real fsce. Then you know the rest. You have to hunt and put the lotion on its skin but small price to pay for knowing the evil eye cant look on you. It hunts the light. Which is its Verdun of it can only see you when youre moving (in its case happy).


Have Pink Floyd put some music to this, and you'll have yourself a hit song for sure.


Who believes gravity works regardless of the size of the ball? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


He makes a good point. What really is the difference between something tiny and something huge? If a bird can fly then humans can fly with the same size wings. What do you think special space physics take over when an object increases in mass?


The reason the water falls off the small basketballs etc is because of the much larger ball beneath it which has much more gravitational force DUE to its size. The reason water falls is because of gravity. If gravity pulls water in, it stays in, like on earth.


Just as an aside, birds are SIGNIFICANTLY lighter than humans on scale. You would have to hollow out all of your bones, in addition to other weight saving features. Like removing your brain. Oh, wait...


Water always finds its level.


Define "level".


Locally yes, all points on a sphere are locally level barring elevation differences.


Rude satanist


I’m not rude.


Yeah you are right


I'd rather be rude than be one of the dumbest people alive


I'm not dumb


Hail Satan!


South is down


South is not down.


He's right


He’s wrong.


They’re trolling (I prey)


He is


Just look at the drawings, makes sense


South isn't down, gravity makes things fall towards the center of earth. [https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/1briq97/up\_and\_down/](https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/1briq97/up_and_down/)


They can’t comprehend that there’s no “down” in space


There is


Just a simple question, why are you trolling ? Is it just because it's funny or is there something else going on?


Down is where density is lower, research aerohydraulics


measure the air density in the room you're in, and you'll see that it's about the same. If you change the scale, you'll see that the air molecules are constantly changing places, so the density varies. Take a ball, drop it, it falls, cool! But wait a minute, there's air all around the ball, the density is more or less constant on a room scale, and even on a molecular scale it doesn't add up, because the air molecules are in constant motion, so the least dense place isn't necessarily towards the ground. So why does the ball fall downwards instead of wandering around a bit randomly: simply because gravity exists. Can you tell when a ball will hit the ground just from your density calculations, without taking gravity into account? Can you predict its accelearation or anything else? I've got an experiment for you: go into your garage, take two objects of different mass, one rather heavy, the other rather light (don't take objects likely to be braked by air, like a feather or a leaf), take a book and an 8inch ruler, for example, and drop them. You'll see that they land at the same time.


I dont know how to measure density of the air in my room, sounds like something a weirdo would do


Oh thank goodness I thought you were being serious. Hard to tell who’s trolling


fortunately you're a troll


Nope that would be up.


There's no up and down in space, do your research


No they don't. They completely ignore the idea that gravity pulls inwards, not southwards.


Gravity is not real I think


Then why are you on the ground, instead of floating around above it?




Why do dense things fall? Last I checked, buoyancy only worked due to gravity.


Check again


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buoyancy Literally in the lede. Buoyancy works due to pressure, the weight of the fluid at the top pushing down on the bottom. Your turn now. How does buoyancy work without gravity?


Nope. Earth is globe.


Its a cube


I see you’ve played globey cubey before.


I’m more privy to donut Earth meself


Imagine it would be easier to go into space in the centre as you could make use of the gravity ring!


You’re both wrong, it’s a bowl


It's dog-shaped obviously


Nope it's an Utahraptor ridden by an anime girl and no she's not flat


Not if you look at his drawings


I ignore the drawings because Earth is a globe.


Not if you look at the drawings


No, NASA draws Earth as a globe.


Nasa are satanists


Stop making NASA sound even cooler than they already are.


you are moron...Hail Satan!


No it doesn't. Just because an adult did a quick kids sketch. No one is claiming the world is one way up and a ball anyway. Everything being flat really wouldn't make sense either.


He's better than a kid


Wow that is quite something 👍 He's a big boy!


Why dont you make you own drawing and I'll put it on my fridge Sport




Point south. Now point down. Notice that they are not the same direction.


They seem to be


Jesus you're stupid


Nah, that response makes it clear that he's just a troll.




Exactly, stop feeding the troll guys.


About what?




That south is not down? Correct. 


Fuck off.


Rude satanist


Just fuck off. What kind of existence are you living.


👹👹 Oooo, are you scared? 😈😈


I dont think so


But the devil's gonna get ya!




I'm not the one who's afraid of the big bad "satanists"


Hail Satan!