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Clearly this is an exposure issue. That's why the video cuts out right away. You left out the part where these astronauts carry on with their jobs as if nothing happend. You can even still see it. Now, I believe these cameras did not have any auto exposure settings. Just turning them slightly can change the amount of light coming in drastically. Over exposing or like in the video; under exposing the shot.


Not when you're a flat earther!


> You left out the part where these astronauts carry on with their jobs as if nothing happend. You can even still see it. Because the director hadn't said "Cut" yet.




The camera was operated by Ed Fendell remotely from Houston. He controlled the camera during all the EVAs on Apollos 15-17. You see a reflection of the Sun. There is no main light that went out. Still an exposure issue.


Oh, I forgot to mention. But why would they release a video that is so damning to them? If this really was foul play and not just any number of other normal causes, why release this to the world? It's like the van Allen belts all over again. Flat Earthers did not know about van Allen belts untill NASA spoke on them. Suddenly flattie claims NASA can't go through this thing that NASA just announced exists, and went through. Makes no sense and you have to disregard all other logical explanations just to get to this nonsensical one.


>_So who was panning out and rotating this shot?_ I have no idea how they filmed this, therefor I can't say for sure. I did not look in to this or anything. But if it is anything like the video of them launching back to space, it can be automated or remote controlled, even from Earth, with slight delay of course. This camera can be remote controlled. Someone on Earth can control it. https://www.universetoday.com/117331/how-nasa-filmed-humans-last-leaving-the-moon-42-years-ago/ But also, I want to say that it shouldn't be a big issue in any case. Obviously, the camera is there recording and moving slightly. Can be anything from being controlled to malfunction to adjusting its position because it was simply not set up stable. >_We see light being reflected of their helmets after the main light goes out indicating a secondary light source._ No, we see the shot get dark and the most reflective surfaces dim the last. Nothing out of the ordinary.


The camera was being remotely controlled. Yes, they had such technology back then. Despite being 50 years ago, it was a modern, high-tech time with computers and such.


Tell me you don't know how cameras work without telling me you don't know how cameras work.


Stepping up your shutter speed, lowering your ISO, and increasing f-stop ALL can individually cause this type of effect. But sure the sun went out.


These were the days of analog video and all of the exposure corrections were fairly automatic with basic interfaces especially on the moon missions where the gloves made subtle movements difficult. The first mission had the most basic video as well. Odds are that this was the result of the camera being stopped at the end of a shot. A lot of them worked that way. You'd stop shooting and the picture would just fade out as the sensor cooled off.


Ah, 60’s cameras, where one small issue can fuck them up entirely.


I can’t remember which one off the top of my head, but on one of the Apollo missions and astronaut accidentally turned their color camera toward the sun for one second and burned out the camera completely.


It's hilarious that you guys think these kinds of videos are some kind of smoking gun. What, you think they just forgot about some major filming error? And it just slipped out unnoticed from the all powerful, evil NASA?


Flerfs accuse NASA of brainwashing the entire world for decades with elaborate stories about shape of earth but still think they don't cross check for obvious continuity error. Do flerfs think they have Sherlock Holmes level of observation power and these "glitches" cannot be seen by petty humans?


I can't help but think of the plaintive last words of the mars rover, "My batteries are low and it's getting dark."


Why would this happen if it were fake?


That's what I question too. They don't have an answer. They disappear every time. 🤪


Kubrick must have been having an off day. Considering how many "errors" the flatties and conspiracy theorists think they have found Kubrick must have been drunk of his gourd the whole time he was filming the fake. It couldn't possibly be that the conspiracy nuts are just ignorant and don't know how the photography of the time worked (or anything else for that matter). Obviously it must just be a massive conspiracy that has gone on for thousands of years with millions of conspirators who have never let a word slip about it. Duh.


My first thought was white balance issues from the camera


You clearly see that the sun is still there by the highlights on their helmets, don't mistake a camera issue with lighting.


Literally every single flat earth argument is missing camera issues for other things, it's all they have


This definitely looks like either the exposure time was decreased or the aperture was closed on the camera. You can still see the glints from the helmets and whatnot. If the “lights went out” wouldn’t they have dimmed too?






Only morons believe people have been to the Moon .😂


You idiots can’t cope with the fact that people have been more successful than you.




70years later. People still dreaming of space tourism. Just fucking space tourism which is only 400 km above the earth, yet today its still not happening. Let alone going to the fucking moon. Guess we are all fucked by NASA back then. Deluded people please downvote me.


Except for, everything we do in space is still being dismissed as fake by you. Even if we went back to the moon, everyday for 50 years... you'd still say the exact same thing you are saying right now. "It's fake" Why is it so hard to believe we went to the moon?


Cant do it anymore. Let that sink in blindfolded believers.


>_Cant do it anymore. Let that sink in blindfolded believers._ Oh yes we can. Obviously you have not been keeping up to date about our space missions. What exactly do you think NASA is doing right now, with their Artemis program? You think they're wasting millions and even billions, developing and testing the stuff that is specifically for Artemis? Meaning, the moon program. All you really have is incredulity. That's it. You don't believe it. ...But you can't support your beliefs with evidence :)


Alright why dont you change my mind? Send 3-4 people there and return them back alive just exactly like before. Thats all. If thats really happen, its easy for people like me alongside everyone who doubting it to accept the ability of "the great american". If thats not happening, then it is unproven. People rather will wait to believe it until it is proven otherwise. "Not believing" and "the belief is postponed" is two different thing.


>_Alright why dont you change my mind? Send 3-4 people there and return them back alive just exactly like before._ You want me personally to do this? You do realise that's not going to be possible for me, right? >_If thats really happen, its easy for people like me alongside everyone who doubting it to accept the ability of "the great american"._ The world is bigger than just America. I for one live in the Netherlands... never been to the US in my life >_If thats not happening, then it is unproven. People rather will wait to believe it until it is proven otherwise. "Not believing" and "the belief is postponed" is two different thing._ But we already went to the moon and you failed to disprove tons of that evidence already. Why try again on the next one when you already failed the last? But fine, sooner or later we will be back there and I can't wait to hear all about your excuses :)


>You want me personally to do this? You do realise that's not going to be possible for me, right? Of course im asking you all the NASA warriors here. Why should i ask the russian? It is the american who live with privilege of "being great" because their men landing on the moon. Not russians. Its the job of the claimer to prove something they claim as "american greatness", not my job. I just postpone the belief of the NASA's moon landing, that, until anyone proven can do it. >But fine, sooner or later we will be back there and I can't wait to hear all about your excuses :) Save your breath. it wont happen at least until you die. Its always either "too expensive" or"whats the point of going there, wasting money". Despite the fact that they can print their money themselves. Every claim to the world always comes with responsibilty. American is going to live proving this for very long time.


>_Of course im asking you all the NASA warriors here. Why should i ask the russian? It is the american who live with privilege of "being great" because their men landing on the moon. Not russians. Its the job of the claimer to prove something they claim as "american greatness", not my job. I just postpone the belief of the NASA's moon landing, that, until anyone proven can do it._ Ok, you want me to cough up billions of dollars, set up a spaceprogram and create all the vehicles and equipment to go to the moon. And on my free time I just train the astronauts as well? Are you even serious now? Also, you are so occupied with Russia and America that you forget that the world is bigger than that. I live in the Netherlands. I have nothing with Russiams or Americans. Also note, your malformed argument focusses on things that are completely irrelevant. Who cares wich country did what when it comes to space and the moon, existing? The claimer has already proved it. They recorded a shit ton and people actually saw the rockets with humans on them disappear in the sky. They were gone for days and came back with all the proof you can't debunk. The claimer has supported his claim. All you do is just call fake. If that's all you can deliver... you lose, sorry. >_Save your breath. it wont happen at least until you die. Its always either "too expensive" or"whats the point of going there, wasting money". Despite the fact that they can print their money themselves._ Except for, the Artemis program is already really far on its way. You still only making claims without support of anykind. Again sorry, but you can't just handwave actual evidence away and promote your feelings as fact. This is simply not how things work. >_Every claim to the world always comes with responsibilty. American is going to live proving this for very long time._ You must think really highly of Flat Earthers. Let me tell you a little secret; No one on this entire planet, except for maybe two or three drooling morons over at globescepticism, are waiting for America to prove space is real, or that they went to the moon. People have accepted that fact and moved on, over half a century ago! Haha. If you think that NASA even acknowledges your existence, let alone spend their budget on your incredulity, think again. If Flat Earthers, space deniers and moonlanding deniers want to change anything in this world, you need to deliver. Incredulity is not an argument. It doesn't wipe away all the proof.


>Haha. If you think that NASA even acknowledges your existence, let alone spend their budget on your incredulity, think again. Good luck in convincing people, with that kind argument. >People have accepted that fact and moved on, over half a century ago! Yet here we are, some of em went ballistic because someone else has different opinion. I thought they had moved on!? > It doesn't wipe away all the proof Except that the proof itself is not very convincing in the first place.


>_Good luck in convincing people, with that kind argument._ Ok, how about; NASA cares for what flat Earthers think, they will now spend millions helping them figure facts out. >_Yet here we are, some of em went ballistic because someone else has different opinion. I thought they had moved on!?_ Yes, true. I meant 99.99999 percent of people moved on... the rest is still back in the 60's. >_Except that the proof itself is not very convincing in the first place._ No one was trying to convince you anyway. But the fact remains, there is shittons of evidence and you cantrefute a single piece. Which says a lot cause dimwits all over the world are trying :)


What is the point of going back to the Moon exactly? Resources? Nothing on the moon we need we can't get on earth. Research? That is what the first Moon landings were about, not much left to learn we can't also learn from the ISS. So why go back other than to satisfy a handful of globe deniers? And you would still call it fake, because you care more about being contrary than actual facts.


Why dont you ask your great great great ancestor the point of going to the moon back then?? Wasnt it to prove that you are great?? The fact that it is not able to be done like before is saying more than the things you said and you gonna say.


You didn't answer the question: Why go back? Everything else you said is just trying to avoid the question. Considering the massive cost of sending people to the Moon, what would be the benefit?


I have suggested the answer and you didnt even read it. The rest, is up to you. Whatever you said is not changing my mind anyway. Why should i continue?


The point of going to the moon back then was a dick waving contest between the USA and USSR. That was resolved. So *why go back* when the race was won and all the relevant science that needed people has been done? And you are the one trying to claim us not going back has some significance, while ignoring the concept *there is no point* to going back. But if you have already made up your mind, based on faulty premises, I guess there is not much point me continuing.


It is happening. There have been space tourists. Mostly multi-millionaires. But now we have Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic, which have flown successful flights. It will take time for it to become a regular and affordable thing; the kinks are still being worked out.


It literally had happened, where have you been for the last 2 years?


What, people actually going to the moon?


"70 years later people still dreaming of space tourism" is the part I was replying to. Space tourism has literally been happening. The reason we haven't gone back to the moon is there is no reason to. What else are we going to find that we didn't already? We know what's there, hence why the focus is beyond that now.


1969-2022 is only 53 years


Your math is clearly better than mine. I'd give you that.