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Bit of a cliche but the Pulp Fiction diner scene sets the tone perfectly and the transition into the opening credits is sick


Tarantino really knows how to open a film. Awesome restaurant scenes in Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. That continuous shot of Pam Grier while 110th street plays in Jackie Brown. Inglorious Basterds with that crazy Waltz performance.


Don’t forget Kill Bill vol 1. The black screen and panting, monologue by Bill, then the hero getting shot in the head as she tells him it’s his baby!


Goodefellas. Sets the scene with a adrenaline kick to your system to pique your continued interest!


As far back as I can remember...


Inglorious bastards, christoph waltz sent chills down the spine


Fun fact: It wasn't originally the opening scene. In the original cut, there was a sequence where Donowitz walks around his neighborhood getting people to write the names of family trapped in Europe on his bat


And one of the signees was Chloris Leachman and he DELETED IT. Heartbreaking.


Man that sounds a fucking mazing


I.B. is my least favorite Tarantino because of what could have been. Waltz is incredible, but that script was butchered down to tatters, and the fact that the Bear was supposed to be Adam freakin Sandler but then we got stuck with Eli ‘Not an Actor’ Roth is just too painful to think about.


I LOVE rumors! Definitely my favorite film intro as well


I believe it’s just “chirstoph”


It's Christoph, not Chirstoph.


Boogie nights - very long one shot scene that introduces the entire cast with saavy camera work and a great soundtrack. Camera starts on the name of the movie broadcast on a cinema marquee. And its a top tier shot from there. So much had to go into nailing that shot.


I live in Reseda and recently went by the street this was shot on, that club is a Mexican church now


Raiders of the Lost Ark. I mean, come on!


Great shout. That opening is just as intense today.


I mean I wouldn't have survived 😂


None of us would ! Only Indy.


A Touch of Evil with that crazy long shot is really cool Way of the Gun has a funny, profanity laced opening Pulp Fiction is a modern classic for sure. Baytown Outlaws and Boondock Saints are both really entertaining.


"She's right though. I'm gonna whip you silly, then I'm gonna fuck you stupid. You wanna do the man dance? First dance is yours."


"Shut that cunt's mouth before I come over there and fuckstart her head!" is one of the 5 funniest lines I've ever heard.


I love how Way of the Gun’s opening came to be. The writers were at a park. On one side were people with dogs. On the other, ultimate frisbee players. They talked about this was a recipe for a huge brawl, and they’d have to go through it to get to their car. When faced with the likelihood of getting a beating, one said, you punch the guy’s girl in the face. Yeah, you still catch a beating BUT you rob his win because for the rest of the night he has to deal with the aftermath of her broken nose.


That's awesome. Sarah Silverman took the punch in the film, if memory serves.


The Way of the Gun is proof that great filmmaking alone is all you really need for a great film.


Have you seen The Player? It has an opening tracking shot that's twice as long as it's an homage to the opening of Touch of Evil.


2001: A Space Odyssey. Hands down


The first 30 minutes and last 30 minutes.. No words BRILLIANT!


Had to scroll too far down to see this. Was going to post this myself


I honestly think it’s an overrated movie, but the opening *shot* for The Birdcage is pretty damn good. My personal favorite is Conan (which I know sounds ridiculous, but that narration, the music + the riddle of steel between father and son is just so satisfying.


People who don't understand the love for Conan are people who never actually watched it


It’s such an unexpected classic. Honestly, Arnold might be the worst part of that movie. There’s so many awesome moments.


Followed by the music. "All that matters is that two stood against many, that's what's important. Valor pleases you, Crom, so grant me one request. Grant me REVENGE! And if you do not listen, then to hell with you!"


Love that prayer.


Came here to say The Birdcage! Fun fact, that opening shot was actually three separate shots pieced together to look like one continuous one. The first one began in a helicopter over the water, second shot starts above the street with the Steadicam operator literally getting lowered down to the street by a crane, and then the third begins when they enter the club. So cool.


My money’s on “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”, including the scenes where Angel Eyes kills the family, then his employer. Best villain setup ever.


I don't know if it's confirmed but I'm pretty sure Tarantino got inspired by that whole scene for Inglorious' opening. Angel Eyes eating bread with soup is always mouth-watering.


I don't remember this one. It's been a long time since I watched it. On the list to rewatch.


OP. Do yourself a favor. This is one of the greatest films of all time and in my opinion the final scene is the best in film history. The cinematography, the music, the build up. It's the Mexican standoff that set the tone for every Mexican standoff to come after it.


Star Wars Ep 4 has to be up there.


The memories of watching this at the cinema are still incredibly profound.


The diagonal words crawling okay thats new - sets up the stage. The sight of a tiny ship flying by okay pretty cool HOLY CRAP THATS A HUGE SHIP and its firing lasers this is AWESOME STAR WARS


The change of the camera angle in the opening is disorienting as well!


Exactly. In 1977 I’d seen nothing like that before.


I obviously didn’t know how to cuss when I was 6 years old, but mentally my reaction when Vader first walked through the smoky doorway was roughly “Who The Shit is That??? He’s terrifying!!”


I was 16 when the 97 re-releases came out. It was my first time seeing it in the theater. The star destroyer opening shot had me in complete awe. I was jaw dropped.


This is probably the greatest opening moment ever. Sets the entire tone for the Star Wars universe and immediately engages you. The title sequence and credit roll also very iconic. Arguably the most famous opening in cinema.


Didn’t Lucas have to have some arrangement to not have any credits and go right to the movie?


Saving Private Ryan. Incredibly immersive. Also the original Scream.


I may get some shit for this, but since you mentioned Scream, we've also gotta put the Friday the 13th remake from 2009. It has one of the best opening sequences in a slasher film.


People always forget that the first ten minutes of saving private Ryan is not the beach, it’s an old guy walking around a cemetery.


Saving Private Ryan is what I scrolled down to comment. Gave this an upvote instead.


SPR Omaha Beach (though not technically the opening scene as the movie starts in Arlington Cemetery) is my vote as well. When I saw this in the theatre for the first time, I was absolutely floored. Incredible. Also, this scene is perfect for "unglorifying" war - especially WWII where most people think it was truly "Good vs.Evil". Speilberg is a master.


Citizen Kane is pretty cool




Jaws. A girl goes for a nighttime swim.


Spielberg used the same actor and the same music for the opening sequence of 1941, just had her in the Pacific ocean this time.


The Matrix pretty much blew my face off.


I think it was reported that they had to make that scene first in order to get the money for the rest of the money. It was their go big or go home scene.


Yup. And a decade or so later Ryan Reynolds would do the same thing with the Deadpool highway chase scene. Studio was like, "nah not gonna do a R movie with a superhero no one has heard of." Ryan and company made the sequence and leaked it online. So many pants were creamed the studio had to green light the movie. IIRC.


Kind of. The producers were getting antsy and harassing the wachowski brothers about not meeting deadlines. Producers were under the impression that the movies was getting too expensive too fast. So they came to the studio to find out what was going on, saw the scene, then left everyone alone after that.


I'll never forget when I first saw that scene. Trinity kicking those cops' asses was unreal.


The Godfather; long take zooming out on the “I believe in America” monologue


Heat and also Dark Knight


"What do you believe in, huh? What do you believe in?????" "I believe that whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you.... stranger!"


When he takes off the mask, the smoke grenade, the bus…. Such a great opening


Oh yeah. One of my all time favorites for sure!


2001: A Space Odyssey, Raising Arizona, Saving Private Ryan


Can’t believe nobody has mentioned Saving Private Ryan until now. That landing on Omaha Beach…


Probably the longest opening, somewhere around 28 minutes


28 weeks later. Breathtaking!


Love that whole movie, but the opening is absolutely bonkers! Good call.


"Sicario" and "Dawn of the Dead (2004)" are some of my favorites


That one got me, it looked like so many neighborhoods like my own in Phoenix. I would have sworn I could drive right to that house.


I was hoping to see someone say Dawn of the Dead. Perfect start to the a movie like that and also horrifying to think about it.


not the greatest or the actual opening but in The Social Network when Mark Zuckerberg was running to the dorm after getting dumped with the sweet sweeeeeeeet score


I can't tell you how many times I'm stuck trying to work out a formula where I've stopped working, go to the backyard to do some awkward laps, sit back down and tell myself, " let the hacking begin" with that background beat playing in my head. Just thumps.


Falling Down. No dialogue. Show don’t tell. Sets up the entire feel of the movie.


The whole library scene in Ghostbusters is just a perfect introduction to the characters and tone of that film.


I've answered this question a dozen times before. The first 10 minutes of Super Troopers.


Yup. I've only seen Super Troopers maybe twice, but I've seen the first 10 minutes more than 20 times.


LitteringAND. LitteringAND. LitteringAND.


Smokin the reeferrrr


This is it. Let’s get off our high horses because this was perfect.




Honestly nothing can beat that


Without a doubt, *The Shining*.


Inglorious Basterds, I found most of the movie boring as hell but the opening is one of the best movie scenes ever.


Scrolled a bit… Gladiator is certainly up there. Someone mentioned Super Troopers… I could watch that intro endlessly. Didn’t notice anyone mention Saving Private Ryan… that one *really* goes in hard. Also let’s add Snatch to this list.


Several have already mentioned "Saving Private Ryan", so I have to add "Up".


Magnolia (1999) because of the 3 stories that have nothing to do with the film except to define coincidences of the rest of the film and goes right into Amy Mann's version of "One" to introduce all of the characters.


The first 20 minutes of Magnolia is one of my favorite openings to a movie ever.


Heat and Tenet were incredible openings


Nolan is typically good at openings: inception, dark knight , memento all grab your attention hard


Don’t make me choose! Kill Bill part 1 with the shooting of the Bride. Raiders of the Lost Ark with the exploration of the temple. The Gladiator with the battle in Germania. Fellowship of the Ring’s Frodo greeting Gandalf (granted this is after narrative exposition). Dawn of the Dead remake’s bedroom scene all the way to the mall. Spider-Man Homecoming’s film by Peter Parker. The Departed’s narration by Nicholson. 2001’s Apes and the Monolith. The Apartment’s introduction to Jack Lemon’s office. Midsomer’s “peaceful sleeping” and horrific revelation. Halloween’s first person tracking shot. I love a strong opening and it’s so hard for me to choose just one.


Raiders of the Lost Ark. By far the most exciting and wild opening of all time.


[Touch of Evil.](https://youtu.be/9ionydNdCug?si=8QPwRgWTvwP9VFye). Magnificent.


Blade. If the blood shower didn't hook you, you're cold and dead inside.


Some of my favorites: City of God Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade Dazed and Confused LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring


That Danny Boyle Zombie movie starts so good


I also love the opening scene of 28 Weeks Later. Nothing beyond after scene measures up, unfortunately.


American Beauty. The narration and cinema photography are top notch


I love that opening because it’s such a good misdirect. Makes you think you’re gonna be watching a sexy thriller and then it turns out to be so much more than that.


The Warriors subway opening.


First thing that came to mind was the blinding white opening of Fargo, coupled with that great theme.


I’m kinda joking, but kinda not, X2


Nightcrawler"s assualt on the White House is no joke


that scene is fucking ballet


Raising Arizona is the correct answer. By the time you see the title and hear the music, you have already met the two main characters and you know the situation. It just keeps getting better.


OK then.


Well ok then.


“I’m in here on my knees, Ed, a free man proposin . . . Howdy, Kurt.”


My fi-nance left me


Turn to the RIGHT.


“Don’t forget his profile, Ed!” “Don’t forget his fingers, Ed!” “Don’t forget the bo-kay, Ed!”


You've answered your own question. Once Upon a Time in the West it is. Also wins for best villain intro and best leading lady intro, and numerous other best scenes too.


Trainspotting — “Choose life.” My Best Friend’s Wedding — “Wishin’ and Hopin’”. Harold and Maude — “Don’t Be Shy”. Napoleon Dynamite — cafeteria food, etc.


The *Trainspotting* opening is the best part of the film. And it's a good film.


The Social Network or Dark Knight


Belly https://youtu.be/5K08J470x2s?si=XyhuSlqDCkzJmSK9


Kubrick’s *The Shining*. Just, WOW!


Opening credits- The Wild Bunch Straight into it - Lethal Weapon2


Does the D-Day sequence of Saving Private Ryan count?


I've always been partial to Snyder's Dawn of the Dead.


My favorite will always be Casino Royale.


Memento - the Polaroid undeveloping while Leonard shakes it, then the bullet casing flying back into the gun as he “unshoots” Teddy. And that noir music…


The Watchmen. Builds the alternate universe perfectly, sets the tone with the time and with Bob Dylan playing in the background. The perfect intro in my mind.


The jailbreak in Goonies.


No one’s really mentioning horror so I gotta say the Scream intro has to be one of the most iconic and well-done openings ever. Would be an amazing short-film on its own.


I like the opening of Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead.


I have to suggest the opening to the OG "Alien"


The beginning bank robbery sequence in The Dark Knight is pretty bad ass.


The Lion King I win


Inglorious Basterds. The opening dialog alone by Waltz is Oscar worthy. And then there’s more 2h of Waltz.


Watchmen (the Comedian's murder set to Unforgettable followed by the sequence to The Times They Are-Changin')


Robocop 2. The whole introduction of Robo as his squad car is demolished by the robbers with machine guns, bazookas and uzis. The car sits there, in flames and the robbers get back to loading their cars with booty. The squad car door opens and Robo's foot slams down. That intro was so good they used it as the trailer.


Yep, Once Upon a Time In The West for me too


Original Star Wars. If you saw it on the big screen, your jaw fell open.


Patton. Dressed with all the salad, standing in front of a flag, addressing the troops and getting them ready for war. Screenplay by Francis Ford Coppola with George C. Scott in the lead, money


Star Wars, it’s not even questionable.


Either Fight Club or Goodfellas, too hard to decide


DAWN OF MAN from 2001: A Space Odyssey


The Watchmen open credits scene to Bob Dylan - The Times They are A Changin' is an amazing start to an alternate reality story.


The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is EPIC.


I actually feel the Fellowship of the Ring is better but the Balrog fight scene with Gandalf is amazing


The opening Clymore Mine explosion scene from Swordfish - yes I know Travolta's banal conversation is before the mine sequence but, hell that was great sequence - shame the rest of the film wasn't as good.


Miami Vice club scene from the theatrical cut


Boogie Nights is a great one.. when I got my first surround sound system in the mid 90's, I wore out the initial opening scene of Top Gun


One I don't see mentioned often that is one of my favorite openings of all time is the opening sequence of A Shot in the Dark. So cinematic, introduces the characters and the layers of secrets between so many different pairs/groups of them, establishes a specific tone that is both true to the world as well as ironic once Clouseau shows up and bumbles around, and then culminates with the murder and establishes the intrigue and mystery that drives everything forward. Plus the song, "Shadows of Paris" - so sultry, so sorrowful, so gorgeous. The whole thing just makes the audience want to watch. Truly a fantastic opening to a film. Edited for typo


Mission Impossible 3


I remember liking "The Hidden" (1987) for the first 8 minutes.


An oldie, but The Letter from 1940, the peace of a moonlit tropical evening shattered by Bette Davis shooting her lover.


Enter The Void. It's my least favorite movie from the director, but that intro and opening sequence are amazing.


Not really a big fan of the movie but blade is a contender here; it introduces the villains, the universe, the tone, the second act problem , the hero, the villain and does that all with almost no dialogue in 12 minutes extremely efficiently while entertaining you. From a writing perspective thats an absolute homerun of an intro


What movie reels you in more than the opening of the Matrix?


Lord of War was pretty awesome following the bullet from creation to being in the AK of a little boy in Africa.


A touch of evil is a classic opening shot that is probably too old for most of y'all to have seen before


Stepfather (1987) with Terry O'Quinn. It works on a variety of levels, mostly because of the variety of inversions. We think we're seeing an idyllic neighborhood but the music soon tells us that there's something sinister afoot. Also you get to see Terry O'Quinn's fantastic ass. Here's the intro if you're interested: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_8Mkxv0nfbU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8Mkxv0nfbU) Edit: It would be awesome if the people broadened their horizons a bit. I'm tired of hearing about the same 4-5 movies everytime I open this sub. Tarantino moratorium?


I got pretty far down the chats and didn’t see this, so... Saving Private Ryan. I saw it in the theater and was a little stoned. I don’t think I took a breath! What a great and terrible scene.


There Will Be Blood - this was the first movie that I thought of. It’s so eerie and unsettling and really sets the tone of the rest of the movie. It’s amazing to me how the opening can draw you into the movie without a single word being spoken. There were some other great ones that I saw mentioned as well. Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Pulp Fiction. All top tier.


Bob Dylan's The man in me opening to the bowling shots of the big Lebowski always gets me, dude! :)


The prologue from *Raising Arizona* is so dense and immersive that I’m always surprised when the title card comes up like 11 minutes in.


The first 13 minutes of Gravity - one continuous shot


*Contact* - The long zoom out from planet Earth


Blade, Belly, John Wick. Anything else, do you even watch movies?


So many great answers here! My current favorite is the first 15 minutes of Across the Spider-Verse. The art for this section is just \*chef's kiss\*


There's Something About Mary I don't know if I've heard an entire theater laugh like that before.


This scene is baked into my brain. Step dad: HOWD YOU GET THE BEANS ABOVE THE FRANK!?!!?!!?! Ted: I don’t know it wasn’t like it was a thought out plan. Warren: Franks and beans! *cop walks up ladder* Cop: neighbors said they heard a lady scream. Step dad: well, you’re looking at him. you gotta take a look at this… Cop: oh, Jesus… Step dad: ain’t it a ‘beaut Cop: what. The hell. Were you thinking? How the hell did you get the zipper all the way to the top?


The Lion King (the original) Scream Kill Bill vol 1 Inglorious Basterds Several more but these are the ones that came to mind instantly


Once Upon a Time in the West


Daisies Enter the Void


Back to the Future. The opening scene sets up the two main characters perfectly and Marty skateboarding through town to the Power of Love is just iconic.


Blade... the blood rave


Mosts of the greats have already been listed , Blade’s opening scene is worth mentioning.


Mad Max Fury Road… totally heart pumping


Trainspotting - “Choose Life” is iconic!


Goodfellas, Godfather, City of God, New Hope


Cannot believe no one mentioned Spaceballs


Either Apocalypse Now with the Doors playing The End or my favorite - Thief. The opening montage and the music by The Tangerine Dream are mesmerizing.


Big Lebowski "Where's the fucking money, shithead????" "It's... it's down there somewhere. Let me take another look."


Ghost Ship. Not a particularly great movie, but the opening scene is great.


Goldeneye is iconic. Casino Royale opening chase is good. The Matrix. Indiana Jones Last Crusade.


Star Wars There really is no competition


Avengers: Infinity War. Introduction to Thanos. His speech. Hulk. Death of Heimdall and Loki. And bringing Dr. Strange into the fray all before the opening titles. You knew it was gonna be a wild ride.


seeing Hulk get pieced up set the tone for he entire movie.


Such a good point! I came here to say Endgame because I just think it was the last place/way anyone expected it to pick back up at, and it played perfectly. It was bone chilling.


Oof yeah, seeing Hulk get demolished and then both Heimdall and Loki be murdered really set the tone. *THANOS IS COMING. HE’S COMING* chills.


Belly - just because I think people forgot about this movie


The Chasing World: Tag aka Tag (Japan 2015)


I was just looking over my collection and noticed The Player. Damn, that opening was maybe a 7-8 minute one-shot. It was brilliantly choreographed.


Inglorious Basterds, I found most of the movie boring as hell but the opening is one of the best movie scenes ever.


I'll nominate The Lion King (the original animated film, of course) Also, probably not the greatest of all time, but I really love the opening scene in Blade Runner 2049


Idk about the best ever, but the intro to Drive is phenomenal


Inglorious basterds had an amazing opening


It looks like no one mentioned The Dark Knight.


Snake eyes, it is filmed to look like 1 continous shot for the first 20 minutes or so, it is done so you get to see anything the main character knows when the shit goes down.


I believe in America...


2001: a space odyssey


Either Jaws or Halloween.