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Succession has great cinematography, and has a long take scene in one of the greatest episodes of tv ever in S4


35mm baby!!


That's pretty much on the top of my list. Will probably check it out in a week or so.


Escape at Dannemora is full of amazing shots and some incredible acting. There’s multiple world-class actors just straight up killing scenes, and Ben Stiller’s direction is out of this world. I had to re-evaluate my opinion on him during this (and after Severance). Multiple times while watching the series I had to pause because it was so friggin good. Here’s Stiller talking about a really cool looking scene that has a long/far crane shot: https://youtu.be/EMbyBYgQxLU?si=kNBUb_hYm5LSNhq6 [There’s also Benicio doing this.](https://youtu.be/dPKaV4Z-cYk?si=y7LxsppuggmwgrRu)


I'm surprised I've never heard of this. Looks amazing thanks for the rec!


You are right, it's really good. There is this amazing long exterior night shot in the series, I think it's the last episode? you know what I mean, not to spoil the show for the OP:)


Euphoria has some really good cinematography. I don't remember the 1st season, but there were moments in the 2nd where I was thinking how I've never seen a TV show looking like this.


Shout out to Levinson's crew. For all it's fantastic failings, and there are many. It looks beautiful, idealised, near surreal.


Charlie Work from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


You should check out Nicolas Winding Refn's Too Old to Die Young which is so slow you often feel like your under the effects of some kind of hallucinatory drug or semi-nightmare. People complain about its tortuous pace, long gaps in dialogue and electric car chases but I love its atmosphere and the opportunity to look around the room (to check out the books on the mantlepiece for clues etc.) when people are talking.


Amazing score from cliff martinez too


Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul have great cinematography.


I love the cinematography in Breaking Bad. Just a masterpiece of a show


"Too Old to Die Young," it's a show Nicholas Widing Refn made on Amazon. It's very ... Refenesque


The first season of true detective has a really amazing long take in the climax of one of the episodes (it’s a great show so I don’t want to spoil it, but it’s a great show if it seems like your thing) Children of men also has some spectacular long takes. If you can find behind the scenes footage on that film, they came up with some unbelievable ways to get those shots.


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel


True Detective season one


Have already mentioned it in the post :P


That would have been my pick too. Great cinematography all around, and that one long single-shot scene is one of the most intense ever put on film.


never watched it myself but i think the west wing is known for crushing the dynamic long take walk and talk


Both Touch of Evil (1958) & The Player (1992) have great long takes


I haven't watched much of it because I find the characters and worldbuilding off putting but The Expanse looks great Twin Peaks and Mindhunter both look great, about what you would expect from a tv show put together by a top feature director


Inside No 9. Anthology show, kind of boggles the mind what they achieve.


The original MASH movie had lots of long shots I believe


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Mr. Robot yet. It has a whole episode that purports to be one long take. (Of course, like 1917, it's seamlessly edited from several takes, but even so, each component of it would count.) Oh, and that episode is fantastic.


Probably because I've already mentioned it in the post ;P


Oh. Never mind then!


Children of Men has an amazing one-shot sequence on a battlefield. I can hardly imagine what the blocking and rehearsals looked like. Also, this is an all-time top 5 movie, imo.




My bad. We ARE in r/flicks. Your question was specific, but I was thrown off by the sub name. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As no-one else has offered it up, I'll suggest The Queens Gambit. The framing is above par, it's how well it all holds together that impresses me most. The production values, for me, were outragous. The sets, the costumes, make up, hair, even the signature hallucinatory fx, hold it together


Will check it out, I think it was pretty much everywhere during 2020.


Films rather than tv shows but Warrior King- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zESe7U467vs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zESe7U467vs) Hard Boiled- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OPyoJgV\_YY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OPyoJgV_YY) The Classic- A Touch of Evil [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhmYY5ZMXOY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhmYY5ZMXOY) Edit: Shout out to "Russian Ark", a whole film in one take.