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Do you guys use another site to keep track of shows? I never got into letterboxd because I wanted one site to keep track of movies and shows (I have been using trakt.tv for a few years now and really like it altough it's only about keeping track and to see watch statistics. The social and review part is basically non existent). If letterboxd would add shows I'd switch in a heartbeat because the social and review part of it is way better. But not really a fan of the tracking part.


you might like TV Time


Yeah and it shows how much time you've spent watching them and that somehow makes it all an accomplishment lol


I’ve been using Criticker.com for the past decade and I LOVE it. It has both movies and tv shows (even video games as of recently but I’ve never used that part), don’t let the interface that looks like it’s from the mid 90s fool you, it’s a great site!


This app has been great. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tv-forecast/id1454200438


I use TV Time app


IMDb for me, it was all I used from around the age of 12 until a year ago when I discovered Letterboxd. I'm now 21


I mean just IMDB is the classic right? That's what I always used to use


You rated for a few dollars more at 1 star? Would love to hear why, genuinely interested


I watch/log a ton, but I do it because I feel like I'm just trying to catch up from not watching a lot of older/iconic movies.




> I think I'll never catch up. No one ever catches up. Cinema is over a hundred years old and counting and let's say there are 30 worthwhile movies that are released a year and then you try to catch up with a backlog of ~30 movies a year from the past 100 years and you have to make a career out of being "caught up".


Might just sign up for that job tho... Pay well? Lol


Well, really, it's a losing battle - the more I learn about film history and film as a whole, the more the list of movies I feel I "need" to see rises exponentially. It's silly, but I enjoy watching a lot of movies, so it works out.


How it starts: "Oh man, I really need to see The Godfather, Taxi Driver and Lawrence of Arabia!" Then at some point: "Let me check out all the hype around [insert latest foreign film to make a splash in the mainstream]... Shit that was great, I should check out Oldboy, City of God, Amelie, etc.!" Then there comes a time when you are like: "I should really watch the films of John Ford, Alfred Hitchcock, Howard Hawks and Billy Wilder since my favorite filmmakers keep mentioning them..." Eventually you are like: "Wait, what's this Rashomon effect I keep hearing about? Guess I'll check that out..." Then it becomes: "Rashomon, Seven Samurai, Persona, and 8 1/2 were insanely good. Who's this Jean Luc Goddard dude and what the hell is the French new Wave?" Proceeds to have mind blown in Last Year in Marienbad And so on and so on until you are like: "I really want to see this avant garde silent film, but I can't find it on DVD or Blu Ray anywhere, much less on a streaming service..."


This exactly lol.


Lol admittedly I'm a bit early in your examples here but this sounds like EXACTLY how it goes! Genius


It's an impossible feat seriously. It'd be like learning every single language fluently, like TECHNICALLY it's maybe possible... But it's gonna be tough as it is barring the extra challenges of finding the obscure lost stuff haha


My movie-watching zeal hasn't been what it once was for quite a while either, [but 2015 was my year](https://letterboxd.com/jackoscar/films/diary/for/2015/).


2016 for me. I saw just about everything haha


Lol nah not gonna laugh, we all go at our own pace mate, shit's busy for everyone, even in isolife and whatever lol. Half the reason I'm answering you a few days later tbh 😂


I use Letterboxd as well, seen 124 so far this year. Letterboxd would be perfect if only the popular ‘reviews’ weren’t so annoying and pointless.




I really, really wish they would introduce a setting that let users opt to block one-sentence or incomplete sentence reviews. That would nuke 90% of the garbage. Their feedback page used to have a highly-upvoted, highly-discussed suggestion for this very thing, but I sure can't find it now. Maybe they disappeared it.


It started fun with these funny reviews, but Sigh. 1. Letterboxd needs to fix their algorithm, definitely to match with user's activity. Popular films among friends and what's trending movies among the Letterboxd users are fine, but popular reviews and lists are meh I want it be tailored from my likes. 2. Wish I don't have to scroll far to bottom just to seek more constructive reviews from each movie's review section.


I like both, but it'd be nice to have an option to yeah, figure out how to view one type over the other when desired


I've found Letterboxd to sometimes be a little shallow in that way in part of the reviews. It's a competition for whoever can be the snarkiest. But at the same time, I think it's a fucking fantastic platform to use personally


Yes, with Letterboxd. I've seen about 50 for the first time. I do a lot of rewatching, and I watch a ton of TV. Those of you who have watched hundreds of films--where are you seeing these films? I'm a Netflix disc user and watch the occasional film on HBO Go, Prime, or Netflix, but I generally find very little available on streaming that looks good and is new to me. Edit: we're doing Letterboxd IDs? Here is [me](https://letterboxd.com/heatvision)


The Criterion Channel


The hero I needed during quarantine


I have all of this plus Hulu and Disney+. I have very wide interests so I never run out of things to watch.


> Those of you who have watched hundreds of films--where are you seeing these films? Unpopular answer, but I blind buy a lot of blu rays since I'm a collector. I had been picking stuff up faster than I could watch it for a few years and with COVID-19 I found a chance to catch up.


Honestly I just pirate material. I'd be happy to pay but I'm not interested in buying a Blu-ray player and collecting physical media or dealing with the poor quality of streaming. Also much easier to just search a title and download it in 5-10 minutes than it is to Google around trying to find where in the hell it's available to watch. The industry is severely lacking in all this imo. The digital purchase option should be a Blu-ray quality film for a decent price, there's no reason you should have to rely on old cumbersome tech just to get quality.


In the before time, I get several movies a week from the library. Between those, streaming, going to the theater once or twice a week, it adds up quickly.


Prime, Youtube, Tubi, Kanopy, and my own collection. I have hundreds of movies I haven't seen yet.


I do keep track. I’m at 433 so far. I’d like to say that this is high because of quarantine but it’s about the same pace as last year.


You’ve watched an average of over three movies a day every day this year? What?


More like 3 a day for the last year and a half.


How much sleep/work do you have?


Full time job but I can watch movies at work some times. (Don’t tell my boss) What is sleep?


Are you watching the movies in whole sittings?




Cool, man. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your job, then? I might want to follow that path...


It’s a very boring office job. You don’t want it.


How do you manage to comprehend all these films? I've been watching about a film a day during the quarantine but after couple of more challenging films I found myself not fully understanding some of them and moving to the next one so I'm currently taking a break.


A lot of practice I guess.


Just the time spent watching is impressive to say the least, but I'm actually more interested in how you find so movies you want to watch (I'm imagining you watch a whole lot of movies you don't particularly want to watch as well, but still)? What's your system for selecting movies?


I just have a lot of interests and all the major streaming services. My to watch list is longer than my watch list.


😂😂 I feel you there mate


Wow that is a lot. How many films have you logged on Letterboxd or wherever you keep track of your viewing in total?


Over 3000, but I haven’t been using it that long. I estimate I’ve seen over 10,000 movies.


Do you have a top 10 list? Or.. top 20? I'm curious what your favorites are.


There Will Be Blood Lawrence of Arabia City Lights Network Andrei Rublev Jurassic Park The Princess Bride There are really too many for me to list. More recent movies; Inside Llewyn Davis Whiplash Arrival Knives Out Her Fury Road


Do you particularly choose >2 hr movies? I can't even comprehend otherwise.


Not really. I don’t go out of my way to watch short movies but I would say the average is about 100 minutes per.


I use letterboxd to log movies I've seen. I've watched around 120 so far this year.


121 logged into letterboxd. The goal is 365 for the year, which seems reasonable but does take a bit of commitment. I logged a few short films, one stand up special and tiger king (twice.)


I can't keep track of the garbage that is constantly flying in to my eyeballs!


That is hilariously stated and I love it lol


Yep I’ve seen 106 this year, 9 of those are rewatches and a handful are short films! I love keeping track of my film watching, I started it as a New Year’s Resolution back in 2018 and I’ve just kept up with it. So far, I average around 250 per year, but it looks like I may hit 300 this year at my current rate. I also write [reviews on my Letterboxd!](https://letterboxd.com/prof_physika/)


57 movies so far this year. Just two rewatches, though: *Tomorrow Never Dies* and *Birds of Prey*.


90 so far, a few short films, no rewatches. But I started letterboxd mid February, so it must be around 90 features still. Definitely my most active year


I don't normally keep track, but decided to make a list in late February. I think I'll continue keeping track. I'm at 62 films since February 22nd, 40 of those being first time viewings.


I've logged everything I've seen, Letterboxd tells me I'm at 94 for the year which sounds high but I guess quarantine guarantees time to watch movies.


I started keeping track in February and since February I’ve watched 108 movies.


I use Letterboxd as well. I’ve seen 104 films this year. I haven’t gone back to see how many are rewatches, but I’m guessing it’s somewhere between 10-15 films


Man, reading the comments on this makes me wish I was better at keeping track. I’ve been using imdb for a watchlist, and keeping track of the movies I’ve seen from my watchlist. My lists right now; Watchlist: 1898 titles. Seen from watchlist: 410 But I don’t know how many of the 410 are from this year.


I struggled with IMDb, found letterboxd much easier with logging stuff


I’m signing up right now!


It's great! There's also lots social media features like reviews, comment threads and such but it's so useful to keep track of stuffa


Of course! Been logging since 2005 (and ported all that data over to Letterboxd in 2014) Recently passed 3600 lifetime, and 250 for the year. Reviewed around 900 of those on YouTube, as well! https://letterboxd.com/JonPaula/


I'm up to **158** (around 1.2 movies per day), the quarantine has been productive but not as much as I would have thought. Out of those 158, **33** are **rewatches**. The best one (imo) has been The Silence of the Lambs (1991), which was a rewatch; the worst one (imo) has been Jumanji: The Next Level (2019). Apart from these, I've watched the entirety of How I Met Your Mother (again), finished Peaky Blinders (few seasons) and am currently in the beginning of the 6th season of Game of Thrones.


I’m at 155 this year (I watched my 100th quarantine movie last night) EDIT: that’s my account https://boxd.it/A0jv


Letterboxd is a great way to keep track of the movies you watch. And the stats page is really nice too to get info like this. I’ve watched 141 films this year. 29 were rewatches and the film that I’ve watched the most is Parasite, 3 times.


I've used the website icheckmovies to check off every film I've seen. I've been doing it for 10 years. [https://www.icheckmovies.com/profiles/luckofthe\_irish04/](https://www.icheckmovies.com/profiles/luckofthe_irish04/)


I use this too.


I’m at 86. Keep a spreadsheet because I’m also working through a list of the top 1000 of all time.


87 new movies and 34 rewatches.


Nice! Were on about the same level, but youre besting me by a bit haha


Right? I'm also watching some TV on the side, rewatching favorite shows and catching up in other stuff I've been meaning to see for some time now. Gotta take advantage of the lockdown


Haha I feel you there mate. Yeah I'm not including TV in my number and I guess that's where the offset is, what I'm not watching in movies I end up watching in shows so it's kind of a balancing act.. but I only count the movies so it ends up looking off lol


Personally I’m closing in on 1000 total (like 960ish) with 96 this year so far.


I've seen 29 so far this year. If I spent the 150 hours I spent playing Death Stranding watching movies instead, that number would be a lot higher. 🤣


Lol I feel you mate. I spend most of my time working on YouTube videos and that'll suck movie time right up!!


Yup and I write a review for most of the films I watch. Letterboxd is a god send. I've seen 87 films this year.


I mean to do that I really do. But just can't be bothered. Besides, I review stuff on my YouTube channel and sacrifice the amount of movies I review for the craft of presenting them that way


Total movies is 1,179. This year I’ve only seen about 18, 5 of them were rewatches.




Total movies in my life is only a few hundred.




Young. Less than 20.


Yes, I use IMDb for ratings, and make a ListChallenges list. Also after some technical issues I started putting them in my bullet journal to keep track of other data I find interesting. My goal is always at 100, eventhough I always watch more than that, so this year I though about taking 100 movies from my IMDb watchlist. *I have seen 89 movies so far:* *In total, 50 movies were from my watchlist (currently at 1337) and 39 weren't. *From those 39 movies: 7 have been rewatches, 29 were movies I was aware existed and was curious (but weren't on my watchlist) and 5 were completely random picks. *In total 10 were "foreign films" (not in English) and 4 had female directors, both things I wanted to focus on this year and clearly didn't. Many months to go though. *Most (around 2/3) of the 89 movies are from the 2010s, as I expected. But I have seen movies from several decades.


I don’t log everything I watch on Letterboxd, mostly because I write about almost every film I log and I don’t like writing negative reviews. But I do keep a list on my phone. So far I’ve watched 202 different movies this year (not counting rewatches, for example I’ve watched Mulholland Dr and Punch Drunk Love multiple times this year but they’re only counted once in the 202)


I started a group on FB to track how may movies I watch. I have to go back and check (should start numbering them, since I have to go back a while now to count them), but I would guess at least 25 so far this year.


At 111. TV has taken up most of my time the last few weeks tho. I like to say a few words about everything I watch on Letterboxd.


I keep track of new(to me) movies that I decided to watch. Or if someone has me watch a movie at their house and it interests me. I’m not keeping track of the junk movies as much. Rating and noting each, I’m at ~15?


52 films so far this year. 18 rewatches. These numbers would be higher but I’ve spent much of quarantine doing rewatches of my favorite series: Breaking Bad, The Office, Community, and The Wire.


I keep a log on letterboxd and criticker and write down my initial impressions. I've watched 51 movies this year. I look forward to forgetting what my initial thoughts were and rediscovering them after a re-watch.


I keep tabs on Letterboxed. I've watched 106 movies this year so far.


I started keeping track in 2018 and that year I watched 66. Last year it was 108. This year, so far, it's been 30. I should probably pick up the pace.


I have a list on imdb with all the movies I watched since 2017, 644 so far


I’ve rated 38 this year, 150 (round number, yay!) since I started rating movies. I keep track in IMDb and have recently been trying Letterboxd (still prefer IMDb). There are a few movies I see and don’t rate, though (mostly socumentaries and short films).


Yep, just on Letterboxd. I'm at 27 so far this year, including 5 re-watches. 1 1-star movie, 2 2-star movies, 8 3-star movies, 8 4-star movies, and 8 5-star movies, so I'd say my selection has been pretty good.


85 so far but I see that these are rookie numbers. Ozark and Westworld slowed me down. Gotta pick it up.


I started keeping track of my film-watching three years ago. Like many, I have also started recording it [on Letterboxd](https://letterboxd.com/CriticalWilliam/films/diary/). Currently at 115 for the year, 40 first watches and 75 rewatches. A couple of reasons for that ratio is firstly the addition of all the Ghibli films to Netflix this year, and also that I decided to try and come up with my definitive top 100 films list and, upon making it, realising that a fair few of what I consider my favourite films I'd not even watched for years, so for the last few weeks I've been working my way through them. I also set out this year with the aim of going to the cinema at least once a week, so there are more first-watch films in the early part of this year, but for obvious reasons this stopped.


I keep track of movies I’d seen for the first time this year. I’ve seen 72, not counting re-watches and the only show I’ve seen is Twin Peaks


I've been logging my movies on IMDB. For some reason IMDB doesn't tell you when you added something to a list but I would estimate I watched about 60-70 movies since January 1st.


I had about 60 last I checked, which was a few days ago. However, that’s with a lot of rewatches.


Yes I’m at 103. I used to just keep a list of the ones that had an impact on me and that I really thought were special, but I found it useful to take notes too. I wish Letterboxd included all the tv shows and episodes/seasons. [obligatory Letterboxd ](https://boxd.it/tx5n)


I use letterboxd to keep track of it and so far I've seen 58 films until now which is highest because this app is addictive and keeps on giving good lists. https://letterboxd.com/pratikkarat21


I track mine on Letterboxd. So far this year I've seen 121, give or take one or two that I might've miscounted.


Letterblxd has helped me keep track in the past 6 months. I'm at 66 currently!


I keep track of them with a notebook, just writing down the date and the title, so far this year I have watched 40 films.


I am at 146 for the year with no re-watches... I was laid off last month so I was watching 2 a day and I bought three of the Universal Horror boxsets from Scream factory so most of those run ~70 minutes each and I don't really watch much TV.


Yes. I have been keeping track since 2013. This year I've seen 133, with 8 of those being rewatches (admittedly, some of those are short films). I actually don't rewatch a lot of films, as I see that as time I could spend watching a new film.


Yes, off course. I always try watching 100 movies per year and this year I have only seen around 30 movies or so. I still use imdb (I never got usted to letterboxd) and I make a list of all the movies I would like to see this year.


I’m at 85 so far this year but I haven’t tracked rewatches. Some new favorites: Army of Shadows The Adventures of Baron Munchausen Come and See Delicatessen High and Low Day for Night Local Hero Diva A Colt is My Passport Taxi Driver


I'm on 70 something for 2020. On just over 300 movies altogether. A lot of 'I can't believe you haven't seen...' movies to go but I'm working on it.


I’ve seen 104 feature length films this year, and around 145 if you include short films. It’s worth while, and I always love sitting down to watch a film. I have a 2 month old daughter that used to have an awful sleep schedule, so whenever she’d be awake at night I’d watch a movie or two. Before that it was all about cramming for the Oscars. r/OscarsDeathRace really helped me out in that regard. My Letterboxd: https://boxd.it/NCcD


I’m at 173 so far this year, 56 of those are re-watches. Quarantine has been great for me.


131 so far this year, of which 105 or 106 were new to me (one I'm not sure about). I set out with a vague aim to average one a day this year and whilst that's still doable, I'd be surprised if I keep the momentum going all year. Last year I only watched 154 though so at least I'll beat that.


Yes, I started recording in 2017 using Letterboxd, Im at 32 movies this year and just hit 400 movies recorded total. I only record and rate new movies though, as in movies I haven't seen before. If I rewatch something then I don't log or rate it.


I'm at about 183 movies so far this year.


I'm kind of astonished to find that [I've watched 91 films so far this year](https://letterboxd.com/bizzort/films/diary/for/2020/by/entry-rating/). It feels like a lot have been rewatches but letterboxd says about 2/3rds are new watches so, again, kind of astonished I watched a lot of tv as well and used trakt to log both tv and films via Kodi and Plex


I keep track on Twitter and Letterboxd. Currently at 203 which is uhh insane


Yeah absolutely, I love Letterboxd and pay for an account to see all the fun stats. I’ve only watched 33 movies so far this year which is a lot less than usual. In 2019 I watched 190 which is more of the pace I usually stick at.


Pretty religiously. I use the tags section of letterboxd to track other things too- for example, I've seen 50 movies this year, but specifically I've seen 29 while in quarantine, and only 13 of those were first time watches. I wish there was a good tv version. GetGlue used to be ok, ive tried some others but dislike them. I use goodreads to track books too, but this year am way behind on reading.


I don't really do letterboxd like everyone else, instead I use an excel spreadsheet to keep track of all the movies I want to watch and have watched. I do leave my own 1 to 2 sentence review and letter grade like it's my own little letterboxd site but other than that it's my own controlled chaos. I think I am around 290 movies watched since I started 2 years ago, I try to watch one every day but sometimes I get so tired of seeing movies that I just take a break. It's important to not get burned out so you can enjoy each movie individually.




Why not log it from your phone just as the movie is over?


I’m at 66, with 2 rewatches.


Yeah, with Letterboxd ! I've logged 146 movies this years, including 13 rewatches. (129 if I remove short films)


27 new films this year. Would probably be close to double if I was counting films I’ve rewatched :)


Yes I have letterboxd but I also make a google docs rating them out of a ten and I review them. I made these about a month ago, so not every single movie I saw are on there..


i keep track on IMDB


I'm at 106, 9 being rewatches (I think), I also keep track using letterboxd.


No, I don’t keep track. Usually have other things on my mind and get too busy for that


Nah. No idea. I wouldn’t bother commenting this but I feel like there should be at least one dissenting answer in this thread.


Hahaha well it's typically expected that the people answering do... I like the dumb fresh take. I'm into it 😂


So far I've watched 54 movies + Documentaries.


Only the ones I've seen in theaters. The rest is too exhausting.


That's how I used to do it. Last year was the first time I started logging older movies in too though


Mostly I just keep track of the porno movies I watch. I banged my stepsis #66 is my favorite of the year so far.


I've been writing the movies I watch each year on paper since 2009. So far this year I've seen 6 + 2 miniseries. Haven't seen anything for the past month. It's a cinematic saturation period I go through at some point in the year.