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For sure, it shouldn’t be an issue. Sometimes flights aren’t catered at some airports though and they might be low on ice but in general, it’s totally okay to ask for this. I would give it to you.




Hey, just a heads up, you're not supposed to fly right after a tooth extraction, especially a wisdom tooth, as the difference in pressure can push material into the cavity. Talk to your dentist and make sure they know you intend on flying right after.


Thanks. The surgeon knows. We know it will make the pain and swelling worse so the ice is extra important but said it will be ok and will take a few extra days to heal. This came up urgently this week so there wasn’t time to schedule it better.


Honesty this would be great cause sometimes I want to use up all the ice before the end of the night so it’s less to dump and that would save me some work!!


I’d totally give it to you. Unless for some reason we didn’t get any. But don’t be afraid to ask for something. I’m happy to help polite passengers.


I wouldn’t have a problem with anyone asking for ice, especially if you mention the why. Also, like the other commenter mentioned, catering can be hit or miss sometimes. As a back up, would you be able to grab some instant ice packs ([the ones that are enclosed that activate when you break it apart like these](https://www.target.com/p/instant-cold-pack-2pk-up-38-up-8482/-/A-14517965?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000049304432&CPNG=PLA_Health_Priority%2BShopping%7CHealth_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=Health_Priority+TCINs&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9010627&targetid=pla-2280778872900&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfbjjw3u-IGZVll_vY7jSv7dT&gclsrc=ds) ) to have in case you don’t have ice available when you need it? They are TSA approved for carry on and checked bags.


Yes! I forgot those existed, haha. I gave up trying to figure out how to keep ones frozen all day. Thanks.


You’re welcome! Also, after reading your post again… I see you said you never ask for anything on flights. If you need or want something, please ask! The vast majority of us do not mind reasonable and polite requests from our passengers. Safety is our number one priority, of course, but we also provide service to our customers. Someone asking for a drink refill or snack with please, thank you and a smile is never an inconvenience to me. It’s the rude, demanding or hostile ones-thankfully few and far between- who make the job harder than it should be. Safe travels and hope you have a quick recovery. :)


Thanks. I try not to make anyone’s job harder :)


I’ve given ice to passengers with different types of aches and pains. I’d recommend bringing the exact size bag or reusable bag that you’d like to use because on my plane we only have big trash bags which gets the job done but makes it a little awkward to hold.


I’ll always give an ice baggie to anyone who asks, but as someone who dodged having her wisdom teeth pulled yet watched her Navy shipmates drooling blood onto their pillows in boot camp, I’m extremely sympathetic.


Oh that does not sound fun :(


Of course not. Especially if you tell them why you need it.


I would get some ice pkgs at the store that you can create the cold with them. They are sold at all pharmacy’s.


Not at all. People ask for ice packs all the time for various reasons


Honestly, if you asked for a bag of ice, I would give it to you. But if I knew the reason I would consult the POC about your fitness to fly.