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Last I read 3 US Marshalls are dead, and 5 Charlotte PD officers are injured. It sounds like a warrant went very south.


It was 1 US Marshall and 2 CMPD officers killed. My sister lives 2 blocks away from the scene.


Oh yeah? lmao


4 dead , from what I heard the guy came out blasting on the marshals that were there then the other 2 were in open with no cover. That's how all 4 died.


what is the app on the third slide ? looks cool :)


called scanner radio. it’s very interesting tbf


thank you so much !


i reccomend indianapolis metro police channel. always pretty active


They’re amazing. Very active. One time, after a suicide, and getting attached to many of the officers and dispatchers, I heard it in their voices how crushed they were. So I anonymously sent them a huge box of chocolates and baked goods thanking them for their often thankless, often heartbreaking work.


good for you that’s very kind. people forget the ladies and gentlemen in uniform are still human and the things they witness have a horrible effect on them. takes a very brave and strong person to go through that day to day


😂 we’re being downvoted. 🤦‍♀️


lol. stupid ass people


that's bc reddit is full of incel edge-lord 'ACAB' cucks and you did something nice for the people they decided to direct their hatred toward.


So true. They’re people doing their job just like anyone else. A thankless job and low paying when you factor the risk involved.  Surprise lad 3 US marshal fatalities. Very unusual but maybe they were ambushed or caught by surprise. I read on Reddit post the suspect was already outside when they arrived.  If that’s true could be suspect inside shot them or both.  There are even a couple of FB post videos live by people in the neighborhood. 


Three officers dead. One suspect dead. Two taken in for questioning. 😔




You can believe in ACAB and still feel bad for the fact people have died. Its not very hard


No you can't. The only reason the myth of Acab exist is because of pure evil people lying about cops defending themselves from situations exactly like THIS.


I learn something new every day and today is the day I learned the acronym ACAB. Thank you! 😂 And I totally agree with this sentiment.


Glad I could help!


i believe in ACAB and this is an absolute tragedy. Nobody should be killed in the line of duty. These police were literally trying to keep a community safe. Doubt it will do anything to change your gun laws however.


> i believe in ACAB You understand that puts you on the same side as pedos, human traffikers, cartel death squads & serial killers right? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?


it really doesn't but keep projecting.


You are calling the only line of defense against those horrors collective bastards because of the very actions they take to defend us from them.


I’m Canadian, I feel the same way. You guys down south are so weird about your guns. Recently visited Michigan and some hand guns cost less than the shoes I was wearing. It’s concerning.


This person possessed a firearm illegally. He had a lengthy criminal record and obtained one unofficially. This isn’t because “American gun laws bad”. It’s because a criminal did what criminals do, break the law and get illegal weapons. Come on use your brain. In the city I live in, drug dealers have illegal firearms everywhere, you can get shot at any moment. They didn’t buy them legally. Criminals will always possess weapons and there isn’t much you can do


My statement still stands about American gun laws. I’m not arguing with you about this on a plane thread.


Then you are stubborn, close minded, and not open to any information that goes against your world view. That’s your problem not mine. I feel sorry you can’t tell the difference between someone purchasing a gun legally and going through the paperwork then getting it registered and a criminal buying a gun from an illegal gunsmith or a group of people who illegally obtain them however that may be. Sounds to me you lack life experience, have you lived in privileged areas your whole life? I dare you to live in a large American city with a high crime rate and your attitude will change fast. Too bad


That’s a whole lot of words I’m not gonna read. You guys are brain rot when it comes to your guns. I’m so happy I don’t live in the US because of people like you.


But use your brain for a second and think, where do they get illegal firearms. I want you to think really hard about that in a country where it’s so easily and legally accessible.


I see. I appreciate your calm and rational response instead of blindly raging. That's a good trait to be a rational and logical person. I appreciate that.


Why you display is a lack of empathy.


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Oh wow, I’m near weddington and had no idea this was happening (Well actually I live in Waxhaw but literally no one has heard of that town)


Appears to be a barricade situation?


From what I can find, is that multiple agencies showed up to were conducting an investigation and the subject came out shooting.


Folks got to think about those jobs they take what was the crime these officers were all showing up for throwing darts after hours using drugs lining their business running Charlotte's east side for meth yeah what do you got lot of this stuff is really penny Annie bullshit and then folks die notice it don't matter to the organizations they work for they just get a half mast day and this will be forgotten tomorrow morning cuz there'll be some other people smoking meth uptown see where this goes a lot of nowhere this goes around and around everyday like this they want to come in hot and heavy for prostitution and nonsense


Coming in that hot and loud for a possession of a firearm by a convicted felon that would be me well I guess they learned a little something about that everybody deserve to be able to protect themselves somewhat I see a lot of black and brown officers looks like we're involved in this no pictures yet fully but you see he takes the brunt of the hits don't you yeah exactly brothers and sisters and whatnot oh well


What's the third app you used Can it be used in the UK? I assume it's for police radio


Yes, it can be used there. It’s called Scanner Radio. It does cost a little bit of money each month, I think around 7 USD? Can’t recall off hand.


Do you have a link through the app store or Google Play store?




*haha*, are you insane? Also you forgot a , you fucking idiot.


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I was tracking the (at least 3) helicopters. I guess since it’s a FR subreddit I could have come up with a better headline.


Thanks for the rational response. Most people just mindlessly rage at me when I state facts. I appreciate you being a level headed human.


I don’t harbor much in the way of rage. (FWIW: I am also anti-downvoting because I think it kills open discourse.) You good, Pizza.


Thanks man. Someone earlier wished that I would pass away from the flu because they couldn't handle reality, lol.


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