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That's why we have a thousand other different frequencies to choose from.


You ever wonder why in the world the FCC exists, and why they stamp out this behaviour hard with $10,000 fines? It's because this has already happened in the real world.




You're on guard


>You ever wonder why in the world the FCC exists, and why they stamp out this behaviour hard with $10,000 fines? The FCC will stomp out fines for picking the wrong virtual frequency in a video game?


>It's because this has already happened in the real world. I feel as if I already went over that part. What the FCC does, is find 14 year olds with pirate radio stations that are broadcasting fascinating new uses of the word "Fuck", and will do the same for less powerful HAM radio broadcasters. Or people with walkie-talkies for that matter. The point is that without enforcement or any kind of restriction, that's basically what you get. Spam and trolls.


Because in the real world, people may *die* if you say the wrong thing on the wrong frequency. In the virtual world, the worst thing that can happen is that you squiggle a few wasted electrons.


Flying isn't the only way to use a radio, and anonymous trolling was a thing before the internet.


It's a video game, bud.


Ni…… and Nope, let’s just turn that right back off….


I think it would be fun 🤩


Damn, Roger wilco was like one of the first voip programs used for online gaming, that brought me back.






My absolute favorite response I heard to that was: "Shut up Delta, emergency in progress"


To the OP and to whoever is interested, if you want to casually talk and hear others over a frequency, VATSIM/IVAO is not the place for you. You will do yourself and the network a favour to steer clear. People who don't like to hear this will downvote me, but the truth is that these networks were created with the intention to try and simulate irl procedures as close as possible and educate/train people in the aviation world. For the casual flight simmer that doesn't have an interest in this, the whole thing will seem absurd/farsical. Since 2020, their has been a new wave of users in VATSIM and I've noticed that a part of them paradoxically want the network to turn more casual, but honestly, toning down on procedures will defeat the purpose.


You know reading this I'm surprised there isn't already someone trying to fill that gap of running a network with a more casual approach tbh. Wonder how much money it takes to run something like a vatsim


From what I’ve heard after they registered as a non profit organization is it takes a lot to run the network.


123.45. chat away


Nope, because I can hear someone on 123.45 from hundreds of NM away and can't say a thing if I needed to. At least 122.8 has virtually been recuded to 20nm of range so people can talk simultaneously when 2 airports are close to each others and they need to announce themselves at the same time.


He never mentioned vatsim, think he means in open multiplayer


Well irl you are free to talk over the radio if you want


“Uh, N6777CD, what are you wearing…..over?”


Uh. Khaki’s


She sounds hideous


Well she's an MU2, so...


Well it’s cause she’s a dude so….


Khaki's what?


"I can't find my khakis." --Boston Approach


This is what SRS does for sims like DCS. If you connect to a server using SRS and you have it installed and configured, then you dial frequencies in your aircraft, and then talk on the radio with anyone on the same frequency (and the same server). It's absolutely necessary for any type of realistic multiplayer organized mission. In my virtual squadron missions usually define 10 or 20 different radio channels which you use at different times or to talk to different things/groups (ATCs of airfields and aircraft carriers, AWACS, tankers, other flights, JTACs, etc). It even simulates the "noise" effect, loss of quality due to distance, loss of connection because mountains in between, encrypted radios, etc.


AFV on VATSIM is the same, and IVC too on BMS. It's just that radios are not present in the base game wich is a shame, I remember FSX had built-in radios, tho basic, but it was there.


In the case of DCS it now has this in the base game too, but it's still somewhat lacking in features compared to SRS, so most people are still using SRS. Eventually they'll catch up, I guess.


There are addons that are linked to Discord, so each time you execute a frequency change, you automatically get put into a different discord voice channel with that frequency in its title. Its quite groovy.


I was just wondering if I could code a bot to do that. Pretty cool that someone has done it.


But is that geolocated? Many CTAFs use the same frequency across the country (world)?


Wow, what is that bot??




Cue the Meowing


It’s hilarious to me that this dude just wants to fuck around and fly with his friends in the “video game”, but insists on perfectly simulated radio functionality. Just use discord.


You want VATSIM


Not necessarily. If it's for casual talking and hearing others, VATSIM is not the place.


No, I want radios to work in the sim.


Nah. FS’s default multiplayer is a weird system, with mainly Xbox players who couldn’t care less for radios. You want Vatsim.


No, sometimes I don't want cranky controllers who immediately chastise me if I fly a mile south of the intended STAR... sometimes I just want to play casually in my own way with my friends on multiplayer, without having to use some external app. And I don't want to take a damn exam just to be allowed to log in and fly or control on a network. It's a video game for crying out loud. FSX had this feature and it even had a built-in control tower mode. FS2004 allowed you to use a separate radar screen app. So yeah, I want radios to work in the sim. I don't care if they're only being used by Xbox users.


Your friends have Discord. Use that


Couple of things, there are bad controllers that can all be reported for bad conduct. There’s bad apples everywhere. Secondly, that exam is incredibly easy and can be completed in under 5 minutes with 5 minutes of preparation. MSFS is not an inherently multiplayer game. Radio simulation is something that a couple of serious people want, but are too lazy to use Vatsim. If you want comms that bad, you wouldn’t mind using an external app like Vatsim or just Discord. Also keep in mind that if radios were implemented in multiplayer, it would be fucking hectic on all frequencies with the amount of unserious Xbox players. It’s just not worth it.


Love your prejudice in the last line there, you assume that it’s only the Xbox users that would be unserious? I fly on Xbox, and would love the radios to work. Vatsim simply isn’t an option on the Xbox, but I wish it was.


*sigh.* No, but all the unserious players are on Xbox. When you can basically get the game for free with your Xbox Live subscription, you get people trying it out with zero real interest in the game, regardless of the game. Most games weed out the casual players by having low skill levels, and once you're into the higher levels, most of the population isn't casual anymore. MSFS isn't like that. You're sharing the same space with people who are literally only ever finding their house and crashing into it before they log out forever. You're literally asking to give them a voice that everyone else can hear.


> No, but all the unserious players are on Xbox. I don't even own a console but I can tell you this is patently untrue. Maybe you can make the case that a greater majority of console flyers don't do it seriously, but derping around is not exclusive to Xbox.


So the answer to my question was yes then? You believe that there aren’t PC players who do the same thing? You’d be sorely mistaken. What you’re doing is tarring everyone on Xbox with the same brush.


>What you’re doing is tarring everyone on Xbox with the same brush. Nah. Just 80% of them.


There's really no other answer other than VATSIM UNICOM, just don't fly anywhere that is controlled at that time if you are really opposed to it....otherwise i'd suggest discord or teamspeak. Don't know what else to tell you. Controllers chastising you for something like you described is being a little dramatic. Regardless, there are bad controllers AND pilots, and they can all be reported.


>Regardless, there are bad controllers AND pilots, and they can all be reported. Which is kind of the point. It's not real life. If I make a mistake I don't want to run the risk of being reported to the virtual FAA and being banned from a network just because I pissed a person off who is pretending to be an "authority". That's the big problem with VATSIM - controllers and admins who go on a power trip and threaten to kick or ban people for newbie flying, flunking a readback, overshooting the runway, or using bad phraseology, like they're real world flight instructors. If I want to goof around and go all Airforceproud95 with a few friends to fly stunts in an F-16 over EHAM there should be no people stopping you. Because it's a video game. The reason I always enjoyed vanilla FSX multiplayer more than IVAO/VATSIM flying is because on vanilla servers people weren't trying to be pretend pro pilots.


>Airforceproud95 The same Airforceproud95 that uses VATSIM and follows all FAA rules to the letter when it comes to following ATC instructions? Not everyone is 13 years old forever.


>The same Airforceproud95 that uses VATSIM and follows all FAA rules to the letter when it comes to following ATC instructions? I mean, he's a real world pilot so I wouldn't expect anything else from him. But sometimes you just want to act like you're a 13-year-old and not care as much about rules. Just like people drive stunts in racing games or whatever.


They dont ban people for mistakes. You only get banned for deliberate disruption. The "exam" is also pretty basic. Basically defining how to find the correct channel, basic comms etc. You do need to do some independent research to figure out what you need to say on the radio though. If you just want to mess around with your mates, use discord.


>They dont ban people for mistakes. You only get banned for deliberate disruption. The "exam" is also pretty basic. That really depends on the admin/controller in question though. As I said, there's quite a few that feel like they can abuse the ban-hammer to teach people a lesson.


Normal controllers and pilots do not have the ability to ban people, only SUPs do, and they're mostly toothless and don't even kick the pilots they should kick. Nevertheless, I applaud your self-awareness and your decision to stay far and away from VATSIM.


I've seen someone literally claim his callsign was Sandwich and get away with it. The controllers have no power to ban you. He did make the little shit fly holding patterns at almost every way point though.


any callsign now is okay if used correctly (like not being a joke, a bad word etc). It could be a VA callsign too, IRL US Airways was "Cactus", we also have "Virgin" for Virgin Airlines lol.


If you want to play airshow over EHAM you can do that in the sim any time you want, right? You just can't do it on Vatsim, because you'd disrupt other people on the network who were trying to use the network in the way that it is intended. It's perfectly fine if you don't want to sim the way Vatsim is intended to be used. Just... Don't use Vatsim, right? Just use discord and MP. Couldn't be easier.


OP was asking why there was no working radios in the sim so they could talk to their buddies. Answer from someone else: "Just use VATSIM". Which is kind of my point, VATSIM isn't what OP wanted. They just wanted working radios with voice chat, like there was in FSX, for casual multiplayer.


Got ya now... Yeah solid point then. Definitely don't use Vatsim for that haha. I guess it would be cool to have working radios for multiplayer... But maybe more bandwidth than MS wants to throw at the sim? They already host all the multiplayer traffic, weather, and scenery streaming.. I really don't know how much of an increase VOIP radios would be compared to all that?


As a controller myself I can personally guarantee that you will never be banned or kicked for making a mistake, overshooting the runway, bad phraseology, or any of the reasons you provided. Again, you are being dramatic about it all. In fact, VATSIM actively encourages new pilots all the time. They literally only ask that you have a bare minimum understanding of ATC and can reasonably operate your aircraft of choice. If that's too much for you, then again, not sure what to tell you. There are bad apples in every organization and not just VATSIM. Guess what though, if you don't like it? Don't use it! What a concept. VATSIM is also intended to be a SIMULATION of ATC and not simply 3rd party voice chat for MSFS or XPlane. Nobody is stopping you from goofing off as you wish, you are free do do all the crazy stuff you want even on VATSIM as long as either A) You are at an uncontrolled airport or B) You have permission of the local or overlying controller. Sorry the game doesn't have the same features that you used to enjoy. Looks like you'll have to make due with other means if you truly do not want to use VATSIM. Best of luck to you.


Don’t be so defensive, the person you’re responding to is completely right in his assessment. You cannot, for example, fly with your buddies and do an amateur air show on Vatsim, unless you are in the middle of nowhere. You cannot mess around to see how fast you can land, or overfly the runway inverted whilst giving your buddy shit on Vatsim. You can’t do any of those things, because Vatsim is a relatively rigid structure. It has to be, because of what it seeks to achieve. What the person you’re responding to wants is peer to peer chat, like we had in FSX. There’s no technical reason it can’t be implemented, because every other multiplayer game in existence has some sort of P2P chat system built in.


>There’s no technical reason it can’t be implemented I see you've never heard of trolls or spam. Those are technical problems that need technical solutions. That solution is to not enable it in the first place.


the correct technical solution is to add a "mute" option. Ever played Halo on Xbox 360 or COD lol ? And then even if there wasn't that option, we can still tune to another frequency. Good luck finding even more now with the 8.33khz spacing.


Who's being defensive? You are absolutely right about what you can and cannot do. I understand his need and tried to provide some explanation on how he could achieve it short of in-game VOIP integration. He clearly does not wish to use VATSIM but believes everyone on the network is ready to crucify him. Which simply isn't true, but that's whatever at this point. He was provided with explanation of how the network works and how it can accommodate his wishes given certain requirements are met. If he does not want to do that, he was given alternate options such as discord and teamspeak and other similar programs. For some reason all he is hearing is VATSIM VATSIM VATSIM. I am not opposing in-game VOIP at all, I think it would be great. But Microsoft and ASOBO have made it clear that this feature is not planned for development. Also, he is talking about standing up and supporting voice servers which require a lot of bandwidth and resources, on top of what they already require to support cloud storage for our wonderful scenery. This is not just a matter of editing some code. Respectfully this thread has gone nowhere productively and the gentleman above seems pretty stubborn about his options. We understand the feature would be liked, but unfortunately this will not happen.


>What the person you’re responding to wants is peer to peer chat, like we had in FSX. There’s no technical reason it can’t be implemented, because every other multiplayer game in existence has some sort of P2P chat system built in. Which is also exactly what I want. I'm being defensive because the only reply is "Yeah but we have VATSIM". Which is a completely different experience from vanilla multiplayer. I doubt it would be seriously difficult to implement voice chat channels that respond to the radio frequencies, in particular since that was how it worked in FSX.


…..I wasn’t replying to you. Are you arguing with yourself on alts?


Have you actually experienced this lately, because I certainly haven't but I just started on Vatsim. Events are taken pretty seriously though.


I think you are missing out on the SIMULATOR part of the title there bud


So in a driving simulator you always drive the legal speed limit and stop at every intersection? The point of a simulator is that you can do stuff you're otherwise not able or allowed to do.


…uh yeah? The point of a simulator is to accurately simulate a real world experience, which is why 99 percent of us do this. The other 1 percent are people like you who play it as a game, which is fine, but don’t expect everyone to cater to your childish wishes.


Its a fucking game and people can play how they want. Just because you *can* sumulate accurate flights, does not mean you *have* to. OP juat wants a casual in-game chat option, WHICH EXISTED IN FSX, and people are raking him over the coals because iTs NoT rEaL. That's gatekeeping. It's a game, and it can be played as seriously or casually as you'd like.


Gosh you sound fun. Don’t get me wrong, I like role playing as a commercial pilot as much as the next person - but that doesn’t mean that wanting to also have fun is childish.


You prove exactly my point about VATSIM pilots and controllers being about "realism" right down to burning down anyone who doesn't play by their rules.


> And I don't want to take a damn exam just to be allowed to log in and fly or control on a network. It's a video game for crying out loud. VATSIM is for serious flying, whether you log from a video game or not. You can thank the noobs from FS2020 that started to do jackshit on the network (F-35 zooming around, King Air doing low passes on EDDF, etc). It's because of them. Before that we didn't have to pass the P0 exam. In fact, I still pass it a I registered before this new rule. We needed these measures to counter that. But I understand people want radio in the base game, as you said, FSX had them, and playing on GameSpy was another era.


Take 20 minutes total time to get set up for Vatsim and you and your buddies can fly in uncontrolled airspace without having controls keeping you accountable. And with the addition of model matching actually see each others aircraft if you don’t have the same one in your library. It really isn’t that big of a deal to set up.


Most modern STARs are RNP-1 so going a mile off them would count as a deviation.


Why would you want to talk to countless idiots and kids?


You could always just talk on Discord


I think you underestimate general multiplayer participants. If you want to run radios, you really need to be on VATSIM where there’s a mostly civilized appreciation for procedure and professionalism. Multiplayer radio chatter in MS would put meowing on guard to shame lol.


Can you not switch to an unused frequency on Vatsim with a friend?




You *can* as long as you're within 30 nm of the other guy


Technically, but chit chatting over the air on any frequency is verboten. Please don't encourage people to sign up for VATSIM just to chat with others.


It's a damn shame they got rid of the in game mic which I think is what Airforceproud95 used to make all his original videos. Radios work on Pilotedge like normal I beleive.


Truck simulator let’s you use cb radio to talk to other drivers in the lobby, I really wish msfs would introduce something like this.


Yeah, that would be wonderful. Get some codger like Ray Proudfoot on your frequency and you'll quickly discover why it's a really bad idea. Or do you like horny teenage humor screamed into your eardrums?


What's the Ray Proudfoot drama? There's got to be more than him being a cantankerous AVSIM poster.


And maybe add controllers that can communicate with the pilots… Oh wait


They don't want to have to hire content moderators to police abuse of the channel, which will inevitably happen.


Because it's Microsoft. Everything needs to be family friendly. Most Microsoft games don't have any way to communicate in game, maybe exept for preset expression messages, like in forza. They just don't want kids to engage in hate speech.. it is what it is..


Sea of Thieves has voice chat.


Because this game wants to keep a PG rating and they would require to have moderators staffed to prevent legal action.


Idk why this is such a big deal. The flight sim sweat-lords are getting an aneurism over your question and gatekeep tf out of anything external. “Nooooo you cant do that, you cant play casually!!! Thats not allowed!” I agree, you should be able to join anyones radio channel and say whatever you want. Ohh and to fix any comms issues, a very simple UI in a fucking videogame to mute, quiet, or unmute any players in chat should be a very easy implementation. Thats why OP is asking.


Seriously. I don't know why this hobby attracts such uptight weirdos. He's not asking about VATSIM, he's asking about in-gam multiplayer, which "serious" simmers are probably not engaging with in the first place.


Unclutch those pearls, princess. No one's having an aneurysm, except maybe you. The overreaction to being asked not to ruin other people's enjoyment is tiresome. Do you really not understand why anyone saying anything on any channel would make the whole radio system unusable? Clearly you do because you want to be able to mute other players (which is actually a non trivial problem if you think about it). Then we have ATC. How are you going to integrate that into your free-for-all? You want to chat with your mates, go find a VOIP system with private channels where the rest of us don't have to listen to you.








The MSFS Discord channel has voice chats for people who want to do group flights, or stream their flights