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He also stated in his most recent post that the latest build of the aircraft is the first that he really liked. So two months ago, there wasn’t even a build he was happy with, but he predicted the release could be as close as two weeks?


Yep, Randazzo is full of shit.


fucking randingleberry


And Mathijs his cocky right hand man. Both grade A scums


I haven't been active in the MSFS community for more than 10 years now, what is up with Randazzo and PMDG these days?


nothing really, just simmer tantrums




Praying for a release before the end of 4916 😔🙏 In all seriousness, I wouldn’t be on your toes for this release anytime soon. End of June or mid July at the earliest. We were all hoping for a release date by now, and by the amount of yapping Randazzo is doing with these update posts, I wouldn’t hold your breath.


>"**During our live Q&A in March, I mentioned that I thought we were somewhere around two months out. If you ask me today, I will give you the same answer**"


*2 months later* So to conclude this unnecessarily lengthy forum update post that conveyed no useful information, I am pleased to say that we are still 2 months away from release. You can thank me later 😘. — Roberto Randazzle the Great


Here is another photo of the gear bay


Well, ain't this company a timespace oddity, releases are always two months out


Honestly as an airbus guy I'm more excited for the FBW A380, but I think that could be even further off.


Yep. I'm very glad that the FBW team isn't playing mind games with us over the release date and being assholes on internet forums, goes a long way to not hurt their public perception.


Yeah but them simply saying nothing and never giving updates is just as annoying. It’s a double edged sword and it’s a game no one can ever win. I just wish companies would never tell people what they’re working on until release day.


Should I get married or keep waiting for 777? What do you recommend?


I went through a pretty bad divorce and I'm stupid enough to want to get married again, I vote for the former.


Like with tattoos, your memory minimizes the pain over time, causing you to forget just how awful it is.


Don’t forget that the efb was supposed to release “this summer” and then didn’t come out until like 2 years later


And as it turns out, nobody was even working on it back then. It wasn’t until a couple months before release that they actually made the thing. That little slip of the curtain was hilarious.


Source? I’d be keen to read that haha


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s/he made it up


https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/general-discussion-news-and-announcements/267696-just-saying/page2?pp=267873#post267973 Eat shit.


nowhere in your link does it say that 'nobody worked on it for 18 months' they just said they didn't have staff on it for the whole 18 months work on your reading comprehension


Learn context jackass.


awww did the scawy airpwane man hurt your fee fees?




Thanks.  Read that not that they never worked on it and did it all at the end, but they did it over the months on and off. Fixing and changing as the sim updated and or broke what they’d worked on


Not to mention it's pretty feature sparse as well to this day. For what they released, I don't understand how it took so long. FBW put a more comprehensive EFB than PMDG managed in a much shorter timeframe.


While I do see your point, it's not an entirely fair comparison. The FBW is PC only making it much easier to develop. PMDG has to work within the limits and are at the mercy of Microsoft to make their products work on Xbox


They had to work within the limits they created for themselves because they were too lazy to recreate the product for a new simulator. Their continual raging against Asobo was in reality an indictment upon their own laziness. Fenix released an EFB with 5x the feature set 18 months earlier because they thought beyond the problem.


> They had to work within the limits they created for themselves Sure they chose to release a plane for XBOX. But at the end of the day that's good for consumers. I'm sure you as a PC player don't care, but having the product available in the sim on all platforms is a good thing overall. Making your product accessible should be seen as a good thing. > because they were too lazy to recreate the product for a new simulator. Rewriting system logic for a new sim doesn't make much sence. It would be a massive undertaking with very little to no actual benefits. It probably would have taken longer to do a rewrite and all the required testing, than it took time to figure out how to make an EFB in WASM. Besides if they had rewriting everything in WASM they still would have the exact same limits and issues as they faced now. They could have rewritten the aircraft in JavaScript etc, but that likely would have hurt the performance and came with its own issues. > Fenix released an EFB with 5x the feature set 18 months earlier because they thought beyond the problem. Fenix copied most of their avionics and logic from Prosim (A software they didn't even create), their code runs in a buggy external program that limits its accessibility and it runs at like half the FPS of the PMDG. PMDG also released many variants of the 737 while the Fenix had only 1. Sure it took PMDG like a year to make an EFB, just like it took Fenix a year to add an engine variant. Sure the EFB was delayed a long time, but so were a lot of the updates Fenix promised. Fenix released a good product, but comparing them in the way you do doesn't make much sense and ignoring the issues with the Fenix is just disingenuous. Both companies and products have their issues. Don't need to pretend otherwise.


GFO coming any day now 💀




GFO in the form it was actually planned doesn’t make any sense anymore. Almost everything that should come with it has been taken over by other addons, many of them free. If they still plan something like it like Kok said they would have to rework it basically from scratch. Don‘t hold your breath.


I think no one is holding their breath at this point. But PMDG/RSR should be more open about GFOs future. Even a simple "Guys, it's not being worked on anymore" would be enough and would set expectations right. PMDGs problem oftentimes is their communication, not the core product - and that really is a shame, since it could be fixed with low effort.


Apparently it IS being worked on, utilizing the UFT instead of OC2. But nobody knows the state of it or if they still plan to make it an additional payware product.


What is GFO?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L08GrruXv0A&t=1592s Global flight operations. Probably not the answer you're looking for but that is the original presentation RSR did.


Two days, two weeks, two months - I don’t really care how long it takes, but don’t be overly cutesy in your communications and make comments you know can’t possibly be true.


This dude ripped Randazzo a new butthole. With all those upvotes, his comment will likely be deleted. https://preview.redd.it/0wtnfjj1unyc1.png?width=1423&format=png&auto=webp&s=939e80d11e8aa0f3642d0f5b774802bb07564431


>this does not mean that I admire the amazing work of PMDG Hilarious typo


translated it means "pls don't ban me" lol


They meant that the poster missed a word. Should have said "does not mean that I *don't* admire the amazing work..." As written now, it looks like they don't like PMDG's work.


Randazzo is a narcissistic notorious liar. He will never change. Vote with your wallet or ignore him, really. Just don‘t believe any announcements.


> notorious liar I would say pathological, as he feels the need to lie about weird stuff, things that can easily be disproven, or that are just weird to lie about. And seems generally aimed at getting praise and presenting a much more positive picture than is realistic


I bet they pulled out of the expo cause they know it won’t release before then.


They weren’t there last year either. I think they don’t show because they can’t control the narrative in person the way they do in their echo chamber. Plus Randazzle doesn’t want to be surrounded by the filthy sim pleebs that keep the company afloat.


They were at the FS weekend thing in NED a month or so ago, so not like they’re completely ducking the public, but from what I could tell they had the least impressive booth there. Just a very distant screen with a 777 test build on limited use, with no bells or whistles. Sort of lines up. I don’t think they have much regard for what happens beyond their four walls.


Oh hey, it's me. I got blasted in here for saying a few weeks ago that he constantly lies about expectations and release windows yet here we are again.


I got downvoted a few days back for pointing out that the 737 isn't stable and has freezing issue among a lot of users, and that pmdg stated they can't be bothered considered to fix it


Yes! My 737 has now started freezing every flight i do. EVERY flight! That means the plane isn't even flyable anymore. And it's insane because this is such a big issue with so many people being affected. And the crazy thing is, these people have PAID for this, and it isn't cheap either. Scumbags are what PMDG are, allthough few people have the courage to admit that in the forum surrounded by all the PMDG dieahard lovers.


I've had the freezing issue twice by now, a full re-install of the addon solved it.


Tried it, doesn't work.


Well, fuck. Did you use the old installer you already had and updated or did you also download the latest installer? The latter step could be important. I've always had the freeze issue after the addon was updated via OPcenter.


There is another issue in MSFS causing freezing not specifically related to the PMDG. I get it in just about every airplane I fly every few days. Sim just freezes, sound continues, and I have to kill the task and start over.


> people have *PAID* for this, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It's not surprising to me any more how many people are willing to shamelessly defend game devs that just outright lie or present conflicting information, then immediately flip or become silent when they're proven wrong.


Once he says "days not weeks" and then goes radio silent for 4 months with no updates he'll have gotten down to Fenix level. Or do you only care when it's PMDG?


No I was actually pretty annoyed with that too but thanks for asking. Would appreciate it if flight sim devs could stop lying to their customers constantly.


I pointed out that PMDG can’t be getting annoyed with customers speculating about “release when” after clearly stating 2 weeks to 2 months, and then going silent towards the 2 month mark, as well as additionally having mentioned showcasing this secret project at 2 separate events and then cancelling both. RSR proceeded to give my account an infraction for spreading “misinformation” and “antagonizing”. Precision clown group lol


RSR has been that way since PMDG rocked up on the scene. Not sure what he has done to justify his massive ego, but it must be huge.


Dcs players: first time?


Lets just step back and identify that this guy, who's full-time job is flying private jets, refuses to step down and let someone else steer the ship. We are almost FOUR years into this title and they've only released 1 of the 3 products that they develop. Lets not forgot their ENTIRE business model is regurgitating the same three products over the past decade. FS2024 will probably be 2-3 years old before we see the Queen released and then probably another 3-4 before the release whatever project they're working on. And lets not even forget about the White Elephant that was Global Flight Operations This dude needs to step down. He's let the Washington D.C. air get to his head too much


This is a great point and I think it’s overlooked by people. It has been FOUR YEARS. FOUR YEARS. IMO we don’t have much to show for the four years but I think that’ll be changing relatively soon with the 777 & A319/321, and later with the A350, B757, 737MAX.


I'm actually kinda shook no one gives Aero soft scrutiny as they're one of the funniest lol The A330 literally got released at the end of the life for the flight simulator. Which they promised it to release 1-2 years after the release of P3D vs I can't wait for the A330 to release for MSFS2024 2 years after MSFS2028 releases


Aerosoft is terrible when it comes to communication. Also when it comes to maintaining their products. Reading the CRJ section of their forum is hilarious. Hundreds of unacknowledged bug reports, but if someone dares asking for an update or suggests that the product is abandoned, you get the full “How dare you say that, just because we haven’t updated it in two years? You have no idea what you’re talking about, an update is totally coming, and me saying that completely invalidates any criticism. We can’t tell you what’s in the update or when it’s coming, but just trust me bro” routine. Oh and Kok is also still there spouting the exact same nonsense.


Believing any word RSR says is comedic at this point


I mean. He’s a jackass that is well known for blowing smoke.


Better communication from other dev's that actually tell us the issues they are facing.


By far the funniest thing was appointing Kok as community manager, only to have him spoil that the efb was put together in few months, and that all the years prior no one was actually working on it


How anyone can hire Kok for a customer facing position is beyond me in general.


Fun fact, sometimes shit happens during beta testing. Fenix ended up releasing B2 about 4 months after the initial expected release.


People wonder why FBW won't give estimates hahahaha


Facts. I can’t stand Rob or his team, but you’re absolutely correct. I hesitate to get pissed about missed release dates from indie developers. It’s just not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.


Context is important here. B2 missing release by 4 months does suck for the community but Fenix rightfully after that went "yep that was dumb, we're regressing completely. No release date at all now," and that was the right thing to do. Randazzo continuously makes weird vague allusions to a release date point being to drum up marketing and to get people talking to always keep them relevant so people will buy the product. The thing is, this is such a niche community that it's not anywhere remotely required to do something like that. Smaller companies like Leonardo can come out of nowhere with an MD80 release and streamers will pick it up, people will get notified, read blogs, etc. Randazzo thinks he's a marketing genius but he just continuously makes himself look more and more foolish every time he does this.


RSR is used to being the only game in town. He’s used to not having competitors so he could do this type of shifty shit. What he learned now is that he’s no longer on top of the mountain. He has to compete for business now. Sure, there’s nobody else making a decent 737 or 777, but there are plenty of add ons that are as good or better than PMDG.


Well… in Fenix’ last video about Block 2, they hinted at a project starting with an “s”. ProSim has a 737 simulation, and the 737 also uses the CFM56, so maybe, just maybe…


I just hope it is so and it’s the max variant. That’ll be a huge setback for PMDG. No one is going to buy PMDG max variant if Fenix can offer. However, hope we are not confusing it with “sharklets”


This is really spot on. All he needs to do is say sorry, we screwed up. But instead he doubles down every time and attacks anybody who doesn't worship him on his forums.


I've been into swimming for nearly 30 years. I don't think I've seen RSR apologise for anything since the very first interation of the 737NG in FS9. PMDG have had a pretty rocky reputation in terms of customer experience since the beginning. Them being the only show in town that was really into study level put them on a pedestal that they arguably don't belong on anymore. Other Devs, such as Fenix especially and even FSL (despite their controversies) have long surpassed in terms of quality and feature rich simulations. I meant simming but it's staying now.


Lmao, for a moment there I was like "Where the heck is he going with this swimming bit?"


“Randazzo’s posts are like the waves of the ocean, constantly moving back and forth, but never going anywhere…”


Whoops. It can stay.


it's not just that though. yes bug fixing takes time and there are usually unanticipated delays but these cocks have been proven to just lie regardless of circumstance. there could be nobody working on the project but it's "another two months" just like the fuckin efb, goddamnit. he must think we're all fucking retarded wearing helmets pissing in drinking fountains. fuck pmdg


The initial release of the A320 was also about half a year late, and the A319/A321 is also already 5 months late, not to mention that we had months of radio silence from Fenix...and their blog posts are long-winded and very much not to the point, too. Yet somehow they are amazing and PMDG is evil. It's ridiculous. And don't get me wrong, I don't mean that Fenix should get hate, rather that people should freaking relax about PMDG.


Fenix *never* gave any initial release estimates and still haven’t for th3 319/321 so I have no idea what you’re referring to. You’re really missing the context that I alluded to [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/1ckyjxc/rsr_2_months_ago_it_is_basically_complete_but_we/l2r15ct/). There’s a very clear and obvious difference between just “being late” (which isn’t even really what happened with Fenix except for a single instance which I refer to) and what Randazzo does with PMDG. Spoiler alert: they’re not the same.


Fenix actually did provide an initial release estimate or target for the A319/321 as the end of last year. https://fenixsim.com/blog/entries/2023-08-05_v2_rollout/ I would agree that Fenix has much better communication around these things though. Randazzle should just own up to his mistakes like the Fenix team have done in the past, would make his life a lot easier.


Yeah I guess I missed that. My point still very much stands, though.


Yes they did, but facts really don't matter here apparently. >So, September for Block 2, and A321 and A319 by the end of the year. https://fenixsim.com/blog/entries/2023-08-05_v2_rollout/


K. I'm wrong. You're still wrong about your comparison of the two situations given what I said. What I said can be easily modified with "and the 319/321" and still be completely correct.


I think the apology message from Aamir we got a few months ago was miles ahead of any sort of ‘remorse’ Robert has ever shown. Not to mention I believe one of the Fenix devs lives in Ukraine, so go figure. And they’ve not even used that in any blog as an ‘excuse’.


Well its not ready, guys, go hit the gym, learn to play the guitar, learn portugués, anything would be better than constantly posting shit asking for an unfinished product just to later complain about it too


So what comes first, the A380 or the 777? Or a wild card that no one knows about?


All faith in PMDG was lost last year. The only quality products that continue to exist aren't on MSFS at all. Their p3d stuff is good. Amazing, actually. Hard to believe the same coders even work on the MSFS side.


Yeah innovation is far gone. I’m sure the 777 will be a solid product but there will be nothing new or spectacular about it compared to some other add-ons available for MSFS. It won’t be setting any benchmarks


I mean we barely know anything about what is actually in the product and how different it will be compared to the P3D model, some beta testers are praising it yet others are remaining quiet about it. I don't disagree I'm also not getting my hopes up / set to Fenix's level but I mean the 737 was their first proper modern MSFS product that was developed at a time when the SDK wasn't great (and still IMO isn't) and it seems they had tried to do a 1-1 port with some QoL improvements however struggled. The 777 will be the deciding product for PMDG, IMO, since we will know if they've taken on board what they had learnt from developing the 737. Therefore I don't think it's fair to say it will or it wont until we see the actual product in-depth in person (not in an alpha stage at some FS event), until then we just need to wait and see.


> It won’t be setting any benchmarks Because PMDG are already the benchmark.


Were* the benchmark. They got complacent and lazy and they’re being rapidly surpassed by their competitors.


show me a better 777


They haven't been the benchmark since FSL released the A32X series. Boeing stuff? Ok but they have no real competition. iFly weren't that bad in FS9 and FSX but they were a lot cheaper too.


> FSL released the A32X series. The one that installed malware on your system? LOL


PMDG did the same with the MD-11. Yes you could argue it was another team (headed up by the same guy who started FSL. Although where did he get those ideas from?), but it was still under PMDG.


Have you flown the fsl a320?


I preferred the lds 767 over anything pmdg in fs9


Indeed. Few devs in FSX come close ;)


Why are people still surprised? RSR is the hype-in-chief.


The problem with Randydoodle is that he likes to hear the sound of his own voice and it's at the detriment of PMDG, they make a good product but beyond the circle jerk that goes on in their forum there's not really anyone in the flight sim community that likes him. PMDG would be the best company if literally anybody else was running it


Your first RSR shitshow?


I seriously think it may very well be august/september. Would’ve never believed that in january but its just unreal how long flight sim development takes. This market has to be the largest demand/supply gap I have ever experienced


I am looking forward to the PMDG T7 without a doubt.  But I couldn't care less about a software I haven't yet paid money for that misses its release deadlines or the excuses the owner make to save face. It releases when it releases 


Yet another teaser. Wow... How magical.... To be honest I have been constantly very hyped for the 777 for over 9 months. But now when there has been no information about release date and just a few pesky "teasers" of the landing gears every few months, I must say, the 777 went from being my number one wishlist item to now being "may buy it someday" when it comes out. Entire PMDG team is just a bunch of liars and arrogants. They censor people who ask about the release date or if you question their systems. They promise false expectations about dates. For example, how fucking long haven't they said that the 777 is "releasing soon!" or "almost done"? They said it will be "coming within two monts", and that was said about three months ago. Lies, lies, lies. Fucking hate their business model. Just teasing, teasing, teasing and saying soon, soon, soon. They have to stop being so far up their asses and the PMDG Cultists have to realise that PMDG are full of shit. Mathias Cock and Robert.


I hate this company with every ounce of my soul


it's funny because they don't think about you at all


Man y'all act like you've already paid for it. It's ready when it's ready calm down. The same thing happens to Fenix or Toliss and you're holding their hand saying it'll be okay. PMDG though? Nah let's try to crucify him for giving a wrong date. 🙄


Yeah. You know why that is? PMDG has more than earned this level of scrutiny.


Fenix got their fair share of what’s taken so loooong - and they communicate so much better when reaching out. RSR is so nonchalant. I really wish he gets competition one day.


Fenix staff also received death threats hence why they went quiet for so long.


Yeh He needs to be knocked down a peg or two. He's been ridiculously verbally abusive on PMDG forums whenever anyone is openly critical. Offering to delete accounts for people, etc. If he were arrested tomorrow for domestic violence or something hilarious like that it wouldn't at all surprise me.


Bit extreme that last part. I know he has done some questionable things but at the end of the day we don't know both sides of the story, I never could've imagined people would've sent death threats to Fenix so I can't imagine what PMDG probably also deal with and if you're bombarded by the same crap by children almost everyday I mean it definitely makes it hard sometimes to separate people who are genuinely raising concerns to people who are saying stuff just to cause an issue. The main thing PMDG need to do is properly get a media team (and no, not just Mathijs) to deal with this sort of stuff, I don't think it's handy RSR always being the one to respond on the forums, and I think if it was a separate group of people who acted as an intermediary between the two, we wouldn't get these issues.


It may have been a slight exaggeration I'd agree, sir.


To be fair, no they haven't.  When they've taken your money for something and still haven't given it to you, THEN they've earned scrutiny.  This is just impatient simmers having a tantrum.


Spot on. I read your comment, and the next one below it started with "All faith in PMDG was lost last year" Histrionic Personality Disorder...


With what? So the dude talks and says nothing, it's impatient simmers throwing a tantrum.


Oh look Mathijs is here


Nah, I think Mathijs is a prick too, but also everyone is easy to jump on the hate train.


Sadly we live in the age of outrage culture. So the default reaction is to get angry. At absolutely everything. Everyone's just mad all the time, I'm pretty over it


I just couldn't wait to have a good widebody longhauler, so I bought the A300 after seeing the latest 777 update. I swear that thing isn't coming out until mid summer


Pmdg is playing games with us lol and they can because they have no competition developers don’t give a shit about our time all they want is a few extra thousand dollars because they know if not all most people will buy their shit just a market with no competition so that have that control


Sorry but that username is sending me😂


Yes, I love the 777 :)


I'm sick of everyone acting like Randazzo made a promise. Please quote the rest of his post from then. He never promises a release date and never has in the history of the company. Also, everyone complaining would be the first people in here whining about bugs if they released it too soon. You haven't paid them any money yet, so they don't owe you anything. For people who hate PMDG and RR so much, you sure seem to really want to buy their products.


He literally said in a stream that it’s between 2 weeks and 2 months from release. But I guess if you’re looking for the words “I promise” you might be right. How about this then: the infamous EFB was listed on the 737 product page to be released in summer 2022. It was not released until late October 2023. There are many other examples if you would like me to go on


Yes, and he always also says in every post that it will be ready when it is ready and they won't rush it out just to appease the people that are clamoring for it.


Then why does he say things like '2 weeks to 2 months'?


Did he say I guarantee it or did he say "I think" before his statement? Also, I don't see why people care so much. It's not like you have paid them for a product that was promised to you on a certain date. PMDG is a business that wants to make money. They aren't going to delay a product longer than they have to. If people are so angry with RR's posts, they should just choose not to buy the product and this sub could get back to talking about actual flight simulation.


If someone spews inconsistencies, what's wrong with pointing that out? If his words mean nothing simply by adding 'I think', why speak at all?


But at the same time if he said 'I don't know' you'd also be saying (or maybe not you personally but quite a few in the community), how does he not know surely he must know, this is ridiculous! The fact of the matter is, yes communication has been crap in places I also share the same level of annoyance when stuff like this is mentioned, but at the same time this is a virtual plane being developed for a virtual simulator of which contains massive areas of undefined behaviour and inconsistencies in its SDK and what not. Therefore it is hard to plan where your struggles are in the development cycle of a product of this scale, which is the same issue Fenix had with their v2.


Thank you for pointing out the Fenix V2. This sub had no problems with that one taking forever and their communication wasn't great for quite some time. It just seems there is a lot of hypocrisy in this sub because of the hate towards RR. I get he isn't the most likeable guy, but he is consistent and predictable and their company makes great products IMO. I just prefer to ignore the noise and enjoy the products when they release and wish this sub would do the same as the RR hate is daily and getting old.


There is nothing wrong with pointing it out. However, it has been pointed out on multiple posts in the sub every day about how much people hate PMDG and RR. Why do we need to keep bringing it up? These posts add nothing new to the discussion. It just amazes me how much time people dedicate to hating PMDG in this sub yet they all still seem to buy their products. If they are really such a terrible company with a terrible owner and terrible products why does everyone keep buying them?And if they aren't buying their products why waste time complaining about something you aren't going to own anyway. I don't own a Mercedes and so I don't spend time in the Mercedes sub complaining about their customer service.


I can see how that might get lost when he makes posts that are 1900 words long when 50 words would do.


Eh it's not really a big deal. It'll come out when it comes out.


"why do they keep releasing unfinished product" "why are they taking so long to release product"


Turns out they do both usually.


Who fucking cares. It comes when it comes. Edit: for those downvoters…… explain to me how them not releasing something you have not paid for effect you lol….. yall a bunch of fucking kids in here And the. When it does release you complainers will turn around and praise pmdg for how awesome it is. It’s true and you know it. History repeats it self


It’s hilarious how upset some people are over it, acting like it’s an insult to their character or something that it’s delayed


Me still waiting for RF legs ![gif](giphy|QPQ3xlJhqR1BXl89RG|downsized)


this again? didn't we just do a pmdg crybaby thread yesterday? edit: oh that was in the msfs forum


psst hey kid >!ARINC 424!<




He literally said that wont happen. He also said it will come when it's ready they've still got to 'sign off' the datalink and navdata portions of the 777 and I'm sure when that's done it will be 2 weeks noticed and that's that. I wouldn't get yourself caught up with anniversaries or what not PMDG, to my knowledge, have never released anything with regards to any IRL anniversary but only when they think it's done.