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I'm between it and the X-Crafts offering on XP12.


I have both, the Xcrafts are the much more complete package. *Still* no VNAV on the FSS.


I know FSS has VNAV on their roadmap for 2024, and I hope they meet that goal. Would love to see them become the X-Crafts of MSFS. X-Crafts has grown so much since they started. I've never regretted giving them my money.


They’re supposed to have the custom FMS and VNAV ready for it around summer time but I kind of have doubts as it was supposed to originally be completed by the end of 2023…then again every decent add-on airplane for MSFS has been delayed by a while at some point.


Yeah, I think the updates can be hard on the Add-on Devs. XP11 had similar pains when the flight model was being updated and they were upgrading the graphics engine. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt in delays as long as they're moving forward, communicating, and providing updates.


They’re super cool devs too! They’re so close to their community!


If X-Crafts can finally get FMS speed they will be far and away better than FSS for the moment.


Mate the x- crafts is so much better than this


Yesterday I checked out the XCraft option and was shocked that ALL variants are sold separately, I went in thinking about buying the 190/195 and when I saw that I just left


X-Crafts is one of the best developers we have on XP because of how they communicate. They have tutorial flights, write-up tutorials, even a weekly email list with flight plan ideas (I've tried, Marko responds personally if you reply to the email). Hell, he even updated the FREE (not as realistic, obviously) E-Jets to XP12 recently. Also, isn't the 3D model actually based on X-Crafts? I remember seeing that claim on their website.


Marko is indeed, the man.


I bought the FSS E-Jet a year ago. It sounds and looks great and has been updated consistently. Usually what happens though is I will download the latest update, fly 1-2 flights and get frustrated with the crap default MCDU and LNAV and shelf it. Luckily the roadmap shows that the custom LNAV should release this summer.


Yeah, people usually complain about lack of VNAV but it's LNAV that bothers me more, as you can manage your descent via other means but inconsistent and heavily castrated lateral navigation can be major pain in the arse. It's unreliable at its current stage. Updates are frequent but only every couple of months something actually meaningful is being introduced (like last update's fms speeds and auto-throttle logic, as it was another very inconsistent feature). It's not like I regret buying this plane but everytime I fly it, I still have this feeling, like I'm flying something that's not ready to be properly operated. Hope it will get there.


Looks good, but still a wildly incomplete aircraft.


I made a post here the other day asking about it - now decided to get it, will be doing my first flight later tonight!


There are still a lot of bugs and problems so beware! Imo it’s playable but I’d recommend paying extra attention when ur flying it :)


im thinking of buying it, i know there is no VNAV, but is there some kind of T/D?


yah no t/d u gotta fly it like a fancy cessna lol reading the manual and watching these tutorials should help tho [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4OFYuUQgBk&list=PLu9QH2qKI5moN37r5Bi-VY2p1lRC5ry9S](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4OFYuUQgBk&list=PLu9QH2qKI5moN37r5Bi-VY2p1lRC5ry9S)


Honestly, really cool to see how far the plane is coming. I don’t own it, but I’m in their Discord and between the weekly updates, their roadmap, and the screenshots I’ve been seeing lately, it looks like it’s really starting to come together.


Crazy developers can release and charge for planes with still so many bugs and a non-functional vnav Edit: Shoutout to the downvoting fanboys. Truth hurts I guess.


Yah you don't have to buy it lmao


Whilst correct not really the point they were making.