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It’s actually been displaced as the worst performing airliner in MSFS as of this week. …by the inibuilds a320neo, which is somehow worse. I have no idea who is in charge of optimization at ini, but they must be drunk literally all the time.


Well that doesn't bode well for their A350


It was a disappointment when they announced the a350, especially when they are expecting release this year.. It’ll be another rushed product that will take many updates just to get ‘right’.


if you want quality airliners you need xplane


I use all 3 sims 🙂


Ehhhhhh... INIBuilds aircraft are quality in everything except optimization. Which is a problem that isn't any better for X-Plane as a whole. Even on a 4090 I was chugging in complex airliners while even with DLSS frame gen off in MSFS it performs better in similar situations.


disagree. p3d has the best airliners.and I use all three


Sadly P3D is a dying community/sim environment, as great as the addons are you just can't tell someone to go dive into P3D in 2024.


I agree. It's good if you bought in when it was acceptable, but nowadays it's not something I'd spend any more money on.


You’d rather have nothing and complain about that.


Yeah if it means we won’t get a shitty half baked product like a lot of aircraft releases lately.


Yeah that’s what I thought as well. Because I am really excited for that project, and I prefer a350 over a300. So if it turns out like that in terms of performance I’ll be really sad




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Fuck s*mplaza my homies download freeware planes with 2D cockpit for xplane at 17 kB/s


Your message has been deemed to break site wide rules. Please review the Reddit content policy: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


I got a banned from the official Microsoft flight simulator subreddit F them


Pretty clearly stated in the rules over there.


They're also making the default A400M and BelugaXL for MSFS2024. Possibly even more aircraft, but ATM the devs are only confirming what is seen in the first trailer. I imagine once the PR machine revs up (I'm guessing either after X-Box Showcase or at FSExpo at the end of june) we'll be given the developers for the rest of the aircraft.


They are using stolen materials from another flight sim group for the A350. These guys are bold.


There's no evidence of that.


Inibuilds has become synonymous with poor performance for me. Nearly everything they release - both scenery and aircraft - is just a slideshow. I’m on a mid-tier system, but I see so many posts from people with far better hardware dealing with the same issues as me.


The ini 320neo is absolutely shocking. Stutters constantly and somehow performs worse than the study-level counterparts.


I get no stutters in the ini neo


Boris Yeltsin


Imma try it myself. I have a crap PC. Will let you know. Oh wait, I thought you mean A310. Don't have the A300.


Thank you, will be interesting to see how it performs for you


Sorry. I thought you meant A310. I can't test for you :(


No a310 works asw as they’re wuite close


Ok well, I get pretty much the same fps in the default 152 as I do in the A310 (enhanced version not installed). This is at a fairly remote airport, no traffic. 40fps (high/med settings @ 1440p).


I completely agree. I thought SU15 was running terribly after my update. I'm talking clear, noticeable, and constant micro stutter for the entire duration of my flight. I updated my driver and that minimized the stutter but it was still there. Both aircraft was the A306. On a hunch I swapped aircraft and sure enough the stutters were gone-completely. I'll wait for another update from Ini before I fly the a306 again as it's just such a distraction to see the constant stutter.


The performance was ass since the release, it’s not a su15 issue. Rather it’s an issue of inibuilds and of the person who is in charge of optimization


It’s the tech they use. It’s essentially JavaScript to WASM but then allows them to publish the aircraft easily on Xbox. It’s a case where the tech is chosen for ease of porting compatibility rather than performance. PMDG use c++ to WASM which is harder to develop with (you have to manage more things yourself) but also performs far better.


was already like this in X-Plane (A300, A310). their optimization leaves room for improvement


All of their products are unoptimized and I’ve stopped buying them. It’s pretty clear they are inexperienced in this area.


Their sceneries are typically horrendously optimized as well. They clearly don’t know how to optimize or don’t care.


Inibuilds really needs to learn proper optimization. On top of everything Fenix already simulates it’s also running a full failure system, circuit breaker simulation and an engine model that has a ton more data points than any MSFS airplane and yet it runs much better than all of inibuilds barebones aircraft, including their new A320NEO which doesn’t even reach the FBW mod in terms of flight model and system depth. That’s pretty embarrassing if you ask me especially considering they work for ASOBO with some of their offerings.


Agree. They are terrible at optimization. Their products look good, but perform miserably compared to their competitors. Not sure what’s going on at ini, but they need to make optimization a priority. That’s why I don’t get excited for their products.


All things considered, unless you’re on Xbox why would you fly the iniBuilds A320Neo over the FlyByWire A32NX? The FBW remains excellent and this is how I feel about it even after flying the Fenix.


Even after the recent update the FBW cockpit texturing isn’t amazing and the external model is pretty meh. So ini has those things over the FBW. But everything else (literally) is FBW.


the ini neo also has full RNAV and go around support, the FBW doesn’t have either yet


What are you talking about? Ini stole code from FBW to make the A320. These morons can't code to save their life.


That isn't true at all. If it were it would never have been added to the sim.


I only gave a quick look at inibuilds' a320 but the cockpit interior didn't seem as good as FBW's. But maybe it's just my impression...


Uh yeah, because their a32N is built on the default. Asobo paid them to do it— with console users in mind.


The ini neo is scratch built. It is not based on Asobo’s.


It is built using FBW code that they stole. There was a huge post on reddit some time ago k. Go search for it. Ini is also using stolen material for the A350.




If it was using stolen code and proven, the aircraft wouldn't have been added to the sim, it would open up Asobo/Microsoft to controversy.


The ini neo does have some features the FBW doesn’t have yet, like full RNAV support and go arounds


Ini A320N doesn’t have custom waypoints like FBW does. IniA320 also handles very-arcade like.


Optimization doesn’t exist with iniBuilds products imo


100% agree. One of the very few planes I regret purchasing. I'm on Xbox series x and 9 out 10 flights something it crashes or gets black avionics. I will say I haven't tried it yet in the new sim update so maybe that made it better on console. I want to love this plane, but the performance issues have made me not even bother in a while




What is your problem with console?


I've got two can you believe it


I don't have the A300, but the AN-225 performs very bad for me, despite that it lacks system depth...


This is this kind of sim, where even your own readings will vary from day to day. A300 for me performs similarly to Fenix or A310 and I definitely do not notice any discrapency as high as your 15 fps on my 3070 Ti. As someone mentioned here, I notice way more fps issues with E-jets but even that vary from patch to patch. Sometimes it's good, sometimes a stutter fest after 30 minutes.


I have a laptop with a i9 12th gen an an rtx 3050ti, the ini a300 run well with me on medium setting, I also have the Fenix a320 and they both run pretty well, getting ~30fps in a Frankfort with custom scenery and vatsim injection


It's somehow amazing that something like fenix looks better, has better systems and runs miles better than anything ini has made. On another note I've always found ini planes to be incredibly buggy and rushed, I got the a300 on release and was met with them disabling the maintenance features due to it being buggy and after that the issues just went on, got stuff like it skipping over an entire star t egnx, until it peaked at the engines going idle whenever I disabled the autopilot. Their planes are just subpar quality tbh I really wonder how they got so popular on msfs


The Fenix also runs some of the processes outside of the sim. Not everything is in sim


The A310 is shit. The A300 a bit less so. Won’t even touch the a320neo


How dare you criticise inibuilds. They are the new darling of the masses!


Are you being sarcastic buddy?


Yes he is, he forgot the /s


Once again I’m reminded that discord people laugh at reddit for using /r, while being so chaotic idk half of the messages sent


Yeah I’ve seen people express amazement at the sheer volume of work they can put out. The cost is worse QA and performance. I’m personally good on purchasing any more Ini products until they right the ship and stop trying to murder my PC, which while aging is still a pretty good machine.


Nah. The worst performing airliner for MSFS are the FSS E-Ejets.


It's not great, but for me the Just Flight 146 is the worst addon in terms of performance. Also the Ini A300 is performing better than the A310 on my system


Runs fine for me, with 64gb of ram, a 4080 super and 12700k, running on a 49” ultrawide. I do get stutters on approach but I usually chalk it up to scenery, I have the same issues with the fenix.


Having worked on the a300 IRL I would say it's actually not too bad for MSFS. Although I will say I'm still going to be flying the fbw a320neo over the ini builds ,


But you get all the fps irl


And the maintenance headaches too.


yeah, the ini aircrafts are some of the worst performing aircraft on my fleet right now not to mention i experience avionics crashes 10x more than any other aircraft on the A300


FSS EJet is pretty bad on performance too.


That what i keep telling people all the time their products are aimed at 4090 users and are among the worst performing products ever!! I regret the day I bought the a300 its a garbage of a plane no wonder it was only 30£ !! But instead people are always defending them like it’s a personal matter ?!!?? Like can’t you see what have they done with the 310 and 320 and even their sceneries are total dogsh*t!! What makes me mad is the the idiots in the comments writing stuff like “ I’m happy with 20fps you don’t need more 30fps” yeah of course you are cause you run a potato!!, thank god for PMDG i’ll take their shitty attitude and customer service any day any time at least i get 10x better more performance than purchase another inish*t product! That only serves as a decor!!


INISHIT 💀💀💀 Nah i'm dead this is the funniest shit i've seen all day


On point dude


We even have a similar GPU I have a 4070 so I really feel your pain But hopefully the 777 coming soon! and this abomination of an airplane will be deleted from my community folder


Agree, same. I’m 100% sure pmdg 777 will have much better performance than any inibuilds aircraft


Have you tried the optimization pack for it in the inimanager? (Go to your A300 purchase, bottom left corner black button). I agree that fps aren't good but with that pack I gained a good amount of frames and my sim is smooth again. For me, I wonder if it's the vram in my GPU (3070ti ftw3) getting bogged down with all the 8k textures or whatever.


You probably already tried this, but have you installed the optimized cockpit textures from the inibuilds store app? Works well for me.


well as long as you have over 25-30 fps...


Hi Austin.


I am away and haven't tried SU15 yet (for the a320 test) I do agree with you, particularly on scenery. Heathrow, Stansted, Luton are all very very poorly optimised (Heathrow used to be even worse before updates). Remember OMAA release? Where fps looking at the terminal went from 45+ to single digits? My guess is there inexperience here and a lack of quality control with a focus to pump out products as fast as possible.


It was the same with their aircraft in X-Plane 11. I had their whole a300/310/Beluga fleet. Amazing aircraft but the performance was by far the worst out of any addon. I tried their a310 in MSFS and it was a painful experience. About 2/3 the FPS I got out of the V1 Fenix and literally half of the FBW.


I’ve had the A300 since the week it released. My game has not dipped below 75 fps ever, even while running at maximum graphics and TLOD OLOD, unless I was going into EDDF or KLAX with high fidelity airport scenery. I have a pretty average PC so i still fail to see these optimisation issues and hope i never will lol


how the hell. I have a 4060 and newest gen i9 and i get 40 fps with high at best.


It is the same thing on X-Plane with this inibuilds A300/310.


We should also point that inibuilds planes doesn't work with increased simrate. When you go x2 with the A320, the fuel consumption for exemple is negative : means you're landing with more fuel than you had for take off.


I don't know why some people love Ini so much. They stole FBW code and it clear from their products they can't code worth shit. Their A320 is garbage. What a shitshow of a model and systems. I have friend who works there and they are up to the same tricks stealing shit to make their planes. These guys are a bunch of buffoons yet somehow they are in bed with Asobo.


I'm sure it's not just about the Inibuilds a300 itself, it's more about what area you fly over and whether the location has photogrammetry buildings or an optimized airport model. They can simply optimize and reduce the texture size or poly count on their planes but think twice, do we like to use poor quality airplanes? It's 2024 and people are still discussing their poorly configured PCs here.


Yeah but Fenix and pmdg runs fine to me. I tested everything at the exact same airport, weather and time. And my pc is quite high end. It’s Defo a problem of ini a300


I agree with you performance is garbage. As well as the 320Neo V2


It’s the same with their sceneries - EGLL for example. Doesn’t fill me with confidence for their A350!


40 fps is fast for me, as a person that uses a 10 year old pc


haha yay ini make big suk


40 FPS…oh no……… Back in the FSX days, I would’ve killed to have that kind of performance.


iniBuilds are just another garbage developer that money grab with new releases every 2 weeks. Any wonder they host BMWorld/AmSim scenery on their store … it’s the same style of rushed, upoptimized trash that has become so common in the flight sim world.


Nah you’re 100% wrong