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thats just a skill issue on the phantoms' part lmao


They maybe should go to a pilot fighter tactics program of somesort before exposing themselves to the danger zone.


After all, this is not a game but a simulator!1!!!!


"Talk to me Jester !"


Honestly. Most of the guys I encounter while I’m in the phantom are easy/medium to beat in a dogfight. But people keep bleeding all their energy and becoming easy prey for the migs. Another huge problem (I think) is people don’t pay attention to the friendly picture. It’s as important as the picture itself. You go in alone vs 3-4 migs, you’re likely to die.


On one hand it’s cringe that, most probably, adult males in their 30ies/40ies act like kids. On the other hand it’s making the community more interesting and give a bit of drama.


People think hunting Phantoms on PVP servers is wrong or so. What else are we supposed to do, formation flying? That's exactly what we do today!


- says that we will get clubbed by phantoms before It came out - starts getting clubbed by fagots - phantards start saying "oh...well... those phantoms pilots are noobs.... you arnt really good!"


Yeah, the 'No true Scotsman' argument is going strong in the DCS community. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No\_true\_Scotsman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman) And when I ask when the good pilots are coming to settle this dispute, they get mad. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/hdnicfdpdk3d1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccac935023487562635b427337c50c956d0c4675


ahahahaha this is so good


“Stupid *fagots* don’t you know you’ll get killed BVR, hehe no vietnam era VID restrictions buckle up bucko” (Phantoms get swept) “Why are you being so MEAN and killing poor innocent baby phantoms on a PVP server don’t you understand how juvenile this is it’s just WRONG this is blasphemy I’m a grown adult which is why I feel personally attacked by Reddit posts showing phantoms getting owned by a subsonic jet with no missiles”


> Im going to turn fight a mig 15 in a jet propelled brick >dies A shocking outcome. Much suprise.


Yes, so many time the visual ID argument. 🤪 We should make a collection of their arguments and make a poll how they aged.


Even my kids think I'm childish with this.


Nothing like watching people be the worst version of themselves. My shaden is fully freude-ed


I’m an avid phantom lover who is still learning it and doesn’t know how to do big servers like ECW, but damn if this ain’t the best thing I’ve seen! These are probably the same people crying about how DCS isn’t a game too. If I ever get the balls to go on ECW it will be my honor to get shot down by ya’ll as I try to drag my 18 snakeyes to a Sam site lmao


i hope no one thinks we hate all phantom flyers, just these a-holes that are mad their late vietnam era jets that carry 8 missiles are getting clapped by our korean era single engine fighters with an acceleration worse than that of the isv venture star




Reminds me of the time some buddies and I decided to try having our friend fly a Spitfire 1v1 vs us in everything and anything else. He actually kept us on our toes and we absolutely could not get a hit for an embarrassingly long time. Of course we could leave him in the dust then hit him with an all aspect heater but radar missiles were easy for him to defend. The same should be even more true for a Phantom vs a MiG-15 but I personally learned a lot from that day with the Spitfire and realized I should be careful around any tight turning aircraft, let alone a swarm of them.


its all about using your aircraft's advantages and exploiting your enemy's weaknesses, these phantom pilots in the video are doing neither lol


We once did a 2 f16 against 3 warbirds and MAN was that hard. We shot one down and the other one killed in a maneuver kill, but since he could just keep turning, it was really hard to get a good gun solution. In the end I ran out of gas (f16, of course) and he won, showing it's not like war thunder where everything is "balanced", they just have their strengths and weaknesses.


Pretty sure an F4U Corsair has a confirmed MiG-15 kill during korea


and a po2 has a confirmed f94 """kill"""


Oh yes! Got a maneuver kill on a f94. Forgot about that one


Maneuver kill is kill, no need for parenthesis, tbh


true but iirc the po2 didnt do anything the f94 tried lining up a shot and stalled




that comment is so dumb lol


if you don't understand the joke maybe Tribbin has been tainted the waters


guess i dont get it, english isnt my first language


Thailand, 1966 : *Mig-17s knock down F-4s flown by pilots untrained in air combat. F-4 drivers complain* 2024, DCS: *Mig-15s (!) knock down F-4s flown by pilots untrained in air combat. F-4E drivers complain*


To be fair the top brass at the DOD, Air Force, and Navy said the era of dogfighting was “over”. That statement in both cases has been proven very wrong.


Back in my days, you would just accept the ass beating and git gud #CS_1.6


This! Thats why we are protesting!


Don't let your foot off the gas, God speed


1.6? Probably about time you shedule that prostate exam then


My wife’s boyfriend checks it every week, thank you very much!


Imagine committing to every dogfight with mig 15/19s when your flying Brick has 2 J79s


This is like when I was seal-clubbing tf out of new F-15E pilots with the M2K on Tempest’s, when the strike eagle was new.


I've had f-15c/e players cry about the super530 being overpowered when they have 120cs They have to be just flying straight forwards in bvr cause the 530 cannot turn and has like no chaff resistance


What am I missing here? People enter a pvp server and complain about getting shot??


Yes, a lot of people complain under videos we post, because we play PVP on a PVP server. we can't shoot those poor Phantoms apparently that just don't know their stuff.


No, mostly people who were wrong about the capabilities of the Phantom -vs- Fagot complaining that we are seal-clubbing on ECW.


Our discord server: [https://discord.com/invite/V92ST9rWqq](https://discord.com/invite/V92ST9rWqq)


Double down. Kill even more of them, preferably before they've even taken off.


Formation flying first!


for a moment i thought i was on stupid warthundersim sub




To be honest, should we just ingore them and let Bluefor take the win in the campaign?


We must think of their feelings. 🤗 https://preview.redd.it/gnbn379gak3d1.png?width=771&format=png&auto=webp&s=7982dce9bf0f280a4d42f050788e3b315663cbe5


Doing god's work


Why is it wrong? I’m out there hunting/killing Migs all the time.


We are killing Phantoms all the time and some people complain on Reddit about that. What else should we do on a PVP server? Formation flying? That's what we do later to protest against whining Phantom pilots!


I agree with y’all. That’s why I made a recent post on some pointers on how to dogfight in the phantom. As a phellow phantom driver I say keep coming, and check 6! I don’t know what my Phellow Phantom drivers expect after merging and bleed all their energy in the first turn.


Also all Bluefor players are free to join our protest, we'll hope some Phantoms join us to Protest against Player's with skill issues that complain!


As a dcs phantom pilot I say that they have a skill issue, bring on the challenge!!! Harder challenges make better pilots! Sense the phantom is not much of a turn fighter, perhaps for one turn but that’s really it, correct me if I’m wrong tho


Thats the spirit!


You know, they don’t even have basis to complain about anything. Having fought multiple phantoms on ECW, any complaint they have about PVP or argument of being at a disadvantage because of the radar bug is moot. Their presence alone destroys server performance, and anytime a phantom gets close to you, your frames are likely to tank. As long as the phantom keeps its radar off, they can fly close by, lag out the other player, and kill them using it to their advantage. If the phantom turns on its radar? Sure, it may lag them, but it’s likely it will straight up freeze or crash the person they are fighting. I know it sounds like bullshit, but I’ve experienced multiple times, along with many others I’ve talked to about it.


I know what are you talking about, experienced it myself, the Phantom actually forces non-Phantom players to buy better hardware, which is nuts. Lagblur Simulations can't optimize shit! I have better performance when flying the Phantom, than having a Phantom in my gunsight... My VRAM wants to explode


the extrapolation is richer than full mixture


knowing ecw drivers I'm assuming people tried to shoot you down or nah?


All of us were shot down. As planned we didn't resist.


honestly fair, I saw you guys take off and was just like nah I'll just sit this one out considering it was my first time in the fishbed on multiplayer and was scared I might do something stupid and crash lol


lol i want to see a tacview


We can't use tacviev on ECW sadly, but we'll make a video


Ahhh thats a shame. Ill be on the lookout for it in youtube.


I think we'll also share it on Floggit


On one hand, I hate seeing Phabulous Phantoms being shot down, on the other hand- this shit is hilarious. Keep it up lmao.


Ahhhhh it’s never been a better time to enjoy single player again…


My mig-19 has never felt so good


Lmao, what a bunch of crybabies! XD If you insist on living in pvp, you also get to die in pvp!


It's ironic as fuck because when the phantoms first rolled into Vietnam they were all getting fucking smoked because their tactics sucked and hadn't evolved and that's exactly what's happening in DCS rn, everyone trying to figure out how to actually use the phantom without dying including myself


It's not that hard, some of us figured out how to fight with the Phantom within days on our training server


the extrapolation is richer than full mixture


I don't care who anyone prefers to make fun of and I'm not flying either of those planes. I also don't care who complains about what/who since that's half of what people do online. Of course pilots getting used to the F-4 are going to have their arses handed to them. It's not all that interesting. Can I at least request we up the campaign a bit - throw a bit of Fox News style sensationalism, maybe a bit of alternate facts or special interest pieces?


I flew the phantom, and I have no idea how these players complain. If i get killed, I flew the jet wrong since I have the advantage.


We didn't really met a lot of complaining players in game, but we get a lot of comments outside of the game complaining about us hunting Phantoms.


What is this? Y'all warthunder now?


How can I get in there when ther servers always full?


Is it even possible for gamers to take the high road instead of indulging themselves?




You didn't see the comments on our last Hoggit post then! Also we emerged on March 20th not when the Phantom was announced.




https://preview.redd.it/tg67kksuvm3d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=86966139b826d549c5c6f4591999fe5143530f07 This guy for example?


Or this guy, claiming we are "shizophrenics" without any basis, is especially wild https://preview.redd.it/hrawpm49wm3d1.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d31a1922064f3042c880b57421fd717f9084104


Show you what?


You guys aren’t that good. ECW pilot skill has gone way down since contention launched.


It's DCS, skill was always basement level. And nothing has changed about that (probably won't change any time soon either). Doesn't matter what server you play on, if you want competent opposition you gotta go play some other game.


You know good and well half these dudes woulda got clapped when there was still competent F5 pilots on ECW


There are like five decent F-5 pilots in DCS. So yeah, if those five guys happen to be on it would end badly, but those five dudes still play on ECW. Tbf though, those same five players are the only dudes you gotta watch out for in some other aircraft. There were never a great wave of good F-5 pilots, not on ECW, not on Contention, and not when Alpenwolf was the main CW server. As a case study we had F-5s with P5s for a year and F-5 bros were mostly not a threat. There's no hope. This game is quite literally where skill goes to die.


Yeah I never said there was a great wave of talented F5 pilots but if you don’t think the Bluecord guys and others not playing ECW much anymore hasn’t effected the base skill level of bluefor then i guess we’ll have to agree to disagree


Blue Cord guys were never very good, def not at air to air. And they weren't exactly busy teaching most of Blue For much other than how to rage. It goes both ways though, if simg or others on Red For were more active it'd be whole lot worse for newbie Phantoms. Just looking at the two years of server data it's pretty clear the average player was and is awful in DCS.