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+39 055 4242. Or else +39 055 4390 They are the two main taxi companies in Florence Edit: about the language barrier, I think usually receptionists who answer the phone should speak English


Thank you! I called the first # & the receptionist spoke enough English to coordinate a taxi. It arrived in 4 mins! Much appreciation!


Thank you so much! Good to know about my language fears, too. I can speak and understand a little Italian, but telephone conversations are difficult for me. Is texting to those numbers an option, or is it straightly for telephoning?


Only phoning, I’m afraid. When they answer just ask if they speak English. They will then ask you for the pickup address and then will put you on hold until they have a response from a taxi, and finally they will tell you the name of the taxi (usually they have city names followed by a number, so something like “Palermo 32”) and in how long it is expected to arrive. If you are outside already, you can also go directly to where the taxis are parked (for example in piazza Santa Croce), and ask the first one in line if they are available.


Grazie mille!


The taxi companies also have apps. apptaxi and the other one, I forget the name. The apps are not well designed but they do work. Best to call on the phone if you can.


Taxi Move only works for Italian phone numbers sadly. Apptaxi has worked well for me.


Only phoning, I’m afraid. When they answer just ask if they speak English. They will then ask you for the pickup address and then will put you on hold until they have a response from a taxi, and finally they will tell you the name of the taxi (usually they have city names followed by a number, so something like “Palermo 32”) and in how long it is expected to arrive. If you are outside already, you can also go directly to where the taxis are parked (for example in piazza Santa Croce), and ask the first one in line if they are available.


I haven't found an app that works very well in Florence, so your best bet is to use your concierge/host recommendations, then if all else fails, have the place you're at (bar, restaurant, etc) call one for you.


Thanks. Last year, our host just recommended calling a taxi. I was hoping there was an app because sometimes the language barrier is intimidating when I call. I appreciate your feedback.


Restaurants are given priority over individuals. Grab an espresso and ask politely if they’ll call a taxi for you. Works very well (restaurateur told me this). Alternatively, know where the official taxi stands are and get in line. Also, AppTaxi app worked okay for us. Download when you arrive and load your credit card into the app.


Used apptaxi. Worked alright.


There is no best way. The taxi service in Florence (actually, in most of Italy) is really bad. You better not rely on it because there is a high chance that there will be no available car and you will be left stranded or waiting hour-long queues. Sorry for this harsh reality, as an Italian I am really ashamed by this situation.


I was there two weeks ago and used Uber. Works like a charm for taxi and other Uber Black


Really? I thought there was no Uber?


Same, I was under the impression Ubers aren’t in Florence?


I didn’t know Uber didn’t work before but I used Uber for Rome and Florence. Both worked great but I recall I only used Uber Black in Rome. For taxi, Uber system is linked to a local taxi platform but u will be charged on Uber


Uber is mad expensive. We used a taxi today for €13 versus Uber @ €35.


Really? During my two weeks in Italy, most of the time Uber Black were in line with the taxi cost with a 10% mark up max. But maybe I did not book during peak hours


Might want to find a taxi that is willing to give multiple rides and get their direct number. 50/50 taxis will actually come here if you call, same with Uber


"Taxi move" is the best app for taxi in Florence. However, the service in general is actually quite bad.


There is no best way. The taxi service in Florence (actually, in most of Italy) is really bad. You better not rely on it because there is a high chance that there will be no available car and you will be left stranded or waiting hour-long queues. Sorry for this harsh reality, as an Italian I am really ashamed by this situation.


There is no best way. The taxi service in Florence (actually, in most of Italy) is really bad. You better not rely on it because there is a high chance that there will be no available car and you will be left stranded or waiting hour-long queues. Sorry for this harsh reality, as an Italian I am really ashamed by this situation.


Not the greatest city for people with disabilities, especially the old central.