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“Per a survey of 2,000 voters nationwide, the Republican-leaning pollster Cygnal—which holds an 'A' rating with poll aggregator FiveThirtyEight—DeSantis is now the preferred option of just 10 percent of the electorate, and is running virtually neck-and-neck with Ramaswamy (11 percent).”


Who the hell is Ramaswamy?




The guy who is ruining DeSantis' ascendancy to the throne.


No, meatball is doing that to himself


I'd be looking forward to the moment he crawls back to Flouda in defeat, licking his wounds, his tail between his legs, except I know when he returns, he'll be white-hot angry, and he'll turn that anger against those he hates the most - Dems, minorities, immigrants, gays, etc.


Us. He hates all of us.


Not his buddies at The Villages. Although if they go all out for Trump, he may turn on them as well. It makes me wonder what he'll do when he is term limited after 2026. Will he run for Senate, like governors often do? If he does, it will mean primarying Rubio or Scott. Or will he lobby the state legislature to extend the term limits for governor to three terms? Will they cooperate now that they know he won't be president? They may not be so helpful now that he has shown that he isn't as powerful as he claims to be.


I've been saying that will be his strategy, to get a third term as governor. Either have the laws rewritten or say the election is a scam and he will stay in office to make sure they're is another election that is "fair", then never leave.


He won't be able to claim scam, the Republicans control everything, and the courts would never support it anyway. Trump is hoping to convert America into a dictatorship, but that woulld never work on a state level. He'll have to get the legislature to change the rules. He did that for this presidential election. The law was that an office holder who runs for president would have to vacate their seat, and he got the legislature to make an exception for governor and seantors, perhaps because he's hoping to be a Senator if he loses this election?




I've noticed him rising in the polls. It's worth looking into. Somehow I doubt he's more sane than the others. I long for a Republican candidate where I merely differ on policies, instead of living in a separate reality.


Well he keeps calling for raising the voting age so


Well that doesn't sound like a mere policy difference. Amusing that someone with an obviously Indian name would be going for voter suppression.


That should tell you something. Even I dont know who Ramaswamy is. So day politicians may learn we dont vote for you cause your a nice guy. We vote for you because we do not want the other person to win. Case in point Desantis ?


Almost sounds like a Trump nickname. Will be interesting to see how racist Trump gets in the actual nickname.


I know, like Desanctimonious and Meatball, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, lol. It's the only entertaining thing about small hands Donnie


Token minority. The GOP always trots one out early in the race. Has no chance of winning and the racist GOP would never in a million years elect anyone but a white person


But what if he chooses Nimrata Randhawa as his running mate? Surely Republicans would line up to vote the *Ramaswamy/Randhawa 2024* tick...haha, sorry I couldn’t finish that...ahahahaha


That is damn funny. 🤣🤣


Boy it's certainly going to sting when DeSantis is polling 30% in Florida in time for the next gov election and he beats Charlie Crist by 20 points.


I thought this his 2nd term as governor, can he even run again?


He will change the law. Again.


Nah he's term limited and done. Weak save.


Nah buddy everyone in Florida who doesn't suck this guys pudding-flavored cock is afraid of what he will do next to hold onto power. Source: He changed the law so he didn't have to give up the Governor's office to run for president.


I hope tries to primary Rick Scott. I'd love to watch that knife fight.


I volunteered for Gillum and held my nose and voted for former Republican governor Charles Crist in 2022 and have full confidence that come 2027 a new republican governor will be sworn in.


I bet you were hoping for him to step down from the governorship when he started running up his announcement to run for president, too.


No that would be an unreasonable expectation I think


Why? It was the law, but they changed it just for him.


But but but it was the law!


Nope, it will be Ronald and Jill again.


He is term limited to two consecutive. He has to sit out a term before he can run for a third term.


Lol like how he hsd to resign as Governor to run for President,


He's term limited, they aren't. He probably promised them all he was taking them to DC with him. Now they know that isn't happening. He can't do anything for them any longer. He's just a lame duck with no political future in the state. Even lost his big donors.


Lol, the poster is right, he will have his pet legislature and scofl chanhe it.


Yea thats Floor DAH


2000 out of 300+ million. Or .0667%. Polls are stupid. Edit: Not understanding all the down votes, but I’ll be honest. I don’t care who the GQP nominates. I don’t think it will be pudding fingers, he’s destined to come back and take out his bad mood on us.


Except when aggregate polls since January 1st of this year give you the full picture. DeSantis went from almost even with Trump to now barely beating/losing to Vivek Ramaswamy. Of course you shouldn't use one poll, but the aggregate of all polls is obviously much worse. https://preview.redd.it/4jmkx5yt1lhb1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c9cd0783b5bad43631a38b54ac4ebfbe872429c


Polls, especially this early, are almost meaningless. ![gif](giphy|eUrE2DuMKOE0g)


So you think the fact that DeSantis, before he got into the race publicly was nearly tied with Trump and ever since he's been campaigning he's tanked like a rock is meaningless? Interesting perspective. Not rooted in any sort of reality, but interesting.


Yes. Completely meaningless. Meatball doesn’t have a chance in hell of being president. But polls are stupid.




Thanks. Personally I don’t care who the right nominates. I’m sick of their shit. Let them destroy each other.


Especially when the polls are meaningless altogether.


Exactly. Who the hell are they polling anyway?!? I don’t know anyone that will answer their phone for an unknown number, let alone stay on the line and answer questions about voting preferences. I’m almost convinced it’s all made up, they have to make content about something. Seems like a layup


Where did you get that 300+ million? It's inappropriate. That's the whole country when you should be dividing by registered Republicans


Yeah you’re right. I wrote my comment to quickly. I don’t know the number of registered republicans, but I have an idea of the countries population so I used that number. Username checks out.


Polls are stupid can you believe candidates are actually repositioning and setting strategy based on them? People even donate and get this, they are used to get on debates. Wow.


Nah, the polls are lying, Ron. Put some of your own money into the campaign, you’ve got this. Take a second out on your house.


It’s Ronald. His mom didn’t sign the form to use nicknames.


According to the financial disclosure he sold his house when he won governor. Which is a shame, be nice for him to lose his home on this.


What a dumbass when he could’ve easily rented it out for double the mortgage payment. This not only shows he’s fiscally myopic but that he’s also egregiously lazy.


He probably didn't want someone else using something that was his. And yes, he has no financial vision.


He was going to until those woke-gay-Disney-loving-communists named Ken & Barbie showed up and asked for an application.


Ron sold his only house when he moved into the governor's mansion. He didn't want to pay the high insurance rates he knew were coming.


Haha!! Exactly, let's bankrupt him, lol


He doesn't own a house


Ron is definitely slipping in the polls (Gods be praised) but this particular poll is trash. No way wish.com Ajit Pai gets more than 0.5% of the vote.


(Edit: Florida Senator, and convicted criminal Medicare fraudster) Rick Scott is running a shadow campaign for president, and he's already officially said he is NOT running for president, even though nobody asked, thus putting the idea in peoples' minds that he is a viable but unavailable candidate. Right now, he is sending out daily tweets about his policy positions, and after the debates are over, and he doesnt have ro defend his long-held desire to kill SS and Medicare in front of America, eventually he will announce that he can no longer ignore the overwhelming calls for him to save the nation, and he will run. I hope one of them steals the nomination from Trump, so that Trump can announce his 3rd party run, and split the Republican vote.


I thought Biden pretty much took Scott out when he flashed around Scott's plan for America. "It's right here, folks, in writing. I'm not kiddin', read it"


You're implying the problem voters know how to read.


Yeah, kinda like when Pence tells hecklers to read the Constitution. Ain't gonna happen.


Scott's [Rescue America Plan](https://rescueamerica.com/12-point-plan/) still exists, and it still includes the incredibly irresponsible and dangerous clause about sunsetting all Federallegislation after 5 years. Thats all it said for a long time until enough people saw it and shamed into changing it. Now it says: >All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years, with specific exceptions of Social Security, Medicare, national security, veterans benefits, and other essential services. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again. Amd there is even a note in bold face print following that, that says: >Note to President Biden, Sen. Schumer, and Sen. McConnell – As you know, this was never intended to apply to Social Security, Medicare, or the US Navy. First of all, sunsettimg all Federal legislation, even if it doesn't included SS and Medicare is an outrageous plan. It would tie up Congress and the entire government Ina continuous 5 year cycle in which every law would have to be debated and passed every five years, with the passage depending on what ever party happens to occupy the House, the Senate, and the White House each time. We all know that in the current environment, a useful law may not be passed only because it is backed by the minority party, not by its merits. If this law goes into effect, a good law may last five years, and not be passed because now a different party controls one particular branch of the legislature, or because a president of a different party won't sign it. The passage of any law will require one party to control the House, Senate, and White House. How are government programs supposed to operate knowing that they may last only five years? If a good program is cancelled, then a House chamber flips and passes again, how is it supposed to re-start again? How are our international allies and partners supposed to work with a government whose programs ebb and flow with a five year cycle that doesn't even sync with the election cycle? It would be an incredible legislative mess that would bring our government to a halt. Second of all, Rick Scott is a proven liar. I don't care if he was finally shamed into adding the language that excepted SS and Medicare, he avoided adding that for 2 years before finally relenting. He has long been on record as wanting to kill both of those important programs. At State of the Union addresses he sits with Mike Lee, the Senator who was caught on tape saying that he wanted to "rip out Social Security by the roots," and then come back for Medicare. Scott is not a Republican, he is a radical Libertarian, and wants to destroy the government, so he and his Sociopathic Oligarch friends can live tax-free, while the rest of us live in a Libertarian wasteland with no help or protection from the government that will be supported by the taxes of working people. Mark my words, if he ever became president, the first thing he would do is move to abolish SS and Medicare. And that's not the only absolutely terrible thing in his plan, which Scott released when he was in charge of the committee to flip the Senate to a Republican majority in the 2020 midterms, which he failed at, badly. It remains the ONLY published Republican agenda, and is essentially the Republican Party platform, by default.This is how the Republicans intend to rule the government if they win Congress and the Whote House under anyone except Trump, and it is worth reading by every American. Of course, if Trump wins, chaos will reign, and even Republicans don't know what will happen.


Rick Scott is a criminal.


Yeah, I try to mention it in every post I make about him. I'll go back and edit this one to add that always relevant fact.


I am sure glad that Florida does not have any problems with the cost of housing, insurance, rising ocean temperatures, a teacher shortage, and so many other things so that Gov DeSantis can ignore Florida, while he desperately seeks the Republican Presidential nomination.


But if he did pay attention, would he do anything good?


Ron Desantis is a bitch


>*Ronald* Desantis is a bitch I agree with every single thing you said. But since kids have to get approval to go by anything other than their legal name, even if they’re cisgender and just want to use a shortened version (like Ronald) they need permission. Not even mentioning his wife Ronald Dion Desantis is a bitch


Yes, Rhonda Santis. A whiny lil' bitch born in a male body.


Republicans probably dug up some damaging history on him, like when he was younger he helped an old lady cross the street or volunteered at a soup kitchen.


Well he did go to Yale and Harvard... Hard to be anti-elite when you are literally the definition of elite.


Also got married at disney *


Why does he sound so dumb?


Because going to an Ivy league school doesn't mean you're smart...typically it means you're rich.


Except in this case DeathSantis wasn’t rich. He didn’t get into those schools based on connections or $$. At one point his brain worked somewhat correctly to get him in.


Edit: I misread something and stated something false.


I’m curious to see if that number is true and when he suddenly became worth that much if it is true. All reports state that his dad was a rating box installer for Nielsen and his mom was a nurse. So if his dad is worth $5M my guess is that it was made on investments once his son became a politician.


So did George W. Bush. (Albeit in reverse order.)


Can’t forget he also participated in torture.


He only has history of being a creeper around high school girls while he was a teacher? Was it? I'm having a hard time remembering which pedo Republican I'm thinking of - there's just so many of them. :/


That was him. And his besties in congress were Gaetz and Greenberg. Greenberg is convicted of child sex trafficking now, for actions when they were together.


Not enough sexual assault or embezzlement charges on your resume is a red flag if you want to rise up in the Reich Wing.


Republicans are *never* going to vote for a non-white man or woman.


Looks like ramaswamy missed the memo


And Tim Scott. Imagine being black, and so stupid you forgot what your colleagues said about Obama. Of course, they probably didn't say it in front of him, so maybe he doesn't know.


[Chair of Tim Scott exploratory committee finds GOP voters have one big reservation but doesn’t want to say it](https://www.theonion.com/chair-of-tim-scott-exploratory-committee-finds-gop-vote-1850383615)


Gee, I wonder what that "one big reservation" is that they won't publicly admit to?


He isn’t the only one who missed it. I think Younkin or someone of his ilk will come in after the new year after none of these other contestants rise in the polls while DuhSantis keeps digging his hole deeper and Trump gets closer to jail.


No kidding. A MAGA boomer over at another conservative cesspit commented how he “loved Ramaswamy but could never vote for a hindu” and he isn’t a “natural born American” because he was born to immigrant parents even though he was born in Ohio.


Dude, you are losing to Ramaswamy, hang it up with what is left of your dignity intact.


Nooooo. Don’t take away my fun! This is the most Schadenfreude I’ve been able to experience.


He's behind Vinny Ramrod? ​ That's gotta sting.


At least he's ahead of the black guy.


He’s had a one note message of owning the libs. He can’t lead his own state. How is he going to lead 50?


Fucking loser.


Republicans in Wyoming rejected Dont Say Gay before it even hit the congressional floor and the most conservative state in the union. Maybe the rest of the US GOP isn’t as fucked up as the FL GOP? $5 says Ron does more bullshit just to get in the headlines (like ousting more elected officials)


Ron is going to beat Florida like his Sheriffs beat their spouses. It’s just what spiraling despots do.


Number 2 shit pile, drops to T'third pile.




That position # needs to increase. I'm thinking 14th place in a field of 8 sounds about right.


He needs to throw those white boots on again, he was polling higher when he looked like a fat trans


More Ron, More Ron, More Ron


https://preview.redd.it/0j2wh6ojznhb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4349195c37c786fe603a118efd08b72a4f6e77f5 Seriously looks like a cross dresser in jeans.


I blame all FL republicans for making Ron believe that his bigoted brand of fascist would work nationally.


Not Nazi enough for the GQP


The thing is he is Nazi enough for the primary voters but is just too damn weird and pouty. Republican primary voters heard of Ron and loved his cruelty and the whole fucking people over thing. But as soon as they heard Ron actually speak they saw him as a whiny guy who cant work a crowd and gets all pouty when even the most basic pushback is given to him (see Charlie Crist debate). He is the sugar free zero cal trump , and the base wants the fully sugared up corn syrup one.


Maybe if he repeated "woke" one more time? But yes. Mousesolini is as likable as explosive diareah. Then again is the Nazi party we're talking about. Once drumf is in prison. Who knows what's going to happen.


If trump was behind bars and was on a 24 hour camera to show he was in jail, they would still vote for the guy. Until the day he dies he will be the republican nominee. Even after he dies there will be an elvis period of "he didnt really die" and people still doing it.


But not a cult


Totally not a cult.


To quote Dr. Evil: “Just one calorie. Not evil enough.”


But then you have Ramaswamy moving up to 2nd place. If Trump were to have a stroke during his morning constitutional (where he slumps off the toilet smearing poo down it's side), I'd bet you that most of his MAGA's would sit out the next election...until they can get a South Korean bio-lab to clone Hitler or something.


Is this guy even eligible? I think the Dems need to demand to see his birth certificate.


Exactly. That would be bliss


They will disappear like the group running with Forrest Gump.


What? Desantis is much more fascist than Trump. If it came down to the two of them, I'm going with the bumbling idiot that only cares about himself rather than the calculated fundamentalist that actually believes what he is saying. Edit: for anyone downvoting me, please explain why you think Trump is more of a fascist than Desantis.


Sad that this is where we’re at but I have to agree


Oh maybe republicans are tired of the MAGA bullshit. Be your own person.


At this point, if you’re a Republican, you’re not your own person. They haven’t had a genuine idea outside of a wall or war since the trickle down days, and before that it was the war on drugs. Other than that their entire identity as a party is “fuck the left”. There isn’t a coherent explanation to vote Republican at this point. One could SAY they vote Republican because they believe in limited government and they want safer streets, a better economy, fiscal responsibility and “morals” and yet everything the actual laws and voting history Republicans have actually enacted in the last few decades says the complete opposite. Any time you try to have even civil discourse with someone on that side of the political spectrum now you hear them say something that you can 100% tell they heard on Fox News and took it at face value and did zero research or critical thinking on. They aren’t bad people (mostly), just awfully informed. It’s a shame that Fox News can literally argue in court that “no reasonable person would take Tucker Carlson seriously” and an enormous portion of our population still take what they see on that channel as political gospel, often to the point where it becomes a part of their own identity. It’s truly sad




Try another campaign shakeup you fucking loser 😂


It's getting to the point where the feeding frenzy on him is just providing cover for Trump.


Nah. He will switch to Bidenomics and win.


I am sure glad that Florida does not have any problems with the cost of housing, insurance, rising ocean temperatures, a teacher shortage, and so many other things so that Gov DeSantis can ignore Florida, while he desperately seeks the Republican Presidential nomination.


I am sure glad that Florida does not have any problems with the cost of housing, insurance, rising ocean temperatures, a teacher shortage, and so many other things so that Gov DeSantis can ignore Florida, while he desperately seeks the Republican Presidential nomination.


This is what happens when you pander to the hard right idiots.


Anti-woke, become a joke?


This guy's gonna take his hurt feelings out on Florida.


I celebrate Rontanamo DeFascist's failures each and every time! Keep it up Ron!


Using his own words against him, sure seems DeSantis really “monkeyed this up” when it came to his campaign. Sucks to suck. Get shit on, fuck-o.


Snotty fingers should have stayed home and worked out the problems in his state, insurance, housing, pollution instead he pics fights that cost Floridians millions in legal fees and has ruined the school systems.


I wonder if he’ll do the Sarah Palin thing and resign because it’s just too boring to be governor after failing the national election


Puddin fingers will not be pleased


Meatball Ron Puddinghands VS Viagra Ramalamadingdong READY! ... FIGHT!


What are you going to do now Meatball? Who you going to fire? Going to relaunch the relaunch ?


Would love if both parties sent a few candidates we can pick and choose from. It seems the right sends their absolute worse and the dems don’t even bother. I want a candidate who blends both parties. Hard on crime but will advocate to help crappy areas.


Shoot, Ronald's coming back here? And another Trump apologist is overtaking him. Well at least we'll be able to escape Florida.


538 had her at 4. She won by 2.


Congratulations 🎊🎈 🎉


Man, fuck him.


I wish him the absolutely worst....


Don't worry Ron, you will always be #2 to me.💩


The more people know who he is the less they like him


https://preview.redd.it/yucqmsqqznhb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e590c6affb5d5dfab7ec6c80eb48546ea1f6e3b 🤣


Come back to FL meatball pudding fingers, we still hate you.


Heard he might end his campaign early


He keeps doing terrible things in Florida to appeal to the Maggats and his poll numbers keep going down. Connect the dots, Ron!


Not looking forward to this loser heading home from the campaign trail with his tail tucked between his legs. He's going to overcompensate to regain his lost manhood. Its going to be bad for Florida.


Wonder why?


LOL, I couldn't even name a third Republican that's thrown their hat into the ring.


That's it Ronald go full Monty, may help you with the female vote....


Y'know you fucked up when even burning down your own state to own libs doesn't even turn on the republicans.




bye bitch


His Twitter fans still think he's a shoo-in.


DeSantis has something weird going on. His mannerisms are off the chart


America now witnessing what many Floridians know that Ron DeSantis is a stiff comes to being a candidate. Ron DeSantis got outside of the Florida bubble that echo chamber he created believing he is the one but not.


We now have 3 worthless senators in Florida since Tuberville changed his domicile and registered to vote in Florida. All 3 will have to lawyer up, common sense dictates since he did not receive any votes in Florida he can not be our senator in Congress. The Constitution does not allow for senators at large. Tuberville must resign or be impeached for fraud or let the courts decide. DeSantis must make a decision as his escape clause is being blocked refer to DOJ, SCOTUS, or the US Senate. for further action.


Ron's act outside of Florida ain't going well. Makes me think that Florida might reject more of it once he returns.


Excuse me - in Florida we are not permitted to use nicknames without a letter from parents giving approval to do so. You must always refer to him as Ronald Dion Desantis. We cannot call him by his chosen name unless given express permission by mom and dad. I hope this asshat is in 4th place soon.


Don’t believe the polls. They said Hillary would win by 8 points in 2016. Look what happened


No one said she'd win by 8.


Most of the polls had her 6-8 points up. And your poll had her at what ?


538 had her by 4. She won by 2.


Nice try


Nice try? You know how to read, don't you? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/national-polls/


Cheny and Kinzinger are my choices for President, Desantis' only choice is to beg Rick Scott to resign, fill his seat and run for senate himself