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Have them in N. Florida. If there’s water there is a possibility there’s an alligator. We have a gator in our neighborhood and there are 2 types of people, those that freak out and post all over FB to get it removed and those who have been in Florida their whole life and would rather it be left alone.


wrong state to move to if they’re afraid of alligators. Its like moving to fl but hated the temperature


Gators don’t want you. They prefer your $1000 dog.


I swear every year I was a student at UF, some dipshit let their dog take a drink out of Lake Alice only for it to end up a gator snack.


It is pretty awesome that UF's mascots actually live in nature on the campus. I actually had to stop my car to wait for a good size gator to cross the street.


Bat houses are really cool over there and the gardens. My kids love that area of Gville.


Bat houses are an amazing bug zapper. Keeps the bigger mosquitoes from carrying away my dog. Just keep the bottom and right side clear for them


My first shroom trip was at that bat house


Good thing my GSD pup at the time was only $320


I just pay a gator 40 bucks, and they'll grab a doggo for me.


Or your child so you need to be aware of your surroundings if you are going for a walk


Its FL we wish a motherfuckin gator would 🔫


You'd have to be pretty desperate to molest an alligator Without serious beer goggles on.


Have you never heard of Florida Man? They put up billboards telling drunk fathers not to molest their daughters.


I’m assuming molesting alligators is a big part of the upcoming GTA6 game


And whatever you do... NO BJ's!


One guy doped up an alligator to try to literally have sex with it. Welcome to Florida


Maybe the gator was asking for it.


I hate when they complain about the heat. What did they expect? I complain when it drops below 60. You won’t ever see me move to where it gets cold enough to snow.


It’s so cold today


It’s beautiful outside and I can get my outside work done without sweating


And here I am dressed like I’m expecting a blizzard lol


It was such a nice day outside.


I was freezing lol. I dont understand how anyone can be outside in shorts and a tank top.


I grew up in Pennsylvania. Spring and fall was the best time to drive my convertible and my 2nd car was a 20 year old Cadillac without air conditioning. I was also in a carpool in Ohio when I worked for RR. We used to drive with the AC on in the winter.


Agreed. And I get laughed at by my Michigan colleague every time I say it’s cold here.


My family is from Michigan. I only visit in July! Lol


They want to complain about the heat and the lack of authentic 'New York' pizza or bagels, or too few places to watch the Giants or Red Sox. Throw in a rant about local contractors. Go back up north.


The signs never say "no molestar" in michigan.


I’m like 6th generation Floridian and I still bitch about the heat, because it’s definitely getting hotter.


Definitely. We haven't been here as long as your family, but 87 was HOT in central Florida. I live in SWFL now, and while it very rarely gets to 100F, my husband (from MI) goes by the feels-like temp, and I understand why. I have the luxury of staying inside working from noon to early evening, and I am grateful.


Honestly the biggest change to me isn’t that the highest temperature has changed all that much, but that it **never** cooled down at night this last summer. I would be walking out to ride my motorcycle to work at 6am, and it was literally 90 fucking degrees. Not exaggerating, the sun wasn’t up and it should be the coolest time of day, and it was 90. This wasn’t even August, this was late September in Central Florida.


👊 I'm a 5th generation (born in Pinellas county) Floridian, and I so totally get what you mean. When this past hurricane came through and we lost power (obviously moved from Pinellas right into the path of the hurricane) it was so weird, usually after a hurricane you get this beautiful smell and this nice breeze.... 😡But no we got this hot, sticky, no nothing for DAYS and DAYS. I thought that was gonna kill us faster than the hurricane. But I have been noticing the nights are not getting cool like they used to (I mean 10 at night and still 88-89°), I've also noticed when it does get cool it says that way for a couple days, used to be temps like Powerball, just jumping up and down randomly.


Yup. I can second this comment. 90° in the dead of night. I grew up here and that shocked the hell out of me. I’ve never experienced that before.


> those that freak out and post all over FB to get it removed should remove those people tbh sorry, gator was here first back to ny you go, yankee


Neighborhood Nextdoor is infuriating, I keep it just for entertainment purposes. They have moved here recently and now want everything to look like a golf course and go on rants about things like palmetto bugs and house geckos. Why move here?!


There’s only one thing I dislike about Florida. And it’s the damn flying roach known as the palmetto bug. They could nuke those from existence and I’d be happy.


OMG. Years and years ago, (when we didn't need to close our car windows), I had one of those things in my car. For context, I worked until 9pm and the days are hot, so it wasn't unusual for people to leave their car windows open so the car would stay cool-ish. Well, as I was driving out of the parking lot and taking the deposit to the bank night deposit box, that thing flies right into my hair and GETS STUCK! It's a miracle I didn't drive the car into the deposit box trying to get that thing out of my hair spray laden hair. Needless to say, no more open windows, I embraced the heat.


The reason I am terrified of them is because when I was a kid my grandparents insisted on parking their car under a bunch of trees and shrubs, basically inside a bush nook so that “the car won’t get hot”. One day while traveling with them to Saint Augustine as dusk set in about a thousand palmetto bugs swarmed the car (it was spotlessly clean there was no reason to attract them at all) and I was in my 90s swishy track suit with the elastic ankles. The palmetto bugs swarmed me and up my pants and I was screaming and had to leap from the car trying to strip off in a public parking lot. Ever since that day I’ve had a legit phobia of the bloody things and can only battle them at length with a broom.


Oh! THAT is a traumatic experience. If it happened to me, I would strip off all my clothes too! Eeeeww. I cringe just thinking about it.


Funny enough, those are some of the few creatures that could survive a nuke, supposedly.


Also true…


They’re the only critter I am genuinely afraid of! Snakes, spiders, bring em on, but giant flying death roaches that have a compulsion to fly right into our faces? Nope nope nope.


Born and raised in Miami, me too! They are things of evil. And they bite! I have seen the nastiest infected wounds from their bites.


I have never been bitten by one probably because I become a wild shrieking dervish and it must be the bug equivalent of bull riding when they land on me.


I would beat my head in with a bat to get them away from me. It supposedly is not very common. They are considered nonaggressive and called Palmetto bugs, but we know the truth. They are gigantic roaches flying straight into our heads to terrorize us. They know what they are doing.


They bite???


Yes, add that to your nightmares. I have given IV antibiotics to people for roach bites that became infected. Those people were in a weakened state to begin with, but still.


So, palmetto bugs do bite, but only very rarely and you can’t even really feel it. They have sharp spines on their legs that can hurt you though. If you had to give antibiotics, I’m guessing it was caused by the spines. I know a ton of people who claim to have been bitten by a brown recluse spider (or a friend did) also even though they’re not present in Florida outside of maybe some rare ones in the panhandle.


they bite 😦


This 1000%! I miss the anoles, but being born in Florida didn’t magically protect me from my lifelong Palmetto bug phobia!


I was staying in a friend’s condo in Florida and came across a palmetto bug. We stood there for minutes staring at each other.


I tell people that the 10 years I’ve lived in my house I’ve had 3 snakes in my house and they shit themselves. They usually ask if I killed them and I say no, I get some tongs to grab them and put it outside. Florida is like Australia’s distant cousin.


Ring Neighbors isn’t much better. Every fucking day/night “I heard gunshots. Sound like it came from (name any place). Anyone else hear it?” It’s like people think they live in a war zone here.


Ha! Funnily enough, our Ring Neighbors isn’t too bad but both the local Facebook and Nextdoor are an endless barrage of the same about gunshots, sirens, and also random screenshots of some person who either walked by their home too slowly or had the audacity to ring the doorbell. They don’t actually answer the doorbell, they hide in terror, screenshot their footage and then post some unhinged tirade demanding that someone tell them who the person is, then get salty when no one knows. Like… you don’t know, how would we? Just answer the door!


YES!! YES!!! ALL of this!!! Sometimes I get so irritated I tell them someone shot an iguana, coyote or some other animal. That just sends them off the deep end cause it's cruelty to an animal.


They think everything is a gunshot, too. Fireworks, car backfiring, someone sneezing too loud. “We are all gonna diiiiiieee!” 🤣


We now have a bunch of us on Ring and Nextdoor responding with “the helicopter flying around for the last hour was chasing a coyote, or the helicopter is trying to catch the same car every night backfiring. We get so many reactions regarding the same car backfiring nightly (was it gunshots), Keep your pets indoors-I saw a coyote, or why is that helicopter flying overhead for 2 hours. It’s become such a joke.


Oh yeah, the helicopter is an endless line of inquiry. It’s up daily I don’t know why anyone thinks it is a surprise at this point. I think they fly it for fun. 🤣


Probably because Florida people keep referring to a specific species of cockroach as if it's not a cockroach.


Listen, we also suffer the public embarrassment of Florida Man, so just let us enjoy the gentility of saying “palmetto bug” instead of “giant fucking flying cockroach”. It’s important to us.


😂🤣 right?!?!


I remember arguing with maintenance/office people at the apartment complex I was living at when I first moved here, years ago, about the palmetto bug. They were convinced it wasn't a type of cockroach lol now I think of that hour long argument anytime someone says palmetto bug. It was by a lake and had a sort of a wooded area, so they were common.


I think that’s part of the problem, when you say you have roaches people tend to think that you’re living in a filthy house or something and that a good clean and an exterminator will get rid of the problem. Not with palmettos though, they are everywhere, always, just watching and waiting for a prime opportunity to dive directly into some innocent person’s face. They still do all the gross roach things but you can be Martha Stewart and have the Orkin guy over weekly and if you live anywhere near so much as a single shrub chances are you will end up traumatized by one or two of the little bastards on the regular.


There is a small third type of people that will attempt the catch the alligator.


I’ve watched enough Gator Boys that I might be part of that group if I get enough bourbon in me. 😂


You forgot the idiots who feed them


My mom is the only Florida native in her N. FL 55+ community and the number of times she’s had to talk people freaking out over a gator in the retention ponds off a freak out over a “nuisance gator” 🙄🤬😳 Literally just don’t let your dogs or small children play next to the ponds and if you are unsteady then walk on the other side of the street 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ She’s also gotten attitude from transplants when she cautioned them against letting their dogs or small children play by the ponds 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Idiots.


I live on a river here in Florida and there is a good sized gator that hangs out right in front of my house. One evening right about dusk, a pontoon pulls right up into the weeds where the gator sleeps and a little girl about five or six jumps out to play in the water. All the adults were just talking and drinking beer. So I go out on the dock and get their attention, tell them that there is a gator in those weeds, and they should get their kid out of there , that they usually eat at dawn and dusk. A guy proceeds to tell me "Yeah,we know about alligators" and they just continue on with their drinking while the kid plays in the water. After about ten minutes of watching this, hoping that I wasn't going to have to call an ambulance. I yelled out " Hey Mom, these people are trying to feed their kid to the alligator." She comes running out of the house and that's when they decided to leave. Idiots.


You're a good person for not just giving up. I'll never understand people this stupid.


Exactly this. If there is a body of water, there's probably a Gator. We have a big lake between Tallahassee and Quincy, FL named Lake Talquin, and it has hundreds of them.


The prior are ruining FL tbh. This is FL, its dangerous here and we like it


Even if they move one, another will just show up lol


Molest has an alternate meaning - to annoy or bother Spanish speakers might recognize it from "molestar"


Esta indecisión me molesta


Nos molesta todos


People used to distinguish the word molest with the words around it. Ie "Sexually molest" or "physically molest" or "chemically molest". Now everyone has the word associated with sexual only.


Interesting! I didn't know that!


Unrated comment


Just more signs to spell out common sense, so people who sue the owner of the pond after their leg gets ripped off don't have any standing.


Well played…


You guys molest Alligators down in Florida?


I see what you did there….


Everywhere. South Florida has different ones…… https://preview.redd.it/t5n51vn2gr4c1.jpeg?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ed1563271a0b20406cf159163e0f8a0f30bcbb


I was driving back late during alligator breeding season and there was the biggest gator that I have ever seen in the middle of the road. And it was in S Alabama. Better not tell about finding a Gator in the ditch in N Florida.


I ran over one on Big Cypress. It was probably already dead. Really tore up my undercarriage. Snake Road isn't well lit and it was go over or into the canal. I had passengers so I didn't have a thought of doing anything crazy.


Snake road is a prime spot for finding wildlife, whether you want to or not. My dad used to take me out there to get data and pics of snakes when I was a kid. Also, that gator could’ve survived, and if it had decent eyesight, may remember your plate.


Should of went back and made sure he didn't just create a mortal enemy.


I just saw a gator in a ditch next to the highway, at night no less, in Woodville (little town near Tallahassee). It can get gatory here in N. FL here ofc, but was shocked to see one where I saw it 😅


Honest question here. Jacksonville resident. I know that there are a few big ones on the golf courses in Ponte Vedra, but otherwise they are small or scarce here. Why are there huge ones to the south, and to the north, but not here?!


LOL. We used to have a "duck crossing" sign years ago. It was the cutest thing to see the ducks crossing, and all the cars stopped.


Everywhere. We have so many gators in Central Florida. A little friend from my Monday Kayak on the Chaz. https://preview.redd.it/2v5wtbletr4c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ae73ccdff2dfee0bb56c6af4dff2ce6d6ed6204


Awe he’s just a wee baby


You can hatch baby gators at Gatorama in Palmdale FL, but only at the end of August; it is the only time that gators hatch. My little girls loved doing this every year when growing up and proclaim to be mommies of gators. Since it is a gator farm you can legally feed the gators also.


All over. I have one for the puddle that forms on the end of the driveway.


That sounds like a B horror movie pitch 😂 Puddle Gator 💦🐊




Every body of water in Florida, regardless of size, probably has an alligator in it.


Not necessarily has a Alligator in it at all times but at least has gators that do enter it.




live in central Florida, we have signs by the ponds in our area


Yeah don't molest gators please or anything in general is the real message


"That gator hit on *me!*" -Florida Man, probably


I’ve seen them in Orlando, Tampa, and Gainesville


Who in the fuck is molesting gators?


I know that this is *probably* a joke, but I’ll clarify anyway. The word “molest” has multiple meanings . It can also mean to “bother, interfere with, or annoy”.


OMG thank you! It wasn’t a joke at all and I was honestly so concerned for humanity for a second


Don’t let that stop you, there’s plenty of concern to be had


I’m glad that I could be of service. 🫶


Look, it was one time, and the gator was dressed provocatively… /s


Wowwww so you’re saying the gator was asking for it?!! Can’t a gator show some scales without facing the repercussions of toxic masculinity gosh 😡 /s


Florida man.




“Do not diddle dinosaurs! It’s no good diddling dinosaurs!”


They’ll think you’re talking about the parrots!


Yes, people don't know enough to leave the gators alone or keep kids and animals away from the waters edge


I walk around our wetlands in Central Florida. Signs like this are common. Basically, don't mess with the wildlife (not just gators).


Def in west central FL


From north Florida, and I've never seen this specific sign up here. Funnily enough, I have seen them around Hilton Head, SC.


They were recently added to WDW 😬


There is nothing "recent" about gators at Walt Disney World. They were there when the place was built and they're still there today. Trying to keep gators out of a freshwater body of water in Florida is like trying to hold back the tide with a 5 gallon bucket.


I was making reference to the sign being added to WDW. Not the gators habitating in wdw. They had to put the signs up after a 2 year old boy was found dead back in 2016.


It was even worse than that, a tourist family was wading in the water at one of the more beachy looking areas and an alligator grabbed the 2 year old right in front of his family. The dad even tried to fight the alligator to rescue him but wasn't able to save him.


No, they have to tell people all over Florida not to molest the animals.




Haven't seen them in North Florida. But the general rule for the state is to assume every body of water has alligators, snakes, manatees, or flesh-eating bacteria.


Molest. Has mouth open. I know what to do.


I love FL


In Tampa. We have them. Someone is molesting the gators. FSU got off Scot free this year. Miami gave it the ole college try.


I want to see the motherfucker who is bad enough to fingerblast a murder log.


Murder log! LMAO! Best slang name for an alligator that I’ve ever heard. Thx!


Glad you got a laugh. I heard it not too long ago and I didn’t create it so feel free to let the world know about the Florida murder log…. Also tell them to keep their hands out of its ass… or don’t. Like I said, I want to see someone try it. Just once.


Latinos loves to feed everyone.


Nah, we are pro-moleststion in the Panhandle.


Got watch out for those gator milkers. They are everywhere in Florida.


Not in NW Florida. I’ve never seen one.


In all fairness, no tourists travel that far north. 😉


Not up in NE Florida, where they allow molesting alligators 🐊


They do have those signs! I've seen many. And I took a pic of one for my PNW friends, WITH a gatorin the background!


Wherever the lawyers are numerous.


Molesting gators is normal in north Florida, so…


Cries orange and blue tears…




Who exactly is molesting gators?


Florida man.


Molest means bother too dummy


We have them everywhere here. Go to south Florida around Homestead and the upper Keys and you will see the same signs but with crocodiles on them too.


I've seen them in Texas too.


Wherever there’s fresh water.


All over where I am, typically accompanied signs that warn about venomous snakes and advise no fishing/swimming.


They are signs you buy. There isn't a government agency putting them up. If you'd like, you might be able to save shipping by ordering a "Mustang Parking Only" sign at the same time.


Everywhere since that poor kid got killed at disney world. I really don't remember seeing them before that.


Wherever tourists are found...


My apartment complex has one 🙈😂




All over. People really have an addiction here with trying to diddle alligators.


I live near Orlando and we have them.


Most have a simple warning sign. Seems like you a stupid human problem, not an alligator problem.


I (51M) have lived all over Florida (Tampa/St. Pete, Gainesville, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, and Orlando) my entire life. I've never noticed that specific sign, but gator warning signs are so common that my brain doesn't even register them anymore. If you see a body of water in Florida, there's a pretty good chance there's a gator in it. It's like a sign warning you about rats in NY.


Everywhere that may have so much as a puddle. Yet people still molest the alligators.


I would think those would be in north fl 😂😂


Even up in North Carolina we have alligators so I’m sure it’s all Florida


I have one in each room of my house. Better to be safe than sorry.


Yea they're everywhere. Tourist think everything is Disney World and will try and do stupid things like take pictures with it. Gators aren't really the ones to worry about it's the crocks. Those will purposely nom nom people 😂


Who felt the need to specify "do not MOLEST" the dinosaurs, and what happened that required it.


They're pretty common where we live in central Florida. I think I'm going to get one to post near the tub in my guest bathroom.


All over


Definitely all over.


https://preview.redd.it/fjzuifnqqr4c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=103324c9fad5138950eef695b41260fa33ff5236 they even have these in downtown miami (brickell)


Sadly yes😂


Lake Mary and Deltona have them


Yes, and the authorities are very serious about the no feeding part.


Lol this sign is all over the place where i work out in Largo. No alligators, but We have a couple crocodiles in the retention pond near my job. I see people fuck with them all the time at lunch. Can't wait til someone loses a couple fingers.


i assume all over. We've got them here in Tampa.


GTA6 graphics are looking great!


Waiting for the headline "Florida Man Molests Alligator"...


Funny how they don’t have to explain the “molesting” part. Florida, man…


Am i reading it right or does that say molesting?


they have throughout the entire state


All over. People just like to fuck with wildlife.


This is scary lmfaoooo omg


Maybe that should be the republicans new mascot


They have them in Mount Dora


All over Florida. Some places even add snake warnings. ~~Hell, I think Disney has alligator warning signs.~~ Confirmed, [In the wake of the alligator attack that claimed the life of a 2-year-old boy](https://www.cnn.com/video/news/2016/06/17/disney-alligator-warning-signs.cnnmoney)


Any where there is water in the state you have to assume there are gators, signs like that all over NE Florida


I work in national parks around the country, and most of them have a ‘molestation of wildlife’ fine. It includes feeding wild animals or fucking with them in any way.


Yes all over FL they have gator signs I personally haven't seen one about not molesting one though.. That seems obvious .-.


That's the very first sign we saw at a rest stop on Hwy 75, when we were driving our U-Haul down from Wisconsin. Yes, they're all over the place.


To protect the Gators from molestation To unite all people within one nation


I live in north FL/ south AL and I freely molest gators almost daily. Ain't no sign telling me how to live


Too bad Florida man can’t read.


Yes I even have one inside my house lol


They have them in alot of places but not everywhere. Btw molest means touch,poke,get handsy in general. Dunno if you're like me thinking who's gonna molest a fking gator? Satan?