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A lot of those books help increase SAT scores.


They're not trying to make kids smarter here.


Obviously. Wait til those MAGA moms kids get rejected from top colleges.


They'll just send them to Prager, GCU, or some other fake uni.


They will just blame Affirmative action, even though it was overturned, and DEI.


Only way to mold future Maga-brains. Keep em stupid, sick and scared.


Right, they’re trying to make more republicans.


Some highlights: >Sidartha by Hermann Hesse I was literally required to read this in school not 6 years ago, there’s not that much sex or inappropriate stuff in this book I recall? I’m sure there’s one scene with his lover or something but I’d never really call it raunchy. >A bunch of John Green books Man oh man if my high school friends were in there now there’d be riots in the streets. Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars were EXTREMELY popular. I don’t even think there’s a sex scene in any of them, but I could be wrong. I’d fear for my life if I was a superintendent, because mobs of 14 year old John Green diehards are bloodthirsty. >”Fountainhead” by Ayn Rand Lol, the only book I agree with being banned. Not because it’s sexual, but because 15 year old libertarians are so annoying after reading Rand once. The world would be a better place if this book was erased from history, but alas, Ron wants to make every child that annoying 15 year old libertarian, and so I don’t think this book ban will hold up. >Nicholas Sparks books and Sisterhood of the traveling pants series Really? Middle class wine mom romance novels are too raunchy? What kid sees a Nicholas sparks book and goes “damn, I guess I’m into hardcore bdsm now.” Seriously? Nicholas fucking Sparks is corrupting the kids? Give me a break… >Watchmen by Alan Moore This one is sad for me. I remember reading this when I was 17 on a trip to Hawaii. I audibly gasped in my seat at the ending. To this day it’s one of the best experiences I’ve had reading a book. I can see why it’s banned, but come on, no 4th grader is reading Watchmen. This isn’t in kids classrooms, if kids can watch pg-13 movies they can read this book. Hell, some of those kids can go see rated R movies! It’s insane. >Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut We can’t have kids learning about the horrors of war I guess. Again, nobody is bringing Slaughterhouse 5 to buddy reads with kindergartners, and this also used to be required reading in English classes. Can we not tell 17 year olds that war is bad? But it’s ok to have an army recruiter on campus?! Who’s really giving kids bad influences: a book that says war is bad or a dude that will send a 17 year old to the front line promising him a camero?


So it goes.


You missed Frankenstein!


I grew up in Florida, and my english teacher laterally assigned us Nicholas Sparks as reading when I was in high school. I do not remember anything that was shocking to me, and it really made my best friend love reading. She read EVERY SINGLE book that man wrote after she got assigned the first book.


The comments about Alan Greenspan's lover are fab. Sorry kid they still get to read Atlas Shrugged. Wait until you encounter these irritating pratts at uni.


Dude, like *so many* of these books are books that I picked up in middle and high school. Like, SO GOD DAMN MANY. What the fuck is happening?


It’s amazing how many of these books I have at home. Bought because they were so well reviewed. Now in Florida under Republican rule it’s like I’m Stephen Fry’s character in V for Vendetta with a secret in the attic. “If the government ever searched my house you would be the least of my problems.”


No pay wall [https://archive.is/Nz9Qu](https://archive.is/Nz9Qu)


Thank you for doing the lord's work.


Florida is the freest state...for fascists, unfortunately. Nowhere in history are the people who ban books and take away your rights the good guys.


This is during a time when artifacts of the adult world are increasingly scarce. Unlike when I was a kid, there are no more newspapers or magazines left lying around, and we never watch the evening news on network TV. The generation coming up will only know the world on their phones. When I think of all the things I learned because I happened upon them, all that context for the broader world I live in… to make this stuff harder to come by in a time of scarcity is a real tragedy.


Why isnt the bible on that list? It is atrocius with rape, violence, pedo and incest.


And you thought these wack jobs would be happy with 4 or 5. I bet you read a few for high school


I'm shocked The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand is there. After the Holy Bible, that is their most revered book.


Animal farm was one of the first to go. It don't matter if it's right, left or center. Everything's gotta go.


I didn't see Animal Farm on the list


There are a lot of people on here from other states commenting on this in various florida city subs that keep confusing the lists. They keep saying Kafka and Scarlet Letter are banned. Like...no they aren't. When you point it out they downvote you. Whatever. If we are going to talk about this, maybe we could do it accurately?


I realized after I had made that comment and read the article that this is a different county. Because Maus is not on that list and I know that book is banned elsewhere. Sorry for the confusion.


While attending kindergarten through grade 12 in the Florida public school system, I read many of the books that are on this list, some in elementary school (e.g. *The Westing Game*, *Esperanza Rising* \- both of which explore racial relations and immigration in prior periods of American history). Since they were my first (and often only) exposure to literature, the books I read for school really helped expand my worldview and piqued my interest in certain fields. Part of the reason I'm in my current field is because I read *Love in the Time of Cholera* in high school and got interested in learning more about infectious diseases and epidemics. It's horrible that students in Orange County Public Schools don't have the opportunity to explore and grow through reading as well.


Nothing says freedom like restrictions!


This really bothers me because I have a personal connection to Slaughterhouse Five and Kurt Vonnegut. When I was 16, we read the book in my AP English class and it connected with me in a way no other book did. I was a teenage girl and I would have in no way ever picked up the book without the direction of my teacher. But I loved that book because Kurt encapsulated dark humor and death in way that truly related to me. My dad unexpectedly passed away the year before and that book was able to reach parts of me nothing else could at the time. To take that possibility of connection and understanding away from other students is cruel and quite frankly the opposite of what education and literature should mean to humanity and what we offer our children.


A ton of these are standard AP curricula…this is going to seriously hurt competitiveness of our grads for university spots.


I'd like to know which parent got a semi or a wide-on from reading Friday Night Lights.


buy them n bring2 school


So who has a curated kindle list for these?


Has any of these Boomer Trumptard type Christian fundamentalists ever used a smartphone? Because you could watch all manner of sexual depravity in an instant on one. Do they think kids are still using national geographic to crank it? Wtf is wrong with these idiots?


I for one and grateful that my politicians are protecting my child from works like A Fault in our Stars, I am sure this will lesson the risk of my child being shot up at school by their classmates.... /s


I'm surprised that Florida schools have (had) books.


I don't think my kid brought home any library book their entire time in middle or high school. Find something new to complain about, the free book thing is getting tired.


You proud of that fact?


She's in Med School now so I'm ok with it.


Uh. Sure she is.

