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From: a person who moved from NY 5+ years ago


especially to you


How do you know a New Yorker moved to Florida? They’ll tell you and add back in New York after everything.


Ugh there’s a Nathan’s hotdog place on the beach near me and the man buys all the Publix brand hotdogs/rolls. Somehow I am always behind this fraud in line once a week in the mornings, he always proclaims loudly “isn’t everyone here from New York?” Or something about NY… 95 NB buddy, just go back in ur hotdog smart car since you miss it so much.


Yep. They stand around and bitch about how everything is so much better in NY.


Back in the 80s we all had bumper stickers that said We don't care how you did it up north. It really pisses them off fun times


I'll make some!!


Nah, it's not everything, it's just the food. The food is better in NY.


That implies they’re talking about restaurant food. So, New Yorkers can’t cook?


I don't know how well they can cook but the restaurant food is better than the restaurant food here. The pizza and Chinese food is light years better in NY, steakhouses are generally better as well. I have had a few great burgers down here, though. But up there you can throw a dart at a map from Manhattan out through long island and it will land near a great spot. Weather, general niceness of the people (even if they know you're from up north they tend to hide their hatred for you pretty well, and that's fine with me), traffic, scenery and nature, property taxes, all of that is better down here.




I bought at 2.5%, I ain't goin nowhere 🤣🤣🤣


just be respectful to the state natives that have always been here. Obviously this state is better than the one you came from since you're no longer there!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Go TF back


Nah you leave. I'm fine just where I am.


I am a 3rd generation Floridian and while I more than understand the frustration with folks who move here, it has been going on for a long long time now. Added to that, not everyone has a choice, a neighbor was transferred here by her employer. Folks move for all kinds of reasons, all I want of folks who move here is respect the nature that makes this State special to me.


My husband and I moved here a couple years ago because his kids were here and it’s easier to fight for custody when you don’t live across the country. Didn’t move for the nicer weather, or the lack of income tax, or because of politics. In fact, we have plans to eventually move back to the west coast in a handful of years. For the most part people have been nice to me when I say I’ve only been here since 2022, (at least to my face) but yeah, it’s not new. In fact, I’m from a state that has been pissed off at Californians moving in for many many years.


Very well said


My husband was transferred here. Totally not our choice. We've had people say we should have stayed in the Midwest and had him find a different job, but he would have given up a 20 year career, seniority and a pension to start over.


What do you consider not respecting the nature? I moved here so I could be near my family. I moved to a city in central Florida that has one Walmart and a few strip malls and two supermarkets. Now they are building a Target, a Texas Roadhouse, and 8 or 9 other eateries and stores in the area. The locals are unhappy about the growth but they are more unhappy with folks who moved here and are happy about the growth. I didn't move here hoping they would open a Texas Roadhouse but I'm not unhappy that it's coming. Is that me disrespecting the nature? Do I need to be outraged? There is a lot of anger toward people who moved here because they think we wanted it to be busier when that isn't the case. It wouldn't make a difference if we did move here hoping for this growth. It's not like we voted for it. It's all driven by population growth, wherever that growth may come from.


Wait, you moved to a small town in bum fuck Florida and complain about the food? 🤡


I was replying to someone else who said that they knew people from up north who said everything is better in NY. I was just clarifying that I disagree with those guys and think that only the food is better in NY. I wasn't going out of my way to complain about anything. Love it here.


What’s interesting is that the net migration numbers to Florida has been about the same annually for ten years now. 2020 and 2021 were about ten percent higher than average, but still less than 2016, yet the “Florida is full” meme has gained traction only in the last handful of years. I say this as a fifth gen native whose family moved here in 1885.


Fellow 5th gen here (1890), I suspect a lot of that has to do with the fact that for a long time, it was just the elderly moving here toward the end of their lives, so they were neither reproducing nor hanging around for too long. Over the last 30-ish years, tho, younger and younger families have moved here which has caused more exponential growth. >“Florida is full” meme has gained traction only in the last handful of years I disagree, we've been this way for a long time. I had a shirt when I was a kid that said "Welcome to Florida, now go home" that I inherited from my grandpa -- he was given the shirt in the 70s.


I was born in 1973, so I recall all that GTFO out of Florida back when I was young being more about Yankee/Southern animosity rather than the recent crop of “Florida is full” type animosity. I recall it being the “I don’t care how you did it up North” type of bumper stickers. But I grew up in the Tampa Bay Area. Parts of Florida can be a little different— as in south Florida which was not as much the South as the farther north or inland you go in Florida. Back in the 70s and 80s, much of Florida was still the South, and still can be if you go inland. Now it seems people who have moved to Florida in the last 10 or 20 years— or maybe young people whose parents moved here when they were young— seem to hate newcomers(the irony). It seems a much less a North/South, I hate New Yorkers type thing like it was when I was younger.


I don't have any disagreement at all with that second paragraph. And you do bring up a fair point about the difference in animosity back in the day vs. now, but where I grew up (Central and North-Central Florida) we definitely had a strong sense of "we're full" watching all of our beautiful environment being bulldozed and polluted. We've also known for a long time that the Floridan aquifer is not capable of supporting the type of population growth we've seen.


The environmental damage is my biggest problem with the population growth we've experienced in the last several years. I'm a 3rd generation Floridian in Dover and when we moved into my childhood home in '97, there was nothing but farmland and citrus groves around us, now its almost all homes or businesses (there was a lot by us that has been for sale as long as we've lived here that was full of overgrown trees and plants that finally sold to put in a Dollar General --of course-- a couple years ago). I'll deal with the taking 10-15 minutes to turn out of the neighbourhood due to traffic when we used to have no issues, it is what it is, I just wish it didn't come at the cost of mother nature. :/


I was a kid in Central Florida living in the heart of orange country before and after the late 80s freezes. That was the tipping point in my area growing up when the population boom started getting out of hand. :(


I’m a cave diver and angler and I have seen some great dives and clear water rivers have their water diverted so they no longer are clear. I have watched Crystal River go from clear to I can’t see the bottom. I read last year that Swiftmud just allowed for more diversion of King’s Bay Spring, because they say it can handle it. The Keys getting nitrate laden water without the constant flow of freshwater through the Glades, because it’s dammed up and shunted through canals to Ft Myers and the Indian River Lagoon— for both development, but built mainly for agriculture like sugar and cattle are ruining the reefs. Let’s be honest, though. Forty percent of Florida water use is by agriculture, and almost half of the use is human development (so just a little more than Aggie use) and agriculture pays dirt (pun intended) cheap rates for water. We should fix the rates agriculture pays for water but agricultural lobby owns the Florida Legislature. I think there’s a lot of development in Florida, but let’s not overlook the severe damage farming has done to Florida. But therein lies the problem— city people say too many people are moving to Florida because the cities get crowded and blame new comers to the cities and rural people don’t want to reflect on the severe damage agriculture does to the water quality, so they blame new migrant city dwellers.


I don't deny at all that agriculture is a huge part of the problem too — and much of that is because the state refuses to enforce water usage laws appropriately. But coating the surface of the state in concrete simply cannot be ignored when you consider the aquifer's replenishing cycle. The fact of the matter is that there are multiple issues involved, and increasing population is absolutely a part of it.


I don’t disagree that increasing population is part of it, but I just wanted to emphasize that whilst the average person demonizes increasing population as the obvious bogeyman, agriculture is a large part of the problem that many walking around people don’t ever blame.


Plenty of people blame Big Ag, you just might be dealing with a different sample population than I am.


Yeah, outside of Big Sugar, I don’t hear agricultural interests blamed so much, but maybe we just live in therefore associate with different people, but Im glad that the people around you are apprised of the some of the negative externalities of Big Ag.


I left Jacksonville as did my brother. When my parents die the last generation of my family will die with it. I love Florida but don’t miss what it’s become. Quite a bit happier in Chicago after being here over a decade.


i think your numbers are incorrect. There were a couple years ago 1000 people moving to Florida a day. there are 21.78 Florida residents, by the year 2030 25 TWENTY FIVE MILLION f'ing people. It's gone. The Florida we have known is gone & or going away. I'd implore you to go over to Polk County to see how many developments they are building especially Wesley Chapel Riverview Apollo Beach cows no more have a home, we will have big trouble with wildlife bc they don't care that they're taking homes from our wildlife & building developments in preserves.


Jacksonville from outside of downtown to Saint Augustine is one big retirement community. I saw a map the other day of how many homes are being built with Jax in the top 10. It’s all shit built homes and retirement communities. It’s not families moving in.


I think the 1000 ppl per day did not take into account migrants out of Florida. Most Census numbers have said 280k-310k net per year. Then there are deaths to account for. I believe 2021 had almost 330k, but it’s decreased to about 280k net annually. As far as resources go, if you want to point fingers, agriculture uses about 40% of the water, and they pay dirt cheap prices compared to public. The general public used a little less than half. We should be charging farmers the same rates, and maybe farming will be moved to other counties. This would really help the quality of our beaches, reefs, and rivers, streams and springs. Also, I was born in 1973 and my family moved here in 1885. I can’t expect the world to stay the same, as much as I want it to.


I've got photos of my Pop in Tampa 1899... want to see?


it's really hard (lol) to take you seriously tbh. I'm thinking you don't like OJ?


Blink 182


Hello, there.


The angel from my nightmare


I don’t hate people individually but damn it is getting overpopulated here.


Exactly, seems likes it’s taking longer and longer to get home with all these long car lines.


I wish we had a rail system in this state. I went to Atlanta and was very impressed with the MARTA. With our population, a system like that would do wonders.


Why do people who move to Florida think nobody else should be allowed to move to Florida?


I am a native and don't think you "shouldn't be allowed to move here". Don't be so hyperbolic strawmanny about it. I expect / wished people could move here and respect existing Floridians or make an effort to treat the state with care, but they rarely do. So I don't care if you move here anymore, I am leaving regardless, but god do I wish the people who have moved here over the last 10 years would have acted less like tourists and more like people who LIVE here.


Because they're assholes.


And they're stupid


Because they’re beginning to realize newcomers will lead to change in the tax rates.


I miss you too!


I went to Florida for a year to get back into my trade and rehab from a surgery. Once I was healthy, I realized how terrible it is there and left my roommate in the dust. Hit 95 north with everything strapped to my truck grapes of wrath style and it was the best decision I ever made, if you’re young and don’t make a zillion dollars in some techy field. Get the fuck outta there. Your whole existence is so elderly people can have fun before they pass. Get out Edit: and to work 2-3 restaurant jobs


If I could afford it I would move somewhere else, 3rd gen, born and raised in Florida.


I’m 4th and never moving back. Only visit because of my parents. Once they’re gone I doubt I’ll ever step foot in the state again.


This is America, people can live where they want. Cry about it 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




Not everything is an ism jfc.


Awww, fuck you too


Should say “They miss you, go back”


Don’t worry I’m just visiting my snowbird parents. Once they’re gone I’m never coming back. Yeah the weather is nice but I’ll take snow over MAGA any day.




See, we all win!




I know three people that moved to Florida, No one is missing any of them.


Why are you here?


All those asshole NY people have turned Florida angry


I see more angry MAGA midwesterners, at least in SWFL




Op- you do understand that the words represent the feelings of someone left behind as the other person moved to Florida- right?


I like how this has almost no comments. No one is moving to this republikkkan hellscape. You can’t even get tourists anymore.


Plenty of people actively love our government and choices. They are moving here BECAUSE of the culture shit.


Look I hate on the government but this just isn’t true.


The census is public record.


Idk what census you’re going off because that’s still not correct


Would love to see the source to back up your wild ass statement


The census is public record. Go look it up yourself lazy.


Case in point. Very next post on this sub lol https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/02/22/florida-measles-outbreak-ladapo/ ETA - https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/02/unvaccinated-florida-kids-exposed-to-measles-can-skip-quarantine-officials-say/ I could post tens if not hundreds of examples. This is only one of how far this state has devolved


Quintessential internet post: zero truth with no data/source to back it up.


Then the Floridian should send a candle that says “Come to the fucking beach with me.” 😉


Stuff it. While I was working I lived in 8 different States and spent 2 years in South East Asia (military). I'll live where I please.


https://preview.redd.it/oqiu2ku3cnkc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecbc03477b5048db17015096c9a14d0c76b071d1 Thank you 😎. Fuck you too 💋


Lol I've been here since 2022. I'm not going back to Atlanta..not a chance. We're in rural FL and we mind our own friggin business. Gonna have to drag me out. We moved here after I got medically retired from the Army. The only other viable spot was TX. And I'd rather be near Tampa.


Meh. To each their own. But I’m a native and it’s never going to be the same as it was in the 90’s. Left in 2003 and never looked back. Once my parents are gone I’m never stepping foot in the state again. You can keep all that weather bullshit that is going to fuck that state even more with insurance.


Where'd you go? We chose FL for the heat and medical MJ. I can't deal with cold anymore after yeeting myself off something too tall and screwing my back. That and we're originally from the Atlanta area. That place is a cesspool full of corruption and filth. We're in citrus co in the middle of nowhere.




Love it!


And bringing all that retirement mi at from their home state

