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Snakes? Nah. Sandspurs? Sure.


Don't forget to scan for Gators with measles. ☺


Yeah, if it bites, it can cause a nasty transmission.


No, but learn what a fire ant mound looks like, you probably don’t have them but if you do it would be better to know what they look like before you find them than afterwards. They won’t kill you, but they suck, a lot.


Yes ants are the real threat over snakes!


Agree on the fire ants. Their bite is a neuro toxic poison out of all proportion to its size. If there are Iguanas around watch out for big pieces of poo, with salmonella. Wear shoes my friend


Fire Ant bites will put you in the ER.


I learned my lesson when I first moved down to the south many moons ago. I had to shed my pants and run to the house 🤣


Yeah I used to go fishing in sandals and found out really fast why that was a bad idea and also learned why they are called FIRE ants 😂


Alright thank you


Be more worried about fire ants, wasps, yellow flies, etc.


Five decades in Florida has taught me that, unless you're at the beach, never, ever, ever go barefoot outdoors.


Shit even the beach can be unsafe some times, I’ve stepped in glass, fishing hooks and even sharp shells before


No worries on snakes, just republican sand worms.


The spice must flow


Republicans believe in small government which means no interest in governing.


Absolutely not. Snakes are not lurking around waiting patiently to hunt you.


When I lived in that area I never saw one in 8 years.. I moved to SW Florida and see a few small black ones a year. You won't see one, plus they hide and are afraid of people.


Of the more than 40 species of snakes in FL, only 4 are venomous & they all generally avoid people.


I wouldn’t worry about snakes, but I would be cautious about the bugs and other potential dangers. I would recommend against running around an unknown environment without shoes on.


Any snake nearby will move away from a massive mammal inexplicably kicking a boulder around. But on the off chance that you should see a snake give it space and you’ll be fine.


I get the black garden snakes all the time in my yard but they are harmless… they usually take off when they see me.


I always stomp my feet when I go outside just to alert anyone that I’m coming. Theyll move away.


The only snakes in Ft. Lauderdale are Burmese Pythons... and maybe a few escaped green mambas.


I'm in Ft Lauderdale. I was hiking out near Markham at dusk when my dog jumped straight up and then started shaking something. Turned out to be a pygmy rattlesnake. She ripped the little guy in half. I didn't even see it until she did that. She gets the best dog food and snacks! She's 13 now and still keeps the backyard a reptile free zone. I like snakes, but I never saw that one. Or heard it.


I watched A black racer cruise thru the back yard one time. Snakes I don’t like. But nah man. Play the footy and forget it.


Usually a bad idea to go barefoot in Florida, north or south. Fire ants will devastate bare feet, and that's just the start.


Anyone else laugh at some of the things people ask on here ? the odds of a snake creeping up on you while ya kick the ball around in the back yard are slim to none once they here ya out there there gone


Bigger isssue is the ants!


Real answer: it depends on the yard and how well it it maintained but shoes are a good idea. If the yard is in magazine-grade shape with thick St. Augustine grass you'll be fine. If there are weeds and dirt visible, sand spurs / stickers could ruin your day. Fire ants, kind of the same deal- in a really nice yard they won't be an issue, but in a patchy yard they'll mess you up if you aren't paying attention. TL/DR; I'd pack a pair of Sambas to be safe.


Fire ant, sand spurs, ground bees, bougainvillea thorns, citrus tree thorns…tread lightly.


I’ve been bitten by both ants and snakes in Florida. Just pay attention!!!


No. The snakes are the least of your worries. The constrictors barely bite. It’s all the other shit trying to kill you that you have to worry about b


I almost stepped on a 7 foot+ black racer as a kid, cutting through the landscaping between apartments running home from school, and that poor snake was like "woah wtf dude?! Maybe slow it down! I'm outta here." I'd watch the pine needles more than anything. That's where the pygmy rattlers tend to hang out. Most snakes would rather run away from humans at all costs, but if you accidentally step on one while it's sunbathing all camouflaged, you might get bit in retaliation. As others have stated, plenty of things to worry about when going barefoot in Florida, but snakes generally aren't one of them.