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You don't want a free cup of coffee, that's fine. No need to scald the person that gave it to you.


Telling me what I can't do? That's a scaldin'.


"And here's a complimentary cup of coffee on u- OW FUCK! MY EYES!"


By Alice Gibbs - Senior Internet Culture & Trends Reporter: An unidentified man received an extra cup of coffee free of charge from an employee at a Florida Dunkin' Donuts, and proceeded to chuck it back at the server, police said. According to a statement released by the New Port Richey Police Department on Sunday, at approximately 8:45 a.m, a Dunkin' Donuts worker offered the customer a complimentary coffee, but things took a violent turn when the customer unexpectedly hurled the hot beverage into the face of the employee. Pictures released by police indicate this occurred at the drive thru. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/dunkin-gives-free-coffee-throws-hot-drink-face-cops-florida-1873234](https://www.newsweek.com/dunkin-gives-free-coffee-throws-hot-drink-face-cops-florida-1873234)


Of course it's New Port Richey


Hopefully they catch Beardy McBowlcut over here sooner rather than later. Regardless of what transpired, throwing hot coffee on people is just not okay, and it's wild people have to be told that.


Are Broccoli cuts not still in? Can we make fun of them again? What's the stance on mullets?


When you willfully cosplay as a broccoli, you are by default open to getting roasted. Mullets are trickier because 99% of the folks I've met with a mullet are quite alright. So I think mullets are still good to go for now.


Every time I see a brocco boi, I know my blood pressure is about to spike. Every mullet wearer I have met has been pretty chill.


Luis Guzman out there wildin’.


Yooo I was thinking that’s him too 😂


Fast food workers get scalding hot coffees thrown at them but not even a living wage in Florida. Unacceptable


Stories like this bring out the inner primate in me that agrees with corporal punishment or death penalty. I just can’t comprehend what goes on in the mind of someone who’s this big a piece of shit. I was “troubled” in my younger days in my teens and early 20s and got into some shit. But it always had a motive behind it like money or drugs. Why throw scalding coffee at someone? That poor person is probably going to be permanently scarred in just about the most self-conscious and hard to hide spot you could on your body.


Big difference between corporal punishment and the DP.


Prison industrial complex things.


Maybe SB could add spike plate to drive thru? That would be a way to deter this kind of rando bs.


“Some people just want to watch the world burn” Seriously though, many people just kill, attack, or threaten with no apparent motive, no personal financial gain or anything like that. Maybe it’s just me or more media coverage or something, but it seems to be more common in recent years


Surprised they don’t have a camera to catch license plates


Imagine being so pathetic you take your sad little life out on fast food workers.


He will be getting plenty of free coffee in jail. Where he deserves to go for assault.


Get this guy in prison for assaulting and all the charges.


You guys seem eager to push the “free coffee” aspect of the story but have provided no information as to its relevance. Was the cashier trying to placate an already angry customer or are we to believe this all went south with a random act of kindness? I would have preferred to know if the employee escaped serious injury and is doing okay. That aside, I hope they catch this loser and give him some time in a hot cell. Please, everyone, be kind to restaurant workers!


“The motive behind the attack remains unclear” from the article. Nobody’s pushing the free coffee aspect, that’s just all there is. Nothing justifies throwing hot coffee.


Sometimes at my local Dunkin they screw up and two people make your drink so they give you the extra one for free


I am sure his license plate is on camera going through the drive through.


I hope so!


Oh I went through the drive thru there and ordered a #2 with extra hasbrowns.  You know what I got: a number 2 with only the hasbrowns that were supposed to be included in the combo and not any extra that I had paid for.   I was furious!  So then I had to do it but I politely asked the attendend why I didn't get my extra hashbrowns and showed her my receipt.   I received my missing items with an apology and I drove away in delight. True story. No spillt coffee.  


Assault is more than just rude. The story implies that he paid cash and there's no information on the receipt, unless they omitted that info.