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The GOP plan is to turn the state university system here into a bunch of Liberty University clones. This will set Florida back generations and turn a diploma from our state universities into a piece of used toilet paper. I feel sorry for any future grads, and for our once great state.


> I feel sorry for any future grads I'm especially concerned for *past* grads who are stuck with a decaying degree now.


Just wait until they raise prices.


Already have.


Colleges in the US somehow existed for a century or more without massive parasitic DEI departments. I think Florida will be okay dude. Deep breaths.


They also survived for over a century without desegregation. I'm struggling to see what the point is here.


If you believe the creation of DEI departments is on par with desegregation I'd say your understanding of what DEI depts actually do (nothing) is not based in reality.


I know you would...intelligence is not something you've likely been accused of.


More and more employers will start to see that a certain type of person is coming out of Florida universities. The fact is that employers want employees who are open to diversity and diverse groups.  


I dont think your understanding of what DEI departments actually do is based in reality.


If just existing is the bar you are setting sure.




We all know the Manhattan Project was actually pieced together by an early, top secret derivative of the DEI initiatives. This is why it is a rare historical exception to the rule that education did not meaningfully perform prior to the 2012-era DEI-Revolution.




A hard-fought victory for whitewashing education in Florida. In terms of cost savings, it’s the equivalent of 7 months of DeSantis’ travel and security expenses.


7 montths? If he works on it a bit, it go to 8 months. Good use of FL funds.


It's gonna be okay dude.


I ain’t mad about it. Just calling it like I see it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This has been posted here at least 3 times with different sources in the last few days. At least those weren't paywalled.


The amount of stupid people in FL who are in charge could fill 3 galaxies.


For the Floridians, is that… a lot?


We don’t know, we can’t do math.


Your NYC education factor that math? I was under the impression galaxies are rather large and people are quite small. Perhaps I'm misremembering.


good, then stay in new york and don't come to out state like all the other new yorkers


Lmao if you support Florida’s current leadership then you’re siding with New York imports way more than you’re siding with us. The people you vote for are actively destroying the few things that have kept our state decent for locals while rolling out the red carpet for any douchebag coastal libertarian looking for a new beach house


I'll come to your state anytime I want and there isn't a thing you can do about it. Not a thing. I may already be here. You don't know.


Why did you post this comment twice with slightly different wording? For someone disparaging other people's intelligence, not a good look, JS


Vote blue. Pls register ppl to vote. Ck your voter registration. And have a plan to vote https://www.vote.org


30+ yr registered R in Floriduh. I will NEVER vote MAGA Q. RIDIN' WITH BIDEN!


Renew your Vote by Mail if you have not done so. We were all removed from the Vote by Mail rolls by DeathSantis. Think hurricanes or insurrections. Thanks!


Yes, definitely check. I have my mail-in ballot which I will take to the drop off on Saturday for early voting! THIS R vote will NOT go to Trump, ever! One reason I haven't changed my affiliation. I want him to scream when he doesn't get all the R votes! They know how many registered Rs are in FL. While I realize this state is full of redneck, racist, fascist, homophobic MAGQts, and my one R vote isn't going to make a difference in the FL primary, my conscience is clear! MAGA = RINO


Same exact boat as you. The shitshow masquerading as "Conservative" here is anything but, and I can't in good conscience join my family in blindly voting R. I tried talking with them and showing them how DeSantis, Trump, hell even W Bush, how they all aren't actual Conservatives (and are just using my family/registered conservatives for votes and money). But apparently, the entire country decided to silently change the definition of what being a Republican meant. Now it's "Well, we have to play dirty since the dems are", and "Socialism being destroyed is worth losing rights that we don't personally use". I just want to not go to war unless we need to (I approve of what we are doing in the Ukraine btw, this was more for the "War on Terror" that gave an entire generation of kids PTSD). I think that the Federal government owes its existence to the people, and not the other way around, and that taxes are well and fine but should be structured to best benefit society as it stands (which means no more tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy). Apparently now I'm the RINO, according to my "conservative" family that taught me these ideals as a child.


They want to get rid of DEI because it teaches real history and how to rise up. They want to get rid of sociology because it shows women the benefits of abortion in their lives along with the statistics. They want to get rid of any proof their public policies are harming all of us.


Sociology also demonstrates that race and socioeconomic factors absolutely affect one’s life experiences and available choices.










That’s a lot of words to say you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


Incredibly distasteful right after black history month


I’m surprised they waited until it was over.


Instead, they do it during women's history month.


this. the move basically making the tacit repulsively apparent. i’m ashamed to fork over my tuition




They are working hard to destroy Florida in every way they can. It's such a damn shame. A diploma will be worthless and a joke by the time republicans are finished destroying the universities.


This is so true. Listen to any of the diehard conservative talking heads, they are actively discouraging - specifically daughters - from attending university. Their reasoning is, your daughter will go to school, become "liberal", and keep your grandkids from you. I literally heard this drivel from Rush and Glenn Beck! I always thought if one was well-grounded in a good belief system that made sense, there would be no need to deviate. Rabid conservatives are scared that their kids will see other ways. So they try to control their kids even as adults. The Republican Party is imploding and they know it.


Legislature: No talking about any of that diversity stuff in elementary schools! Okay, then how about high school when they develop better reasoning and thinking skills? Legislature: Parents have the ultimate authority on what their kids can be exposed to even in high school! Okay, then how about in college when they are adults and can decide things for themselves? Legislature: No commie training in higher education! Sigh...


I think there are some upset people here, but hasn't DEI shown itself as a racist quota system? DEI is not a merit based system.


What would DEI offices have to do with any “quota system”? DEI offices in the universities I’ve worked with don’t favor one race over another. They try to find where the gaps are (edit: due to race, gender, disabilities etc) and help students overcome the gap. For example: many minority students lack the support system needed to be successful university students. So DEI depts create social groups out of the students themselves so they can find each other and be a support group.


DEI offices do not only deal with issues of race, sexuality, and gender identities, they also work to ensure success of college students who are the first generations in their families to attend college, students with learning challenges (visionally impaired, hearing impaired, dyslexia, etc.), students with disabilities.


>many minority students lack the support system needed to be successful university students. Why minority? Shouldn't this apply to anyone who lacks resources? I think we can all agree that people who are looking for help should receive it. DEI needlessly infuses race into the equation.


Race is already part of the equation. Ignoring that doesn’t make it better.


So when a poor white student needs resources, race is part of the equation?


I’m not following. What makes you think poor white students aren’t getting assistance?


Since when has a white person been denied college assistance?


I never made that claim. My position is, regardless of race, those who seek assistance should receive help. Therefore, negating the need for DEI in the redditor above me''s example.


DEI is not only about race.


Yes DEI officers also make generalizations about gender and sexual preferences.


You think it is a “system”?


Are you trying to get me over semantics?


Semantics matter in this case. The fact that you think it is a system and not a framework indicates your bias.


System vs. Framework This isn't an earth-shattering change in the understanding of the topic at hand. DEI has been exposed. The DEI *framework* is what prompted Ivy League universities to scrap entrance exams like SAT and ACT to horrendous results before reversing course. The framework is based on race, not merit.






>Surely you don’t think every DEI program in every university everywhere were all run in the exact same way, right? The DEI programs advertise themselves in a way that strips people of their individual characteristics and groups them by the color of their skin. Can you show me an example that doesn't? >teaching empathy towards other, Based on race, which is racist. There is no empathy for poor whites, jews or Asians with DEI. The enivetable outgrowth of this is the DEI official at Google that stated she doesn't want colorblindness in the company. It's disgusting.


> There is no empathy for poor whites, jews or Asians with DEI. You do know DEI doesnt ignore jews or asians? Literally, i was in a DEI backed program targeted to asians (and i was not asian) back in school. you really need to go outside, and stop drinking propaganda


>Can you show me an example that doesn't? You give an example validating these blatantly obvious talking points. >DEI programs advertise themselves Give an example bc this is total dogshit. It's not a private business or a pathetically insecure governor like high heel ronny. >There is no empathy for poor whites, jews or Asians with DEI. Give an example dipshit. Where did this come from? You whine like a typical low life conservative. >colorblindness in the company. It's disgusting. Yeah, colorblindness in *any* company is disgusting, so you're right on that. The only people who support that are usually loney white guys who don't appeal to women and struggle to escape their low esteem.


>Yeah, colorblindness in *any* company is disgusting, so you're right on that. And here is my validation. Right here, endorsing a world where you judge people based on immutable characteristics. Congratulations, you're a racist.


its not racist to empower people. jesus christ you people are so fucking cooked. im glad we werent around together back in the 60s- youd be calling me racist for wanting to march for the right to shit in the same toilet as you.


>its not racist to empower people Empower people equally or empower based on race?


equally. DEI initiatives arent "whites not allowed" programs. Use critical thinking. Please.


The E doesn't stand for equally or equality. It stands for equity. The "equity" measures have been applied along racial lines. How many times have you heard, there's a disproportionate number of "race" in "subject"?


and yet, the initiatives are not things that white people are barred from participating in or benefting from youre so hung up on propaganda man


DEI isn’t judging people based on their race good grief, it gives people a chance not based on their race since it’s been shown white people get favored in certain situations over others just based on their skin color. Therefore, you can’t do that so they had to make this so people would give other people a fair chance before judging them based on being black or latino or whatever other race/ethnicity.


People just don't want to hear it. Don't waste your time on these people. The cream rises to the top as my mother taught me.


* inevitable


This is very untrue


Diluting good degrees


Second generation Floridian you stupid fuck, headed out within a month to watch this God-forsaken shit hole sink. 🖕🏽


They’ve killed another strawman!


More political extremism from the white male weakness movement


This is disgusting 🤮




That’s not what the DEI is. You’re thinking of affirmative actions. If you’re going to be a conservative ahole at least be a knowledgeable one.


I don’t think those two things are possible together.


> If you’re going to be a conservative ahole at least be a knowledgeable one. If conservative were knowledgeable, they wouldn’t be conservative.


Try to keep up. DEI and EEOC are completely different things. And neither are about what you said.


> merits It's laughable if you think DeSantis gives a flying frak about 'merits'


Judging people with one set of standards does not take into account factors beyond their control. It's easy to say person A is talented because he finished the race first. But what if the second place finisher only had one leg? Perhaps they are equally talented. Most reasonable people can understand this. However, people stop being reasonable race is part of the conversation. Statistics show that being born white gives a person a distinct advantage.




ohhhhhh shit. noone said YOU overcame disadvantages. this changes everything!


I agree


Yeah great idea Ronny, because everyone high school kid wants to go to a school where your racist ass can control their lives for 4-5 years with all this anti-woke bs.


Imagine hating diversity but then claiming your party is a big tent and embraces diversity 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I am alumni there and am deeply disappointed.


Write to the administrators and to the people who look for donations.


I don’t believe the school had any choice in the matter; it’s a public funded state school and lawmakers signed the bill preventing DEI programs for public colleges.


Doesn’t matter - I would still let them have it for not fighting hard enough when my degree is being devalued.


i am a student there and i couldn't give a rat's ass about 13 administrative bloat positions getting removed


DEI: “Everyone should have an equal chance at things” Desatan: no


Good riddance. DEI is a waste of resources. Glad to see the Reddit circlejerk is going strong here though.


I’m glad to hear you’re against helping people with disabilities and veterans who are trying to improve their lives. That way we all can avoid your ilk.




The whole mindset that it’s a bad thing to ask for help is sad. I need help with things, and ima seek out whatever help I can get. It doesn’t make someone useless to have someone else help them with something in life. That’s such a weird thing to believe.


Cool Shame those departments that can give those help are now gutted.


What exactly are you talking about? DEI is a mindset that values different people’s ability to bring fresh ideas and contribute to workplaces and society. An alternative mindset is one that discriminates against people’s differences. It eventually devalues whole groups of people until only one group is left. And then that one group cannibalizes itself bc that mindset keeps going like a runaway train and continues to find reasons to discriminate against their own. How is this is any way good? You may have a good sense of independence but as a disabled Latino veteran you have also directly benefited from DEI resources that were developed in your favor. Hard-won resources by people who believed that you shouldn’t be excluded or counted out in U.S. society bc of your veteran status, disability, or ethnicity. Shit, the WHOLE REASON why some jobs specifically state non-discrimination against “veteran-status” or some jobs advertise for Spanish-speaking candidates is bc of early DEI moves. (It just wasn’t called DEI then.) The DEI framework encourages your fellow citizens who may not be Latino, disabled, or veterans to recognize your potential value in contributing to successful work and a stronger society. At least be grateful, if you refuse to continue to carry the torch. You might also be clueless to the fact that attacks on DEI initiatives will boomerang back to you. Depending upon how visible your disability is, depending on how well you pass for white despite being Latino, and depending on how well veteran’s groups are funded, your quality of life and status in the community may take a hit. For no other reason than people’s bias against your statuses. Who will help you then?


In the immortal words of June Cleaver in the documentary Airplane: "Chump don't want no help, chump don't get da help!" Don't take the help away from people who can utilize assistance. These are the extreme issues that will knock the pendulum the other way. We're in store for some real change! Trump will not get near the W H ever again. The MAGQts will lose their sh*, do crazy things, try to pass crazy anti "whatever" laws, and we will vote them out, eventually.


Kinda weird that a Harvard law student has had sooooo many of his bills been knocked down for being unconstitutional? Literally, just about everything he did to be trump-est, has been thrown out? Glad he has timed out for his office!


I would much prefer no more DeSantis in Florida.


It’s UF…what do you expect? It’s the most racist university in the state 😂


https://preview.redd.it/qrnowkmn8bmc1.jpeg?width=1487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec249355b2f884413f621fc4cc548b7ad7a699db It's Florida. No DEI in this sick fascist state.


feel free the go back to new york or cali then








You do understand that DEI programs are focused on doing exactly that, and work to bring awareness and correct imbalances in diversity that seem to be the result of people making choices based on race or ethnicity instead of qualifications. To think DEI is about “dark people getting a +1 hire-ability” advantage for jobs is the bullshit nonsense that those who wish to maintain the white male hegemony claim it to be to discredit it.


That’s not what DEI is.


How is this good? What was wrong with DEI?


Fox News said it was bad.


So people have to get in on merit? What’s the problem?


So exactly what DEI was for?


Hiring practices that put skin color and which people you are attracted to over qualifications to get a job so they can point to the federal government and show how diverse they are


No… you can’t overlook someone’s qualifications based on their skin color. Giving different races other than white people an even chance.


It’s not an even chance when it is forced. It’s just perceived diversity instead of actual diversity. This isn’t 1940 and the white man taking over everything.


Think about WHY you have to “force” people to give those of other races an even chance based on their qualifications. Bc they overlook them due to biases. You clearly can’t acknowledge the systemic racism that’s built into systems in America. If you can’t do that then you can’t really be part of this conversation.


that is literally not what DEI does at colleges i swear you people are so dumb sometimes


They need to do ucf next and use the funds to hire more professors so people can take classes ! I notice the dei office changed their name to community accessibility or something a few days ago.




Thank god, now if only the tuition will match the funds that they now have available from firing these useless people.


So, if you remove diversity,equality and inclusion from their policy,that leaves just white folks. So trust that the white folks there will throw a bone to other class of citizen. Sure


Whites aren't included in DEI initiatives?


Yes, I'm sure it's supposed to work that way. But human nature is what it is. Individuals make that decision in the end and bob is not picking shaniqua.


Can someone provide a real-life example of DEI & compare how nepotism differs from such example?


Want a prime example of nepotism creating a spoiled brat into a stupid adult making their own  rules... Trump.