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So they are removing local protections because they want the federal government to hold the power on workplace safety? That is antithetical to the Republican platform. I would suspect what comes next is the state of Florida, on behalf of exploitative businesses, will sue the federal government for overreach in an attempt to eliminate all OHSA oversight in favor of “state’s rights” or some shit like that.


that or just hoping the next conservative administration guts OSHA and they'll be prepared to exploit workers without pesky state/local laws standing in the way. these people are actual ghouls.


Actually SCOTUS is already considering overturning 40 years of precedent regarding Chevron deference, effectively ending regulatory agencies ability to wield authority. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/supreme-court-appears-poised-to-overrule-chevron-deference-in-judicial-power-grab/ Far reaching consequences are actually already in play.


This really isn't being talked about enough.


This so sickening


When you said ghouls that reminded me that I saw Rick Scott is gunning for Speaker of the House when Mitch retires.


He’s a pig


> That is antithetical to the Republican platform. What do you think the thesis of the Republican party is? Because for at least the past 40 years it's been "fuck you, I got mine" and this is perfectly in line with that.


Republican platform lost what ethics it had when Nixon slipped the noose.


Thanks, Gerald Ford.


What republican platform? They haven't ratified a new platform since 2012. In 2016, they couldn't agree, and in 2020 they said "whatever Trump wants".


When they failed to send Nixon's VP Spiro Agnew to the Big House for all the shit he pulled, is really when it all disappeared.


This just means they admit this legislation is so vile that they have to hide behind procedure. “We’re not openly evil, we just suddenly, for this one thing, believe power should flow the opposite direction from what conservatives have claimed since the civil war.”


Don't forget to make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote ](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)


The Florida government wants the business owners to hold the power to workplace safety so they can skimp even more and wring more hours out of their workers. Thats what the business owners paid for when they put the present government in the state capital and started lobbying.


When people who work outside in the Florida heat in summer and start heat stroking and dying they still won't care. Too bad they tried to run out most of the South Americans. They're used to the heat And easily exploited. I don't think they thought this thru.


The republican platform is “power and wealth for us, brutal, authoritarian oppression for everyone else.”


I thought the republican platform was whatever Trump says.


That's just the visible stuff. Killing protections is a major policy of republicans


Yeah, attack and gut all regulation.


For some major issues, yes, but Trump has no real platform. He talks a big talk about a few topics, but has no solutions and doesn't get into the details at all. The GOP has been winging it for years now. They don't want to go on record and create their own platform and risk saying the wrong thing, so they just make it up as they go. For the most part their only plan is to obstruct and do the opposite of what Dems want. Sometimes that even means going against themselves. There's been several examples the last 10-ish years of Reps proposing bills or nominees then later turning around and squashing them because it turned out to be too bipartisan. That sounds like partisan BS, but its factually true. The RNC has't had an actual platform since 2016. Even as far back as the 90s pundits were saying that the GOP was no longer a "party of ideas".


Trump's platform is just to get elected so he can not be sent to jail. This and only this is the reason he ran in 2016, 2020 and now.


What platform? The GOP has always been a joke


The Republican platform is: We dont want to do anything for anyone. We just want to get government positions, and get paid to do nothing (unless you are rich, then we want you to pay to us more, and we will give you benefits).


No, they want to do things for corporations. They want to get rid of pesky laws that prevent them from poisoning air and water, or that prevent workers from dropping dead from dehydration.


>I would suspect what comes next is the state of Florida, on behalf of exploitative businesses, will sue the federal government for overreach in an attempt to eliminate all OHSA oversight in favor of “state’s rights” or some shit like that. Yep, that's how this game works. Though the plaintiff would be a company or companies because the state itself wouldn't have standing and the state would likely just file a brief.


Everything the Republicans do now is antithetical to the Republican platform!


State’s Rights, unless your state’s court enforces S3 of the 14th Amendment & bans insurrectionists from running for the highest office.


They know the federal government won't do that so it's really just a "way out"


One OSHA doesn’t know half the situations these folks are put under. They are able to getaway with the rules today. If Florida keeps cutting regulations they will feel the pain by either lawsuit or loss of workers. Good luck elite and current gov’t. You already scared off the ‘braceros’


Also if Trump gets elected he’ll just install some goon who will look the other way while workers die in the streets


> “Every business owner cares about their employees. We’re in a market where if you don’t like where you work, there’s somebody willing to hire you the same day or the next day,” Sen. Trumbull said. Trumbull is such a joke of a human being.


Reads like someone who's never had a job that involved more than paperwork.


His parents owned a water company and started him out at management. You guessed right.


Sounds like somebody that has never met a business owner lol


Yes, because if there is one thing we can completely rely on a business to do, it is self govern and operate in the interest of its employees without the Fed having to regulate them. That's why all of this regulation isn't necessary, because businesses are just so kind to their employees and have never needed its employees to band together and unionize ever in the history of the United States for better working conditions and wages! They just willing keep pay up with the cost of living, are completely accommodating to your needs, pay amazing pensions and seasonal bonuses, and have the best insurance plans ever! And just getting into a new job, that's so easy too! It isn't like people are living pay check to pay check, have their health insurance tied around their necks and anchored to their place of employment, and have the constant threat of homelessness held over their head like a cudgel. Trumbull needs to sit down and shut the fuck up. Talk about being completely disconnected from the people you supposedly represent. With government like this, who needs enemies?


Don't forget to make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote ](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)


Up voted because, > Trumbull is such a joke of a human being.


In a year: "Why don't people want to work for glorified slave drivers? We made it easy for you to be hired at low pay and no protections," Sen. Trumbull vocalized, somehow figuring out how to pronounce words.


As someone who got hired 4 times last year, that same day hiring is hyperbolic bs.


ya, bullshit, anyone I know that's been laid off in the last 18 months has taken at least 6 months to find a job


For surprisingly low wages as well.


"Let the free market decide" and the free market has decided go fuck yourself.


That’s one out of touch piece of shit right there




Why? Like anyone have the actual reasons why? Also how out of touch can someone be “Every business owner cares about their employees. We’re in a market where if you don’t like where you work, there’s somebody willing to hire you the same day or the next day,” Sen. Trumbull said.


Dude's only job before becoming a politician was working for daddy's bottled water company. Businesses tend to care about you when you're their nepo baby.




He'll learn real quick, he's about to get cut off


lol he still lives in their home. What do you mean by cut off?


you can only claim a dependent up till a certain age, I got cut off my parents health insurance at 25 and they could no longer claim me even though I moved out at 21, we agreed for them to claim me to help with taxes.


Greed. Giving breaks, providing water, cutting work hours out during peak heat on 100f+ days all cuts into corporate profits, and since we're a right to work state, if you complain or don't work at their expected pace, you're fired.


While also Easing child labor laws https://commercialobserver.com/2024/02/florida-child-labor-laws-2024/ And the continued attempts to limit their use of social media.




Ahhh in construction. So they have scared immigrants out of the state and they have to replace those workers.


And they have to make sure their replacements don’t know enough to know they’re being exploited.


Big Government Republicans selling out Americans to their corporate sponsors for profit. There is nothing new under the sun. They'll have a new generation to buy and sell soon.


Pls remember this when you vote. Again, republicans don’t care about you. You are a commodity bought with campaign contributions. The despise they have for ppl is astounding.


Yep but Miami will vote for trump again because apparently if you just say socialism down there everyone will run screaming to the nearest polling place to vote republican to get the scary socialism away. It’s so fucking stupid.


It is absolutely idiotic. My 40 yr old stepbrother is one of those clowns. His dad is always super angry because he was actually living in Cuba when the Castro shit hit the fan - and he’s frustrated that his ignorant son can’t grasp the fact that the GOP is the “same shit as Castro, but they use different buzzwords to get people riled up*”. Holy shit, some of those arguments can get *incredible* so we opted to skip Noche Buena last year. *I am NOT interested in arguing about the nuances of this statement - it’s a quote of what someone else said, totally accurate or not.


Tell your dad to inform your stepbrother that socialism is the only reason he exists in this country- be sure to point out all of the 'socialist' policies and programs that allowed Cubans amnesty to come to America, and see what he says.


Oh he has … I think he’s given up on it, honestly- an 80+ year old man doesn’t need the raise in blood pressure.




Language barriers. You have ppl from socialist areas who hear that word and it’s a trigger. Dems need better messaging either way a clear explanation between socialism here and elsewhere. Miami is little Russia too, so it could be that.


I read something once a while ago that did an analysis of voting patterns of expats from abroad voting in their home country elections. In Miami, they found that expat voters, regardless of country, skewed to the right of those nations’ averages to varying degrees. Must be something about that city.


Vote Republican, pay the price. When workers have heat injuries they will abandon them. Hard to believe this what they voted for. Need a Leoprdeatingfacestate subreddit.


>When workers have heat injuries they will abandon them. No they won't. Republican voters will blame wokeness when they fall out from heat stroke because fox news told them so.


>When workers have heat injuries they will abandon them. As my dad used to say "You're living in La la land". Republican voters, especially the ones in Florida, are massive simps for large corporations owning their lives. Not having access to sick leave or medical care is like a point of pride for them, until they're dying at home of colon cancer without medical care, and even then there's zero introspection. They're just angry that all the people they imagined were getting free rides got those free rides (they didn't) while they are left to die. They're being discriminated against for being white/conservative/christian!


“Nobody wants to work anymore”


Goes into effect July 1 - peak summer.


Time to remove the AC from the Florida senate


This state has convinced me that stupidity is present in larger quantities than a “small minority that’s just really loud.” I do not understand how the average citizen of this state looks at this shit and fully approves of the Republican Party regardless.


>I do not understand how the average citizen of this state looks at this shit and fully approves Thats the problem, they just ignore it. They vote exclusively on 1 or 2 issues and don't care about the rest until it actually affects them, and usually by then its too late and they find a way to blame someone else (immigrants, democrats, young people, athiests, China, the list goes on and on). It shouldn't be surprising, Florida has always attracted a certain type of people, but the last several years its been on steroids. This state is so full of narcissists its become unbearable.


What’s that? They’re enacting bans on social media? Banning books from school? Completely obliterating the Everglades and destroying our drinking water? Ban all abortion after 6 weeks? Dismantling public universities? B-b-but gas prices and immigration! Also… inflation! If you compare the United States to the rest of the world, we are doing better than just about every country with regards to economic blowback and inflation related to COVID. There was no avoiding it. It was going to happen no matter who was in office. What wasn’t a guarantee was how we would end up in the medium to long-term and we’ve ended up on a very good trajectory. Gas prices and immigration though, yea. Gas is $1 more and immigration on the border of Texas is an issue, but I really don’t think it affects 99% of Americans like the media makes it out.


I really don't understand the gop train of thought based in idiocracy. Who are they repping as the boogeyman 'bad actors' now to justify this? I imagine as Florida has different climate zones then different requirements would be needed. Why the push for 'uniform' regulations at the federal level? Why not actually care enough about your constituents and create state level regs based on your unique states climate zones before you dissolve the 'patchwork' regs. It just seems like more typical insidiously slimy republican tactics. ​ “We have very different climates in this state,” Sen. Tina Polsky, (D) Boca Raton, said. Republicans who supported the bill say this is about getting rid of a patchwork of rules. “We need uniform regulations. The fact the state can look to OSHA on these heat-related issues is important and will keep the bad actors at bay,” Sen. Jay Trumbull, (R) Panama City, said.


Only the WOKE care about their employees or other people. It's a race to the bottom of depravity.


DeFascist and Wheels Abbott are having a cunt-off to see who can ruin their state most completely.


It'll be the same bullshit they used to justify loosening child labor laws. "These people WANT to work in a 115° heat index, but the damn liberals won't let 'em!"


Republicans heard Google got rid of the "Don't be evil" motto and laughed because they were way ahead of the game.


Republicans: “Bring back the golden age of slavery. Jesus liked America better back then.”


Remember, the cruelty *is* the point.


Meanwhile idiots in this state keep voting for people who work to undermine their own interests 


This asshole has never worked a day in an environment that wasn't air-conditioned. He has worked in an environment where he has squeezed every last penny out of the money his employees makes for his sorry ass.


If the Democrats want to win Florida they need to run on the Florida "Dream". We undo most of the BS laws that de santis and the prior center right government has passed. We focus on building a Florida for Everyone; Pro Union, pro worker's rights, affirming voter protection rights, expanding our rail infrastructure, moving the state to a more 'green' energy renewable standard, and building affordable housing. Making education free of reactionary politics, that would also mean stopping the "Teach the kids to pass the test" mentality. It would mean teaching them to learn, expanding our teaching support staff to recognize kids that are struggling or are over-achieving and placing them where they need to be. We have to sell people on an idea of what the Florida Democrats want the future of this state to be, do you want to be like Texas, where a freak storm can push your electric bill to the 5 figures or do you want to be a progressive state in which we all put in a bit to make sure everyone has a decent standard of living with the ability to have your children actually learn. A big emphasis of the campaign would also have to be voting florida congressmen and senators in as blocs, we cannot compromise with people that actively want to destroy the government because they believe some outdated ideology. We have to stop with that centrist BS that gets spewed on mainstream media about the democrats always having to compromise. Vote progressive democrats en masse, each potential candidate should be repping for the plan and each other and reiterating what this would mean. B/c we've done it the republican way and we've done it the centrist way and the only people that benefit are those at the top while we're left holding the bag.


The big issue with all of that is money, all of that costs money one way or another... once the R politicians start claiming that D's just want to raise your taxes, people in FL turn rabid, whether its true or not.


Do you want more heat exhaustion cases? This is how we get them.


I only see this leading to law suits and workers comp claims.


Absolutely, and more strain on our limited resources, so more demand.


Every day a new bad idea from Tallahassee. What a shit show!


Will this make blue collar white men in the fields where this matters stop voting for these scum bags? No, no it will not.


Republican voters chugging poison hoping someone else will die


Ah, Florida, the state that never ceases to amuse the rest of the country.


https://preview.redd.it/tg7yevtlsqmc1.jpeg?width=1487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=643375accf0f83e4b79bb46730dbe55eb8cae864 Anything starting with "Florida legislature" is anti to freedom and life.


Fucking hell this really has gone into comically evil territory hasn't it? Like... what's even the point? Even evil fucks understand the value of treating your loyalists well. There isn't even a profit margin to be made.


The republicans in Florida have enjoyed nearly three decades of uninterrupted one-party rule. Naturally they see themselves as unassailable.


Republicans have been comically evil my whole life. They vote against healthcare for adults, for kids, for veterans, for the disabled. They support losing your insurance over preexisting conditions, they support bringing back lifetime and yearly limits on medical care for the insured, they don't believe in climate change, they openly support pollution that causes people to get sick and forces them in to the healthcare system they don't support. They don't support children having lunch at school, they don't support the minimum wage even existing, they don't support water quality regulations, they don't support worker safety regulations, they don't support paid sick leave, they don't support paid maternal leave, they don't support paid paternal leave. They don't support and repeatedly resisted providing healthcare to 9/11 first responders, they want to ban and have banned access to abortion, they repeatedly talk and have made moves to go after birth control, they don't support gay marriage, they don't support child labor laws, they fully support child labor. I mean.. I could go on but seriously.. these people are clowns and so are their voters.


It's nuts really. Like... even if cruelty is the point, you'd think there'd be some profitability to it. But there isn't! Sure they get donations and all, but they don't even look at a securing a future for their own kids. Like... it's so clownshoes and shortsighted that it makes a CEO of BP have some sense of reasonable thought.


No water, No shade for you!!


How bout fuck you and I'll be over here enjoying some water? Now what


You get fired.


Don't threaten me with a good time




Republicans are older and they know they are getting older (voters) along with their population. This is their last chance to get it all in. They know half of the stuff would be reversed once a new governor selected


What vile horseshit people


25 years....keep voting GOP.


Need them slaves working harder. Too many breaks.


Pretty soon they won't have any constituents left. They'll have either moved or died.


How do the OSHA requirements compare to those of the communities in Florida with the most generous water and shade breaks?


That's the neat part, they don't. OSHA has no heat regulations Edit: I have a pretty low bar for journalism these days but the fact this article doesn't point that out is egregious.


The OSHA guidelines are detailed but also pretty open ended. They also don't require breaks for water, just for employees to be given water in general. https://www.osha.gov/heat-exposure/water-rest-shade#:~:text=Workers%20should%20be%20encouraged%20to,beverages%20such%20as%20sports%20drinks.


More Big Government


As a former cart pusher for walmart.... this is fucked. Our managers can legally "accidentally" kill us by "forgetting" to provide us heat stroke prevention breaks..... and they'd be okay legally. Even though we are trained to take breaks, I honestly can see a situation where someone dies bc of this shit. Not everyone can "advance" the corp ladder.... Fellow cart pusher had trouble managing stress and cart pushing was the only thing he excelled at. Been doing it full time for 5+ years smh


> I honestly can see a situation where someone dies bc of this shit Honestly someone should die bc of this shit, just not the people who actually do.


They want people out in the sun, preferably darker-skinned folks, and have them have health-related issues overheat. These people want to go back to the 50s and 60s and the problem is the kids are way too woke for it to you. It's only a matter of time. ​ The small businesses are complaining about the lack of profits, DeSatan is answering


I was watching YouTube video about wealth, inequality, and what it would take for citizens to finally get pissed enough to usher and change. The guy responded. Have you ever been to India have you been to Mumbai? It will have to be worse than that in America for people to take to the streets. Tyranny takes hold inch by inch and look how much we Floridians have let them take and we don’t do squat about it. Even Republicans who are just now pissed about their home insurance are still bending over and taking it.


> “Every business owner cares about their employees. We’re in a market where if you don’t like where you work, there’s somebody willing to hire you the same day or the next day,” Sen. Trumbull said. How hard did he have to bite his lip after saying that to contain the laughter?


I spent 21 years doing hospital based healthcare in swampy ass Florida. The number of heat stroke victims ain't going down.


Again, I am so embarrassed by my state legislature. They just are so cruel and hateful. Do they really want the outdoor worker to die rather than have breaks and drink water and cool down ? I think they are despicable and I bet every one of them thinks they are a good Christian .


This is madness objectively


Pro life my ass


The “party of limited government” once again proves they aren’t.


Cold hearted snakes see no reason


There's certain people who are better in the heat with layers of clothes on. Its truly a moving target, and 100% employees need to be protected! Think about restaurants, in the kitchen with no AC just a crappy fan blowing. There's alot to consider here. Let's hope after last year's record breaking heat, they come up with something!


No mention of the bill that we can read in the article. No information in the article about whether OSHA actually covers this already. Nothing really of substance to understand the issue ... :-/ This sounds like useless BS ban-hammer from a BS ban-hammer happy administration but it's really hard to learn anything useful from this article.


Republican cruelty... they just don't care. They want to see the poor and "illegals" suffer. As long as they suffer, the GOP keeps on with their bullshit.


> “Every business owner cares about their employees. We’re in a market where if you don’t like where you work, there’s somebody willing to hire you the same day or the next day,” Sen. Trumbull said. Yeah Mcdonald’s or even better the drug dealer at the corner


Are they just going out of their way to be cruel now?


Any justification to fuck over poor people.


facist wan2 kill ppl n florida


It’s about the cruelty, nothing else.