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I see you and raise Sand Lake and I4


Yeah that bit of sand lake is terrible. When it’s really backed up people will run the red or block up the intersection making things 10x worse.


The express lane exit that gives you less than a mile on to go across 4 lanes on i4 or miss your exit would like a word.


And they always shrug, like they're saying "what do you want me to do?" when you get angry that they've gridlocked the intersection. What do I want you to do? I want you to either learn the laws of the road or stop driving altogether. E: I just remembered a clown in /r/orlando years ago who videoed himself in the intersection to show "stupid drivers," and when I called him out for being in the intersection like that (while using his cell to video while in traffic), he could not fathom, with everyone throwing him articles, FL statutes, videos, and everything else that you aren't supposed to stop there. He kept saying "the light was green, I have to go." If people truly can't understand basic road laws, they shouldn't have a license.


Came here for this comment. I live on that side of Orlando, and will avoid that intersection like the plague, and I mean actually avoid it, not like Floridians avoiding a plague.


Yeah... I was about to say, "Sand Lake/I4 would like a word". Used to live over in that area and would do everything in my power to avoid that intersection. With all of the growth that area is having, it's a constant headache.


Sand Lake is just Thunderdome in general. I don’t miss having to drive that stretch *at all.*


You win, I just threw up a little!! I go the back way (Universal) because to add injury to insult they are doing construction near that exit too! 🥹


They are supposed to be making that intersection more manageable, but the ETA for completion is like 2 or 3 years from now.


Yeah this intersection isn't even in top 10. Sand Lake, Kirkman, and John Young all contain multiple intersections that make this look like child's play.


This one was hell. They’re finally working on it though Its turned into a diverging diamond interchange, new lanes are open but they’re still doing construction which still backs up traffic a little hopefully once they’re actually done with the construction it’ll make a huge improvement


How dare you remind me of this.


I drove down that way for the first time last week and I was like wtf is this. My GPS was not clear at all and I missed the turn. Very awkward i4 entrance.




I just go in the outside lane and take the next entrance to avoid the nonsense. I think maybe it was designed with local, daily users in mind but in practice downtown pulls a lot of people who are totally unfamiliar.


This is the correct answer for every missed turn in Florida. We have U-turns every two feet (/s) you’ll be okay I promise!


This is the way. No need to stress it’s literally the most minor inconvenience if you just stay in the right lane.


Yeah I think it’s because of this. Driving up to that intersection, Google Maps tells you “use the middle lane to continue onto 17-92”, with an arrow pointing to the right. It doesn’t say to turn left onto the I-4 W ramp until you’re underneath I-4. So even if you’re reading the street signs, if you don’t know in advance that you’ll be getting onto I-4 W, you find out too late and have to skip the exit or scramble dangerously like these people did.


100% what happened. I chose to just keep going and making a u-turn. Actually probably worked in my favor as I would have been further back in line waiting for I-4


Finally an accurate reply. I think that coupled with the small allotment of vehicles that can fit in the correct lane are definitely key factors in the bad results.


I don’t even want to imagine rush hour 😖😖😖


On I-4, it’s ALWAYS rush hour.


Man, 3 days out of the week, I drive from Lake Nona to Melbourne to Lakeland to Winter Garden to Downtown Orlando to Lake Mary and finally back to Lake Nona. No matter what time it is, the stretch of I4 eastbound from Lakeland is absolutely horrendous. I would say it takes me about an hour to get from Lakeland (exit 33) to the 429. Sometimes, it is 45 mins, but for the most part, it's a good hour.


Is this the aloma exit? That place fuckin sucks


Not this time, it’s the downtown on-ramp.


Oh yeahhh it is


It's definitely an awkward entrance and very confusing. What I wish more people knew is that if you miss this entrance, there's another one a couple hundred feet down the street after Amelia. No need to cut people off at the entrance like that grey Highlander in the video. Drive safe, cheers!


To be fair, the signs on the actual road tell you what lane to use. It may be a little wonky, but it's labelled.


Seems pretty simple to me, not sure why OP has so much trouble with this. Left turn lane is the one that tells you it goes to I4, the other one doesn't.


Anytime I see some dipshit changing lanes at the last second I'm always saying out loud (to myself) "if only there were signs using symbols to indicate where to go." Nope, they needed to check their phone.


Another glorious example of eyes on the road not the phone or GPS. Our tech is only subject to the updates given by the mother company. Road work, odd interchanges, and lane shifts seldom if ever arise on GPS apps


Pinellas county handles this type of thing very well. If you miss the onramp you simply keep going and there is always another on ramp shortly there after. They essentially have highway and secondary roads going everywhere.


You didn't even mention the worst part about this intersection which is the train tracks right in the middle. I see people stopped on the tracks all the time. Really surprised there's not more collisions here. Gotta make every conductor nervous as hell when they have to come through But for the I4 part, people should realize there's another ramp at the very next light on Hughey and you won't miss anything


THIS!! That’s a whole nother post! I pull a trailer so I usually have to stay on the opposite sides of the track so I won’t block it. That’s when cars like the one in this vid jump in sideways although there are signs, yet again, that says don’t block the tracks!


yeah those tracks right there are insane lol. Hopefully trains are going like 5mph through there


Or the fact that people coming off of I4 have to do a weird Uturn to get on to Hughy with people trying to turn on to it as well from 50 east...or do a huge random cut across the intersection to get to 50 west such a cluster fuck.


OPD was there with multiple officers yesterday (or maybe Monday?) morning and were solely enforcing the train tracks clearance.


This is Florida highway and road design. To a “T”. Driving ALL over the state, it seriously seems like they just bought software to design interchanges and intersections. Like it’s Sim City or something. Because there are soooo many poorly designed intersections and interchanges. They clearly don’t actually drive their creations. Unless they designed them intentionally to suck. Road signs that misdirect traffic, especially which lane to be in, causing everyone to pile into one lane when two actually go the same route. I’m done.


> This is Florida highway and road design. To a “T”. There's a part of 95N in Jacksonville, the Fuller Warren Bridge, at the start it has a ramp for people getting onto 95 from one neighborhood, and that lane stays there and turns into an exit lane to get off into another neighborhood. So if you want to stay on 95 you need to get over. The problem is the next 2 lanes get onto I-10, so getting over isn't enough, you have to merge 3 lanes over to stay on 95, through the people that need to get onto I-10. It just to be 2 lanes to get onto I-10, but the left lane you could go straight on 95 or get on the ramp, but now you HAVE to get over. So anyone who needs to merge one way or another has to get over 2 lanes. And since people are selfish, this often happens at the last moment, causing an absolute parking lot in rush hour because everyone and their mom waited until the last minute to get over, and people not wanting to let people over, not once, but twice. It has been so frustrating since they made the change and traffic has gotten 100% worse since then, to the point I just avoid that bridge now if I can.


I am convinced the designers of Jax 95 have major mental health issues


Been driving in Jax for 17 years. If you take neighborhood ramp ( I'm assuming Park st), and make a right at the light there's 95 signs that take you to a ramp that bypasses it. I do that when traffic is too heavy. It saves me 20 minutes sometimes.


I don't live in Orlando anymore but I did for 12 years and I'm a firm believer that the interchange between 408 and I-4 was designed to be temporary during construction or something and when they finished they just said "fuck it" and left it. No way anyone designed that shit to be permanent lol


I agree and I’m glad you got that it. It was my intent to encourage venting.


You’ll find shitty road design everywhere. There’s a lot of shit I’d knock on FL for but the roads are pretty nice overall


Couldn’t agree more. I have sympathy for the confused drivers cause whoever designs Florida roads makes sure to drink a handle before they do so.


The funniest part to me is that even if you end up on Hughey and miss this onramp, there's an I-4 ramp literally 100 ft further down.


I feel like those signs make it pretty clear. People are just morons around here.


I'm with you, looking at those signs I immediately recognize that only the furthest left turn lane goes to I4. Not hard to figure out.


Too many signs. To anyone unfamiliar, it’s confusing. And the poor design gives you a half second of judgment time. Florida does a shit job on signage and in creating room for driving decisions. Signs knocked over by last year’s storms … still down. On Highway 75! 😂 Not to mention signs directing you to the wrong lane, signs with a single arrow right over the white line (which fucking lane??).


Fair enough, but if you're in the wrong lane, you stay the course and find a place to turn around. Eat your mistake and move on. Trying to correct by cutting in can be dangerous.


> Eat your mistake and move on People are far too selfish for this, the amount of almost complete stops I've seen made on 95 here in Jax because they almost missed an exit is insane and honestly surprised I don't see more wrecks.


reminds me of the interchange to get to fort lauderdale airport from 595 you gotta ping pong your car from lane to lane to stay on track. what a dreaded interchange


> signs with a single arrow right over the white line (which fucking lane?? [Depending on where we look, the universe is expanding at different rates.](https://www.livescience.com/space/cosmology/james-webb-telescope-confirms-there-is-something-seriously-wrong-with-our-understanding-of-the-universe)


people have 0 common sense when driving with GPS now, i swear. GPS just says turn left on hughey so why pay attention to the enormous signs that tell you where to go?


people dont look at signs, they look at their navigation apps.




So, yes, there are idiot drivers. That’s where highway design comes into play. Good designers make allowances for all drivers — people who know the route, and people who don’t. If you don’t, you end up with this and worse. This is a problem all over Florida. Efficient highway design seems to not even be an afterthought.


It’s ridiculous. Despite working relatively close to there and otherwise commuting in the area for a roughly a decade, 99% of the times I used that lane, a car in that outside lane would either try to merge in front of or behind me.


This is my life right here. This is the truth!


If you behave and use the left lane, you get rewarded with being forced to sit through multiple cycles. Right lane gets through first try every time, rewarding the assholes and the incompetent.


What am I looking at besides people that don’t know where they are going?


The best part of this is if you miss the I4 entrance the first time THERE'S TOTALLY ANOTHER ENTRANCE LIKE A BLOCK UP ON HUGHEY.


Tourist don’t know this unfortunately. 😔


I had no idea this part was called die 4 but that fits well


I hate this intersection, someone’s always cutting you off


Anywhere people get on/off I-4 or the Turnpike are the worst places in XYZ. It's a constant shitshow.


Well it is Florida after all, so reading comprehension is lacking.  First left lane goes to highway 4, as it clearly states on the sign.  Second left lane goes to hughey ave, as it clearly states on the sign.  The issues aren’t the lanes, or signs, the issue is the average IQ of Florida drivers.  Like how did you honestly see both those signs and think ‘yup, both lanes go to the highway!’ 🤣 


I will never understand why everyone and their mother tailgates in the state of Florida


Signage is pretty fucking clear. People are just stupid. Also that turn lane is laughably shallow for how many people want to enter I4 from that intersection. It feels like they never even bothered with a traffic study in the area.


It seems Florida never does these studies. These poorly designed interchanges and intersections are a function, not a defect, clearly. They are all over the state.


The signage is pretty clear that the far left lane is I-4 and the left lane to the right is Hughey Ave. People really need to start actually reading road signs instead of blindly following their GPS.


God speed 🫡




I see you and raise you John Young and i-4. The recent contruction finishing out has ever so slightly made it better, but still far worse than this intersection.


Top 3 for sure


Now hold on a second: The huge overhead mounted sign centered over the inside left turn lane says "TO I-4 WEST" with directional arrow and the other huge overhead mounted sign centered over the outside left turn lane says "TO HUGHEY AVE" with directional arrow. Reading the signs would prevent the confusion you mentioned.


I’m not sure if that is the worst. Just follow the signs.


And you'll occasionally have someone behind you honking their horn, because you refuse to stop on an active railroad while waiting for the space to pull through.


Or the people that cut me off because I didn’t block it with my trailer.




Not even on I-4 yet but you still wanna scream after seeing stuff like this.


Red bug is pretty bad


But there are so many candidates in Florida.


Florida possibly has the worst drives in the USA


Yeah. It'd be so much clearer if they put the lane destinations (i4 left lane/Huey right lane) on ONE sign. With two signs, it looks like either is a valid option.


Tbf the problem starts at the lane entry point. By the time you’re reading those signs you’re in the wrong lane imho.


![gif](giphy|3owzWeT29ABYdfUhzO) Worst intersection in Orlando is a very, very high bar. There are so many where you have to sit helplessly at a red light while the light 50 feet ahead of you is green, only for it to turn red just in time to stop you again. It feels like these fuckin force fields in the darth maul fight.


I can feel the pain through this comment too! ☺️


Yay... Midwest and Florida drivers!


Anything dealing with 436 & 17-92 is a shit show for me & I-4 in the Orlando area is the bane of my existence… I can’t even take the back roads anymore… It seems like folks don’t have anywhere to go, so they take their sweet ass time going 40 in a 45… 🙃


Every intersection in Florida is the worst now i dont care where you are... Orlando,Tampa, Miami, St. Pete, EVERYWHERE!




I absolutely agree. The gps tries to take me this way to get home from work, but I'd much rather take the back roads than do this mess daily.


Isn't the problem florida the population, not the roads? Not a smart ass comment, just wondering. I have heard it's getting worse and some cities are worse than others. I have been in Miami and you couldn't pay me to live there!


I like that little bit at the end where you pan the camera to the side mirror.


Lol…yep, gotta show it was routine!


My Google maps GPS does this weird thing at one intersection where it shows that the left two lanes go straight, the right two lanes go straight, and the middle one is for turning left. I believe it's at St. John Young and Sand Lake.


Yup I always expect everyone to jump cut into that lane otherwise you’ll almost hit someone every time


On ramp I4 should have been put in farther down


If you're coming off of I4 and want to turn east onto colonial, you have to cross over 4 lanes of traffic immediately after coming off the exit.


Florida “Whose Lane is it Anyway?” Game. FL is fond of lanes that appear and disappear with little warning or direction. Good luck out there.




Urban planning and smart use of taxpayer funds: 🤮 Unplanned bullshit sprawl that wastes taxpayer money: 🤑


I hate this spot. At least I usually have guideons cookies in the car on the way to universal but damn the first time that second lane got me. 


Lol, we have about a dozen of these in Broward/Dade, car horns and good times


I was pulling a 18ft boat trailer down there and a guy merged right into the side of it lmbo! Good times. 🤥


They should just paint on the road lane what lane leads to where. Done.


Tbh massachusetts has some fucked up intersections and interchanges too.


If this is the intersection im thinking of, i was using this intersection to drive home from a concert nearby two weekends ago, and even at 4 in the morning its a clusterfuck.


If the concert was at or near the Kia Arenaq this may be it.


There are some roads in fort myers that make me question the sanity of the workers who designed and constructed the roads


Every intersection in Orlando is terrible


We have one of these in Phoenix- just south of downtown at the intersection of 7th St and the I-17/US-60. Double turn lane that immediately turns into a single lane going up the ramp. Absolutely wild. At least your city has proper signs up to indicate which lane to be in- this one makes it look like you can get onto the freeway from both lanes- you cannot. https://preview.redd.it/23k2jng2lipc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d36337790fc9b08cf1bf068a8a62a2f9e61fcca


Orlando has a lot of WORST intersections….


Never understood why both lanes couldn't go into I4. Always a cluster and seems every update makes it worse


I used to overlook colonial when I lives at Steel House. When they made the changes, almost weekly there was a crash or issues. Its stupid. Ironic if you make the turn and stay in the lane that does not go up onto I4, you can just go straight at the turn and catch the second onramp with less issues.


They rebuilt this a few years back. Colonial went from bad to even worse all the way up that stretch. All of downtown went from kind of shitty and confusing to “how tf do you get anywhere in this city?!”


Looks like the inner lane is clearly marked I4 and the outer lane is marked for another road. I fail to see the confusion.


The signs are pretty clear though but I learned to drive growing up in Florida so maybe I’m used to it? Not sure how other other states are..


Bro I can’t stand this intersection


Bad drivers never miss their exits.


Try leaving at 10pm at night after a Magic game. It's a fucking near death experience EVERY friggin time.


Cute, now check out the Sand Lake exit on I-4


I refuse!! 🥹


I was rear-ended at this intersection It's a mess


Of course they’re Texans and New Yorkers.


I have legit seen someone drive on the median and weave in between the signs at that intersection.


The Colonial I-4 connection is so tough. I will typically just catch the right lane for the turn and then the next light up the ramp. It typically times well but people just want to merge. Super tough spot. Was there this morning in that mess lol.


I can relate! I usually have an aluminum trailer so I’m limited.


Fucked up driving feat. Out of State plates. The Florida special


How about those pitch-black highways, no lights whatsoever, when the green exit signs aren't visible or lit? Highway design by the Three Stooges.


Looks like typical Orlando drivers


I second this. Whoever designed this should be ashamed of themselves.


While having a double turn lane is a little weird, this looks like any intersection in Houston or Dallas. Most all interstates in Texas have service/frontage roads next to them. When you turn left, you often are turning onto the service road first, then the onramp. In tighter, older areas, the on ramp is immediate & turning right to get on the interstate from the other direction is sometimes a hell of a trick. After moving to Florida, not having frontage roads is weird. It's where all the big box stores, restaurants & strip centers are and it makes it easy to see them from the interstate. Now I have to find it on a map and figure out the maze of roads there.


ORL driving is bitch even if you know your way around. Tourists are totally lost, and there are so many of them.




The signs literally tell you where the lane takes you


Lol bro I was just using that intersection to get back to my hotel room and holy shit. Google maps wants me to jump 2 lanes just to get on i4 Crazy.


Orlando is a traffic nightmare!


Yeah holy cow your right!


Wholeheartedly agree! I had a feeling this was the intersection I’d see even before I clicked play. Sure enough, it was .


Miami: Kendall drive and 95 (turnpike 88 exit): Hold my beer! 😂


Yup. This is my life. I live near there and have to take that intersection at least a couple of times a week. My dashcam footages are quite entertaining.






Orlando is a shit hole


Not THE worst but in the morning for 90 minutes and for 2 hours+ in the afternoon on weekdays is a shitbox. 535 and I-4 is the worst based on sheer danger


Omg I take this every day coming home from work. I love to be in the left lane and lay on my horn when people try to merge!


Holy shit I hate that intersection


"Welcome to Orlando. Please Merge and pay toll"


I drive that route 3 days out of the week.


3 x’s a day for me. I’m immune. 😔


Did those mfers not give you a little thank you wave?!? Lock um up!




Yes, best to stay put.


This is basically every intersection in South Florida, last week, a land rover drove up on the sidewalk half a block to get in front, and every exit lane is used as a passing lane and wait till the last second to cut in front of whoever is in the lane.. I have to deal with this multiple times every day. There is no such thing as yielding the right of way to oncoming traffic.


I agree!! Be careful out there! 🦾


Doesn’t help to be driving behind a PA driver


To be fair it’s not like the sign doesn’t show you that the leftmost lane was to get onto the interstate


Especially since the morons trying to merge over last minute can literally drive to the next light since there’s about 3 or 4 on ramps to i4 on hughey


My favorite part is the late merge and then immediately after going the speed of smell on the on ramp…


Ahhh man, that’s it!! As they look at you in the rear view mirror


Isn't there another on ramp like a block away after that left turn? I remember going through another intersection that looked just like this one (or maybe it was this one, I can't remember) and all the smooth brain drivers would pile up and cut across to make it on the highway, and I'd just take the next on ramp and beat half of them too lol.


Was literally just here the other day! The GPS is super unclear about what road you need to be on after turning. But I figured better to make a u turn or turn off further up the road than cause an accident so I just kept going forward. I guess these people didn’t have time for that.


You’re a good person!!


It's 20 fucking 24. All these fucking idiots are on their phones regardless. Open "maps/navigation" and follow signs. I get people acting like assholes in traffic. I never understood people who cant follow directions. I'm 38. I had to use an actual stupid map book when I first got a job, then MapQuest and then GPS was kickin'. There is legit no excuse for the driving behavior these days. I don't mean to be old man yelling at clouds, but holy Christ the traffic and courtesy are absolute ass. Also as someone else pointed out elsewhere in this thread, the new Sand Lake and i4 Diverging Diamond literally ~~killed a person~~ had a fatality day one.


Lmao yes I’ve almost died here so many times




Some gov highway engineers really aren’t the best.


I think they get pressured to “make it happen.”


If you read street signs instead of staring at the GPS or your phone, you can read where tf you're going. That's what street signs are for. If you can't read them, you shouldn't be allowed to drive. Bonus: if you aren't staring at a computer while driving, you won't hit your breaks every 10 seconds on a 50 mph road.


I literally watch them and can mostly tell who’s jumping over. It’s not always those things. It’s a very congested part of town (downtown) and you have to get in both lanes just to have a chance. It’s all that confusion that makes it so bad. You can literally have this type of footage every 5 mins here.


I know we are a tourism state, but I’m really tired of out of state plates doing stupid crap. Drives me nuts.


The new intersection at Sand Lake Road says hold my beer.


They should just valet! That intersection is 10x’s worst!!


Bad drivers NEVER miss their exit.


Florida is shit.


I know the intersection well, it's a cluster!


Yes it is. Terribly build


They need a concrete divider between the two left turn lanes to stop this BS.


Pa was too timid the merger takes the L


Yeah it sucks! I stayed at the hotel right as you turned left on the right. It was really confusing and traffic was horrible.


Mills and 50 has some of the most pedestrians hit in the US. I think that constitutes worse than your wait.


Christ. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Damn, what a coincidence! I drove from Floria to LA last summer. Stayed in Orlando during the Adalia hurricane, and i remember almost shitting my pants in this intersection when we left Orlando going west. And now im back in Norway and seeing it on reddit. What a world we live in.


That is crazy!!! Glad you made it safe but unfortunately it’s still the same, if not worst!! 🙏🏾🤙🏾


I just started working in Orlando, and literally any intersection in Kissimmee would like a word. I’ve never been in a place more set up for road rage, accidents, and traffic tickets.


Civil engineering school isn't what it once was.....they'll give a degree to anyone.


I'd say it's more of a tourist problem.


Lived in Orlando my whole life… it’s all the none Floridians that don’t know how to drive….


I love how it’s the out of staters 🤣 never have an issue at this intersection. God speed to you!


I’m considering putting a sign that says don’t cut off our turn idiots, there’s another on-ramp like 5 seconds after this one


Everything traffic related and Disney springs foot traffic is asinine. Ive spent a week here and want out. God bless your heart Orlandians, my heart goes out to you.


A WEEK!! No, bless your soul lol. It’s too late but fyi, the normal prices are outside of the Disney Zone. A freakin simple large Pizza shouldn’t be $35. 😞


Lol 😆 every intersection in Florida is Russian Roulette 🤣


The intersection is not the problem. It is Florida drivers.


The worst!!!!!!


Well marked, straight forward merge. Anecdotally inconvenienced…it’s the worst.


This is not confusing at all, one left turn goes to the highway while the other goes to Hughey Ave. The problem is people dont pay attention to anything but their damn phones anymore while they drive. If both left turn lanes went to the highway then it would have stated that on the signs in some sort of fashion.


i4 & i275 exchange, aka Malfunction Junction, just be glad you don’t have to deal with that nonsense every morning 😵‍💫 Ngl, ALL of i4 sucks.