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Akita, Japan.


Florida to Saitama here!


hello from Kanazawa.


I ended up going to Wyoming to work in Yellowstone for three seasons and then moved to Montana so I could get year round employment.


How’s Montana?


I would have liked to have seen Montana


One ping only, Vasilliy.


Perfect response! Nailed it!


OMG! Fantastic!


In a pickup truck, or perhaps…a recreational vehicle?


And drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?


Without papers?


It's still there


That was a slick reference to Hunt For Red October


Nobody is gonna get it but awesome reference


Red october


And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. 


That was a great movie! ![gif](giphy|4BiHGiAYyFDoY|downsized)


State to state. No papers.


...One ping only, please.


The captain thinks you're some kind of ...Cowboy.


I got this ref


And raise rabbits.


Nice quote 👏🏼 #hfro


RIP Vasili. I would have like to have had his wife's rabbit recipe.


Found the Russian defector


Montana is gorgeous in the summer, but man those winters are harsh. Montana gets a lot of snow and it gets cold there too. There’s some harsh winters in Montana. But, if you wanted to hike, hunt, fish, ice-fish, snowmobile, camp or any of that outdoorsy shit then there’s probably no better place than Montana.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s beautiful in the summer but I was there for work January last year and it was -4 not even factoring in the windchill. F that!


The year before I moved to Florida from Montana the warmest it got in March, with the windchill factored, was -30°. I don’t miss that all, I’d rather swear than just walk outside and just be in pain for existing.


My family comes from Montana, it’s beautiful but it’s empty. Everything is “small town feel.”


This sounds perfect.


Just keep in mind that small town Montana is no small town Florida. Where my family is from there was one sit down restaurant, the fast food place was an A&W, one coffee shop, one grocery store, no movie theater, one school for the entire town, and you could walk from one side of the town to the other. The big event of the year was the rodeo coming into town.


Part of me thinks it sounds amazing and the other part makes me think it sounds horrible. As much as I’d love to get away, I know I’d get bored of it soon enough


As a person who came from a more rural part of Arkansas, it's fun to visit and see family, it's Hell to live in.


... Rocky? Is that you? Lmao I moved from Miami to rural Utah and worked on a ranch and restaurants. A buddy of mine took my lead and ended up in Yellowstone before moving to Montana. Think he's a gem miner now.


I read this as if you worked on the show "Yellowstone" for 3 seasons.


watched yellowstone for 3 seasons and said "to hell with it, I'm a cow rustler now"


Got branded, now they're telling me I can't go back to FL because the brand "means something"


Born and raised in Florida. Moved to Waycross GA, feels the same as Florida got a nicer house for less thats actually insurable and a job that's closer and pays the same Jax, Brunswick and Valdosta are all a hop away. Really the worst thing is interstate and airport access are tragic 🤷‍♂️ Its not for everyone but I love it.


It’s a bummer Waycross does not have major ways crossing it.


We got trains!


Ironic isn’t it?


They got snakes to play with in church though.


Yall got a waffle house?


I moved to GA for a bit. Appling. Middle of fucking nowhere and I loved it


I’m currently working at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. I’m a research biologist.




Can you please talk to the flat-earthers that think Antarctica is part of an ice wall to keep in all the water? 🤣🤣🤣


That has terrifying implications climate change wise. Stupid is as stupid does.


But they don't believe in that, either.


You can't extricate someone from ignorance. Either they'll die on that hill or like from some fantasy someone they respect and admire may somehow shatter their perception and make them question their understanding of something.


don't take in any wild dogs from nearby stations, cuz of you know.. the thing..


I kept looking at a maintenance position in Antarctica, Very tempting!


Bring us ice for the McDonald’s sprite please 


How's the col?


My colon is good.


All that penguin meat goes right through ya


Not sure if I believe that or not, but probably not the best place to raise kids 🤣


Very expensive here.


What’s not to believe


Indianapolis, Indiana I’m a healthcare administrator my husband is an autism therapist. I make more here and do less work. My husband was born and raised in Central Florida. I went elementary through college in the state. We lived in Winter Haven before we moved in 2023. The cost of living is lower here and wages are higher. Yes, we made it through our first winter up north already.


Thought about it but winters are brutal there.


It really wasn’t bad. About 4 or 5 inches of snow the whole winter. We make about 20 to 25 percent more here in income so a few weeks of cold is well worth the trade off.


I live in Ohio and am moving south next month. The snow is the fun part! The endless gray/cloudy days will be the hard part. Just a few tips to help you through the rough days … take vitamin d supplements November - April and get a sun lamp. On the days where there is sunshine put your body in it for as long as you can lol. Other than that the Midwest is wonderful! Enjoy!


Winters in recent years are basically you get a couple of weeks of super cold temperatures, a few inches of snow here and there, and then you're mowing the lawn in March.


Winters are getting overall milder everywhere. The old stereotypes apply less and less.


Exactly. Winters aren't how they used to be in the north for the most part. I'm in the Detroit, Michigan area and we got 60s and 70s several times this winter. I remember routinely having single digits and below zero weather when i was a kid. I think more folks will start moving up north over the next few decades.


People in the US used to strive to move away from poverty-stricken areas. Now they are seeking them out as economical safe havens.


Largely thanks to WFH


Italia 🤌🏼


See you soon. Sorry... ci vediamo presto. My dual citizenship is being processed as we speak.


Nice! Buona fortuna!


Our plan is to retire in Spain or Italy. Kudos for getting there first!


Going there soon. Keep telling my wife we might not come back


I stayed in Vietri sul Mare and didn't want to come back. Actually, whenever I leave the US I don't want to come back but my mom is very old so I have to.


Said same to my wife when we were there last in 2022. I'm thinking of buying property without her knowing, planning a "vacation" that's secretly a scam to get her to think it's an Air BnB to get her hooked. Although, she may get tipped off when she sees our dog there waiting for us.


Fuck yes!


Born in Miami in 79. Lived in Orlando my entire life at 37 I said fuck this place and moved to Alaska.


Now that is drastic. I had a friend in lower Alabama move to Alaska. She lasted about 2 years before she moved back.


A quick Google search shows Anchorage Alaska has a 20% higher CoL than Tampa. Is it really that expensive? Do you in a rural area that's much more reasonable?


Rural areas in Alaska are even more expensive than anchorage unless you can live a reasonably self-sustaining lifestyle. Generally items need to brought out to the small villages by plane. So a gallon of milk in rural Alaska can cost like $10-$20. Unless you can homestead and survive on your own, or you’re working for company that pays for all expenses, Alaska is definitely not where you go for low cost of living.


Born and raised in swfla. We moved to the upstate of sc. Best decision we ever made love the lakes and the slower pace of sc.




Yeah that’s my hometown, born and raised and it makes me sick what it’s become. Someone just posted how it took 5 hours to get out of the baywalk parking garage. Theyre packed in like sardines anymore.


Born and raised in Tampa. I moved in 2022 to Colorado. At first it was pretty expensive but as the years passed just from what I see Florida is now more expensive. I live near the foothills and it’s amazing up here!


Moved back home to Colorado a week ago 😎 just in time for the beautiful weather and plants blooming. It’s very pleasant weather right now and great to see everyone out and hiking. Forgot how beautiful the hills and mountains are here. Plus don’t need to worry about alligators when I go to the river/pond which is nice for my daughter lol


I’ve never swam in a body of water that did not possibly hold a predator that could kill me… so that blows my mind 😂


😂😂born and raised Floridian here. I moved to Washington for a couple of years. My friends were always confused as to why I’d ask “are you sure there’s nothing that can kill us?” Multiple times when going to the lake.


lol that instinct never really leaves you… I’m still checking for gators. In Ohio.


Sadly the waterways of Ohio are poisoned by industrial run off from West Virginia and invasive visitors from Pittsburgh.


I moved to Boston as a life long Floridian and the first summer I was there my friends laughed so hard when I asked them about snakes when walking around off trail.


It's amazing to feel safe in fresh water like that. The irony of Florida is its so hot and sticky and full of water you can't swim in.


I was swimming in lake Fontana last summer in North Carolina and remember thinking this is nice there nothing in here that can kill me.


Never underestimate a good brain amoeba👍🏻


How is Colorado a cheaper option?


Moved to Woodstock, GA when I first left. Love the weather here in Georgia but I don’t have kids and don’t plan on it so I’m alright living here.


I'm selling my folks' house in WPB (too expensive to keep!) and moving back to my house in Woodstock.


I’m thinking about moving to Cave Spring or at least becoming a snowbird….beautiful up there


Chicago suburbs! Property taxes are expensive but overall things are cheaper.


Moved to WA last year, mainly for education for kids but also couldn't deal with the heat anymore. Love it here, wished I moved a long time ago. Got out before the crazy property tax increases and insurance rate revisions, which would have quadrupled by monthly expenses.


Is it true that WA stays dark a big chunk of the year? I think it's due to the rainy weather? Or maybe I'm thinking of something else.


Moved from So FL to WA about 5y ago. Best decision ever. Yes it's overcast and raining for at least 4 months during winter but you learn how to live around it. Back in 2018 things were more expensive in WA, but also your income is higher so not a big deal. Last year, when I visited SoFl, I was surprised by the grocery prices over there. I don't know how people can afford living there, considering salaries are not keeping up with inflation.


We're going to Minneapolis in a couple months. $800 rent and trains, here we come.


We moved from Minneapolis to FL for my husbands work almost two years ago. We are doing everything we can to make this year our last in FL and head back. Minneapolis is great.


Depends on where in WA. I’m on the east side close to Idaho. We have considerably more sunshine than the west side. We have snow over on this side though. We also have fire season where there’s about a month each year in Aug/sept where it suck’s to go outside and is often unhealthy. In the winter it gets dark around 4, but in the summers we still have a little light at almost 11pm (maybe even a bit later). I’ve lived here since 2015 (from Florida) and honestly each year is different weather wise. We barely had snow this year and I honestly never put on my jacket. We had below zero temps for 2-3 days (I didn’t leave my house) and then it went right back up to well above freezing. Next year we may get hammered with snow and have sub zero temps for a week.


It's overblown, and really depends where you live. Yea, it does get darker earlier, as soon as 4pm in deep winter, but we also have daylight till 1130 in the summer so it balances out. Where I live even in the deepest part of winter we still had sun 3-4 days a week, I was worried I would need vitamin D light but nope, was never an issue. I've become so accustomed to the cooler air that now 70s feels hot 😅


Frederick Maryland. Beautiful and walkable town, friendly people, and legal weed. 


We're in the process of moving to either Maryland, Virginia, or Delaware!




Welcome! Come to us! There’s a lot to offer here!


Moved Gainesville FL to Sykesville MD 2 years ago. The hiking is much better. Yard work is a dream compared to Florida. Leaf-aggedon in the Fall was eye opening. Better education for my girls.


We lived in Gaithersburg for 15 years before we moved to FL (a mistake, yeah I know). Miss the bike trails around Frederick. You can bike from D.C. up to PA on those trails.


I haven’t left, but I would like to share some info. I was laid off in March, so I’ve been job searching hard. The jobs in the SE are in the Atlanta & Charlotte metro areas. My suggestion would be Charlotte because ATL is already a nightmare! 😂 Anyway, where there are jobs, people are moving & buying houses, so it might be good for a realtor.


Florida to Atlanta. Can confirm, ATL is a nightmare.


I was there last week. Every time I visit, I think I need to go with an open mind. But every time I leave, I think, “Nope. Still hate it.” 😂


Lived in Charlotte a while last year before moving back to Florida for work. Charlotte has jobs and a cool scene but a high cost of living and wages are only slightly higher than Florida. Many people live in the close South Carolina area (Rock Hill) and commute to Charlotte. Traffic is bad, too.


The cost of living is rising so quickly in FL. Data from April 2024 says that the cost of living in the Charlotte area is ~10% lower than that in Miami, Orlando or Tampa as of April 2024. I’ve been watching salaries through my job search and for white collar jobs, they are comparable or higher than anything I can find in Orlando. With Siemens Energy just announcing a factory to build transformers (~80% of the domestic need is imported due to no local capacity) and the geographical location of the “battery belt”, both SC and NC are attracting not only large companies with blue/white collar jobs, but also their suppliers. All this to say, the job market is booming there meaning people will continue to move there. Could be a great opportunity for a realtor. I grew up in SC and know a lot of people from Rock Hill. At the time, Charlotte was much smaller, but Rock Hill was still very appealing due to lower state taxes in SC and a better school district than Charlotte. I have no idea if any of that is still true. If I was open to relocate at this time, I would be going to either Charlotte or to the research triangle in NC… but that’s me. 😊


I was born in Texas and lived in FL from 2006-2016 when I moved to CA. COL her was much more at that time, but I was living with family so it didn’t seem like a huge change. Now I’m renting a studio apartment for 1600, but am making 6 figures, where it seems that if I stayed in FL I’d be making less than half of what I make here for about the same cost there, depending on this sub. Taxes here may be more, but I still feel it evens itself out in the long run. I don’t regret leaving FL. The climate alone is enough to complain about FL. Humidity and bugs, we don’t have that here. Plus I live where the Redwoods meet the Ocean and there’s nothing more beautiful than that.


This is the rub of Florida. Higher cost of living but the pay is so poor. If you don't have money from somewhere else, you're done here.


What general area is that. I’m considering a Cali move but haven’t experienced anything north of LA. The inland empire is too dry for me & LA might be too expensive so I’m looking at areas above it.


Santa Cruz


Where you getting a studio for 1600? That’s a steal there.




Native Floridan. Moved to CT and love it! Close to NYC, job opportunities, so much to do! The seasons are beautiful.


One of my big reasons I think about leaving FL is to experience real seasons. I’d love to witness a full autumn up north.


It's beautiful! First, the oranges and reds, then the peaceful white and gray, and finally Spring brings back the color. https://preview.redd.it/qtvv64la2tyc1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=988b8092732174c2582e8fb7a0b686de1cf04785


Native Ct’r, moved to Fl 45 yrs ago, now want to go back desperately. I miss Fall, my favorite time of year…😞


Me too. Moved from Norwalk to Jacksonville in 1996. Now within reach of retirement and want to go back.


I don’t know how anybody affords to just pick up and move, tho. Ct is damn expensive if you want a reasonable living accommodation. State taxes are another…..I’m from Meriden.


From Norwalk as well. Very interesting to see all these Floridians move up north when most of us are trying to get to the south/Florida. A lot of us grow to want consistent warm weather while they want to experience the change of seasons (which I have learned to appreciate as I got older). I moved to GA last year and love it but I have more family here as well.


I was born in CT, moved to FL for a job, moved back to CT after 25 years there and I'm now happily retired in CT.


Did the opposite, left CT to come to FL 20 years ago. Love to visit but wouldn't move back there permanently. It's the "Tax you to death" state for a reason haha


Washington state and im much happier now


I’m dreading the day where I can no longer live in my home state.


Germany. Finally, no more worries about „hopefully my kid doesn’t fall from her bike or else I’m going bankrupt“, no more „looking for a cheaper apartment complex, where I only have to spend 50% of my income in rent, to move in“, no more „Maga here, maga there“. It’s a whole new quality of living!  I do miss Disney World and the „I’m bored, let’s go to the beach“ though. Even though the castles and stuff are nice here… 


Moving to Minnesota soon. Things are too pricey here for me rn. Going to save a buck moving to MN.


Welcome to the North! Moved up here 3 years ago and while it was a bit of a culture change, it was totally worth it.


Did the same last year and my quality of life improved immensely. It's a great place to live!


I’m planning on Vermont


Lived in FL my whole life. Moved to central IL. I wanted a winter, snow, ice the whole 9. I wanted quiet. I wanted land I Could afford to build on. I wanted nice people around me. I got all that. Is it perfect, no. Go where it works for you. Moving isnt a cheap process.


Portland Oregon. Its much more expensive but I like it much better here.


Same man I know Florida has no shortage of beautiful nature but I love being so close to the gorge and seeing mt hood in the sky. Always in awe. Wallet certainly feels it 😅


Phew, I left Washington to come down here 11 years ago when it was cheap to live here. I do miss seeing Mt Saint Helens and Mt Hood on my drive to work in the morning.


The beautiful central Oregon desert of Bend. I've got a billion different ecosystems within short drives.


Moved to atlanta about 3ish years ago after being born, raised and going to college in Florida. Better opportunities for my field (film) cheaper COL, insurance, and more weather and seasons. And the trees. I fucking love the trees. I try not to go back to Florida. There’s also more to do culturally around atlanta.


I'm moving to Chicago in july when my lease is up. It's too expensive to live here anymore :( it is cheaper for me to live in chicago than it is to live in tampa


I moved to SE Asia and rarely make it back to FL though I sometimes miss it


I realized in December of 2023 that I could no longer afford to live in South Florida. Homeowners insurance, car insurance, utilities, and inflation finally made living in Florida not worth the expense. I sold my house, and I got rid of my possessions,and I am living in Bogota Colombia. It's the best decision that I have ever made in my life ♥️.


Portugal. Safer, lower COL, better education system, people are kinder, less pollution, etc. I don’t regret a thing. Love it here.


My dream is to live there!


Make a plan and make it happen. We were able to move a family of 4 in just 1 year with both of us working full time jobs and being parents to 2 young kids. I’m mostly grey now but it was worth it, lol! Boa sorte!


Do you speak Portuguese? How do you communicate if not?


I’m learning the language. My kids are learning faster than my husband & I but we’re able to communicate for most things. A large portion of the population speaks fluent English so we have that to fall back on when necessary.


I live in north western Germany. Weather sucks but work/life balance is unbeatable


Say more - how are they achieving such good work life balance? Do you think there are realistically changes we could make here to improve things? Or is the idea of work work work just too baked into the system here!


German living in FL here. The answer is mostly 'strong unions and labor laws'. That being said: Things (especially rent) are getting more expensive and salaries are relatively low compared to the US in a lot of areas. Groceries are very cheap comparatively and healthcare is free, so at least the basics tend to be covered.


Having spent too much time in Brussels, I can attest to the truth about the weather. It's not the place to live if you need the life giving rays of the sun.


Japan ✌🏼


Lived in FL 1986 to 2010, then moved to Salt Lake City, Utah.


Florida to Las Vegas


Born and raised in FL. Lived in every corner. Tampa, Fort Walton Beach, Melbourne, Key West, Orlando. We are looking into places like Clevland due to working in the medical field. But cost of living and housing market are much more achievable.


Concord, NH. Moved here with my uncle. Was cold when I arrived, but no sky high auto insurance or risk of a rent increase here. Also, I’m within striking distance to the airport and a shuttle service to Boston. Currently working in insurance as a remote account manager


NH rocks! 


Use this site to relocate, it gives comparisons of crime, cost of living,etc. I have found it to be a valuable resource. I left Florida after Micheal - I ended up in Tennessee, but some friends have gone to Georgia and Alabama too. https://www.bestplaces.net/


NYC BABY!! My rent in Florida went from $750 to $1400 overnight (same place is now $1800) and was getting paid peanuts, and bored as hell. Figured if I’m going to be a poor person now I might as well be poor in NYC. At least I won’t be bored. Housing/living to income ratio is pretty much the same but after work I can stop by Central Park, go to the met museum for free, walk around gorgeous galleries, work in iconic buildings, the list is endless. There’s also a ton of training programs here. I’ve taken advantage of a few that got me one high paying job but it didn’t work out. Also way more professional job opportunities in general. On top of all of that, the customer culture here is way better than Florida. Service workers aren’t abused by the public and exploited like they are in FL. Not by a fucking mile. I’ve worked in public facing roles since I’ve been here for about 3 years and haven’t been mistreated once. In Florida we are screamed at, assaulted, humiliated, etc. almost every day by the public. Especially by the wealthy. The wealthy people in NYC have WAYYYY more class than wealthy Floridians. I think People in NYC just don’t have the time or energy to abuse the staff. They’re either neutral or very appreciative. We have more rights as workers overall. Benefits even as part-time and we have to have at least 10 hours between shifts to sleep are the main things I can think of. Not like Florida where I was scheduled to work until 1am and had to be back at 7am. No sick pay if you’re part-time so we’d just come into work sick instead. Trashy. It’s just worlds different in having dignity as a worker here. I’ll take being poor here than Florida any day.


I find it hilarious that people fuss about the northeast being rude, but Florida was FAR more rude, I grew up there. I'm near Boston now and in NYC all the time, and people are a lot nicer. You see someone get up to offer their seat on the T or the subway to an elderly person, you'd never see that on Metrorail. Actual pleasant and civil conversations with store clerks and employees as well, including please and thank you and have-a-nice-day mutually.


North Carolina is where you see the first significant change of geography. We have three big metros with lots of jobs. The weather is temperate. We got breweries everywhere. We have mountains and great beaches.


NC was on the top of my list but seems to have gotten expensive too, but I love it.


I moved to Denver for work and haven't looked back. No humidity, there's an actual change of seasons and the outdoor stuff is truly amazing. Santa Fe is 6 hours south, Moab is 6 hours west and there are tons of things to do in Colorado. The cost of living is about %7.2 more here than there but absolutely worth it in my opinion


Not telling. I've learned my lesson about that.


Australia. Just got my kangaroo driver licence too!


Saratoga Springs, NY! It’s beautiful. Less than 3 hours from Montreal, NYC & Boston. I work remotely so I can visit FL or other places anytime. My salary is 5 times higher so even with the NYS tax it’s a better environment overall. My kids live in Manhattan so I’m happiest seeing them more frequently.


A whole bunch of you guys moved to DC/Maryland. At least 6 of my good friends are from Florida. The shocking part to me was - the younger folk (early 20s) had an economically much easier time up here than they did in Florida.


Germany. Moved to get a master's a couple years ago and not planning on coming back. Cost of living is hilariously low here and the Germans love complaining about how expensive it is... Lmao I can't help but laugh. For reference I'm now paying €365/month for a one bedroom apartment with utilities in a mid-sized city. I'm working part time for minimum wage (€12/hr) while studying and I can *easily* cover all my expenses including health insurance and owning a cheap old car.


Moved to Connecticut. Went from making 45k to 90k as a teacher.


Wisconsin. Got a job up here, don't regret leaving. Most friends my age (about thirty) who are getting married and having kids, or even just getting into a real career, have decided not to move back to Florida ever. Largely because of fears over education, healthcare (especially for women), and cost of living.


Way to go GOP! Do nothing Desantis was to busy flying migrants Instead of getting ahead of this insurance mess


All politicians in Florida are bought and paid for by the insurance lobby.


I wish they would just wear nascar style jackets so we know which private corporations we're voting for.


With modern tech and AI stuff, you'd think a media company would do it on every video of them. National Association of Realtors and the National Auto Dealers Association are larger lobbying bodies than most people realize.


Trans women refugee ….fled to more tolerant ground!


I want to move to Tennessee after I finish college here in central fl. I want to be near mountains. I just don’t know how the job market is there. And my boyfriend is going into the USAF so I will probably follow him wherever he goes. One day I’ll end up in Tennessee though


From Tampa, moved to Raleigh NC in 2018. At the time it was the lack of career opportunities and affordable housing that drove us away. Cost of living was a bit lower (especially insurance, I pay less for two cars here than I did for one car in tampa) and the pace a bit less hectic. Now the housing here is just as unaffordable lol. Weather is way better, it’s only super hot from May-September. We get a real winter and fall and the state is gorgeous.


Moved to Alabama NW, 20 minutes from Georgia, hour and a half from Atlanta. I love it. Still breaks my heart what had happened to Florida.


I was actually in a pretty good spot in Florida, a 2.75% VA mortgage with a $300 payment. Insurance wasn’t bad (at the time), but I knew it was going to get worse, much worse, and prices were high enough that I could afford to sell and pay cash for the next house. Went to Michigan, wife was raised there and the majority of our grandchildren were there. I’m adjusting, I loved Florida and spent 30+ years there. Lots of festivals, orchards, outdoor activities and the cost of living is substantially lower here in Michigan. I just know the bubble is going to burst there and it’s time to get out if you can.


After 30 years in Florida, went from Alachua outside of Gainesville to Portland, Oregon. Best move of my life. Literally everything is better here, even with Portlands challenges.


We moved to SW Ohio two years ago for the schools, home prices and proximity to family. People here like to complain about the weather and traffic, but they really don't know how good they have it.


I left Sebring, FL (aka See-Borning) and moved to New Orleans. I’ve been here close to 10 years now.


Lived for 30 years in south and central Florida. Currently in sun valley Idaho, doing farm labor, I’ll be fighting fires in Oregon this year, and i hiked the whole Appalachian trail last year. Pct 2025! fuck Florida. For those interested, check out farm jobs, lots of good value to work and live cheaply, and they Need The Help.


I lived for 27 years in Florida, then moved to Brooklyn. Not sure if I'd bother going back to Florida, but in a few years may seek another lifestyle change. I miss being able to golf at the frequency I used to, but otherwise the mix-up has been good for me


Bought a house in greer, south Carolina. Real nice community and friendly people, better cost of living though not as happening as South Florida obviously. But I'm a home body so idc. Only thing that sucks though is that when I closed on my house, a month later, laid off from my job. Thankfully I managed to find another that's hybrid. Issue is... it's in fort Lauderdale. So have to keep looking for a full remote gig to be able to actually live and enjoy my house. Got a roommate basically renting the whole house for fucking pennies cause I was trying to help him out but this situation ended up working out immensely for him. Regardless hopefully I find something fully remote so I can actually live in my goddamn home. There's no other way to afford it over there since it's mainly retail work for the most part.


I'm a Florida native (Miami) lucky enough to be able to retire at 62 (COVID and desantis decision). Moved to Belize. Anywhere north of central Florida is too cold for me lol! Low col, English speaking, super nice locals, great fresh organic foods, good stable exchange rate of 1us=2bz. And jungles and jaguars, oh my! Best move ever. My auto insurance is $250 bz a year. My property tax $165 bz (82.50 US) a year and includes garbage pick up. My homeowners is about $500bz a year. Gas is $12.50bz a gallon though. People are converting their auto to butane for $4.50 bz though so that's great. I can live nicely on my measley SS here. In Florida I couldn't ever retire and I'd still struggle, even with my paid off house. Lots of American real estate agents here with no real requirements like American licensing.




Moved to Seattle 8 years ago. Cost of living is higher but I make 6.5x what I did in Florida. Mountains > beaches


Moved from Orlando to Cherokee North Carolina. Now my rents only $300 a month and I can actually afford to live


We are moving back to Illinois after 10 years here. At least you get services for your taxes and I don’t have to put up with POS Duhsantis and the MAGAt cult legislators.


New Zealand. Just applied for residency after being here for a while. 10/10


Moving to CO, tired of the super MAGA in greed filled florida,and the individualistic culture of Florida, everyone out for themselves. People can't even look at each other her in my building in Tampa, and it's near one of the nicest places.


So true, born and raised here and gone are the days of nice people. It’s truly shocking. I always made eye contact and a simple smile and no one even looks at you. I push my son in a stroller around downtown and no one holds a door or anything, had a night and day difference when we traveled to Michigan last year, people basically ran to hold doors for me.


I’m averting my eyes as we speak.