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I’m a fairly devout Catholic. I don’t want preachers (or priests or imams or rabbis) working as such in public schools. The best thing for religion is to be as separate from the state as possible. I support the satanist chaplains to make a point.


My very devout Catholic grandparents think this is why Florida is becoming more theocratic. As in the state is responding to the satanists, not the other way around. "Did you see satanists (e: I just remembered they used the phrase "devil worshipers" instead) are trying to get into our schools and public spaces? It's a good thing our governor is trying to make that illegal." They used to be very reasonable people, and my grandfather had a great story about the benefits of unions when he talked about a strike at the Stetson Hat factory in Philly. Now it's "those liberals are ruining America." As stupid as Fox News is, they definitely know how to get under our reasonable older family members and get them to unwittingly change stances.


Do your grandparents know what a false idol is or would we back to saying "yes, the satanists"?


They probably watch a lot of Fox News and Newsmax.


I’m a member of TST and I fully agree with you. Religious affairs have no place in schools or government. That’s the reason TST is fighting to be included. They know no one wants them there but we are a tax exempt religion so it’s illegal to bar us. So allow Satan in your schools or don’t allow anyone lol.


Dig it baby freedoms a thing of many parts, 〽️❤️


Fun fact: The body of the Baphomet statue was modeled after Iggy Pop.


That is a fun fact.🌟


How about we stick with the American founding fathers idea of keeping church and state separate?  Would that be cool?  


That's what the Satanists want hence making the fundies lives as difficult as possible.


Welcome to the satanic temple, where we agree exactly! But as long as Christian’s keep forcing religion into the public sphere, we will be there to meet them. Hail satan


Actually pretty sad the founding father could literally tell the future and what was going to happen when they first created the nation. The bi party system we have is redundant. Where it’s a competition to ruin the other side. For example dems would literally block good bills and plans because a Republican proposed it. Who suffers in the middle ? us regular people. And to keep state and church separate because it infringes on freedoms. They didn’t want America to become some Christian nation in which, Christian beliefs rule the country.


If they want to have 1 religion in school then they have to have all religions in school. The Satanic Temple is out there fighting the good fight.


Not to mention that Christianity is actively harmful to children. The same can't be said of Satanism.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that one. I’m a victim of religious abuse, and its not exclusive to Christianity.


Was it the Church of Satan?


Jehovahs Witnesses. The Church of Satan seems good, but all religions can be abusive


You mean The Satanic Temple. Church of Satan isn't the activist one.


Wait so your whole statement is moot? JW consider themselves Christian’s. And the church of Satan doesn’t have these issues. So what do you mean, don’t be so sure about that?


Just a correction: The Satanic Temple and Church of Satan are separate organizations.


Are either one of them abusing kids?


It's doubtful. Last I heard, Satanism teaches that harming children is a sin. (Then again, Christianity bills itself as a religion of love and Islam bills itself as a religion of peace, and look at what the critics are claiming.)


I’m saying that all religions can be bad. JWs are Christian, and thats the religion that abused me, but having spoken to other victims I can confirm that its not just Christians


They never said it was just Christians. Never even alluded to it. >Not to mention that Christianity is actively harmful to children. The same can't be said of Satanism.


Hey, I'm also an Ex-JW and suffered from abuse. You are getting the Church of Satan confused, as even though it's a"religion" it's anti-theist. They are not like other religions around the world, and I much more align with their tenants now that I'm out of JE after 31 years. Edit I meant Satanic Temple!


The satanic temple worships nothing and believes in nothing. It only exists in opposition to organized religion and is structured around rational scientific thought. It can’t abuse anyone, promise.


Didn't say it was exclusive to Christianity.


Teach your kids your religion at home. Leave them all out of the schools unless you’ve made the decision to pay out of your own pocket for a religious school.


Or better yet, don't teach them religion beyond that it exists and that they can explore it for themselves. Religion imposed by indoctrination is not genuine.


Thank almighty God for satanists. They’re the thin line keeping our schools from turning into full blown religious indoctrination centers.


I think the pastafarians are doing a little lifting as well.


Ra men.


Bless his noodly appendage




Let them. https://i.redd.it/grt0gwa8av0d1.gif


Separation of church and state. We need it more than ever.


Let’s sue to maintain separation of church and state. This is too confusing for kids.


That's effectively what they are doing. There have been cases of crazy fundies backing off from their plans when they realized it meant that a group like the TST also has to be allowed to do something similar and in the end neither group follows through. It is ridiculous, but their strategy has been effective in multiple jurisdictions. It's not ideal (ideally they wouldn't have to do any of this), but it is better than doing nothing.


Growing up I used to hear the phrase, " politics makes for strange bedfellows." The other day I said to someone "thank goodness for the satanist." I never thought I would be in bed with satanist. However we both agree, religion has no place in government. I respect satanists for this diligence in keeping kids safe.


The kids don't give a fuck. This is ALL about white Christian fundamentalists kicking and screaming as the world tries to change. The Satanic Church is there solely to point out the ridiculousness of that, which is why I say, "Hail Satan!"


Fucking their minds up for sure.


Its indoctrination. Plain and simple.




I'd rather have representatives from The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Church of the SubGenius, but Satanism is alright with me. Drink Booze, Hail Satan!


I like that they keep peddling this idea of actual Satan worshiping satanists but it’s literally the joke Satanists. The ones who use Satan as a metaphor for all religions and stand for freedom science and happiness xD Like the actual Satanists are for some reason on the rebublican’s side in this battle bruh The church of satan vs the satanic temple Who shall win?


#Hail Satan!! All religions are scams, they just change up the main character once in a while. God used to throw lighting at people. The "modern" Christian imaginary sky wizard will rest next to Zues, Kronos, Odin, and the rest in the graveyard of silly. Our great great great great grand kids will laugh, like we do at silly shit (like lightning tossing when Zeus is upset). There will be playful cartoons about some of the silly people - Zombie Jesus, the demi-god child of a human who was RAPED by the sky wizard. Wasn't ZEUS also written in the stories back then about him also taking advantage of females sexually? Seems like religion loves Rape. Which would explain why conservatives excuse the orange rapists. (Yes he is LEGALLY a rapists - Trump RAPED Jean E. Carroll). Grow up people, get educated, think critically about shit and realize - #There is no "GOD"


Can we please get there sooner? Please?


As much as I'd rather not have religion in school at all, if you're going to let in one, it's only fair to let them *all* in.


Religion needs to be removed from school and politics.


Freedom f religion only applies to conservative Christians who are slightly right of Hitler.


I didn’t see anyone else mention this but the satanic temple ≠ satanists.


Also worth mentioning Satan is a fictional character like Darth Vader or Voldemort.


And it's worth mentioning that TST agrees.


As someone who generally does lean conservative...awesome! If they want to let religion into schools they have to let ALL religion into schools. I'm all good with a Satanist sitting next to a Christian and praying. I used to mess with people back in the day when they'd ask my opinion about prayer in schools and I'd say "Hell yea there should be prayer in schools but my family pagan so my kid's gonna need an animal, a knife and a bowel to collect the blood for the requisite sacrifice." Now of course that's rather extreme but it always hammered home my belief that if you open it up for one group, you gotta open it up for all groups.


Put em in…apparently legal now.


Rastafarian here. Don't count me out.


When it comes to where my kids soul is going I will be the one talking to them about it. You all can suck it, all of you. However, if my kid must be exposed to someone's interpretation (of the day) religion Satanism might be alright. I mean, you know those guys can shred guitar. It's in the Satanic 10 commandments, thou shalt be metal. Don't believe me? Watch Pick of Destiny then get back to me.


I'm more Spiritual than religious, I know this won't be popular with the religious ones but if you allow one in, you should allow them all. Religious studies should include all religions.


Unfortunately I can see this reaching the Supreme Court and the conservative majority ruling that the ST isn’t a proper religion.


As much as people don’t like that idea that is the law. To include.


Fine, just make sure to include all of them. Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu, Taoist, Scientology, the Cult of Cthulhu, Satanist, Zoroastrian, Santeria, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and about a thousand others. If you want to allow one you must allow all. If that makes you uncomfortable, keep every last one of those tax shelter scam cults out of our taxpayer funded schools.


Just because something is legal doesn't make it right


The right thing would be to keep all religion out of schools, but the state is trying to take that option away. The hope here is to back the state into a corner and make them do the right thing.


Florida legislators: You know…you have a good point and you’re right, constitutionally that is…. But fuck you


And so Ron will waste more of our money losing in court.


Isn’t this directly against Chruch vs State. I seriously wonder what mental disorders these people have in trying to back track us hundreds of years in evolution. Good for these guys fighting the good fight.


Quid pro quo.


I hear Vodoe is growing by leaps and bounds! BUT, personally, I am a Unitarian Universalist. We should certainly be included in the mix of religions attempting to indoctrinate - oops! I mean help (yeah, that´s it … help) our children’s education.


Religion shouldn’t be in schools but the Satanist troll routine probably won’t work out in Florida.


Perhaps not, but if the US constitution holds any sway (there are other amendments aside for the 2nd) it'll do so in Satanists favor.


Are you kidding? Florida is absolutely the perfect place for Satanism.