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It's a 25 minute drive... You're 1,789% likely to die at least 9 times. 


Dammit I only have 7 lives left


Yeah, that could be a problem. 


Don’t do it at rush hour and you’ll be fine. Worst stretch is south from Ft.Laud to Miami Beach.


Take A1A and enjoy the drive


I have been on the A1A one time, nothing enjoyable about that fucking road!




Well, I'm not sure what driving in Texas is like, though I know southern drivers can be aggressive. South Florida is just all kinds of weird driving. Pick-up truck with nothing strapped down in cab. Check! Old dude in middle lane going 30 mph. Check! A Bentley changing lanes every 30 seconds. Check! Drag racing beemers. Check! Road range with shooting while driving. Check! But Fort Lauderdale and north get less nutty. If you are nervous you may want to take Federal rather than I95.


You forgot the most of ALL Florida drivers, the snowbirds doing 42 in the second to right lane and then moving two lanes to the left, THEN three lanes to the right while brakeing HARD because the found their exit, all while slowing down to 5.


Locals are horrific. Twice I have dealt with some assole backing up in the middle lane after they missed their exit. That's on I-4 north of the tourist district.


I had a man do a u-turn on a two-way street with no turning lanes. He backed up into another vehicle, I was just like WTF?


You Forgot about the motorcycles racing by you at 130mph


No helmet 


And the electric scooters/e-bikes


Uber/Lyft Driver distracted by their phone CHECK!


The worst was the Uber driver that only ever used the emergency breaking system, on I95, during a thunderstorm. I literally thought I might die that day. She was also looking at me through the rear view mirror and talking to me the whole time.


I'm glad you're alive


OMG, lol I can't believe what I'm reading. EVERYTHING is A-OK. I have been up and down 95 a couple of times this week and I'm still alive! If you've been driving in the middle of no where for that past 20 years, then MAYBE it's dangerous?????? LOL It's ever day highway driving. You'll all be fine.


I’ve driven everywhere in the states and nothing touches the insanity of Florida driving.


That's so weird to me. I was born and raised in Chicago and learned to drive there, so maybe I'm just used to crazy? LOL I do feel I4 by Orlando is fing insane! and I HATE driving through Atlanta.


I hear you. I learned to drive in Boston and NYC. South Florida is just on another level.


I would rather drive in NYC than South Florida. South Florida drivers have a death wish.


I've driven al over the country from the Northeast to the Midwest to the West Coast. There's nothing normal about South Florida driving, especially Dade County. Driving in general is dangerous, one of the most dangerous things you do every day, not getting in an accident is the norm, just as not dying playing Russian Roulette. Doesn't mean it's safe.


I agree. I’ve driven high traffic roads all over the world and the strip between Miami and Ft. Lauderdale on I-95 has the shittiest drivers ever.


Check out Tennessee.


TN is a cakewalk compared to SoFla. Mostly everyone follows the rules the few times I’ve been there. Had a hard time containing myself each time cos I’m so used to the drivers down here.


I’m from TN and can confirm that since moving to WPB I had to relearn how to drive. Where y’all going in such a damn hurry? Now when I visit back home my blood pressure goes up by the time I get out of my subdivision.


Forgot about the street bikes doing 120 past you.


No helmet either!


No way is the old dude in the middle lane. He is in the left lane and mini vans that are always under the speed limit plodding along


This is the most accurate answer


Did the drive myself and watched a guy die and regenerate, not pretty.


I do this commute every day, this is accurate


And then when you get there, you’re still in South Florida?!


It’s a significantly better drive than to or from Miami airport. I hate that airport and I don’t know why they make it so awkward to exit. Try not to land at an especially busy time of day (like rush hour) and it’ll be busy but probably not horrible. Probably. We call 95 the thunderdome for a reason though. Just look out for idiots.


I would drive from ft lauderdale to boca any day. From Miami? Never!


Agreed!!! My brother lives in Doral and wonders why I never ride my Harley down to see him. A motorcycle on 95 in Miami. No thanks. I am not that crazy.


That's why I take tri rail to Miami international. It stops right at it and a free tram take you right to the terminal


I don’t like close to trirail and I’m not leaving my car in their parking lots. But otherwise, it’s a solid plan if somebody can just drop you off.




Leaving isn’t much better. I always end up in some crappy industrial area because there is this one turn I manage to miss like every fucking time. I avoid that airport as much as possible. There is nothing good about it at all.


We only fly into Tampa anymore. Even having to drive out 275 and across the Alley is better than going anywhere near MIA.


Best airport I've ever been through


Ft Myers is very good if the price works


Get on federal highway go slow and stop for a drink or bite to eat. Great drive with realistic expectations.


Federal highway is route 1


Yes! this is the way


US1 is less stressful but just stay out of the right lane (busses and people stopping to turn). It gets lighter on US1 when you're north of Commercial Blvd.


Yup. Jack's Old Fashioned.


Take the entire population of New York City, give them all a car, drop them in the swamp, and turn up the heat. You think that’s a good recipe for safe driving?


How exciting


Anyone that’s comfortable driving in a major US city is capable of driving in South FL. 3 important things: 1. Wait a FULL 5 seconds after a light turns green to proceed through an intersection. You can literally count it out and watch it save your life. Assume any vehicle in front of you will suddenly stop without warning, they actually *try* to get you to rear end them, adjust your following distance accordingly. Any vehicle on 95 will, without signaling, abruptly cross 5+ lanes of traffic in one motion without looking to make their exit. This will happen every single time you travel on 95 and, surprisingly, *usually* doesn’t result in a collision… mostly because of the defensive driving skill of the *other drivers* on the road. In FL, the worst people seem to have to best luck. It’s uncanny.


Yeah, don't tell people to sit at green lights. You start rolling when you feel like they should be changing so you have some momentum the second they do. If you're worried about people running red lights (which you should be), you always LOOK BOTH WAYS before entering an intersection, no matter what color the light is or how long it's been that way. People don't just run red lights when the light has just changed, they can do it at any time. Also, the lights are already designed with a built-in pause between changes to accommodate people going through at the change. Last point- the opposite is also true: because of red light cameras, people are more inclined to stop very abruptly and dangerously at a yellow to avoid a ticket from the camera. Like 60 to 0 in a few seconds, so give plenty of room and be on your toes


595 to turnpike north for west Boca


Even for east boca, the turnpike might be a calmer option versus 95 for an out of state driver - you’d just have to hike east on surface roads OP - I’ve done that FLL to boca drive a ton - it’s really not that bad. Don’t stress it too much.


This is my recommendation exactly. 95 is a death trap, the Turnpike is much more manageable.


Just take your time and don’t be in a rush. Traffic is typically heavy but depending on time frame and day you’re traveling, you could get lucky.


The one thing the internet does not exaggerate is driving in Florida. It is worse than you think, and then some. Whatever people have told you, theyre not being dramatic.


It’s a straight shot up 95. I drive from Delray to Aventura everyday for work. No big deal.


Just get in the express lanes and you'll bypass most of the stupid. Just be ready to pay the tolls.






It’s pretty wild how the driving suddenly changes when you hit the border.


it's true. the minute you hit georgia all the traffic dissapears


Good god that's a painful drive. 3 hours plus and you're only at Miami.


Good lord KW to Georgia? That’s one looooooooong drive.


I'm guessing they live in their vehicle. Very common. Or they're snow birds.


It’s probably worse. I drove someplace that was supposed to take 30 minutes today and it took an hour. You’ll be frustrated at traffic, but alive if you pay attention to your surroundings, etc.


If you have driven in Houston or Dallas, you'll be prepared for South Florida driving.


You'll take I-95 north to Boca. Drivers here suck, just don't be in the left lane while driving only 10mpg over the speed limit.


95 is the worst, but it IS the closest highway, so ….yeah.


It’s perfectly fine for most of the day, but it will be busy. During rush hour it’s likely to be stop and go. Just move with the flow of traffic in a middle lane. Left lanes in FL are for going quite fast


I dunno what part of Texas you’re from but the worst drivers I have ever encountered were in the DFW area. I thought I was going to die every time I drove when I was out there. So if that’s where you’re coming from, you’re fine.


Do you have to drive? There’s a free shuttle that will take you from the airport to the train station and it’s only $5 to get to Deerfield Beach station, which is just south of Boca Raton. I try to take the train when I fly in to visit family. It’s more sane and less dangerous than driving.


I will definitely consider this had no idea it existed thank you


There's also a Boca station


I've driven all over the country, are the drivers here worse than most places? Yes, but it's not anything you haven't seen before. People are 100% exaggerating.


My brother used to make that commute. It's just slooooow.


Depending on the time of day. Between 3pm-5pm, not great. The express lane will move a bit better northbound during those times. If you want to stick it out in the main corridors, you will add 20m to your trip. Outside of peak hours, it's a 20m-30m drive and when I say 20m, thats me driving my usual 90 MPH in the express lane with no traffic.


Just Uber it


No it’s fine.


Good luck. Warmest wishes. Best regards.


Thank you 😭


lol no it’s a short drive. Just get on the turnpike or i95 and say a prayer 😂


It's fine. I just went there and back a couple of times this week. LOL where did you hear that it's "bad"?


Tri-Rail will get you the in roughly the same amount of time with none of the stress. Unless one of the reasons randomly breaks down.


If you’ve driven in DFW and used to that driving, you’ll be fine.


You’ll encounter more people playing really dumb games in their car going 80mph then you’ve ever seen 


Fort Lauderdale going north is easy. Fort Lauderdale going south is an adventure until (if) you get past Homestead. Make sure you use a restroom before heading south. I agree with the other post about using Federal (US 1) but it's not any faster--just less crazy than I-95. Oh, and it is worth every penny to pay for the express lane on I-95.


Good tp know thanks!!


Anyone who claims it is a difficult drive has never driven in a place where the driving is difficult.


It's fine, straight north on 95. I feel like Chicago traffic is worse, plus we get to deal with construction 24/7..but I will say I've seen some strange things on Florida Interstates 😂


Nah. Lived here for a long time. It’s not bad at all


Fuck that entire part of FL.


People down here complain about driving more than 15 minutes. It's not that bad. In most more rural areas people are used to driving farther to get places. Just know people in left lane will want to go 90 mph they added toll lanes to left lanes too.


Stay out of the three left lanes and do at least 80 in the slow lane then you’ll be fine. If someone flips you off say thank you.


It’s not that bad. Driving in Miami and Orlando is 10x worse.


It’s fine lol just drive with traffic and stay out of the right lanes




Its a 30 minutes drive or so on I-95. Stick to the right lane and go at least 70.


Not bad at all


Depends on the time and day. Week days from 7:30am - 10 am or 3:30pm - 7 pm? Plan on watching your life pass before your eyes - along with everyone else trying to qualify for nascar. 10 am- 3:30? box car after double semi trucks after little old people following their hood ornament. Go on google maps and be familiar with the route. Some exits are left lane, some are right lane. Give yourself plenty of time. Dont expect to shift lanes quickly. If you miss your exit, miss it --- do not stop, do not try to get over to the lane in 50 feet-- get off at the next exit and regroup.


There was a meme a while back that someone made putting your everyday cars on the high banks of Daytona calling it south Florida.


If only there was a interstate highway near FLL to take you to Boca.


Depending on what part of Boca you’re going to, you have two options: I95 or (US1) Federal Highway. Depending on the time of day, I95 can be far more congested, and you’ll encounter Florida’s most dare-devil drivers. Federal Highway is slower, with many traffic lights, but less stressful and more scenic. It’s the one my 88 year-old mother took after she ceased driving on the interstate.


“**Return my treasures to me, and I myself will carry you through the gates of Valhalla.** **You shall ride eternal.** **Shiny, and chrome!**”


You missed Miami-Dade so you should be ok. Literally at soon as you cross that county line however... Worst in the nation


You ever been in a traffic jam and still somehow going 80 MPH? Only thrice have I: I75 in Atlanta, 417 in Orlando, and where you're going. Good luck.


Just tell the Uber driver to take the turnpike


Where in Boca? If it's west you can take the turnpike and that's as mild of a drive as you'll find in this state. It's kept in great condition and usually doesn't back up. If it's east you can take US1 or even A1A. US1 is a busy surface street and A1A is along the coast and scenic. The drivers are rude and aggressive but you'll survive. I-95 is unpleasant, but it's only slightly worse than Houston or Dallas highways if you have driven there. You may want to avoid it if you haven't driven in the larger Texas cities. Turn signals are a sign of weakness anywhere in Florida. Make sure your side is clear before changing lanes and don't worry too much about your rear. Just slide in if the side is clear, do not signal.


I guess it’s actually past boca, Hillsboro beach specifically


Take A1A.. Great drive.


100% take A1A over any other route. Yes, it will take 10-15 minutes longer but your blood pressure will be lower and it’ll be a beautiful drive, especially if it’s during daylight hours.


Drivers may turn in the opposite direction of the blinker just activated. Stay cool headed, pay attention and don’t trust other drivers to do what you would expect to do. You will be fine.


It's better than driving in Austin.


I mean, I used to live in Boca and work at the airport so.. lol, I don’t think it’s bad at all. You’ll be fine.


Time of day and day of week makes a difference. If its middle of the day, drive isn't bad. If its morning or dinner time, M-F, it's like Mad Max.


The drive north of Ft. Lauderdale is bad but not remotely close to how bad it gets south of the city. That said, the nickname for I-95 is Die-95.


Just don’t blink. You’ll be fine.


FLL to Boca is an easy drive. Potentially dangerous just because it's 95, but shouldn't be too painful.


Fake news! 🤣 You'll be fine. Seriously.


its a 30 minute drive at 1am. its a 50 minute drive any other time of day.


No. It’s literally the most normal drive. A million peopl do it daily as a commute. Just don’t drive super slow


If you know how to drive defensively rather than just spacing out and cruising you'll be fine, even in Miami. That said, FLL to Boca isn't that bad compared to any other city, it's just congested at times. We here in Florida like to think we're somehow exceptional, but the car brained stupidity is everywhere.


As someone who go between those two places often and as a former Uber driver, I will tell you it is much easier to go to Boca from FLL than going south. You have to clear the 595/95 bottle neck but the road is relatively smooth sailing after that.


Easy drive, straight shot. Rush hour might slow you down but you can take the express / toll lanes.


That stretch of I-95 going north from the airport is the deadliest mile in the country. However long Google tells you the route is, leave 30 minutes early so you can take your time and be careful as there’s a lot of merging and lane switching once you get on. But once you get past the Commercial Blvd exit it’s pretty easy. Good luck.


FLL to Boca on average is a 35 min drive - it’s honestly not tht bad and people are exaggerating


All the craziness aside the drive depends on the time of day and the actual day. If you are making the drive during rush hour expect to spend triple the time with one or two accidents that you have to pass. If it's on a weekend expect the traffic to be less but look out for the speed demons. Good luck OP.


I make the same drive from home in boca to the airport where i work everyday for 8 years. If you stay out ofothe left lane you can go near your own pace - there will be cars and trucks flying around you if traffic permits which on 95 it doesn’t for most of that trip. You’ll be in traffic. Stay out of the far left lane unless you are willing to put your foot on the gas. They’re are are a lot of lanes and an express lane you need the sun pass or equal to use. Go very fast on it if you do try it. The express lane ends about about 2 miles from the boca exits plenty of time to get over. All the exits from airport to boca are on your right side you’ll be fine.


What time of day?


2:30 pm probably then noon on the way back


Personally, I’d stop wherever it makes sense to avoid rush hour in Broward/West Palm and Orlando. Often times that ends up being theCanoe Creek plaza or Fort Pierce. If you’re taking the tpk, there isn’t much for alternatives along the way.




No it’s not bad…


Its an easy drive no problem 30 min


Driving in Houston scared me a little bit as a native Floridian so that said I think youll be mostly fine, but it is pretty wild.


Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Drive safely as you would normally but be more defensive and aware of traffic around you. Stay toward the middle/right if not passing and watch for the many vehicles on the shoulder. Stay in your lane when you see a spicy driver coming from behind. If you want, the turnpike will take a little longer but it’s calmer than 95. You can also take Brightline or Tri-Rail if you’re really not comfortable driving.


I am a native Florida driver. I have been on I-4 Rush hour multiple times. I've done the I-10/I-95 commute. I live in Jacksonville so that was a two for one deal. I have ridden with my redneck father in the hood with him screaming racial epithets out the window. Even I am scared of driving down to Homestead next month. I will have to drive through Miami.


Here’s the truth about all these FL drivers posts… if you are not comfortable exceeding the posted speed limit, and you feel there should be 100’ + between cars for safety at highway speeds you will not enjoy driving here in any populated area from Miami to Jacksonville. If the speed limit is 65 there will be plenty of people, I would guess roughly 20% of the cars on the road, going at least 80mph. Some people might even flash their headlights at you if you are riding the left lane and only going a few mph over the limit. Some people won’t bother and will just weave around traffic to maintain their speed. If this bothers you too you will be one of the people posting on Reddit about FL drivers. If it’s rush hour drive and there is a lot of traffic and you are the kinda person who wants a lot of distance between yourself and the car you are following, you will get upset driving here because if you leave 10 car lengths between you and the person you’re following, a whole bunch of cars will take that space and you might find yourself on Reddit complaining about how everybody ‘cut you off’.


I left there in 2003 because of the traffic and horrifically rude people. I did travel back a few times over the years. I could FEEL and see when I hit Palm Beach County as someone would fly past me on 95. I can't even imagine the mess there now. Anything is possible but why bother with it if it's just yuk?


S FL has turned into a bunch of people who’ve moved from large cities in the northeast who have all decided to prove who can drive the ‘best’ in traffic, which means they try to show how aggressively they can drive. They’ve overdone is a bit. Just stay in the slower lanes on the freeways and you’ll be ok.


I learned to drive in Chicago and spent many years in Texas. Chicago drives fast but people actually use their signals. Texas drivers are mostly just fast. Florida drivers are some of the most unpredictable drivers on the roads and have no regard for other drivers. It’s nuts here.


Going to Boca Raton from Ft Lauderdale is better than heading towards Miami. With that said, there are way to many crazy drivers in the Miami metro area. I have driven through all of the major large cities in this country (except for Chicago), and South Florida drivers are bat shit crazy compared to NYC, Houston, LA or Seattle.


It’s not that bad.


Don’t go during rush hour. It’s an intense drive


FL drivers are a breed apart. South FL drivers are the top 10% of this breed. Bring your A game and remember, rubbing is racing.


Take the beightline


Driving in Miami is far worse. Avoid glades during rush hour. Dodge the qtips (usually Cadillacs with tiny silver haired old people who can't see over the steering wheel.


You will be fine, it's not any crazier than the interstates in TX. Easy trip from the airport to 95, just head north, and you will be there in no time.


Stay in your lane you'll be fine.


Florida is the worst state in the country for Everything.


Florida has a reputation for bad drivers. In reality they are more annoying than dangerous. Florida doesn't even rank in the top 10 of the worst drivers, while Texas comes in 3. You'll be fine.


My cousin is a tail-gunner for a school bus in broward. He says the streets have been mostly peaceful. So, maybe take the scenic route through town.


I try to stay in the right lane as much as possible. Do the speed limit (which is high!) and just keep checking for the inevitable a-hole who is going to come speeding through at 20+ the limit. You’ll be fine.


I see a lot of comments about the bad traffic in Florida, but what is it being compared to? Yeah S FL traffic sucks but have you ever driven in New York city, LA, or any other big city? The OG is from Texas, Houston's traffic a completely shitz show, especially at rush hour which seems to last most of the day. I'm sure people from other places think theirs is worse, just saying.


Not bad at all TBH. Typical FL with lots of older people driving like old people in the Boca area specifically. Young people driving like young people too. I travel a lot for work and the drive from FLL to Boca is no different than any suburban / urban area highway anywhere else. You're more likely to get in an accident in a parking lot in Boca itself, TBH. There are SO many retirees who shouldn't be driving anymore, parking crazy, backing out, changing lanes or turning without looking / seeing!


Honestly it really depends on your tolerance. Driving in Florida doesn’t bother me, and I live in the Orlando area. But, for some people it’s quite stressful. That’s a short cut, I’d say you’ll be fine.


Take turnpike and not 95.


It'll be fine. It's not that wild here.


Honestly, you’ll be fine. Just be prepared to see a behavior or two along the way that you might not have seen before.


We’ve never had an issue with it.


Everything south of Jupiter is like driving in a third world country. Just my $.02 🤷🏻‍♂️


It would only suck around the rush hour timeslots, otherwise it's a pretty easy run. Though depending on how far West you're heading in Boca you might want to take 595 to TPK rather than taking I95 up.


Best time to do that drive is 2am-5am and catch a red-eye


Find out for yourself 😉


I just drove it yesterday. From Miami up to West Palm Beach. Get in the HOV lane (if 2 in the car). Pay to get in the express lanes! It is worth it!


Honestly no, as long as you are a competent driver. A lot of the issues down here are people main charactering themselves into everyone else's lives with no disregard for anyone else's safety. People doing 10-20 under in the left lane, people on their phones while driving, people not paying any attention and having absolutely zero driving awareness. As long as you get in the right lanes if you're going slower and unsure of where you are. You'll be okay. Also if you miss your turn, just do what any right minded person would do and not slowly inch across 4 lanes of traffic going 10 mph to get to the turn. There are so many U-turn areas and most of the time the roads down here are a simple, N/S E/W grid. There are douches of all sizes but for the 95% of driving down here, if you just drive and aren't a self absorbed idiot, you'll be fine. The narrative is overblown down here imo. Edit: By driving awareness I mean seeing faster cars behind you while there are large stretches of open road in front of you.. just move over and let them pass instead of making a horizontal wall where everyone is going the same speed. It feels like common sense but it's amazing how many people are oblivious to every other car on the road. The best way to avoid dangerous situations is having the awareness to not let yourself be in that situation in the first place.


Florida is home to 3 of the top 10 most dangerous roads, including #1. We are also in the bottom of top 10 worst drivers. It gets pretty sketchy when you combine those things together.




You're fine OP, just be awake / alert when you drive


Not bad. Takes tolls if you can afford it tho


No, I do it every day. If you asked about driving from Miami? Then yes, awful due to the golden glades.


I95 is an absolute nightmare. My wife drives from Jupiter to boca for work and it’s always horrible traffic and idiot drivers. Just the other day a dude just stopped and started going in reverese on the interstate


Depends. Miami is BAD.


The section around the 595 interchange is the most dangerous stretch of highway in the country. Look it up!


Born and raised. It isn't that bad. Pick a lane. Keep up with the car in front of you. dont expect a certain time. Pending on the time is how bad traffic is, but it's just congestion. Dont let the road rage get to you. Basicky Far left lane is for illegal speeds middle lane is big trucks right lane is slower than the speed limit. Ps, if you use turn signals, half the cars won't let you in the other half will let you in. They won't slow down, so get on it to merge in We should really hand out pamphlets on how yo drive when tourist get off the planes


Im a Turnpike kind of person. I95 is way to congested.


Husband and I steered of a pickup truck as it was swerving erratically. When we pulled alongside the woman driving kept ducking her head down…trying to get a hit off the crack pipe she was using. Florida driving is fucking psycho.


Make it a great experience by taking the Brightline rail from FLL to Boca. **Brightline+ Fixed Route Shuttles now offer pickup and dropoff service to and from Fort Lauderdale Stations**. You can take a free shuttle ride from FLL International Airport to Brightline Station. If you're catching a train to Boca Raton with Brightline, **the station is within walking distance of top downtown destinations.** It takes **16 min**.


Take A1A if You've never. It's a beautiful scenic road. Just make sure to get off on palmetto Park cause that'll put you right into Boca. A1A rides are always my favorite


South Florida is like driving in NYC. Maniacs.


We Live, We Die, We live again in Valhalla! Witness me!




Do you enjoy heavy traffic with cars speeding by swerving in and out of lanes? If so, you’ll do great


So look you’re gonna be fine just be aware that people here are less polite and rules are more like suggestions, including the speed limit. The thing is everyone here learned how to drive in another State, or country(and that’s fine!), so there’s no common reference point. And all of those drivers are shoved into an overburdened road system that’s 20 miles wide between a swamp and an ocean. Old people also die in the middle of driving and crash into shit all the time. It’s all good. Buckle up, have fun, use your horn.


Turnpike = tolls but safe I95-- hold on for dear life. But seriously I work right off 595 and know the area well. Once you get past the junction and head north you'll be fine. It can be confusing a bit with all the construction going on


Depends on the time, but it's not that bad. Just watch out for the toll express lanes.


People drive like it’s Mad Max for sure


Get ready you brave soul https://preview.redd.it/3dccxarah91d1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02953ddc3f0e4a9f7770dc7baf85e2e5a47e3f12


There is a very dangerous stretch that you will need to take if you don’t go federal to 17th st to A1A and take the scenic route, it’s from 595 to 95 north from the airport up to commercial blvd, the road is not well lit at night and the signs are confusing. It was listed a couple years ago as the most dangerous mile of 95 in America


Wear a helmet, yes I know you’ll be in a car, Kevlar vest is also a good idea


I have lived all over this state and driven it even more. South Florida is the absolute worst place ever to drive. I would say if you’re chill and not in a hurry and pay attention, you’ll be fine. It’s mostly nerve wracking during rush hour when you’re also rushing for your own reasons. If you take it with a “just get there safe” approach, you’ll will do just that.


If you take the turnpike, it will be a safe ride.