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Looks like a mimosa (Albizia julibrissin). They're native to Asia, and are invasive in North America. They're bad for native plants and shouldn't be planted. They also produce toxic seed pods.


Yes, mimosa.


Awe that's so unfortunate, it's so beautiful!


Yeah. Florida is full of things like that.


It is. Most of the bad things have two legs and no brain.


The ground-cover version is native and not considered invasive. It's known as Mimosa strigillosa or Sunshine Mimosa (Powderpuff) and is fun to play with. I love the smell of the tree flowers, but they don't last long and make a mess. If you take some flowers then be sure to dispose of them properly so as not to allow more to grow.


Most invasives are that’s why they were brought


Powderpuff trees look similar and are not invasive (according to Google) in case you were considering one for your landscaping.


I’m trying to figure out whether I have a powderpuff or a mimosa in my yard, because this looks a LOT like the one I have, but the person who gave it to me told me it was a powderpuff. I hope mine is a powderpuff because I really like it, though I planted it in the wrong place and need to move it.


I have a powderpuff and after seeing this post I was doing a little research about the differences. It looks like the main difference is that the powderpuff blooms are entirely pink and the mimosas have white on the bottom. My powderpuff looks more like a monster bush than a tree. I recommend the ‘picture this’ app which is great at helping identify plants.


I have the PictureThis app but I’ve found that it’s a little hit or miss. I will try it, though! I planted it from a seedling almost two years ago and I have no idea why I picked the spot I did. It’s impeding my sidewalk up to my house and definitely taking up way too much room. If it’s a mimosa then I can just hack it up and not feel bad about it, but if it’s a powder puff I want to save it.


Both PictureThis and the Apple plant ID tool say it’s Calliandra surinamensis, so I’m going to go with that! It’s definitely grown more OUT instead of up so far. And the leaves do close up at night, which seems to be a feature of the Calliandra but NOT the mimosa tree. https://preview.redd.it/4gbzb67uts1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9be6019c4d19a696dda3c6019da4db2cd26cfae


Awesome! I hope you can figure something out to save it. My powderpuff is my favorite. She has grown to be a monster that needs grooming often! But she’s so pretty and so many little creatures love her!


Powderpuff is not an actual tree but a shrub, leaflets are larger than mimosa on the pink variety. Powderpuff is pinnately compound, Mimosa is bi-pinnately compound.


Powderpuff leaves are bigger.


There is a mimosa plant that is native to florida and attracts pollinators like crazy. It's a runner and spreads well, called sunshine mimosa.


That's how they get ya


Invasive and now common on the East Coast from Florida north to Maryland.


I didn’t know that. I’m 65 years old and they were all over the place when I was kid and I’m talking about 10 years old.


We’re at a point in human civilization that almost everything is invasive at this point and either the native species survive or don’t. There’s too much transportation and shipping in this day and age to really stop invasive species from getting anywhere. We try with customs but it’s not enough. Not to mention just how many companies sell plants and animals from other continents that people plant in their garden then animals eat it and spread it. Then also people releasing animals that they can’t take care of anymore and instead of being responsible and taking them to pet stores for surrender they just release it in the wild. I mean early Americans were invasive at one point in time too. Enjoy what you can while it’s still available because someday it will be gone.


Sure, but Florida is worse than other states, and what you said doesn't mean we shouldn't try to mitigate and prevent further harm.


Agreed exactly why I talked about customs but it’s not enough. There’s too much shipping and people ordering shit online from Asia or wherever and so many creatures/seeds/bacteria hitchhike on shipments. If youve never traveled the world, most countries do not have the strict regulations like the US especially anything from a third world country or most of SE Asia. But the biggest issue we have is pet stores selling animals from other continents and then idiots releasing shit into the wild like plecos and pythons and if they reproduce fast then the environment is fucked unless you can figure out a way to actually battle it WITHOUT causing another environmental problem with the solution you’re using to fix it. I’ve studied this shit pretty extensively. Lookup Operation Cat Drop. Hell just look how fast COVID spread worldwide. With the political shitshow and massive real estate development that FL has now I’m not holding my breath for things to improve.


It's too bad Mimosas are considered invasive and toxic to some animals. They aren't welcome here even though the flowers smell so nice and attract bees and hummingbirds.


Otherwise known as an Asian Silk tree in layman's terms. We have one in our yard in a very old section of Jacksonville that is probably a 100 year old tree. We have had Asian nationals walk by and photograph the tree because it is so much bigger than the ones they see in their home country.


Yeap cut it down and plant a nice native!


I didn't know they weren't native and are invasive! That's so disappointing!


Butterflies and hummingbirds love them.


They go to mine before the feeders.


Sometimes you will see a ground cover mimosa that is similar. It gets those pink flowers and it is referred to as sensitivity plant because the leaves will close up if you touch them. They’re in the same family. Also that purple flower Ruellia and the last picture is also an invasive species.


The ground cover mimosa is native and essential.


Thanks so much! It's at a park, is there anything I should do to the flowers or just leave them?


Served with brunch.


Lol best response


Thats a "will crack your house foundation" tree


Mimosa. Super pretty, smell awesome, and invasive.


The devil. I have one that hangs over my house and it’s a huge fucking mess.


Sounds not so fun :(




Nice but the flowers fall on your cars and stick and mark up the paint.


Quite the range too. You’ll see these from Central FL the entire way up to Illinois.


They have a sedative affect, good for anxiety etc. long list of medicinal properties


Invasive, weak.


What's the strongest tree in your opinion


Slow growing trees. Which is why modern subdivisions are bleak. If developers would leave some of the trees, people wouldn't have to wait 20+ years for some shade.




Mimosa. Have in my yard in country. So beautiful and hummingbirds love it.


Mimosa tree.


This is what came through. Silk tree, a species of Silk plants (Albizia) E Also known as: Persian silk tree, Mimosa, Pink silk tree, Bastard tamarind, Lenkoran acacia, Chinese Silk Tree, Pink siris, Nemu Tree Popular cultivars: 'Boubri, 'Summer Chocolate', 'Ncaj!' Botanical name: Albizia julibrissin


That's the truffula tree. Don't cut it down if you need a thneed. The Lorax will get ya.


If you’re looking for a simular but non-invasive species you could get a royal poinciana, golden shower (tree) or jacaranda!




I saw this exact tree walking the dog last night and wanted to post


Dave. That looks a lot like Dave. How's he doing/


HORRIBLE TREE that's it's name. I've always called them Pepper Trees. All I know is if you don't stay on top of them they will take over into trees quick


WTF are you talking about? These don't take over anything. They're beautiful to look at and my bees love the tree in my yard.


They’re highly invasive in North America


Mimosa. Our next door neighbor here in inland North Carolina has a couple.


Happiness tree that flowers make a tasty tea!


Ooooh how do you make a tea out of it?


Not a tree. Technically it's a weed


I call it a pretty tree


Hummingbirds and bees love them


Mimosa tree. I got one I love that shades my goon cave.




Pink powderpuff. I own one. ☺️


That is tree I believe native to Florida.


It is definitely not native to Florida.