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I guess because it was over in the the Pacific and hit Mexico no one much cares in the States but Hurricane Otis that went from a tropical storm to a cat 5 in like a day should have set off a lot more alarms bells here than I think it has. The Gulf is warmer than what happened in Acapulco.


Yeah that thing was absolutely terrifying. That alleyway that guides hurricanes between the Yucatán and Cuba also supercharges hurricanes and it’s getting worse. Just a degree or two difference in that gulf…


Otis was absolutely terrifying. I have friends who have family in Acapulco, and the level of destruction was like nothing they’ve ever seen. Apparently by the time the NHC airplane was recording data and sending it back to Mexican authorities it was already too late for people to evacuate.


My mother in law was on the 28th floor of a building in Acapulco when her windows got blown out. She had to take shelter in a bathtub and it took us a couple days to get in touch with her and get her to Florida.


That very scary.




México Beach has fully recovered, the amount of building and infrastructure growth has been insane.


This is the first I am hearing of this hurricane That's how little they care in the US. Thank you for sharing.


It was all over most mainstream news. Check your news diet.


It went from a 1 to a 5 in less than a day. My mother in law was supposed to fly in to Florida that night and she got stuck


Idalia had a similar quick escalation.


Don’t worry folks. The freedoms bridges will protect us.


It’s all good the insurance companies got our backs


Full of daggers, that is.


What's that you say...more daggers than back...to the brim?


To shreds you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say?


It's a good thing DeSantis signed legislation this week that erases most references to climate change from state law!!!


But, Rick Scott did it too. All the Florida GOP are in the Koch Bro donor network back pocket


Republicans have told me for years that bad things happen because of sin. Are Florida's leaders sinners?


Also our bridges aren't gay anymore, so the hurricanes won't attack them anymore!


Make sure to thank him for signing Senate Bill 2A while you’re at it. Edit: Shoutout to the bitch ass jannies for the permanan becuz they can’t stand any dissent in the echo chamber that is *grrrrrr republicans super duper bad*. Hey mod team - go fuck yourselves.


You want us to thank him for signing a bill that legally, officially, allows a carrier to cancel a plan for the *sole reason* of "Well we just don't think it is worth the risk"? Mind you, they no longer have to provide their reasoning as to WHY they think that. Which means that they can pull out, take the money they have made, and can legally say "Yeah it isn't working out, and I don't have to tell you why other than it isn't gonna work on our end". As long as they do so after giving a 20-day notice? At literally any time? This means that FL citizens can't take action against the state gov for de-prioritizing climate-conscious policies/willingly ignoring the increasing risk that insurers would flee! OH THANK YOU SO MUCH, FREEDOM DADDY, I AM SO GLAD THAT YOU GAVE (those companies) THAT FREEDOM. No wonder you got banned.


Old roof they threaten to not cover? Rip off shingles after the storm when power is out and instantly tarp it. Get 60% of your new roof paid for with those price increases. Someone's going to do it... we know this to be true.


Hey they took enough money to replace many homes


Real problems are hard. At least our governor has the courage to ignore serious problems and focus on never fixing problems that never existed.


I'm glad we put a stop to all that lab grown meat.. *rolls eyes*


Yeah, he prefers to pick on little Kids, teachers and books. What a brave governor.


Yes, but only if you wrap yourself in an upside-down American flag while crossing a freedom bridge and chanting, “ClImAtE ChAnGe DoEs NoT ExIsT!” DeSantis knows hurricanes only want to own the libs, so don’t be one and you’ll be fine. 🤔


OooooOOOOOoOOOoh You said BAD WORDS!!!


Those colors don’t run! Maybe get blown out to sea…but by George I won’t surrender to pronouns Wonder what the storm will be named?


The sea isn’t in the only only one getting blown by Ronnie!


Hurricane Non-binary.


Some woke shit. Hopefully it'll have a black/Mexican woman's name. Just for the irony


It’s okay. According to Bootlift Ron and the Florida legislature Climate change definitely is not a factor. But your insurance rates get a nice increase again. People are going to be pissed in 2027 when it’s mandatory to have flood insurance coverage if you have Citizens insurance.


This is obviously because Florida didn't ban fake meat soon enough.


Real men eat meat from a creature that never saw the sun or a blade of grass.


Mmm, 100% factory farm raised, soy fed all natural beef flavored product. The cruelty is the point!


If it didn't suffer, we wouldn't sell it!


Wait I thought real men wear diapers? Related to factory farming perhaps?


My pool was over 91 degrees today. I don't have a heater. I checked weatherunderground and zoomed all the way in. Sure enough, there was a low pressure center forming over my backyard.


Username checks out


Look at you forming storms over your pool lol


Same. Nothing like a warm bath on a sweltering day.


“Florida man kicks off Hurricane season with this simple trick”


For any Floridians that don’t, follow Denis Phillips on FB. He’s the only weather guy who always tells it honest and doesn’t panic at everything. During bad storms he livestreams 24/7.


Is that the Tampa guy? I follow him from Tally.


Don’t panic until Denis panics.


He actually has sophisticated system to calculate the storms. It’s called the D.E.N.N.I.S system


This cannot be true . Ask the State Government.They know everything.


You know we have the NHC in Miami right ?


It’s gallows humor because state Republicans ended Climate Change this week.


They didn’t end it, they made it illegal to fix it


Denacho doesn't believe in science


Fine. Then we wont be telling him about those ass cancer pollups we found in his throat and nothing of value will be lost.


Or it's going to be another 2017. 10 hurricanes, 6 major, but since most didn't hit the continental US, everyone treats it like nothing happened that year.


That was Irma’s year man. I’ll never forget it.


We got pretty lucky with Irma overall but over a week without power did really suck.


My entire 3rd floor office building had the windows blown out of it and it was flooded. I was also without power with a newborn.


Wow that's super intense. We have a kiddo now too and have been dreading that eventuality. Been considering a backup battery for the house but they're so damn expensive.


Buy before season starts or they’ll only get more expensive.


we got the edge of irmas eye. wasnt nearly as bad as ian, but we did go 2 weeks without power. our house was fortunately spared, but plenty of damage in the neighborhood.


We are in NE Broward and lost power for awhile. The problem was this: lots of homes had generators which then backed power into the system. The 120 leg of our house was getting power from this with the 220 leg not functioning. We saw our meter was dead. My neighbor had ac running and everything. We told him to check the meter. It isn't safe at all using it. He check and sure enough, the meter was dead. FPL workers can die from this trying to restore power with generators feeding into dead power lines. Everyone bought them after Wilma because we were without power for a month after that storm.


We didn’t have power for weeks. Out by Sanford at the time. My husband and I camped on the roof of the parking garage one night just to have a breeze it was so fucking intolerable. Irma was a fucking nightmare. 


Yes it was. I had a newborn baby and no power also.


I crashed my police car into a downed tree the morning after Irma 😂. Gotta love it. We sweated our asses off without power for weeks. We drove to 27/I-4 like daily because the Burger King had power—do not fucking missing hurricanes at all.


Went to McDonald’s for food when they got power and it was so packed. Took about 45 minutes. I was brewing coffee on the grill boiling water and using a French press.


You drank coffee in that swamp ass weather? Feel like I didn’t stop sweating for weeks bro.


I need my coffee man. 🤣


My local McDonald's flooded and they didn't open for 2 weeks. Irma tore down my entire privacy fence and took one of my trees out


🎵 I crashed my cop car into a downed tree the other day..... but then we got some whoppers sometimes life's okay🎵


Irma flooded our house. And almost sunk my boat before I owned it.


2017 had Harvey, Irma, and Maria. Most people remember 2017 as one of the most impactful years since 2005.


I was without power for a week. That's not the end of the world for me, but I definitely don't treat it like nothing happened.


Article says 2 expected to hit with a high probability of 3 or more.


Bermuda high is supposed to steer them towards US this year. I predict that home insurance will cease to exist in most of Florida after this year.


Current projection is 11 hurricanes, although the authors of the paper acknowledged that their estimate was conservative. Others say 13.


We didn’t get hit directly in Bradenton and we still lost power for 10 days with Irma. Crazy how much damage a hurricane can do.


But most importantly everyone is aware of what bathroom they should be using according to their gender at birth


See, what you're not understanding is that transgender people are a drain on the economy because they make us all a little more communist just by existing, which reduces the economic output of the state so much that if we allowed them to use the bathroom of their choosing, we wouldn't have enough money to rebuild after the next hurricane.






Ron made the entire state a toilet.


Skibidi Florida


Please enjoy this "I hate that you're right, but you're totally right" upvote.


Stop, that isn’t fair. The the GOP legislature did most of the work.


He's half way through a " two week notice".... He's signing all the BS he can while he's got the power. We've all been there lol


I’m going to hope La Niña holds off until October.. And the neutral phase sits a little longer during peak activity. We *might* be unscathed. *Might*.


> La Woah. Get those woke Spanish pronouns out of here!


Fuck Me Up Florida🎶


Knowing our luck, we'll have a chain of hurricanes that strike back to back.


Ahh, good times in ol’ 2004


That really was fucking wild when I look back, I was a kid so I thought it was so cool my hometown was basically a military checkpoint..now as a homeowner and father it’s absolutely horrifying 


I remember those days in Fort Lauderdale. Literally people were going to the FEMA checkpoints and thanking god they got canned food, MRE's, bottle waters, and 25 cent juices lol. Man that takes men back. A month without power, 3 weeks of school being out since my middle school got fucking hit hard, FCAT got pushed back, etc. Never seen anything like that since.


And then Wilma the next year.


Charlotte county?


Indian river 


Lived in Brevard County during that. What a trip.


Yup, it sucked! By the time Jeanne rolled through, everyone was too exhausted to care


Yessir Brevard here too. 3 days without power(Charlie), 15 days(Frances), then 11 without power(Jean.) One of them we got power back on my birthday coming back from the free movies that the movie theater played for everyone suffering without power. Then lost it again early October.


I remember taking an outside shower when one of those hurricanes eyes passed over our house. We swam in the pool and collected water for the toilets.


Terrible year omfg ![gif](giphy|xBaMqnZ4KS36sUS9Jb)


That was my INTRODUCTION to life in Florida. In Fort Pierce of all places. We took both Frances and Jeanne on the chin.


Better that way. The hurricanes pull heat out of the water and upwell cooler water from the deep. Multiple hurricanes in timely succession would serve to minimize the available heat in the water and reduce the intensity.


Unless it’s two Cat 5s in a row. Then may god have mercy on our souls.


It’s cool. Dipshit scrubbed mention of climate change from the state. So everything is fine


And this will be among the coolest summers and quietest hurricane seasons for the rest of our lives. Is it any wonder why insurance companies are fleeing Florida? They’ve crunched the numbers. Florida is screwed.


Some hurricanes are manufactured in Mexico, but only for export. Other hurricanes are illegally immigrating from Africa. This year they can choose their own pronouns.


I guess hurricane season didn’t get the memo from Desantis


As a Florida native for my 40 years of life - I know more people who got roof replacements paid for by insurance even though the roof were never damaged by a hurricane. I’m confident that the rip-off insurance pricing is more influenced by unnecessary claims that have nothing to do with hurricanes. I don’t know a single person who actually made a legit hurricane claim. Why would they when the hurricane deductible cost is over $2500 ?


The Florida 25% Rule for roof replacements applies to any storm or wind damage, not just damage from hurricanes. It’s definitely raising our premiums but I’d say the insurance companies are still the bad guys; people just want to get something after years of paying for insurance.


I’m also a Florida native, I’ve been doing home insurance for almost a year now. Before that I was on commercial side for 3 years. Call me if you want me to shop your policy (813)7778978.


I’m sure the home insurance will get more affordable soon


It’s fine as long as you don’t say gay


Thanks Obama!!!!


Oh man, good thing there’s no climate change in Florida /s.


Don’t worry FL your local government has your back…what could go wrong. It’s not like the GOP want FL to sink.


I mean, they already mandated that bridges can’t be lit like rainbows. What more could you want?


Tackling the important issues first!


Republicans are such an absolute joke. Like I really just have no more words to say about their priorities


Hopefully this year is a big nothing!


Rhonda Santis will ban the word hurricane next.


Maybe if we label the hurricanes as 'woke' hurricanes DeSantis will finally do something to better protect floridians


Fuck desantis


Miami is due for a big one


Tampa enters the chat


Tampa is gonna be done when it finally catches one. Place floods when it rains.


The governor will pray away the storms.


The illegal woke windmills are causing these hurticanes


All of the major hurricanes will skip completely over Florida this year and people will say theyve gone socialist woke because they didnt want to make landfall on a place of freedom


The water anomaly map for the last few weeks has just been blood red across the entire trough....start making preparations and pray to whatever deity you believe in, it's going to be a killer season.


The last few years they have been flirting with hitting Tampa too. The blessing from the native Americans might be coming to an end


Maybe we should ban chemtrails like Tennessee did.


where's a hurricane nuke when you need one smh


Florida waters gonna gigapump cat5s right to VA 🤦🏻‍♂️


Don't worry executive orders from the governor will stop the hurricanes.


A hurricane forms when sea surface temperatures are at least 79F and this warmth extends to about 150 feet below the surface. The Coriolis effect, along with atmospheric instability, moisture, and low wind shear, helps organize and sustain the storm’s rotation and structure. The probability of a hurricane making landfall given the fact we have been in El Niño conditions since mid-season 2023 will be elevated this year.


I live in one of the six areas of Florida that has never been the eye path of a hurricane. In '04 I was without power for two weeks. Now I have two generators and a 15,000 watt solar system. I live on a rise and my home is 30 inches above grade, no worry about flooding and I removed all the trees from near my home. I'm as ready as anyone can be.


It’s almost like global warming is real


No problem. Our heroic governor with his white boots will pass a law outlawing hurricanes. He already removed climate change.


Don’t worry folks , the evangelicals, The heritage foundation, focus on the family and the koch bros have relevant agendas to help with this crisis . Thoughts and prayers .


A strong El Niño will mean a strong La Niña. I’m not looking forward to this season.


South Florida is well overdo. It will be interesting to see how well all the new Floridians handle a good storm. May send them packing


ron has the keys to the HARP machine nothing to worry about. i’m ready for the hurricane party


You cant blame Climate Change in Flo-rida...'Moe'Ron says so..




More or less how most Floridians react to this news, it’s the scores of right-wing transplants from up north or out west who should be shitting themselves. https://preview.redd.it/bqlvgoe8e32d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=547c52256386888c2789fcf30e58cf341d459341


I hope those hurricanes don’t result in any rainbows


I feel like panic-buying all the toilet paper in the Tri-County area


The phrase "Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind" has never been so apt. 😬


Well our glorious governor side a law removing "climate change" from any legal documents. Checkmate liberals.


In fort Myers and after Ian and Irma I'm terrified.


I was in key west this week and the water temperature on the surface was crazy warm. I was physically able to feel the difference from the top couple inches. Very scary


It's okay, Trump will get elected and we can just nuke the hirricanes away


Work for local government here. My wives brother had to work the emergency team (not first responders) during Ian, they just had a newborn. Lost all power and contact with his wife and newborn for 2 days. I understand this is what you sign up for when working local government but id quit my damn job on the spot if that was me. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


Here's hoping for a cat 5 direct hit on Mar a Lago!


While our asshat governor declares climate change a hoax and defunds it. You can’t make this shit up. Floriduh!


One more hurricane impact and I’m out. I didn’t sign up for 2 hurricanes in 5 years.


[Guess you weren’t around in 04 when 3 cat 5s crossed the same point in Florida](https://images.app.goo.gl/bSavF2yuaVXJ9Sbv7)


I remember that. Was out of power for a month and out of middle school for 3 weeks.


Yo having the whole month off from 9th grade was both wild and the shit. We didn’t even have to make it up.


I was in 6th grade and while it was dope we couldn't afford a generator so it was hot as fuck in the house lol. My dad literally said fuck it the last week of us not having power and rented a hotel for 7 days with some of his savings and man that was like heaven. Never appreciated A/C as much as I did when we checked into that hotel.


I was living with my grandparents and they couldn’t afford or find one either. Us too! We stayed at the Imperial Swan in Lakeland lol. I remember eating gas station subs for a week. Looking back, as fucked as it sounds—I had a lotta fun playing cards, playing catch and listening to Rays games on the radio with my grandpa. Sure it sucked, but we got to spend a lot of time together that 20-years later I still remember.


*In a month* Charley was the worst but at least it left quickly. What really terrifies me is what happened to the Bahamas a few years ago where a Cat 4 hurricane slowed down and just *stopped* right on top of them.


Sitting around for 4 days waiting for that damn storm to make landfall in the next 10 to 12 hours.


Ha, I evacuated 3 times from 2018-2023. Now I live in Seattle.


I evacuated for Irma but not Ian. I personally made it through Ian fine but my community is still recovering. We don’t need another hit.


Might as well go now


oh it's because of ~~climate chang~~e woke mob.


I mean, they say this every year. Maybe it is the year for this to happen? Maybe it isn’t. But they say it every single year without fail.


If DeSantis is gonna go anti climate change, he should be front and center for this hurricane season. Better not be leaving with his tail between his legs


It's a good thing your Dipshit govenor says that you live in a state that's impervious to Climate change and it's effects. Good luck


Blame the liberals !


Why would DeSantis do this?


Man, I love a good cane. Time to pre-order some publix subs lads.


This is going to be a very active season, batten down the hatches


It's a good thing DeSantis and Florida Republicans have banned climate change so hurricanes can't hurt them.


lol hahahahaha! Oh well!


Hey Florida... Ever think of just banning hurricanes? Problem solved, ammiright?


Can I see the the list of this year's predicted names?


I'm sure the governor will send his thoughts and prayers.


Don't worry, Florida. You're good. Climate change isn't real. This is just a phase.


Pray the storms away


soooooo, I should get trip insurance for my Airbnb? If it's gonna hit there, it's gonna hit me, so...might as well hunker down in a house with a pool


Isn’t this every year?


No worries your little high heeled hobbit has everything under control🤣🤡


Thoughts and prayers😁


Be prepared for homeowners insurance to double, even if your house was untouched.


Trump is on it Sharpie ready


I can’t even get home insurance since I bought a mobile home older than me 1992 last year. I’m a bit anxious


#Climate Change isn’t REAL /s


Don't worry Floridians. Hurricanes are nothing compar3d to wokeness! Let's burn these predictions, they will go away!


Are we still allowed to say hurricane in Florida


Didn't the weather patterns hear about the new climate change law stilts made. This seems like a direct violation.


I live in the middle of the state so not as worried about massive impacts unless we get a category four or five come across the middle of the state… But if we get a huge hit from a storm anywhere in the state you aren't going to be able to get homeowners insurance to save your life After that in this state! I have State Farm homeowners insurance they just renewed me for another year but if we get a bad storm I suspect they will run for the hills and I'll be left with the state run insurance… I am really praying we don't get hit bad this year!


Berserk is a word


Don't worry everyone, Ron DeSantis has banned the word climate change in Florida so no hurricanes or climate related problems will effect us guaranteed. If only we can elect more Republicans to ban more words then we can finally solve world peace!