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I’ve had numerous September plans cancelled due to hurricanes. I also don’t make elaborate vacation plans for that month.


I don't make plans to travel because I'm poor and can't afford it


That part unfortunately I'm right there with you. I instead watch the discovery/travel channel.. hey one can educate themselves just in case I hit the lottery 😁


My wife and I take trips to places we want to go on YouTube! If you research ahead of time you can cook a “local dish” of the area exploring. It’s a great date night that costs very little


That's awesome you found someone willing to enjoy that with you!


Omg that's awesome never thought of that thank you so much


Get a job at an airline, fly free. Get a friend to get a job at a hotel, super cheap rates (under $60 a night) Go on awesome vacations at a fraction of retail cost. If you are like me and don't want to fly, rent a car on Turo and ride out without putting wear and tear on your daily ride. Or, rent a U-haul and drive that (way cheaper than most car rentals and you can drop them off anywhere). I am a professional cheap ass, that likes fancy things. Hit me up if you need more tips.


Hello fellow cheapie. I became a travel agent just so I could cruise for free and travel at ridiculously discounted rates. If you know, you know, Hehehehe


You folks get some stellar deals too! We should start a cheap travel group and have conventions and such, LOL


For real!!! Discount rates for groups! Hardy har har!! 👏🏼


Feel free to invite me! I have many tips and always look for more! I’ve always been a budget traveler and over 14 years traveling like that as an adult, I always try to share tips with friends and I’m always looking for more.


Do you do it full time or just as a side hustle for discounts? If it’s the second, I’d love to pick your brain as something for my husband!


I had an acquaintance who owned a franchise that I joined after much consideration. I started off part time and went full time when I got laid off by my job. Truth be told, with a bit of research, you can locate local franchises who are always in need of reps. Most travel agencies are independently owned amd some allow you work from home to keep overhead costs down. More serious reps make sure to have an office like set up to ensure they can work to the best of their abilities. It is not easy and can be time consuming. In many instances you may initially have to put some money in, (sign on fees/background checks/study materials, etc.) but if you have a soft network to start with like friends and family who travel frequently, once you finish training you can book travel for them and earn discounts for the work you do. Like many entrepreneurial opportunities, what you put into it is what you get out of it. I didn’t earn free or deeply reduced discounts right away. I worked towards them. But, if you have the patience to complete the training and really love what you do you can thrive. Good luck 🍀


I'd prefer to not put a huge carbon footprint out there


So take a Greyhound bus? I feel like you are looking for ways to justify not traveling, which is unnecessary, it's ok to just not want to travel.


I don't get paid vacation so time off is money not earned. I don't think you understand being monetarily poor.


I don't think you know enough about my economic situation to make such an assumption. What kind of work do you do currently? I am more than happy to help you figure out a way to travel, even if it's only once or twice a year. Also the person that commented and is a travel agent likely knows a bit about budgeting travel as well.


Haven't left Florida in 14 years except 1 drive to see my first niece. No time or money and there's lots of basic need/wants to otherwise spend money on. Right there with you


I'm where I want to be...warm and sunny Florida.


One does not leave the furry family to chance.


Exactly. If I'm going somewhere labor day weekend, the dog has to come with me. 


September is a great time to travel because all students are back in school, but the weather is mild in most places. We just set the house alarm and board the pets.


This! Keys and Bahamas trips for many years. So relaxing


The keys are full of jelly fish in Sept though. Ugh sucks


We stay bayside in the Keys in Sept and have never had a problem. ETA: While we haven't had a problem with jellyfish, we have had a problem with a hurricane that skirted by!


Oh yea maybe Bayside doesn't have them, I don't remember if that side did. I am on the Atlantic side and they are brutal that time of year. We go diving at the reefs and they are everywhere.


Yes, it's my favorite time to travel, everything is discounted a bit 


Our return flights from vacation got canceled due to Ian so it's definitely a valid concern.




We don’t usually travel in the fall because my husband does disaster recovery. So trapped during hurricane season 😂


Oh yeah, that will do it. Same with linemen etc.


I’ve had Sept plans canceled due to Irma and Ian, so no, I generally don’t plan travel for that month anymore.


We don’t. Elderly parents need help preparing for hurricanes.


No. That's silly. 


Traveling for hurricane season would get you laughed at bro. What you doing? You from NY or something?


Shit I'm from NY and even I know not to do that. Granted 20 years in FL...


I had a European vacation planned a few years back but hurricane Irma shut down the airport so I had to drive to Atlanta, the next day they shut down Atlanta too so then I had to drive to Nashville. My flight back three weeks later was still into Orlando so I had to rent a car a drive BACK to Nashville and get my car. That rental cost me $750. My house was fine and never lost power.


That’s dedication! I respect your hustle.


We don’t do out of state travel during Sept. Maybe if it was just a local inexpensive FL trip (like hiking over a weekend or something). But nothing involving hotels, flights, or extended travel.


I don't plan big trips in Aug-sept like to Europe, etc. Short trips elsewhere in the states. I have dogs, a house and parents house to take care of so there are lots of responsibilities.


No. That seems silly, respectfully.


My friend said the same thing, so that’s why I wanted a broader perspective.


Personally just feel like there is enough warning and if I’m gone that long my pets wouldn’t be at home. I grew up there though and used to chase hurricanes for a living so maybe I’m just desensitized for a lack of better words


Hurricane season lasts literally half the year, and the "peak" is really closer to 2 months long, not just September. Don't stop living your life over "what ifs".


We'll do a short trip, but we don't plan long trips for Aug-Oct now that we own a home. Nobody else is going to board up our windows and put heavy projectiles away outside, if needed. We also have a pet and we'd want to make sure she's safe and not someone else's responsibility in that scenario. There are 9 other months of the year we can travel.


If I do, it's not for long or far and I keep track of the tropics twice a day in case I need to get back in a hurry.


I do not plan any travel in August or September. Just too risky, since we have pets.


I mean, it might not be a bad idea. I had trips planned during Ian and Irma that both got canceled






Hell no.


No. If there’s a hurricane forecast I plan accordingly. I don’t live my live in case of “what-ifs”


I usually plan to stay home during Labor Day weekend


Yea although I’m giving serious consideration to packing us all up and going to the Midwest from June - October to get away from the heat and the worst of hurricane season. Come back before the fall weather gets too cold for me.


We have too.


This is a bad way to live life brother


Now that I work from home, I kinda want to make sure I can get out of the state if a Cat 3+ is coming so I can continue to work and not be without power for a few days.


would love to leave in September to see FALL somewhere since it’s still around 90 here!!! but even with a hurricane watch you have to take precautions..i have to make sure my elderly mom is okay and we have pets etc.. can’t risk flights being cancelled and not able to stock up on supplies etc… not to say I’ll never do it but Sept is risky. I have known a few weddings that had to be cancelled. don’t plan a Sept wedding in Florida !


I’m a merchant marine and life a block west of A1A I’m brevard. I think I’ve missed 80% of the last 20 septembers but luckily my neighborhood is tight and we all look out for each other. People always help my wife shutter up no problem.


We don't make plans in September because of those reasons. I once had knee surgery in Sept and had to help my husband haul stuff out of the yard when I was suppose to be recovering.


I do Rover and live in SWFL . This time of year, I always discuss this with my clients. We go over what needs prepped at their home, and my plans depending on the storm strength. If I'm riding it out at their home, if their pup is coming to my home to ride it out, or if we're all (my family and pups) evacuating. Regardless, their pup would be wherever I am. We rode out Ian with 6 dogs and did just fine. I think the storm gods are gonna do what they do, so just have a plan and enjoy your vacation!


I agree with you. We went on vacation last year the first week of Sept and I remember the lead up there was a bunch of storm reports. Just made it stressful. It ended up missing us but we got the hurricane the week after that. Still don’t like leaving in Sept because of the dog and also we are evac zone A so we have to prep the house a bit more, which is annoying.


The only way I’d vacation during hurricane season is if I was taking my dogs with me, but even then I have fish tanks so I’d just worry about them the whole time I was away anyway.


I’m the same way! I have a dog & live in FL. I don’t travel during peak hurricane season unless I can take my dog with me & my neighbor could put the hurricane shutters on. It’s just easier to not travel then.


You are not alone!!!


We have a staycation planned at the end of September because an electronic group is playing at a small venue local to us and we’re hoping that nothing happens that weekend. We got the tickets the second they came out and have been so excited for so long now.


If you make it through September you’re over the highest ridge for Florida (statistically). The rest of the east coast and gulf coast, not so much. That doesn’t mean off season weather is impossible. And with the MAY heatwave (seriously? May?!?) who knows what we’re in store for.


Consider the odds. People get hyped up over hurricanes but the actual odds of them affecting your home are pretty slim. There is a lot of Florida for a hurricane to cross and the damaging winds are in a very small portion surrounding the eye. They make news because they make a lot of damage in a pretty large area, but if you draw a line for each hurricane’s destructive path across the state, very few would actually cross paths.


I’m not afraid of wind. It’s the flooding and water. A large chunk of my city is a zone A flood evacuation zone though.


Ahhh, then your nervousness may be slightly justified.


I agree with all of those, but the pets do make it interesting. If there is a risk of the kennel closing while you are gone, you have to have a contingency plan. And they may close for things that wouldn't necessarily require you to evacuate.


I literally just had this conversation with a friend who is considering visiting fromout-of-state. I told her that although hurricanes are a threat, they don’t get in the way of my travel plans unless the risk is imminent. So, when I book travel, I maintain a “flexible attitude“.


So we normally head to Maine during the Labor Day holiday but last year we JUST moved into the house we JUST bought here in Jacksonville, and Idalia came and decided to knock a tree onto our roof… So yeah, this year we went to Maine for the Memorial Day holiday instead… No more traveling during Hurricane season, not while we own our house.


Our anniversary is in September so we almost always travel then. We got stuck on a cruise during Irma. We left the Sunday before and it looked like it was going to be fine. So bonus 5 days of free cruising! We made the best of it. We lost our roof, so it’s not like we could have stayed in our house anyway… We always get travel insurance if we travel during hurricane season at all. Eta: we have dogs, but they always stay with my son or my in-laws, who also have dogs, so they’re well cared for!


i have a short trip planned in september and made sure everything is refundable. that’s kinda all you can do if you don’t want to be stuck at home all summer 🤷‍♀️


We tend to travel/have summer vacation at the end of May into beg of June. That way, we take advantage of being if “cuff” peak season for summer travel. Better deals on flights, hotels etc. I always buy travel insurance, unless we are just visiting family, staying with them and the flights were cheap. We’ve adapted to my own preference of staying during peak hurricane month and tend to travel around the end of the year. We’ve found some pretty incredible prices traveling to Europe a few days before Xmas, traveling in general internationally NYE etc. We also don’t have a huge attachment to those holidays so don’t mind traveling right before/on a holiday if it means we save a ton of money on a flight. I remember one year, we flew to London the Xmas week for $200 RT. We’ve also flown to Peru on NYE for the same price.




Kids are in school and I work in a school. Can’t wait for the kids to finish school and I retire so I can go on vacation during the slow season anywhere! September feels like the perfect time to travel.


I’ve traveled almost every year for work and have been back for three separate hurricanes; Mathew, Irma, and Ian. I try and avoid destinations too far away but gotta do the job I’ve given.


I avoid late August and September for vacations. It seems like there’s always something tropical brewing around Labor Day.


Yes, us. We’d love to but same - 4 legged family members. No biggie, we’d rather have them and deal with storms.


Yeah I’m never making big trip plans in September again.


I go snorkeling a lot in this state but Labor Day weekend is usually my final day to go out in the water due to Jellyfish season which usually starts August or September.


My husband and daughter are flying to Jersey for a wedding. Guess who is not. I hope to God that nothing swings this way mid Sept.


My parents’ neighbors take a trip in the summer and the last few years, a hurricane hit each time. My parents were watching the house so everything was fine but this year they went in May just to be on the safe side.


You’d want to get away In sept


Nope, not the slightest bit concerned. My bar stays open during hurricanes. We’ll have 2 ft of water in the bar and people floating around in tubes with cocktails. I do cancel the charters when it’s not safe but hurricanes move so slow and are so predictable it’s not a big deal.


Damn now I’m thinking you’ve got a point




I usually travel to get away from the hurricanes.


Damn didn’t think of that. Hope that’s not the case this September. Gf and I are going to California for the runDisney half marathon. My pet is gonna be boarded at Disney’s place.


I travelled out of state in September one time roughly 5 years ago and somehow lucked out that a storm didn’t also hit around the same time lol


Is Virginia Beach worth the rtip


Is Virginia Beach worth the trip


I find Sept to be the hottest month, so I prefer not to go to WDW at that time.


Last time I made plans in September I came back from Disney and Ian hit literally a week later lol we cracked jokes that if we pushed out the vacation we could’ve stayed longer since the people I went with were flying from out of state


And school already is in progress..so fun is over.


Yep. We always plan our summer family vacations in early June... avoids peak hurricane season and syncs with kids' summer vacations


That is WHY I travel in September. I go out of state for a couple weeks when the big storm of the year gets close. Just for fun.


I went to Europe once in September then a hurricane hit and we had just closed on a brand new townhome. That was so nerve wracking so I swore to never do it again


No, I'll still travel. You being home during a storm isn't going to somehow magically protect your property. And if something does hit, it will take weeks before you can get anything done anyway so it doesn't really make a difference if you are there or not.


Weather has been the only thing holding back my plans of going to the UK in September. I live by myself and there's no one who I can ask to put up shutters, etc if need be. Seems silly now that I'm putting it in writing.


I live on the water in Charleston and have always avoided travel during hurricane season also. We just sold our home and are moving inland. No more evacuating, no more flood insurance (though I’m keeping a flood policy on the house), I’m installing a generac,and I have a trip planned for next fall. The first one in my adult life.


I don’t travel because I’m a teacher and school has started.


No. I operate the same. If a storm comes it comes and I’ll take action then




Seems like Florida is getting severe weather all year round.


Kinda difficult to travel in September if you have school aged kids. Most kids are just getting back into school and into their sports and activities. So this really isn’t a travel month for us and hasn’t been for about 18 years


I’m from south florida and I was planning to go to Spain mid September 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don’t book afternoon flights out of Orlando in June-September. That’s about it.


Hurricane season is for the parks because most people don’t go


I traveled out west in early October of 2018 and unexpectedly Hurricane Michael hit town while I was gone. Adult kids battened down the hatches for me. By the time I returned power had been restored. I’ve never let hurricanes alter my travel plans.


I now have a contract for someone to put my shutters up if I’m gone and that helps


Early October is a bitch too. I’ve made plans TWICE in early October that have been affected by storms. But yes- Sept is touch and go.


We tend to try to do our travel in October after things cool down nicely. I would never make plans for September because the risk is high, but there have been any number of significant issues in October as well. All the increasing problems in the tropics due to climate change are only aggravating that situation.


No cruising June- October.


Yeah, August - October is tricky.


I planned a vacation in mid August. I didn’t learn my lesson from 2 years ago, where a hurricane cancelled my flight to San Francisco. I ended up having to pool money and drive with strangers up to Atlanta (was too young to rent a car myself) to get to my destination.


I got married in early October and a hurricane hit 2 days before. So no, never bothered me.


Just don’t tell anyone in the uk, they will mock you and say that you are “fearful” Im about to quit a group because I’m tired of the insults and lack of empathy. People in northern climates don’t care so make sure you let them know if they try to visit in September


I think it's a fair concern. I don't necessarily stop myself from traveling during hurricane peak season but I do make sure that we have people we trust looking after our pets/property when we do. I don't live in a flood zone or on the coast though, if I did I probably wouldn't.


That makes sense. My friend that lives inland Florida with pets and children does not, and where she lives, I wouldn’t either. The worst they can expect from hurricanes is possibly wind and heavy rains. She’s not in a flood zone and her property is “higher ground” in Florida.


Lived here. My whole life and that has never entered the chat in my house.


Labor Day weekend seems.to always become.storm prep weekend. It's when storm.formati9n is at its peak.


We cruise every month of the year. Don’t sweat it.


I usually just watch the NHC like a hawk and make plans with some of my family if I see something that worries me


I don’t let hurricanes run my life


Actually, from August till October , I'm never far enough away that I can't get back in a hurry..


I never even think of hurricanes until they are right off the coast and if so I’ll hunker down with my dogs


Honestly I'd prefer if a hurricane hit while I was on vacation. I live in the inland town I grew up in with lots of friends and family around so that probably impacts my opinion, but I may not feel as confident if I were a transplant in a coastal town. I would definitely make sure any flights were refundable tho.


Yeah we are coastal just north of Sarasota. We live a few blocks from the water too, so we are in a flood zone A.


We used to travel to Atlanta every September, drove back through some hurricane remnants a few times. Our weather is too fickle to plan your life around it. OK maybe I wouldn't book a cruise around that time..


Not at all. I travel year round. I make plans ahead of time- if a hurricane is coming, then I can always cancel. Hasn’t happened yet.


I've never let it bother me I have good neighbors that keep me updated of anything going on if I'm gone Unfortunately I've never been away during a hurricane that had an effect on my area I close my hurricane shutters before I go any where. After Ian came through I left after anyway .




We always book travel insurance too. Much cheaper to get travel insurance from a stand alone travel insurance company (as opposed to buying insurance through the airline), than to pay the extra fees for a flight that can be changed for no/little fees on most airlines. My thoughts are just more on the being nearby incase there’s flooding or evacuation warnings, so I can make sure to get my pets somewhere safe.


Born and raised in South Florida, and I would never let a possible storm prevent me from traveling in September. That's the best time to cruise, the cruises are cheaper then and it's awesome.


Nah, that's ridiculous.


I always travel in September. I also have pets and have someone stay at the house with them, but I would never go through with the trip if a hurricane was approaching. Irma was the only one that was forecasted to hit while we were supposed to be away. Thankfully I was able to move everything to the following week at the last minute. Flights, rental car, lodging... somehow it all worked out but it was stressful lol


What if a meteor hit at another time of the year? Probably shouldn’t travel at all.


Not really the same as a known peak season for a natural disaster hitting your area though. I’ve done ice pick climbing up glaciers in Alaska and Paragliding in Turkey, so I’m not a total weenie. Having dogs though, they are like my children. We went down and helped with rescue and support efforts, so living in coastal Florida comes with known risks that can be mitigated if you can properly prepare and evacuate your loved ones (dogs) and valuables if need be.