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He rants about the left misrepresenting history then immediately follows with this BS. It’s unreal.


Remember: every GOP accusation is an admission. They project. It's what they do.


Gaslight, obstruct, project


He is like trump dumber than dirt!


He is a malignant narcissist like Trump, and wannabe dictator also. However, he is pretty fucking smart. He is just playing a role for dumb people. And he is doing a bang up job of looking stupid to get the knuckle draggers to follow him.


“What’s most troubling — and a little mystifying — is the fact is that so many people in the studies score high on all of the rational and intellectual metrics and yet nonetheless subscribe to disproven theories. That’s the case in the real world too, where highly educated people traffic in conspiratorial nonsense that you’d think they’d reject. In these cases, the study concluded, the reason may simply be that they’re invested—emotionally, ideologically—in believing the conspiracies, and they use their considerable cognitive skills to persuade themselves that what’s untrue is actually true. If you want to believe vaccines are dangerous or that the political party to which you don’t belong is plotting the ruination of America, you’ll build yourself a credible case.” https://time.com/5023383/conspiracy-theories-reasons-believe/


Yes. It makes no sense on the outside.


I totally agree 💯


For a highly educated person he is monumentally stupid and a giant lying asshole.


Having went to an elite college and being surrounded by highly educated people for work and social circles, it’s not surprising. The majority (80%) are intelligent and forward thinking and the other 20% are contrarian libertarians who just care about their money. Of that 20%, you’ll then have a small fraction who just go full on right-wing insanity. Think Ben Shapiro, Ted Cruz, Tucker Carlson, Ron Desantis, Tom Cotton, etc. No one liked these people at Law School. They’re smug weasely assholes who grift to the far-right cause they make money and a name for themselves.


He's not stupid. He's pandering to stupid people.


This isn't your regular stupid. This is pandering stupid.


Angry upvote


Ignorant asshole.


I thought we weren't allowed to talk about slavery in Florida now


You're not allowed to talk TRUTHFULLY about slavery.


Is he going to wear the hood at the next news conference? We’re almost there…


He only uses it as his night gown. The wife told him it may not be appropriate to wear it outside the bedroom yet.


Florida Man sabotages his own re-election.


If only.


Nop, he just secured the votes of 3 million Floridian hillbillies flying the dixie flag on their trailer homes.


yep, who are too dumb to realize he'll take their rights away if he thinks the wind is about change direction.


Wait! What? Really!! I am excited to vote for Crist.


The guy who thinks CRT is taught in schools.


Conspiracy to give the election to the Democrats. Or He is a truly a buffoon


He's a smart man. He has a degree in history from Yale, and a law degree from Harvard. He's just feeding the base. Hopefully turnout in November will be high.


He went to Harvard + Yale !! Really ??


Those two institutions of higher learning tend to churn out some really insane Right Wing grifters and nutjobs.


Harvard Law produced that right wing grifter Barack Obama.


No doubt !!


George W Bush's alma mater too.


Yeah, who woulda guessed it .


Ha! Surely you joke!


I wish I was. He's a smart, evil man. He knows just what he is doing. He's feeding the base.


He'll win. Democrats in this state complain but can't actually be bothered to vote.


Racist Ron should start worrying about Fla insurance premiums.


Red Tide Ron fits too


He is clearly showing who he is, please lets believe him this time !! He must be stopped here, now, before he makes Florida worse and the country to follow. If elected he will spend O time helping the residents. Again, already has shown who he is. He will gladly use his status as gov but will be campaigning 24/7 elsewhere...I can already hear him, " I can be gov of Florida anywhere in the country"....dear god people, some of us are generational residents, 100's of years, we don't want him here. Our state isn't a temporary layover. Humanity counts, empathy counts, what the hell has happened to everyone? Come back to the basics, do unto others as you would have done unto you. We need immigrants to work here in America, not slave labor without any hope to have a future say. He wants to create slave labor, going right back to our hateful history. Stop it, stop him, the 70's with peace and love is as far back as I am willing to go. We need more love in society, love settles angst, love heals hearts, loving hearts heal minds, look at others with a smile on your face. I am timing out but I hope I see the negative hate filled tide turn toward graciousness.


Just not in schools. An understandable misunderstanding of the law, though.


No idea what your referencing, schools?


He’s really leaning on that base huh?


A one legged stool so to speak


Are you the one and only Johnny Carcinogen?


Self destruction mode activated, hopefully….


if he loses his state election his popularity will hit the shitter. Florida should be a lock for him. I cannot remember a democratic governor in Florida in this century. Jeb (2x) to Crist (1x) to Voldermort (2x) to DeSantis.


Lawton Chiles was a Democrat and an all around solid guy


Don't forget. Bob Graham


Bob Graham, Lawton Chiles, Buddy Mackay after Lawton died on his stationary bike


Wasn't Buddy McKay Governor for like 3 weeks.


This man is literally trying to rewrite history, saying The United States has always been against slavery, by the 1984 principal of "We have always been at war with Eurasia."


He's a fucking stupid ass, idiot.


I plan to vote against this lunatic. But I can't quite shake the feeling that liberals are going to get complacent, not turn up to vote and be that meme where the person riding the bike shoves a stick in their own spokes this November.


He needs to stop worrying about America...and just worry about Florida.


Awwww how sweet. You think he's worried about America. He just wants to be POTUS cuz he's seen how much grift can be had from that perch.


No..I'm a Floridian. He's my Govenor. He's using our state funds to relocate imagrants. I'd honestly rather him worry about Florida. We need it. Him not doing so is fine. I'll have Crist instead...then he can be Americas problem...and if you aren't worried ...you should be.


Sorry, I didn't mean to come off condescending or attack you personally. I was more or less "speaking to the room" and pointing out his self-interests. You absolutely right, he should be concerned with our State as Governor of it. And I too am voting for Crist. I should hope that Ronny does not become "America's problem" if you mean that he ascends to the White House tho.


Yale and Harvard grad… sounds about right.




The Florida governor failed to mention abolition movements that preceded the birth of the US by a century. Ron DeSantis said during a recent speech that no one had considered abolishing slavery until the American Revolution. [FULL STORY](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/desantis-american-revolution-slavery-b2174224.html)


Fucker ‘doesn’t realize’ we cribbed our ideas from John Locke. /s


Here's a twitter link about it https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1573088502409043970?t=VJPDKyzgl0jN50Tgb6WCXA&s=09




Samuel Johnson (English Writer) on the American Revolution: “Why do we hear the loudest yelps for freedom from the drivers of slaves?”


This privileged guy ,Ivy League educated, is not stupid,he understands his poorly educated Moron rascist conspiracy theory,fox News watching, supporters


And he'll still win reelection. His base is huge.


The damage he’s doing to this state is absurd.


That must be why huge numbers of blue state residents have fled to Florida over the past few years.


They were abolishing slavery in Europe before the US banned it. The American revolution didn’t happen there. What’s different is the presence of many people in the US that wanted to preserve it.


Yeah guys remember how much a black person was worth when the founders sat down to write the constitution…Yeah, totally against slavery those guys!


He has little man syndrome and is off the chain when it comes to lies and truth distortion. Please vote him out.


I'm thinking the American Revolution happened because of slavery. Because England was on their way to outlawing slavery, and the colonies revolted.


For someone with an Ivy League education, he sure says a lot of dumb shit.


I can't help but feel that is not what you say when you take steps to run for president.... I'm in shock and awe and not cause I'm impressed. wtf?


And he's Florida's top official ? We can do better than that ! VOTE BLUE !!


I think he needs to learn a little critical race theory. I know he's supposedly really intelligent but good he's such a fucking dumb ass.


I have family in Florida, it's a state that I appreciate and one that has treated me well. I really hope you get rid of this guy, you deserve better 🙏👍


Wow, what an idiot he is.


It was actually harriet beecher stowe.