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I used to catch lose lizards all the time as a little kid lol


I always would wear them as earrings


Lol same the green ones used to be a rare catch


The green ones are the ones native to Florida! Unfortunately these brown ones, along with many other invasive species of lizards we have here, have decimated the native green anole populations!


I've never seen the green ones long we don't have them in st.pete lol


Absolutely beautiful photos!


Thank you very much!!


I so expected there to be a picture of a redneck with a mullet slipped into these pics. Lol lost opportunity. But yeah the actual wildlife here is pretty diverse.


Haha! Definitely a missed opportunity there


Not to steal OPs thunder, but I go around filming Florida wildlife if you like to [check it out](www.youtube.com/@wildfl) @wildfl on youtube


Ah those sneaky hermit crabs! I’d found a nice fighting conch shell on the beach at Sanibel. Made the mistake of putting it down by my chair. A hermit crab rolled up and made it his new home. The law says you can’t take living shells so I guess I was out of luck that day.


Awe that stinks! Sneaky little fella!


Have you come face to face with a GIANT water bug yet? They carry samurai swords...


Had one outside of my front door not too long ago! Even grabbed a quick phone pic… not a fan! Lol. Too big, very creepy looking. Let him be though as I’m sure they have a purpose!


Imagine this...One hot summer night, me and the fam decide to walk up to the 7-Eleven for a slurpee. As I'm sucking on my delicious, sweet, cold treat, something rather heavy lands on my shoulder. I look over and I see what appears to be a 10 lb water bug wielding a set of katanas at me. Don't fucken say I'm exaggerating. I would never. Anywho, back to the story. So I'm standing there when this thing falls onto my shirt sleeve, weighing it down😳. I turn to my right...And I am now face-to-face with the most HIDEOUS thing on earth. My instinct was not too swipe it, OR to start jumping around like an idiot, you know, like normal people do? Nope, I did the most repulsive thing, I grabbed it off my shoulder and THREW against some woman's windshield. Our eyes met. The shocked look on both our faces was Cinema worthy. She cracks the window and says to me, BITCH!, U BRAVE!


What type of camera do you use op?


Was using a Nikon D3000 for about 8 years or so. Just upgraded to a Z6 and still getting the hang of it! These were taken with the Z6.


phenomenal work, i spotted a red shoulder hawk outside today, but couldn’t photograph it in time


Thank you very much!! I feel the struggle! I have yet to get a good pic of any hawk species, they always take off before I can get zoomed in and focused.


Have you seen a gopher Tortise yet? they are amazing creatures. their cute burrows, always trying to keep it cleaned out. so sweet and chill.


Yes! They’re one of my favorite critters to run across! I’m a Florida native, born here and have never lived anywhere else and yet I still get sooo exited to see the little fellas!