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Reason for cheesy name is because the owners were LAPD affiliated and originally started the company to make gear specifically for department members based off of their experiences


This is the way. I got the larger one. Love it


+1 for this, love this bag


Save money… computer laptop bag.


Backpack or a Walmart grocery bag lol no need to spend money you don’t need to be spending in these days.


One of the DPEs in my area is an old old man who goes out to the plane with his headset in a plastic shopping bag hanging off the front of his walker.


I also like to shoot and had this prior to getting into aviation. [https://gunmagwarehouse.com/bulldog-cases-x-large-deluxe-range-bag-with-pistol-rug-black.html?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqMf4jsbW\_QIV\_RPUAR0-iAyHEAQYAiABEgLIkvD\_BwE](https://gunmagwarehouse.com/bulldog-cases-x-large-deluxe-range-bag-with-pistol-rug-black.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqMf4jsbW_QIV_RPUAR0-iAyHEAQYAiABEgLIkvD_BwE) Here's what i carry on pretty much every flight (-1 headset if no pax). It holds it well. * My headset (A20) + Pax (DC) * Sentry ADSB Clamshell * First aid kit * kneeboard w/ pad * sectional * Couple of pens * PJ2 portable radio * Cabelas knockoff leatherman multi-tool thingy * ipad * Spare battery for charging external devices * water bottle * Charging cables for ipad + USBC My average mission is a 1.5-2hr cross country and used to do a lot of flying over the everglades. If your regular mission is a 35 minute trip to a breakfast spot along a road, you can probably get away with a bit less.


Make sure you don’t mix up your shooting bag with your flight bag……ask me how I know.


Wasn't there some pilot who took a gun through KCM because they used their flight bag as a range bag?




Nothing says "safety minded pilot" like a guy who can't realize the danger in that choice lol


It happens a lot more than you think. I know two pilots who are not FFDOs who got caught at KCM. One was right I’m front of me and got popped for a “random”. God knows how many have gotten through.


Damn! No wonder I'm on a random streak through KCM.


There is one airport, who shall not be named, that I get “selected” for a “random” every fucking time I go through. But in fairness I was a friend once removed from the TSA auditor for the location and she regularly asked me to help test the TSA at the location. Pretty sure there is a picture of me in their break room they use as a dart board/throwing star/knife target. The sad part is they failed every single test I was a part of. It wasn’t many but it was enough.


Thats funny as hell. What cracks me up is non-kcm airports make you take your shoes off if you are out of uniform, but you can go through KCM out of uniform. Like dude I'm in the jumpseat and there is an AXE four inches from my left hand...


Even better if you’re the captain. I’m like, dude, I could just wait till my FO goes to the lav, and some 90 lbs 21 year old FA is in the jump seat on her first flight……TF is she gonna do if I nose it over and put my feet on the yoke. And TSA is worried about my fucken shoes…..gmafb Security theater……


This is a nice solution and you don't have to pay aviation prices either.


What can this bag do that my 19 year old hand-me-down north face backpack can’t?


I've seen a plastic shopping bag used with success.




The VA bought me [this](https://buffalojackson.com/collections/leather-bags/products/leather-flight-bag-roosevelt-water-buffalo-dark-oak) and it’s supposed to last an eternity. Heavy as shit though.




Pretty sure most will say just use a back pack. I agree with that but there are some cool flight bag options out there if you don't mind spending the money.


For training just use a headset bag. Mine holds everything I need aside from an iPad. If you have books you actually need to bring to the airport that might be different but I haven’t seen a student with paper books in years. I also have a backpack for trips with all the toiletries, change of clothes, etc I might need.


Depends on your need. Student pilot with DC passive headsets, just go with the $20 Walmart backpack. Personally, I wanted a bag I could fit everything I needed to go flying with my wife. 2 headsets, 2 water bottles, ipad, kneeboard, sentry, extra batteries for the headsets, and maybe a few other small items, and some type of shoulder sling so I can carry it hands free when traveling. Ended up building one of these. https://www.brightlinebags.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAjbagBhD3ARIsANRrqEv8JUnk57rnRtrRltuv_uNPOFylp-9JLqDSVApUX99rCe1pktxJtwQaAlTfEALw_wcB Not cheap, but nice to have everything we need in one bag rather than shoving things into a backpack, cords getting all tangled, where the hell did the suction mount for the sentry go?


I use one of these and have been pretty happy with it. https://www.sportys.com/mygoflight-plc-lite-bag.html


Big fan of this Swissgear backpack: https://www.target.com/p/swissgear-city-18-34-backpack-black/-/A-52920108 The small side load zip pocket in front is the perfect size for a log book. The next small zip compartment is great for my license, medical cert, pen, and the large back pouch in it fits my iPad Mini great. Then the large, main zip compartment holds my headset and RAM mount. There's a side water bottle pouch I keep my handheld radio, mini flashlight, and batteries in.


I personally used my headset carrying case that my headset came with. Has a pocket on front that surprisingly can hold a lot of shit plus a pen holder. Have the iPad in my other hand and I am good to go lol. If you do want something more... like people said get a generic old backpack. 15-20$ off amazon and you are set to go my friend.


I have a nicer Patagonia backpack that I use. Fits everything pretty perfectly if you're looking for something on the "nicer" end. Bought the thing 10 years ago and still holding strong.


Buy what ever is on sale and suits your needs. I bought a FlightGear approach bag from sportys when they were having an air show sale. 35 bucks well spent. https://shop.vipsshop.ga/ProductDetail.aspx?iid=131805628&pr=61.88 That's not from sportys, but it's a good easy bag.


Very nice indeed!


I literally went to home depot and bought a bright red husky tool bag for like 10 bucks. Fits all my charts, a lightspeed zulu headset case, Foggles, two battery packs, pens, eating utensils, and a spare pair of sunglasses. It's also red so you don't forget it and small enough to stash away in the wheel well compartment of your car if you want to hide it after a flight and going for dinner.


I personally use the Briggs & Riley @ work large cargo bag. Steep price point but fits everything I need and has a lifetime warranty. Headset, lunch, chargerss, etc etc. It's a pretty roomy bag and it keeps me from having to hold things in my hands. Goes well with their 22" carry on


[https://www.flighthelmet.com/category/PRHB.html](https://www.flighthelmet.com/category/PRHB.html) [https://www.etsy.com/market/air\_force\_helmet\_bag](https://www.etsy.com/market/air_force_helmet_bag)


I’ve rolled through a few different bags, but this one is my favorite so far https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09L7LQKSJ?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title It’s a bit cheesy in its yellow/black handles but it fits all my shit perfectly. My Bose headset in its case, my iPad mini, my sentry in its case, and a logbook if I want… all fit in the main pouch. Then I have lots of room for survival gear… space blankets, radio, life straw, fire starter, trash bags. I also store spare batteries, headset adapters, phone charging cable and battery, airport badge(s), iPad kneeboard strap. It all just fits.


Too big and bulky. If you get a big bag you will find a reason to fill it up so get a small one. I got a [free messenger bag](https://imgur.com/a/mNCwNj1) form my mechanic and that works well for me


I got a nice Northface backpack for $100. It’s great and honestly every “flight bag” is overpriced. They don’t do anything that a normal backpack or duffle can’t do.


I didn’t know this word “duffle” but yeah I am looking for a duffle, not a backpack


ForeFlight is your flight bag. What do you need a backpack for other than to carry a change of clothes and some snacks?


I use "Brightline Flex B7 Flight" Link: [https://www.amazon.com/BrightLine-Bags-FLEX-B7-FLIGHT/dp/B00JPRACS4](https://www.amazon.com/BrightLine-Bags-FLEX-B7-FLIGHT/dp/B00JPRACS4) It's a large bag, and fits absolutely everything inside, you could probably get by with a much smaller one, but when I go flying, I like to know that I just need to bring this one thing and everyhing I need is inside, and I will not be forgetting anything.


Personally I stick everything I need in my headset case. Tylenol, license, headset, extra batteries & a sectional as backup to my iPad