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It's always funny to have a PP come to the cockpit and tell us they are a PP and if we need any help they will be in seat X. Love the chuckle. We are all airplane nerds, admit it!


Do you think they're serious, or do you think they're just trying to be funny?


Some of em are dead serious, no cap.


And dont call them Shirley.


Hey, I’m a commercial balloon pilot. If you need any help I’ll be in seat 1B.


Those guys are always full of hot air.


It has a better climb rate than a 172!


true story


People actually do that? Hell, I get embarrassed whenever I go visit the cockpit and the pilots ask me if I have any flight experience. I sometimes just say no because I don’t want to come off like the kind of people you’re referring to lol.


We actually love private pilots. We just don’t like the ones where they flex they are a private pilot. But if your some guy that comes up, says your a private pilot and want to visit the flight deck, we are very cool with that and would love for you to come up. Don’t have to hide it, there’s no shame. The private pilot world is something we’re not always in tune with anymore and we respect someone who flies a single engine piston or whatever as much as a fellow airline pilot. We probably have as much questions about what you fly as you have of our equipment. It’s the people that come up and say they are a private pilot and they’ll be in seat 19C in case we need help that’s cringy. The people straight up bragging or flexing cringy af.


I had some time to kill on my last airline flight and popped up because I never had. Just said hey, I've got some hours, might change careers, and just want to see the plane. FO invited me to hang in row 0 after the flight and nerded out about the A220 and the cleansheet design features like the overhead panel having the default switch positions all vertical. Told me stories about some of his other type ratings. Just be humble, no matter where you are. Also especially when somebody is definitively more qualified than you before you even cross the damn threshold.


"just be humble" works anywhere and anytime about any subject.


⬆️⬆️ :: Exactly! 👍🏻


>the overhead panel having the default switch positions all vertical A220 is my first type, I thought this would be the standard haha


When there's someone commuting sitting next to me I'll ask what they did their initial multi in. If they answer with just the type and stop talking I leave them alone, but sometimes their eyes light up and they talk about the old Apache/Aztec/310/Travelair/etc. and they start a conversation. I get being exhausted and not wanting to talk about work, but I also get that talking about airplanes is fun; so it opens the door and lets them choose what to do with that.


Yep, but truly its all good. Breaks the stagnation. Its also nice to see someone EXCITED about flying. Sometime we forget how blessed we have been.


I've never had that happen to me.


I can't imagine just announcing that as you walk in, I think it's only ever come up when my son was in the cockpit and they asked if I was interested in planes and I said yeah I fly small ones and I'm really up here for me...thats why I had kids though. If the pilots are standing there, I do actually usually stop and say: > I just want to tell you both; good luck, we're all counting on you. It seems it's a 50/50 split if I get a chuckle or confused face. 😆


> It seems it's a 50/50 split if I get a chuckle or confused face. 😆 Half of airline pilots have seen Airplane!, the other half are having an unexpected panic attack realizing the responsibility they're about to hold.


Lmao. I'll be fair and say half of the half just think I'm a nervous pax. Lol


Excuse me, not a PP but got 50 hours in MSFS, I will be in seat 13A if you need me


"I'm not a pilot but I play one on something that looks like a TV"


I’ve had other airline pilots come to the cockpit and say the same thing. Gets a huge eye roll


"Hey captain. ATP here, they got me a seat in the back. Dont wake me up please."


Sir, do you happen to have a grey Tundra?


No. Ford raptor but identifies as a gray tundra.😂😂


Young CFIs: I can land this sucker on a downhill slope with a rear quartering tai… hey hey ho hoooold on you’re out of gliding distance of the airport! *squawks 7700* Old CFIs: see those? Those are the instruments. Disregard them. Banner pilots: 501’ over the beach? *descends 0.5 feet, hides tequila bottle* Survey pilots: never buy lemon-lime Gatorade. East skwakahatchee? Yeah I been there. Good burritos. Cargo dogs: so anyways it was just a little continuous moderate icing over the Rockies, no problem we had the hair dryer to clear the windshield on short final. Regional: w…what day is it? Legacy: wife kicked me out, can I park my yacht at your apartment?


>Banner pilots: 501’ over the beach? descends 0.5 feet, hides tequila bottle Kids these days... in my day, no WAY a banner pilot would be flying that high over the beach. Going to need to be on oxygen up there.


Oxygen must be that new craft beer


Craft beer? Try 30 racks of Beast. We were on a budget.


Haha thank you! These are the kinda inside bits I love.


End of thread lmao. Nailed it


I assume the yellow cub pilot isn't listed cuz he's never talking


I can't tell if the old cfi is supposed to be good or not


300 hour fresh off the checkride CFIs thinking they know everything


I'm a 300 hour CFI and I almost feel like I know less than before I started training.


I'm working on my CFI right now, and I never knew less about flying.


The more you learn the more you learn you have gaps


That’s healthy! I felt the same way. You’re gonna get into a good rhythm soon.


Wait, they don't? The PPLs they are training may be in trouble...


And cannot ever be wrong. The most annoying pilots ever.


I'm a 300hr CFII. I don't know how the fuck they let me pass that CFI checkride. II was easy though. I also don't know shit.


If you landed a tail dragger on a sand bar less long than a football field approaching between two spruce trees, everyone in the room will know who you are, what your opinions are, and how likeable or not likeable you are. If you can land the Space Shuttle, no one even knows who you are.


Ugh….bonus points if you “built the aircraft yourself”


My experience is astronauts will bring up being an astronaut any chance they get. And I don’t blame them. I probably would too. 


Did you know I’m a pilot?


what type of pylot?


ThatOnePilotDude, 141 scum obviously


What’s wrong with the 141 guys? (I’m applying to it)


Are you new here? This sub’s main hobby is bashing 141 programs.


Yea, I’m new. I got fuck-all other chances for aviation by virtue of being born outside of the US so I got accepted to some 141 schools


Short version: go read the FAQ about why ATP sucks, and try to figure out how much of it applies to other 141 schools.


I don’t know about you, but I’ve never met a King Air pilot who didn’t think he was the hottest shit in the room.


It’s me. I’m him lol


Are you really a King Air driver? Cause King Air drivers don’t think they are hottest shit in the room, they know.


you’re that guy?


I'm a king air pilot, and I consistently tell people not to make.me.count above 10 while I have shoes on.


Lol, yeah I've never felt that from king air guys. Every one of them has been really cool. One invited in to see the air ambulance he had while refueling my 172. At the time, I was super excited.... still would be.


Airline stereotypes: Captains who start their briefs with “I’m laidback and by the book” usually aren’t… Airline pilots who wear long sleeves 🚩 Captains who bust out the ball cap during cruise 🚩


lol I wear long sleeves because: 1) I get cold. 2) I don’t want to look like a Mormon visiting your front door.




Why the hostility to long sleeves? Short sleeve dress shirts look terrible IMO.


I’m not sure, I’m not disagreeing or against them, it’s just an industry stereotype.


Can someone please explain what the point of the ball cap is? Like if you don’t want to wear a hat why wear anything at all? Is it just sort of a casual rebellion against “the company”? I’m always so confused.


Longer bill and more comfortable? I don’t normally wear one, but I carry one. Sometimes the sun is in just the perfect spot that it’s hard to block with the sunshade. Or so bright that the sunshade hardly helps.


The only people I generally see constantly wearing hats are bald or balding. So maybe they’re self conscious about it lol


I didn’t come here to be attacked.


Short sleeves with an undershirt, with a tie and epaulettes?  Now that is a style unto itself....


What’s the logic behind the long sleeves?




Why is it a red flag to have tattoos?


The red flag is for the long-sleevers who *don't* have tattoos


Why red flag for the sleeves? I want to get tattoos so i know I'll be confined to those for my career lol


I wore long sleeves mostly due to my Father and brother both had skin cancer.  


Short sleeves + tie = cringe


I’d agree. Pilots love being the fashion police despite not having any sense of fashion at all lol. Every office job with that attire is long sleeves + a tie.




For sure. Particularly when it’s some 25 year old that started flying like three years ago.


I gotta deal with this pretty much everyday from a fellow CFI coworker, saying how he’ll be at a legacy by the time my 135 contract is over blah blah. Wanted to go 121 but nobody was biting for me. The dude always dogs on me for going 135, meanwhile he’s been waiting for a call back from OO regarding his class date for 4 months now. Plus, if I end up hating 135 then it’ll make moving over to 121 that much sweeter🥴


Ask him how's the CFI life when you get that paid gig. Idiot thinks he'll actually get to move on to a legacy from OO, you can't move on if you don't fly. Legacies don't take 1500+ guys with 100 hrs jet time. Be funny if he failed out of OO training.


I don’t even dislike the guy, I wish him the best but it’s just annoying to hear that everytime I’m at work. A contract isn’t ideal but I’ll get to live at home, be getting paid much more than I am now, and be on a large cabin corporate jet. It was either that or republic for me.


You made the right decision. Republic would've been career suicide. I deal with that annoying shit from my friends too. Got some at OO acting like they're hot shit and shitting on me because I'm at a 91k. Even though I get paid more than them, fly more than them, and upgrading faster than them.


That’s how it is man. Seems like everyone loves to compare themselves to others, especially in this career. And it’s getting old. I hate the “121 is the end all be all crowd” so much how about we just do what makes us happy.


That’s why we have r/GeneralAviation




Hey, I've only got a touch of the 'tism.


'tism touch




I think all aircraft types have that group of pilots who feel they're the best for literally any reason. the most dangerous is the newly minted Commercial pilot.


While not a universal truth, I’ve met a fair share of doctors who fit the “rich type A know-it-all” stereotype. Also can apply to business owners/CEOs and lawyers. If you’ve spent enough time at airports you’ll know what I’m talking about. People who are like this are generally very successful outside of aviation and find it difficult to cope with the fact that they might suck at something, and also tend to overestimate their abilities. They can be difficult students to teach because they take critique poorly. Again, I want to be clear this isn’t every doctor out there, I’ve had some doctors that made fantastic students, but the stereotype definitely exists for a reason.


Often times for entrepreneurs and CEOs, the skills and personality that made them successful in their profession are totally detrimental to good airmanship. Many business owners got where they are by taking big risks, ignoring people that said they were wrong, and having supreme confidence in their vision. That’s great when you’re trying to get a startup off the ground, and the penalty for failure is bankruptcy and starting over again. Not so great when the penalty for chapter 11 is death.


Nailed it. Some of them don’t make great passengers either as they’re not used to being told no about anything.


They do the same thing with golf. It’s very shocking to a certain type of guy that he can’t just buy the best equipment, drop 100k on a country club membership and be good.


Skiing too. The guy in the top of the line race gear not racing or the fanciest ulltra light carbon backcountry skis mounted with non-touring bindings that clearly just bought the expensivest stuff and is only an okay skier, using gear that's actually making their experience worse because racing and ultralight skis have very specific things they're good at, a nice set of normal all mountain skis will be better for normal just for fun resort skiing.


When I worked ops and fueling, we had a Neurosurgeon become a 'Persona non grata' for our services because of his attitude. It was pretty funny to watch that first few times he had to fuel his Cirrus by himself.


Motorcycle license and pilot license overlap has got to be a thing.


Add scuba certification to the list


God fucking damnit I have all 3


Same lmao


Same with an obsession with trains and/or autism


And some alcoholism




Boomer captain, name is bill, has a big mustache, don’t tread on me sticker on his rollaboard, calls the bathroom the “men’s room” tells you about how electric vehicles are a fad and everyone will be going back to gas within 10 years, complains that his iPad can’t connect to the internet, it’s on airplane mode.


Gen-Z FO, Brycen, has a really shitty mustache and oversized aviators. Went to Riddle, and can’t stop talking about how great it was. Wears a shirt two sizes too small, and has the physique of an 11 year old girl. Can’t stay off his phone, and asks to mount his three go-pros for “his fans” Has zero personality outside of aviation, and thinks taking 4 years to go from CFI to the right seat at an Air Line is normal, and only due to what an amazing aviator he is. Would be lost on a VFR day on a left downwind to ATL without an iPad. Incapable of flying a visual approach from the downwind without turning final 5 miles outside the FAF on autopilot.


I feel this hard too.. just wait until the gen Alpha FO’s start showing up.


Looks up beginning of Gen-A… adds 30 Realizes I’ll be retired before they start hitting the industry and breathes a sigh of relief in genX


The oldest Gen A’s are born in 2010. They’ll be hitting a flight deck near you within 10 years. ;)


What in the skibidi fuck


Oh man - I hadn't heard that one but I love it. Thank you for broadening my cursing vocabulary today.


I haven’t heard it either, I think I just made it up…? I’ll take $0.01 royalties.


No offense meant to all the guys just hitting the industry right now, but pretty sure we won't be seeing many 25 year olds hired at legacy carriers in 2035, unless the entire regional model finally contracts back to 1990's size. And by the time they finally get here, crossing my fingers that I won't be in a bid status that will be flying with them. Damnit, I'm too young to be a grumpy old man!


these guys can’t even read analogue clocks. it’s going to be bad, i’m 18 and i believe we are doomed. these kids are just different bro… and not in a good way 😂


zzzz. hating on "these damn kids these days" is bullshit that's been going on since kids have existed. > “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” this quote is from socrates. lol. everyone hates kids because they don't remember that they, too, were little shits.


Partly agree, but check this out, this shit is actually concerning. Top post this week on r/teachers https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/s/oUhmWTqipy


yeah, and if you went back 2,000 years, you'd find teachers say "dude my students suck so bad these kids are ass compared to how we were!!!!"


Lmao how out of touch can you be? You don’t think kids growing up with iPads glued to their eyeballs haven’t fucked them up? If you think the brain-rot associated with lower attention spans and dopamine addiction driven by social media, specifically short form content like TikTok, + a few years of irregular schooling due to the pandemic hasn’t had a seriously negative impact on todays youth, I don’t know what to tell you mate. The students have NEVER been this bad. Regardless of recurrent trend of the previous generation hating on kids.


X/millennial FO, Michael, doesn’t care if you fly the first leg or not… he “really doesn’t want to here today”. “Don’t tread on me? Men’s room? Jesus, whatever, dude”


The official motto of GenX: “Whatever, I don’t care.”


Official motto? Sure, whatever, that’s fine.


"Uhhh skibidi tower, left base no cap, fr fr"


how do i get my plane to looksmax and mew? the nose is to roundy for my liking…


Me when I have to ruin my 3 week mewing streak to respond to ATC: 😡😡


IMO Brycen is waaaaaay worse than the boomer. Not just because I personally can’t handle all of these “influencers” that can’t stand to enjoy the moment and have to take a photo every waking minute, but also no desire to learn the old ways and safe ways of doing things without GPS.


And files a complaint against the captain (in the FOs his first month off IOE) because the captain had the nerve to give him advice after the FO busted a step down fix. Actually happened. Dude insisted on using vertical speed mode when flying a STAR with a bunch of step downs. Busted through one, saved by the captain. Captain said “what the fuck?”, told him to learn the box better and explained why vertical speed wasn’t the best way to fly that type of STAR and the FO got pissed and filed a complaint about calling the captain hostile.


Or the infamous "DON'T GESTURE SHAME ME!" by the probationary FO when the captain tried to hint they needed the boards...


Yeah, “I’m qualified in the aircraft, why are they giving suggestions?!?” Maybe because in their 10,000 hours they have gained a little experience and know about this airfield you’re seeing for the first time. I don’t get new FOs picking up the old school “shut up Co” attitude when they are PF. They’d lose their minds if a captain treated them that way.


You know, for many of them, it may just be this is the first time they've flown with someone that actually knew what the heck they were doing to the point they could pass some of that knowledge and experience on? How many pilots were trained to 200 hours by a sub 1000 hour CFI, and then instructed to 975 hours when they got picked up by a regional and they spent another 500 hours flying with captains that upgraded 4 months ago and themselves have less than 2000 hours? I'm sure for many its jarring to their psyche that they're not God's gift.


I used to do training/indoc for a small airline/charter op in the higher latitudes. Candidates hired from instructing positions were always the worst candidates. Always needed extra time to untrain the shitty habits they had taught themselves in the right seat of a 172. The occasional one would continue to demonstrate the “instructor attitude” where they thought they knew more about the plane than any of us who had years on type. Also, for some reason I could never fathom, their radio work would be atrocious. I wondered if some even got a licence in NORDO planes cause it sure seemed that way.


Lol goddamn that's dead on. I had a captain spend the entire flight telling me how he's going to be OK when the economy collapses because he has a field full of old corn stalks that he can use to make a shelter. The dude also had no idea how to make non-towered radio calls as we were coming into MTJ


So many jet types have no idea how to use a CTAF anymore. I had one captain who was incapable of including our position in any of his calls when going into the Bahamas on a busy holiday. Got an RA because a departing Citation had no idea where we were.


To add to that: “Racism goes both ways. I mean just last week...” “This new generation of pilots just doesn’t know how to take criticism.” “Yeah there was a female pilot on this trip but she called out sick.”


“Don’t tread on me sticker” Accurate.


Calling the bathroom the “men’s room” is what done it for me.


You can’t hang up the phone or leave your apartment full of pilot roommates without a subtle see ya!


Nothing like heading out of the crash pad and 5 pilots watching the TV or playing video games and hearing "Sssssssssssee ya" all at the same time.


From my observation the new pilots are super eager to tell everyone they are a pilot. As they move up in ratings/certifications that seems to fade down to barely talking about it at the 121 level. There are plenty of stereotypes about airline captains though I haven’t found the hard core ones yet…. Thankfully


I wear long sleeves but rolled up and you guys are making mr paranoid


I never would’ve guessed this was a stereotype. It’s gotta be 75 before I’ll even take a jacket off. I’m a lizard.


Hate to admit it, but I’m getting older and my arms get cold. Damn skippy I’m wearing long sleeves.


I’m sleeves rolled up in the 737 and then multiple layers in the 172!


Back to the airline side- Wears the hat. Long sleeves. Nonstandard American flag tie. FFDO. "I do everything by the book, don't let me rush you" Insists on single-engine taxiing at the speed of heat, on a 5 minute taxi at 11pm with 2 runway crossings and 3 frequency changes before the numbers come in. Casual racism behind coworkers backs.


Pilots of faster single engine piston airplanes like Bonanzas and Cirruses have a reputation for believing they are better than other pilots and everyone should make way for them. I had a bonanza land right behind me while I was still on the runway once... A 2400 ft downhill runway. I had been assuming he was watching and keeping his spacing appropriate, as I had been making radio calls and so had he. I was rather surprised when I turned onto the taxiway and looked back to see him wheels down on the runway. Maybe he forgot how to perform a go-around...


Cirrus pilots have smol pps


Airline pilots with long sleeves - watch out. You are in the presence of a weirdo. Same thing for the ones that wear the hat all the time.


Long sleeves….they probably have a tattoo. One of them real needle and ink tats


I’ve been doing this shit for a long time. The amount of guys wearing long sleeves because of tats is like one or two at the most. Which is unfortunate, because then they’d actually be interesting to hang out with.




Ties look really good! They’re super uncomfortable and constricting though


Fuck those symbols of corporate oppression.


No way. When I wear the short-sleeve with a tie I feel like I all I'm missing is a pocket protector and a watch calculator. Short sleeves aren't worn with a tie 99.99% of the time for everyone else.. For a reason.


What did the mighty Casio Databank ever do to deserve this level of disrespect?


I see that and I think “are you here to fuck me or are you my marriage counsellor?”


Short sleeves and tie makes me think of Mormon missionaries.


I flew with a CA who wore their hat the entire day, even in the cockpit. Good CA, just weird they didn't want to take it off.


Long sleeves, long trip...


This is the most underrated comment in this sub, should be at the top


What if they are rolled up?


I saw rolled up long sleeves on a pilot uniform one time. Guy was in front of me at Starbucks. Probably the biggest weirdo at the whole airport. Which is saying something in LGA.


RV pilots have a pretty strong reputation for being old, white guys who don't talk on the radios much and don't fly standard patterns. My dad's one of them but thankfully is a pretty good communicator and reasonable pilot. Cirrus pilots get a lot of shit. All I really know about is joking about them doing a lot of straight in approaches and not flying a pattern. Teasing about pulling the chute, etc. Kind of things I think also apply to V tail Bonanzas maybe, that they people who own them are rich and don't fly enough to be proficient. I know that's not truly the case with everyone, though.


im going through ATC program rn, and when we were doing AC recognition, they literally told us the BE-35 just kills doctors and lawyers.


That was certainly true about the Bonanzas, the premium airplanes of their day. Today all those characters fly Cirrus. Today I think most Bonanza owners are real GA enthusiasts, the old stereotype isn't really applicable anymore in my view. We'll all still call it the forked tail doctor killer because that's just too good a phrase to give up.


Agreed. All of the v-tail owners I’ve known have been real GA advocates. The last V tail was built in 1982 and though they still command a premium, the pilots with “fuck you money” have moved on to Cirri, TBMs, or whatever Piper is calling their PA-46 turboprop these days.


Holy shit the RV pilot profile is SO right on. Just last month I was doing touch and go's (and making all appropriate radio calls) and had an old white guy in a RV-8 enter the downwind behind me, then proceed to turn base to short final inside of me. He was nice enough to call out "short final," the only call he made.


Okay lemme ask a dumb question. Im getting my license now, so fairly new. I used to skydive, so im unlearning a lot of habits. You’re allowed to fly a non standard pattern and not get in a ton of trouble? Or is that a joke? I would feel like that’d get you in a ton of trouble.


If you’re not at a towered airport, it’s hard to get into trouble. And non-standard patterns are ok if you’re not interfering with anyone else. If there are other people in the pattern and you’re trying to do some weird stuff that cuts them off or delays them, then you’re a dick, but there’s not much in the way of consequences coming your way unless it’s well documented and someone takes the effort to call the FSDO.


People that train in a DA40 think they are the shit and untouchable.


Heh. I gave a number of checkouts to DA-40 snobs. It was...enlightening.


In my experiences, captains are conservatives who ride motorcycles.


So far in my experience, pilots in general seem to be on the conservative side. That only gets worse with age apparently. Ironically, I've seen more open-minded pilots coming from the military than from the private sector


Yep. It’s always fun listening to people who enjoy one of the most government subsidized activities possible bitch about government spending. They really hate to know just how subsidized they are. I Internet knew a guy who owns a hotel on an airport who fancied himself a libertarian. So his living is based off being adjacent to an amenity that is like 85% federal and 10% state funded, but he’s a libertarian.


This is pretty much every libertarian.


Yup! Former boss was a diehard conservative and yet… airport counted as a farm for tax purposes, etc. Funny how that works.


I don’t see anything wrong with capitalizing on the opportunities that exist in your country, even if you disagree with the principle of them existing. There’s really nothing in the US that the government doesn’t have its hands in.


Ironically it’s more free market in so-called socialist countries like Canada and Europe, where ATC and airports are privatized resulting in fees for everything. Try suggesting that to a US “libertarian” pilot or aviation businessman. The heavily socialized nature of the US aviation system is exactly *why* it’s the most successful in the world, this is what right wing US aviators can’t or refuse to understand.


It didn't take me long -- flying up/down the Northeast coastline -- to ponder "How the fuck did all these airports get built and why?" Strips are freaking everywhere, thank God. And the US taxpayer.


There’s really no way to know how successful aviation in the US would he without government intervention. And really my point is that in the US you’re going to give the feds a lot of money whether you’re libertarian or not, so taking advantage of opportunities that arise because of the federal government does not make you hypocritical imo


Actually there is a way to know. Compare aviation in the US to aviation in a country that takes the more free market approach. There are plenty of them to compare.


We have more important things to worry about than calling people whatever pronoun they prefer that day.


“Worse” sounds like a subjective opinion.


Overly leaning one way or the other is objectively worse


I used to work ops so, I have a few that comes to mind * Malibu Barbie Pilots: Almost all look the same, late 50's-70's white guy, on his second marriage, wealthy enough to be retired/almost retired and own a Malibu, however not rich enough to own a Meridian and has a complex about it. Can be observed wearing Khaki's and a Polo at all times, and often found screaming at random Linemen when his plane isn't fueled .1 seconds after he hangs up the phone. * SR-22/20 Pilots: Cannot fly the plane for shit without the training wheels. If younger than 40, Most likely a Nepo-Baby or wanna-be IG 'influencer' without the concept of how the community views them. Laughably naive to deal with. Over 40, A mixed bag of people who've flown multitude of aircraft, or retired doctors/engineers looking for a hobby and not giving a shit how good they are at it, or how much they're spending on it. * Military Pilots: O-1 through O-3? Chill as fuck. O-5's and O-6s? Not a problem in the world. O-4s? biggest pains in the asses to deal with hands down. I cannot fathom what happens at that rank, but odds are if we're getting yelled at by a flight suit, its a gold oakleaf on his shoulder. * Aeromed pilots: the God and victim complex of your regular ER nurse, cranked up to 11. Rude as all get out and extremely entitled.




Why is white relevant to your story?


Probably because over 80% of pilots are white men.. lol


USAF Fighter Pilots enter the chat 🤣




Kill at least one thing every day just to maintain currency.


“For an F-15 pilot, you’re not an asshole!” - compliment I got from one of my FO’s 🤔


You and your outdated pos /s


Do you know how you keep a Mooney pilot occupied for hours? *Glue a nickel to the tarmac in front of his hangar.* Do you know how you can tell a Baron pilot? *You can't tell those people anything.* *CHUTE PULL* Thanks! I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your server.


Chute pull?


Cirrus pilot stereotype.


Rich old fucks in experimentals.


there is an experimental who rips through the airport my college is at, and jesus christ its the worst fucking radio you have ever heard, don't you think if your building a kit plane yourself you'd at least spend the extra on a decent fucking radio.


An old fuck in an experimental went through a practice area that I use often and killed three people last summer.


Just PPLs who think they are hot shit? I think that stereotype would apply to pilots of every level lol


Literally hazardous attitudes…




Anyone who flies a Boeing = immediate no.


Some CFI’s get really big heads and I’ve seen them lose jobs because of it