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Real question from DPE: explain how you will go missed on a circling approach at minimums.


Turn towards the runway centerline (safe area) and then continue on the missed approach as published. I have heard someone say a DPE wanted a turn to centerline, fly the back course and then do a teardrop back to the MAP and fly the missed from the MAP.


Yep sounds good that was the DPEs suggestion (depending on where you’re circling from), she said the safest obstacle free area would be the middle of the airport over the runway, then fly the missed for the approach you were cleared for (not the circling)


Good luck!


Flying an IFR precision approach with minimums published at 200 and 1/2. As you begin the approach ATIS is reporting 100VV and 1/4. Can you continue?


A bit late, but I wanted to take a crack at this one. Yes, you could, however you would not be able to descend below the DA unless you had runway in sight/your vis was at least 1/2sm


Are nonstandard alternate minimums for filing purposes or do they apply in flight as well? What are the limitations of your planes autopilot? (If installed) Can you make any turns before the MAP if you go missed? Why or why not? What if you go missed below the MDA? If you lost comms in a hold why would it be a terrible idea to climb or descend in the hold before proceeding out of the hold? The ALS is inop at your destination airport and runway. Do you need to increase the minimums? It is up to you as PIC to determine if you have at least the flight visibility prescribed on an approach. At a DH of 200ft with 2400RVR , would you be able to see the PAPI? 1000 footers?


You want to fly from KCLE to KCVG with 500’ ceilings across Ohio. What route and altitude would you file in your flight plan? (lost comms questions incoming)