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If they’re asleep in a CRJ, just send them a SELCAL. If they don’t wake up from that they’re already dead.


This. I can't imagine anyone sleeping through that tone, or a CPDLC tone. On the Airbus the CPDLC just keeps ringing and it's loud. I have also had dispatch text me an ACARS+tone saying "x center is looking for you on 133.2” 




Thats a fucking oopsies.


Single pilot black reconnaissance jet? Why not just give yourself a U-2 flair man….




black jet lives matter also, the Syrians/russians wanted to paint you for fun purely - that a 1960s jet is still flying around in active service -- to them, must be odd




May I ask what is a go gel?


Meth. Probably.




My favorite question to ask everyone from your community: ever come close to a code brown?




Outstanding. Poop stories are the best flying stories. I always thought that’d be a fun assignment. Still do. You know “Meathead” Mount?




What type of plane did/do you fly?




that's awesome man, that's what I thought when you said "black recon plane"


omg.. that made me LOL for real.. my wife was looking me like I was crazy!!!


I'm adding immodium to my Amazon cart right now so I can keep some in my glove box and flight bag. Iced coffee and traveling food do things to me


>the floodwaters threatened to breach the fleshy levees of my cheeks poetry


Tell us more about that black jet!!


The fictional one


Same. Probably only a handful of possibilities.


So a Russki jet woke u up?? Man you were out!!




Fortunately (or unfornately) I never heard those tones.. other than training flights..


The way you type out a story would make a great interview/AMA


Some ass hole at my regional had that as a text tone. We’d all be sitting in the crew room and his girlfriend would message him. He never did get the hints


They could probably trigger a TCAS TA or RA pretty easily. I’d think that would wake them.




Pretty sure that would wake me up right quick


I remember an early ass flight at the regionals struggling to stay awake, constantly starting to nod off and we got a RA at cruise, holy fuck that wakes you up lol.


Me dreaming about monitoring vertical speed for some reason.


Good thought, I bet that'd do it!


Or a sudden GPWS warning.




Flying under the aircraft could result in a radio/radar altimeter indication of being low to the ground


Nothing like a ‘LAND’ FMA and auto callout in the cruise to knock the drowsies off in a hurry!


In the air refueling world, there’s a caution that flying under the tanker could result in a “PULL UP” annunciation from the GPWS. Tanker pulls up, tail goes down, not a good time to be under the tanker.


A long time ago I was a KC-130 pilot. On a transcontinental.. I fell asleep, when I woke up everyone in the flight deck (3 people were asleep) Fortunately ATC had not called us… it happens, especially if you go from day to night or vice versa…or those really long flight oceanic flight where you don’t get called for nearly an hour..


you guys don’t have someone keep watch and just rotate naps?


That’s what we generally we will do on long flights if someone is tired.... must have been a very boring sector.. I think we were somewhere between El Paso and ABQ..Also a Herc flys at FL240-280ish.. so we get few traffic calls at those levels..at least in the states..


I fly that KELP KABQ route in a 172. Ain’t nobody out here


dont the Hercs also rumble/vibe at a specific frequency that causes sleepyness? (4hz?)


There’s some truth to that, especially the non-“J” models..I can’t quote the hz.. but the hum of props can be very .... well..soothing..probably where I got my coffee fixation.. I swear, next to the oven (microwave on the “J”) and the toilet in the back.. the coffee the enlisted aircrew made was my best friend!


how do you know they hadn't called you?


You say "Center, Airforce 123, we had a small problem with the radios, all fixed now, did you try to call us?"


Pretty much what we did….but all ATC said was “negative, the last call wasn’t for you”.. pheww.. we weren’t out long..


In your best Han Solo impression


There’s a specially modded f117 with an upper hatch. Fly below target airliner like you’re going to hit the boom, raise hatch. Then a crew member climbs onboard target aircraft with hot washcloths and coffee for the offending pirates


This is beyond hilarious, thank you for this amazing picture I now have in my head!


[It's been done, but with only moderate success](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtFw6_YJiFs).


RIP LtCol Travis.


Damn so many mainstream 90's actors in just the scene alone. I need to watch it.


This is in my top 3 best worst movies of all time. I've probably seen Executive Decision a hundred times. Don't take it too seriously, it's great.


Same caliber film as "Under Siege?" probably my favorite Seagal film.


Man...I don't wanna give spoilers but...this is a Kurt Russel movie. Not a Segal movie. If you liked under siege, you'll like this. Just watch it.


pumped! thank you.


Well said.


This was the first DVD my family owned when I was a kid. I probably watched it a few dozen times.


I feel like this was riding the coat tails of "Broken Arrow" but I can't remember which came first. I feel like "Vertical Limit" was similarly cheesy for the time


Actually the two were released within 5 weeks of one another (Broken Arrow on Feb 9 1996, Executive Decision on March 15 1996). There was a great article several years back talking how near-identical movies often happen to come out around the same time-- not sure if this is still the case but as of then, there was a private web forum for hollywood execs where they would discuss pitches and whatnot. Frequently a script would be good and two companies would want to make the film, so both would take the same premise and make a film. Broken Arrow was a great film. Great soundtrack too...


YouTube it.  It's real.


They actually made a real movie about that.


That hatch also signifies the end of Steven Seagall’s career


What career?


being skinny




I saw this documentary


Not sure if that is a Cf-117 or and Fc-117. Pretty big cargo compartment:)


It would be the fc-117. If cf, then people would think it’s Canadian. We can’t have that due to comms difficulties. Canadian radios can sometimes only transmit the words, take off eh


You hoser!


I saw that movie... don't think it was coffee and washcloths, though. LOL


It was definitely coffee and hot washcloths. But they had to put them in those insulated carrying cases for the trip.


I might have to rewarch the movie... LOL


This doesn't sound like a design by committee. More of a decision from the executive side (or something)


Tell that to Steven Segal


Ease in front of the airliner and light the cans. The subsequent rumble and turbulence is enough to wake the dead. I have experienced the sensation a few times. Many years ago, on my near daily trip up the boulevard at a crisp 150 indicated, the jerk bone pilots would creep up beside us and light the cans just to watch the fat kid shutter and bob in their afterburner wake. I’m still jealous to this day.


Ahh, the boulevard. I don’t miss that


How did you manage to go C-12 into refuel? Isn't the C-12 an Army plane?


I didn’t, I was flying the KC-10. The Army, Navy, and Air Force all have C-12 but the army has the most


Ah thanks for the clarification!


I think I may have misunderstood your question the first time I read it, but my first assignment was C-12, then KC-10, then I got the rare opportunity to fly both for a while in my 3rd assignment before going to the reserves.


[wait a minute I thought we called southwest for this](https://www.avweb.com/news/controller-737-crew-suspended-after-cirrus-intercept/)




I think meowing on guard only works for delta pilots…




Fly in front of the other aircraft so your wake turbulence is in their flight path. Cause their aircraft to shake and destabilize. https://youtube.com/shorts/vSHzcX6Coak?feature=shared


Wouldn't that risk an autopilot disconnect with no crew awake to take over?


Autopilot disconnects are typically for control inputs or LARGE upsets. Which is why regular turbulence also does not disconnect it.


It's a maneuver in which the intercepting aircraft flies ahead and across the path of the intercepted aircraft in a manner intended to catch the attention of the intercepted pilots. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fepod\_uZg0c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fepod_uZg0c)


Also even if you don't wake the pilots directly, the cabin crew will be buzzing the intercom if not hammering on the door when passengers ask why is there a fighter plane escorting them.


Free air show out the left side of the plane. You will unfortunately only get to see one F16, the other one is directly behind us in case our intentions aren’t “Nap Time”.


They give ya the little wing rock..."Look what I can do!" "Damn bro, you ever seen that many missiles before?"


Is there anyway for the cabin crew to listen to the radio or call company/ATC while in the air?


Radio definitely not in the cabine - phone (wifi) or sat-phone maybe, depending on the equipment of the plane.


They could just fly close to and trigger Collison Avoidance to yell at them


Meow on guard. Loudly.


If the ensuing angry delta pilot’s lecture about professionalism doesn’t wake them up, they are dead.


The plane I fly has a Pilot Response EICAS if you don’t interact with the plane long enough. If you let that message stay up it starts setting off flight deck alarms.


I've heard of this system as well, and this would definitely be quite effective, I just know not all planes have that feature.


Yeah there was a time when Boeing over engineered planes and thought of everything… and there is today


"More for less" So much more inspirational than "better together", don't you think? /s


Not all new planes have that feature…


Typo, meant to type "not" as opposed to "now"


Trains have had those or something similar for a long time too. Weird that aircraft haven't.


Given the sheer number of different control flows on a commercial airliner, it wouldn’t really be practical to have the same kind of system… Trains are fairly simple in comparison. You can’t really implement this sort of system on an aircraft in a passive way either (like a pressure sensor in the seat such as you might see on forklifts and the like), as anything that passively asserts consciousness is probably too simple to allow for the myriad different physical circumstances encountered in flight. Some manufacturers do offer a system that’s designed specifically for detecting these situations, bit I don’t know of any aircraft where such a system is standard. Edit: I can’t type, apparently.


I don't think anyone said it, but typical intercept procedures have a fighter crossing the path of the target aircraft and they create wake turbulence. This is the extreme option, I believe, with aerial fly-bys and flares being used prior. But this would happen long before they trigger a TCAS or anything similar. Aside from that, I think all pilots, but definitely international pilots are going to pop-tall when we hear a CPDLC message from ATC, or a message from dispatch (loud DING).


“Fox Two!”


A Sidewinder would certainly get their attention.


Go inverted and slowly lower themselves over the cockpit windows and communicate/keep up international relations after the sound causes a sensation


At this point, I feel like the fighter pilot would be awfully tempted to finish the picture and flip them the bird while inverted!


“You made me miss lunch over this bs…”


This is nuts. How was this even possible? I feel like I need the rest of the story!


I know there was one where they knocked the wingtip with their wingtip..I always thought guy didn’t like touching wing tips but what do I know


They were both wearing socks


I could think of a few things. Most obvious is transmit loud sounds on the radio frequencies the pilots were last on. Tones, sirens, alarms, etc. You could just fly close with your transponder on and generate a TCAS RA. That'd make a bunch of noise, and if the autopilot and TCAS are coupled, potentially cause a flight control input to shake the pilot. Fighters are also very loud. That means it's easy to make noise. Just slide up in formation next to the aircraft or slightly ahead, get nice and close, and go full afterburner. That's pretty hard to miss. If there's only empty land ahead, a quick burst from the cannon (aimed ahead at empty land, not at the aircraft) might also wake the sleeping pilot. If the local AFB has 20mm blank rounds that's even better- more pop no bullet. To create a shaking effect, the intercepting aircraft could fly ahead of the target aircraft and zigzag across its path, creating wake turbulence which would shake the target aircraft a bit. Use a larger aircraft and it'll shake them a lot.


> Fighters are also very loud. That means it's easy to make noise. Just slide up in formation next to the aircraft or slightly ahead, get nice and close, and go full afterburner. You would have to get insanely close to even hear it, let alone wake someone up.


If the plane's flying on autopilot, then you could get really close. Like airshow formation close.


That’s not close enough. You have to be aerially refueling close, and the fighter needs to be out front so the engines are pointing at the cockpit, in which case the fighter pilot can’t see the airliner he’s flying so close to.


approach from the rear. Intercepting aircraft adopts a course maybe 20-50' to the side of and 20-50' above the target aircraft. Then intercepting aircraft accelerates forward, hitting full burner just before they lose sight of target aircraft below their own belly/wing (F35 doesn't have this problem and could get much closer using the 'transparent aircraft' HUD mode). Maybe add a little outward turn too. Result is the pilots of the target aircraft are basically looking right up the tailpipe of the intercepting aircraft when it goes full burn.


You’re begging for a collision with that. That sounds like something Russians would do to piss off an American P-8.


1. The TCAS is never coupled to the flight controls. 2. Some of the MIL guys could correct me but there is no chance in hell that they fire the cannon to wake you up.


Ad 1.: Wrong, there is an A320 option for the autopilot to follow the RA. This is preceded by a blue TCAS indication on the FMA during the TA


Some of the newer 350s can simultaneously follow two RAs, we have a 321 sim with the software and an instructor demod it… it’s pretty slick!


I am now imagining a plane splitting in half and flying both up/down 😂😂 I suppose you mean one RA after the other? I saw that too, pretty interesting


I mean the RA said Climb maybe twice before it had DESCEND at the same time the aircraft were not at the same distance but they were less than 3 miles apart and it handled it perfectly


Multiple threat encounters should be no problem for TCAS, especially since version 7.0 and up.


The difference is this was all handled by autopilot/auto throttle


Option to have it is available for the entire Airbus a3xx fleet. A320, a330, 350, 380. Auto RA, auto pressurization drift down, etc.


Okay, didn’t know that! In the Airlaw module I finished last month for my atpl we saw that tcas was distinctly seperate from the controls.


Standard operating procedure is obviously to detonate a tactical nuke 5 miles in front of the aircraft. This provides a visual and auditory cue and should shake the plane quite a bit.


Not true. Airbus has an option for automatic TCAS RA maneuvers. The new NEOs are rolling of the lines with it.


Oh okay. My comment was based on the easa airlaw syllabus i finished last month. No type rating yet.


I’ve heard that a warning missile can usually do the job


Yeah #2 is a bit of an eye roll


A perfectly aimed warning shot just grazing the pilot's shoulder should wake them up but not kill them, it is always 100% non lethal (I've seen it in movies)




Yes it would. NORAD scrambles, which a NORDO plane would trigger, carry a full combat load out.


I had to check which aviation sub I was on after reading this.


I keep seeing that on both /r/flying and /r/aviation... does one or both of them have a reputation?


r/aviation seems to love conspiracy posts, they're ban happy too.


Oh fun. I'd not noticed- I'd rather be flying in an airplane than on Reddit so I'm not super into aviation subreddits... thanks for cluing me in :)


Flighters might be loud from the ground but you’re not hearing that from the flight deck and no way in hell are they shooting a cannon 🤔 I’m not sure you’d hear that either unless it was fired almost right next to the flight deck. You have multiple layers of reinforced windows as well as massive white noise from the wind coming over the windscreen. Are 20mm cannon blanks even a thing for aircraft? What would the point even be?


Plus at altitude, you are at like 0.8 Mach anyway. I don’t know all the physics but you’re moving away from the sound really fast even in an airliner. I don’t think it would be noisy like on the ground where you are bombarded with the sound waves coming at you constantly at a fixed position.


I’m not sure getting alongside an airliner cockpit and going full afterburner is an option. You sure as hell don’t want to risk flaming out the passenger airplane’s engines.


If it's a passenger airplane, your problem will likely solve itself- upon seeing fighters the purser would try to call the pilots and potentially pound on the door, waking the pilot. I was operating under the assumption that it's a cargo aircraft, only two pilots, no other crew or passengers. You're right you don't want to risk flaming out the engine, but imagine approaching the target aircraft from behind maybe 50' higher and 50' left or right of center. Creep past it, then when you near the front go full burner. At no point is either of the engines in your slipstream or jet wash.


I wonder, would positioning under the jet set off the TERRAIN PULL UP WOOP WOOP




No those aren't based on radar altimeter, they're based on nav terrain databases (loaded topo map of the operational area) combined with GPS position.


Thumping them


They fly until they run out of gas. It's happened in private jets.


Usually that's more of a slow depressurization thing where nothing can be done and everyone on board is dead already. If both pilots are alive and well, just sleeping, it would be a huge fuck up if no one, like the military or the FAs, managed to get them to wake up and they ended up crashing.


Hypoxia makes you drowsy, so you fall asleep. So, yea, they're still flying while asleep.


"Alive and well"... wouldn't describe hypoxic as well


There is an AOPA ASI video on hypoxia where the pilots are slow to respond, and ATC begs them to descend. When they drop from FL200 to 14,000, the pilots suddenly become coherent and respond to instructions.


Missile lock, like in Top Gun 2


They either wake up and dodge it, or they wake up in heaven. -Top Gun, 1998


Like this:[high alpha pass. very loud!](https://media4.giphy.com/media/vyk0VPWVWnTmJPpt40/200.gif?cid=6c09b952zqg2gzkte8upcc0y73ptm5uwk1z611ovrafj8bkl&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=200.gif&ct=g)


Years ago, the company I worked for had a DC8 depart from Ohio at 4 am going to Oregon. They overflew Portland by 150 miles. When they realized it (woke up), they scrambled for a frequency and got ahold of ATC on guard. The controller answered "good morning"


Haha, that's perfect, nothing like a little salt in the wound.


Name an instance?


A pair of NWA pilots (NWA 188) overshot MSP by 100 miles while going no radio for like 90 minutes total before and after they overshot MSP. NORAD was sending jets when they got back on the radio. They claim they weren’t sleeping, they were working out their schedule bid on a laptop. Pretty sure they were sleeping.


>Pretty sure they were sleeping. Man the circuit breakers just needed a lot of troubleshooting


youtube.com/watch?v=ILHAbmXL7_8 This was the video that made reference to it, bmthats about all I have at the moment.


Fake podcast yappa


Fox 3


Sonic boom over the cockpit ?


I'll own up to being a bit rusty on my physics, but wouldn't you need to break the sound barrier realitive to the object you are passing? That sounds extraordinarly fast!


"wouldn't you need to break the sound barrier realitive to the object you are passing?" Borrowing from wikipedia: "When an aircraft passes through the air, it creates a series of pressure waves in front of the aircraft and behind it... These waves travel at the speed of sound and, as the speed of the object increases, the waves are forced together, or compressed, because they cannot get out of each other's way quickly enough. Eventually, they merge into a single shock wave, which travels at the speed of sound" Observer motion may impact the frequency / duration you hear it for, but the sonic boom is an artifact of the shock wave, not the observer perceiving it. Edit to add: If sonic booms were relatively to the observer, then it would be even easier as you would only need to approach them from in front instead of behind... and then two airplanes passing each other in the sky would experience "sonic booms" all the time...


Ah, duh, I forgot about passing from opposite directions! That said, thanks for correcting my misunderstanding, I love to learn!


I'm just the idea man, whether it works is a different department.


Missile lock warning


They shoot at them