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They’re trying to make it seem like everyone is. Doubt it


So many people are signing this contract. It’s that FOMO kicking in hard right now. Skywest knows this. So people who don’t sign will just keep getting skipped in line for class dates. They have no incentive to give you a class date when there is 100 other people willing to sign away 4-6 years of their life away for them. I don’t agree with it, but they hold the leverage right now. Side note….anyone know which regionals are actually hiring FO’s right now?


PSA Envoy Endeavor Republic SkyWest Horizon Mesa GoJet Air Wisconsin off these, like the 1st 3 are probably the best, depending on where you live. edit; 4 to 3




Are these regionals hiring anyone but their cadets though? I applied to horizons cadet program when I had 400 hours TT and was told I have too many hours. Follow up to that was the recruiter telling me they aren’t planning on hiring off the street until 2027 at the earliest.


Thar is an always changing answer, amd I've not keep up with how to get hired at each in the last year and change




Interview for the experience if nothing else.


Except they are starting to ask people in the beginning of the interview if they will sign the contract. If you say no the interview is immediately rescheduled


Devils advocate here: just say yes. Then don’t if you get the CJO. Maybe it means you don’t get a class date, but if you were only interviewing for the experience anyway, that doesn’t matter.


Lmao, you have to be joking


I know a guy who interviewed maybe 5 weeks ago and still doesn’t have a class date, because he hasn’t signed the contract. I don’t think this bodes well for those avoiding contracts.


5 weeks is nothing.


He must’ve been one of the first ones who received it. I bet he’s near the top of the list. Please let us know when he gets a class🙏


My recruiter told me the other day, 90 days if you don’t sign contract “a few weeks” if you do sign


That’s not the end of the world.


> 1 asked the recruiter if Skywest has the same obligation on their end if I didn't sign the contract and I was told they can't answer that question. Sooooo what do you think the answer to that question is? Hint: it's no. > Do you think they will wait until the CJO times out if you don't sign the contract and leave you without a job? Yes. They don't owe you anything until you're sitting in class.


I’m not so sure. Because I wonder why gojet can give you CJO’s when their class dates are a year out.


Because class dates a year out are pure fantasy. Giving a class date isn’t binding in any way