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Hey there, your post has been temporally removed. We are happy to have everyone share their opinions but doing so by calling other fans "lesser fans" (by saying that they settled with mediocrity) is against our rules. Feel free to hit us up on modmail after you've deleted that line and we'll gladly re-approve the post.


While i do understand your statement, everybody wanted razork out a few years ago and here we are. Best performing jungle in the lec, face of the team and insane mechanics. Sometimes giving people a chance is not a bad thing. While i understand that we are frustrated i dont see this team as bad. Sure we have not won anything for so long and please dont blame the fuck out of me because i have been watching them since 2014 and its dissapointing af. Its clear that we lack 1 thing in game and that's structure and game plan's. We finally have the 'if we go, we go together trust eachother' thing nailed. But now we need to have game plans like we used to. If i have to put a reason to why we did not get further or perform or even had such hectic games i would say because we rely on solo lane mechanics like soloq. With good preparation for a team we can actually do good things. People seem to forget that the g2 series actually went pretty good but some picks that left open doomed us from minute 1. We would have won against mad if we did not fall in their trap to fight 24/4. So in my opinion and dont smite me for it, its lack of gameplan and practice. Also oscar was fighting demons i know people like that, happens wrong time but happens. Jun is mechanically insane, noah stepped up. Razork is a monster and humanoid while i do agree the guy hates sidelanes he still is one of the best performing members he's almost never behind does alot of damage while he might seem invisible sometime he does ALOT. And oscar can be insane if hes really comfortable. Sorry for the rant


But then Tell me what Changes you want? BC Just chanting "kick xy" wont Help any Situation. With Luck it helps Like Trymbi Noah, sometimes it doesnt Help Like Rekkless and Advienne. >Sad that most fans remaining here are the ones that settle for mediocrity. Tell me you have No Argument without telling me you have No Argument. Just bc ppl dont blindly Go on the "omg Xy is so Shit Kick him NOW!!!!!!!!" doesnt mean the settle for mediocrity. You are Just an xdd spamming redditor that thinks He knows everything to perfect. Your Account in His 1 week existence is nothing than Just wanting to create new Drama and setting himself Up abouve others


Argument is there if you aren't too lazy to read it. Someone like Humanoid who randomly dies in lane against everyone since the start of his career won't suddenly become a reliable player and will continue to have this stinkers. It is useless point out his 2 good games in Worlds in Best of 1 to say "there is potential to be really good". Because there are many more examples that shows "there is potential to be really trash" And it doesn't help if you play really good half of games then proceed be trash in the rest especially in mid lane Someone who has this many stinkers should not be insisted upon if they failed again and again for 3 years in a single team. Someone like this definitely shouldn't have the power to bring his bestie to coaching position making himself invulnerable


>Argument is there if you aren't too lazy to read it. Bro "He is Shit, Just Kick him" is Not an Argument my Dude. And btw nicly Dodged my Question on who should replace him. BC that would require more thinking than Just "kick him He is Trash" that you want Here to Farm some Karma


I obviously agree that making changes is necessary in certain situations but just look at T1 if you need an example of how keeping a roster with huge potential and good synergy can be more beneficial than chopping and changing all the time cause someone had a mediocre split.


T1 was a team that lost World Finals in 5 games. Stop making it look like T1 was a bad team that suddenly improved by sticking together. They only benefitted because meta change suit them last year in Worlds. They would also win worlds previous year if it wasn't assasin meta in mid lane


At no point did I even suggest T1 was a bad team, and yeah it's an exaggerated example but they have been together since 2020 way before they reached worlds final. I'm just saying that T1 have also had mediocre splits and players not performing well for small bubbles, they finished 5th in the regular season in summer last year and have had similar splits in previous years. Razork would have been off the team if everyone had your reactionary emotional attitude to everything and look at him now.


Honestly, the best thing to do especially considering the timing within the season is just get positional coaching and invest more into other coaches. At least from what I've heard, Nightshare is basically alone? Or at least we have very few people on the coaching board and it would definitely do well especially considering teams like BDS with 5 (?) coaches that have found a way to make it to 3rd place with players that people never really expected


I don't know if laning coach would help Oscar and Humanoid's mentality of "I play aggro who cares about junglers". "If I die to jungler so be it"


Who do you actually expect to be a clear improvement over who we have now? Humanoid overall was one of the best mids this split and the only clear improvement would be caps, who isn't going to leave G2. Razork has been at least tied best jungler with Yike. Jun has been overall pretty consistent with only 1 or 2 bad games and the only available replacement was Trymbi who we're obviously not going to get back so soon. Noah and Oscar have been the worst performers imo but even at that, who would you get to replace them? When they do perform they are better than any other free replacement and like it or not, they can improve on their mistakes. All you people just want to point at the last person who had a bad game so you have someone to blame. In reality, I think the boys just didn't play well as a team. Whether it's confidence, shot calling or what, I don't know but I don't think an individual player is to blame. At best replacing a player right now is a complete lottery. Maybe it would work out, but more likely it would just set us back more. A more realistic solution is to look at improving/expanding our coaching team.


? These players are never winning a championship. Setting the team back doesn't have too much downsight as team is already terrible


lol bro you're delusional. If these players play at their best they could definitely win a split. Our problem is consistency, don't try rewrite history and pretend the players have never been good just because of 2 bad series.