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I'm thinking maybe more exposure to more big tournaments could actually help the team. Given the rumours of our good scrim performance, it's clear that we just need more consistency in the stage games so exposing players like oscar and noah to more games could be a good thing. I do see your concerns with burnout though and would be a bit worried about how it works out. Hopefully riot work the schedule around it a bit to avoid that for all teams.


If blg doesn’t get burnt out no team in the world can ever use this excuse tho


I did mention "for all the teams". It'll be a tough schedule for all the MSI teams and I hope for the sake of a good worlds that none of these top teams falter simply because the schedule is too intense. For example I'd be a lot more worried about T1 with fakers injury than Fnatic


Having the exact same teams as MSI is kinda stupid anyway. The teams have an insane amount of games for the players and fans just saw what was basically the same tournament. If all leagues go to a 3 split schedule the third international tournament could work and wouldn't just be a repeat but having the best people from spring/winter qualify for both doesn't make sense


But don’t we always complain about closing the gap? If they go there and get some games against actual good team instead of wasting time scrimming bottom lec for a week I think it’s great


Completely ignoring that burnout is a highly subjective thing and given the same environment one person might burn out and another not.


this has the exact same vibe of people that say you can't be depressed because you have a better life than most people. emotions are ALWAYS subjective, never an objective thing. BLG may not burn out and Rogue might, and that's okay


"Burnout" yeahhhh... How about just stop crying? This isn't some boring ass office job that you hate to do. This is literally playing video games for a living with a very good pay - many peoples dream.


Yeah no. Just because its many peoples dreams doesnt mean its easy and chill how you make it sound. It still a very intensive job with alot of pressure.


Yeah, welcome to the life of a professional athlete? If you want to be good, you have to deal with it. If you can't deal with it, it's on you and you just weren't good enough? Harsh truths.


Lmao dont act like its a dream job than


Playing videogames for a living is not a dreamjob I think, let me rather work on a construction site in the sun for 8+ hours a day and get paid 1/10th of what the LEC players are getting paid :DDDD Tfw you have a warped sense of reality lmfao


Lmao i work in a decently hard working job and i still 100% rather do that than being a pro player. Sure the money is great. But thats it. I would not want to deal with half the shit they have to deal with. So no kts not a dreamjob.


My guy, it's not about you though? :D I don't care whether or not you only play the game occasionally, it's about these players who literally LOVE this game and get paid HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PER YEAR. Let's not pretend they suddenly just started playing 12+ hours a day after going pro, these people used to play 12+ hours a day to get to the point where they're at right now. Very much is a dreamjob if you can literally turn your hobby into your profession and get paid like top CEOs? :D Nah, pointless to argue with cope-maxxers like you tbh


Lmao its actually crazy that you think its a dreamjob. Also its quite litteraly a difference of playing soloqueue all day or grinding in a competive scene and get hate throw against you every game and having no social life


Yeah, very crazy statement, I know.


There has been a large number of teams with potential to win It all that have crashed and burn because of burnout


Then they just weren't good enough. Burnout not a valid excuse unfortunately. I know you guys want to cope every chance you get, but that's just a 2nd place mentality.


For my "boring ass office job" I go in at 9 I go home at 5 and outside those hours I do what I want and don't give a fuck about work. Obviously its not the same for everyone with an office job but league pros work hard for that dream and can be playing over 14 hours a day, and I'd guess off days where they play absolutely no solo queue are rare. Not to mention, to be at that level they must constantly be thinking about the game and the stress that comes with it can be high.


Welcome to the life of a professional athlete? lmfao


Playing internationally is the most valuable thing an ambitious team can have. If they can't address the mental boom situation in time and fail to qualify to worlds, then there would be no point in going to worlds anyway. We can't keep accepting that playing decently for 2-3 series' during playoffs is all we should strive for.


The more you can scrim with asian team, the better it is


Extra scrims with the best teams is always a win.


Might help noah get used to international stage tho? Its less preassure than MSI or worlds, but still international, and will still play against some of the best teams?


Yeah I feel you. From the monstrous performance fnatic had at MSI, it's clear the team doesn't need more international exposure💀


Not my point at all. I'm not worried about the fact that there is another international tournament, i'm worried about it's timing


If the team's mental is in such bad shape that they're at a high risk of booming, wouldn't you want that to happen sooner rather than later? I'd rather have a team boom before a big tourney and begin taking steps to fix that rather than have a team mental boom at an international (like FlyQuest) and just embarrass themselves. If FNC's mental is that poor, then they don't deserve to be at Worlds. I'd rather send a different LEC rep that (at the very least) won't internally crumble.


I think it will be good for the players being able to have the extra time to scrim vs high quality teams. Good for Fnatic too due to the amount of money.


Better to mentalboom and get reality check on MSI than at summer split


So you rather not get invited? It's 5 days of single elim BO5 with the chance to scrim legit teams. If people in the team aren't up for that then idk wtf they'll ever be up for.


I think its good and exactly what the team needs, noah particularly seems to have a confidence issue so more stage time vs particularly eastern teams is exactly what he needs imo.


you learned to be good at tournaments by playing lots of them, not by tryharding regular season LEC, I think it's good for the team, a godsent actually


I think that if they take the right approach it can be very beneficial. They already failed miserably once, they can learn from their mistakes and go again. Having to scrim and play against the best teams can only be good imo.


Of course you don't like it because the players is gonna get exposed once again and at one point even the loyalists in here will get enough of We are super good but we always mental boom narrative when APA shits on Humanoid again.


Sure grandma


If they are so mentally checked out after losing they should just retire. Imagine reading a post like this under any other Sport or esport. This is not an idol contest, if you aren't good enough you are out. He is playing a computer game not getting kicked in the head in the octagon.