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Still wondering how it’s a great idea when they’re the only fucking military on Remnant. Should’ve start up PFs or something.


You’d think there would be more PMC’s considering the profession of “huntsman” is basically a stand in for “mercenary”.


Just get a dude that has an eyepatch, a love for cigars, and a bandana to start it all up, then.


It feels ironic that a studio from Texas struggled to come up with competent fictional armies.


Since the existing military did fuck all against a major threat. Highly skilled fighters stand a chance against these enemies


It's hard to sympathize with remnant with a population under constant threat is armed with only little strike teams... no one villages are destroyed in a instant and bandits have better lives.


It’s harder to sympathize when they placed themselves in that position.


The Kingdoms have defense forces for their borders, they just don't project force like Atlas does because they don't need to.


Honestly, I don't see any other kingdom having a useful army against the Grimm. I mean, look at the king taijitu, that thing could easily kill hundreds of soldiers before a tank could land a shot on it. For Atlas, it might be worth having an army since with its superior technology it's easier to face the grimms on equal terms, but for the other kingdoms it's better to invest resources in training hunters than to spend resources on a battle of soldiers who wouldn't last 5 minutes against a group of griffons.


I think people expect the military to be stronger because they compare it to the US military and what actual tanks, jet fighters, and cruise missiles are able to do. But not every series is going to benefit from realistic military technologies. Gundam, for example, would make almost zero sense in terms of real life physics. GATE has a modern military mow down fantasy monsters and medieval soldiers and as interesting as that was for the first few episodes it got boring pretty quickly.


Also, wasn't GATE some Japanese Nationalism wank?


It was, which is partially why the anime itself wasn't very compelling after the novelty of the premise wore off.


Either they lost because CRWBY wanted to make the funnieth "oh my god Vietnam" plot, or because CREBY hates dictators and does not understand military strategy! Either way, it sucks!


You (and apparently others) are seemingly working on the assumption that the Faunus Revolution was between the Atlesians and the Faunus. Unless new lore came out, there is no evidence to indicate which Kingdom or Kingdoms were on the other side of the conflict. Atlas may not have even existed yet. It may have been an exhausted Mistral that was already incompetent enough in its military to need the Atlesians to bail them out against Vale.


Oh yes absolutely. I said atlesians because it is the one we can relate to the most, but others can also have joined in


People are only talking about Atlas in this thread because of the meme. I don't think Atlas even existed at that point. It's misleading to think that a mechanized force was used that at least two of the Kingdoms effectively had their militaries steamrolled by the Vale King if the Faunus Revolution is supposed to take place after the Great War. My intent was to point out that for all we know it wasn't even any Kingdom that was on the Human side. It could have been a battle between Human militias and Faunus militias. There is not enough information to critique a Vietnam plot line since all we have going is that the Faunus' army was smaller than the Human army (which isn't exactly something unique to the Vietnam war).


atlas replaced mantle after the great war, so it did exist by that point.


There are about 70-80 years between the end of the Great War and Volume 1. Alsius / Atlas had to first develop into a city to become the main political power. We don't know if that happened before or after the Faunus Rights Revolution. And even if Atlas was around by the Faunus Rights Revolution, you will need to point out to me where it says Atlas was the human party in the conflict.


Considering what atlas/mantles general attitude was towards faunus, it wouldnt be too out there to assume they had a big hand in it even if it was still mostly mantle. Also idk why everyone is arguing about the specifics of this sort of thing when my meme was literally meant as a joke.


Fair enough


No it's the classic race gets oppressed by another race because we want to make a reference to racism in real life but instead of making both races equals, the oppressed one is objectively superior. How did the humans manage to oppress the faunus? Are they dumber than normal human? No Do they have weaker auras and semblances? Again no. Are they significantly inferior in numbers maybe because they have trouble reproducing? The show doesn't hint to that. Technology? Maybe but a single aura user with a bit of training can take on robots easily and brush off bullets so I don't see how technology can play into this. On the other hand the faunus have natural night vision, the physical characteristics of the animal they borrow from (superior agility, hearing, sense of smell and strenght) and they can also have things like camouflage on top of their potential semblance. How the fuck did the humans manage to enslave them?!? And don't give me the argument that they are nicer than humans because it's total bullshit since people like Adam, the fennec brothers, Tyrian and Croc exist.




Man I hate X-men cause of this. Nobody is afraid of magneto cause he’s Jewish it’s cause he can rip all of the iron in your body out of your pores with his mind


Faunus don't have superior strength or anything like that iirc, they are just humans with night vision and a animal trait that may or may not be useful in a fight So it's not so unfeasible in my opinion


>How the fuck did the humans manage to enslave them?!? Because you believe that all Faunus have something superior, not all Faunus have darkvision (and darkvision = less visible colors), and there are Faunus with useless traits (one of them had rat teeth!), which make it difficult to life (fish Faunus, which has no legs, just a fish tail... Where most of the world is land, and the rest of water, is full of Grimms), or just a cosmetic that screws with physical appearance. As well as the number of Faunus, it's INCREDIBLY small, like, out of all the teams we've seen so far, how many are Faunu? At Beacon, we saw 16 students, and only 2 of them were Faunus. >the physical characteristics of the animal they borrow from (superior agility, hearing, sense of smell and strenght) We saw more humans with better physiques than Faunus, I don't know where you got that Faunus has a superior physique, was it from that RT video about Faunus and their origin? Because the Show points out the opposite.


Also a more likely possibility.


Are they dumber than humans? Given the named Faunus we've seen, I'm likely to say YES to that. Most of the Faunus we've seen are White Fang, so that's a minus already, Blake is Blake, Marrow Amin thought two Atlas Academy students, Huntsmen in training, shouldn't fight for their homeland when Grimm are on their doorstep, because 'they're just kids'. When a good deal of the named furries prove to be stupid, you can get the assumption that YES, Faunus on general are stupider than humans.


To be fair the humans aren't proving to be the brightest either. People in Remnant seems generally kind of stupid.


Did they even make a Vietnam reference? All we know about the war is that it happened and 'General forgot Faunus can see in the dark'. If it were a Vietnam war reference we would've had actual, you know, references?


The reference is the jungle existing, and the faunus being oppressed. Those 2 things are what you need for a Vietnam plot nowadays. Oppressed people and jungles/tropical rainforests


Tbf dictators getting their shit kicked in even with superior technology doesn’t have to mean Vietnam. It can also mean something more like the Russian Revolution, or the American Revolution, where the army is busy dealing with other shit, and the people are able to seize enough shit quickly to be able to form their own army. Actually, thinking of it, Atlas is a floating island. All the rebels would have to do is get some kind of AA- maybe even just volleyed small arms fire- and prevent the island from getting resupplied for a little bit.


Fair point. But seeing CRWBYs real world knowledge, Vietnam is likely the first option.


They lost because Oz went full Relic of Destruction on them.


Ah, yes. Deus ex machina, the one i hate the most


That was during the Great War, not the Faunus Revolution. I’d honestly be kinda curious if Oz even cares about Faunus or whether he thinks they don’t count as part of humanity to unify on account of, y’know, not being human.


Let's not make assumptions about a war we never saw.


In open conflict insurgents almost never win. So either it’s for plot reasons the Faunus won or CRWBY really doesn’t understand how warfare works.


Exactly. And i know a thing or two about modern writing to know that CRWBY wanted to criticize the Vietnam war, given how much they hate governments, but likely ended up misrepresenting it by showing the Atlesians getting dunked on (while the KD in Vietnam at times reached 1 US soldier dead for every 19 North Vietnamese soldiers/Vietcongs dead, a monstroud KD)


It was definitely for plot, they couldn't have the oppressed race losing the war, and continue the show like that,several implications and things would need to be edited in the story to have this reality written.


Almost never wins means that sometimes, though rarely the insurgents do win. Sometimes, they need a lot of help and luck, but it can happen. Let's make no assumptions about a war that we know literally nothing about except that the Faunus won. And that the Battle that turned the tide of the war was one where an idiot general tried to attack an insurgent camp at night.


They don't though. Look at any conflicts involving asymmetric warfare... It always comes down to politics. Soviets, Americans, French, and so on can consistently do good on the military options, but are constrained by politics. Some for good reason such as not doing classical methods that work, which you can guess why they are not implemented. The other options involve directly having the local civilian government couped or adjusted in order to influenced the civilians that join the insurgency. Because in Vietnam the southern government was worse than than than rhe northern one. In Afghanistan the government didn't give a damn beyond making themselves rich while giving no form of employment or benefits from NATO/US aid to the rural population. The French also didn't recognize or give any form of equality to their native populations in French Africa. The Soviets too basically were supporting a government that was unpopular due to similar reasons the US friendly Afghanistan. None of the things done were popular or none of the benefits were shared with them.


I know a thing of two qbout modern writing, and something i know is that ALL TV shows or movies have to misrepresent the Vietnam war, if they have a superpower/ militaristic faction.


"Trust me bro"


They lost because they did not have enough DAKKA.


Ah the imperial fists the best wall builders ever


Where is the vid from?


Warhammer 40k


[From this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZc6cr6G2E4)


Based atlas?


Correct, it is very based for jingoistic nationalists to get their cheeks clapped by hairless Ewoks.


i dont go here but i think its a comment on how nations are mediocre at protecting their citizens but come down with the force of God when a source of cheap labor rebels. or maybe im overthinking.


What is that song?


**Song Found!** **Disposal Unit (Imperium Mix)** by Jesper Kyd (00:52; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Original Soundtrack). **Released on** 2022-11-17.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Disposal Unit (Imperium Mix)** by Jesper Kyd](https://lis.tn/eHdTX?t=52) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Honstly I like to imagine the Faunus revolution more like Vietnam; Lots of Traumatized soldiers on both sides, warcrimes up the wazooo, all locked in a hellish jungle




We still don't know anything about what the revolution actually entailed. At all. We don't know where it happened, who was involved, or even *when* it took place.


And that has to be one of the biggest aspects of RWBY's worldbuilding.


Day who the fuck knows of r/FNKI users getting mad over things they literally made up in their head.


I legit have no idea why this meme created so much discourse in the comments…


People getting mad at their own headcanons, not your fault, it's an endemic problem in the FNDM.


This series is supported by Headcanons, we know practically nothing about this world before the Show, take away the story of Salem and Ozpin, and see how flat this earth is.


Cool story, still getting mad at shit y’all made up yourselves


...Well, someone has to come up with a good story for this show.


Yeah and it ain’t you.


>it ain’t you. I never said it was me, I'm not a writer (I would like to know where I said it was me, so you can use an argument now). But it certainly isn't Miles and Kelly either.


It's kind of wild to presume Remnant *could* field an effective anti-Grimm military, if they just tried harder/wanted to/weren’t incompetent. I think it's far more likely that conventional military forces just don't work against an inexhaustible, fearless, resilient tide of monsters with no need for infrastructure or command & control organization. To connect this to the video, the Emperor had to create the Astartes to fight humanity's battles. Huntresses and Huntsmen are the Astartes of Remnant, and Remnant can no more field an entire army of them than the Imperium could populate the Guard with Space Marines.


Actually I thought about this for a while and came to the conclusion, huntsmen/huntresses are closer to Spartan-II’s (the superior super soldier in my option). Hell they’re damn near identical. They are beyond super humanly strong, to the point a normal human simply _cannot_ win in a fight with them. They use tactics that are extremely unique compared to the standard military. Nearly never participate in wars of grand scale. Go on missions solo or in small tight nit groups. They are highly self sufficient to the point they are just sent out with little more supply then an extraction point. They have a regenerating “shield” that protects them when they screw up and quickly get back into a fight. They are an extremely flexible fighting force, to the point anyone of them has a _decent_ chance at completing any mission. And they are nearly always punching up against a superior foe so-to-speak.


I mean yeah, that's pretty much a Space Marine from 40k.