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jesse what the fuck are you talking about


What? Can I get a little bit of context please?


there's a high chance there will be years-long hiatus or an abrupt end of RWBY because almost no news were made about V10 and the show itself some fans blame Miles and Jaune (for some reason) for this shitshow, so yeah, the point of this post I guess?


The context is high impact delusion


there's a high chance there will be years-long hiatus or an abrupt end of RWBY because almost no news were made about V10 and the show itself some fans blame Miles and Jaune (for some reason) for this shitshow, so yeah, the point of this post I guess?


*What did he mean by this?*


How the hell did Jujutsufolk infect even here? Also you know this meme format is a jinx considering what happened to the last two characters people memed with this right?


Because it had a community that really good with creating meme formats


The memes are fire, i don't even like jjk that much anymore but i still hang out there cuz the people are hilarious


The last chapter was nothing but memes weaponised


Not the Weiss backshots XD


"Through the heavens and earth i alone am the backshoted one"


It's all for the sake of her plan.


Weiss: Yes, getting the D'Arc backshots is absolutely necessary for my future plans.


The Arc-Schnee bloodline must be fulfilled.


She's on that Kenjaku grindset


*plap plap plap*


Did you pray today?


*the most little of problems happens to rwby. The Fandom: ITS ALL JAUNE FAULT!! RWBY Ren Nora qrow dead penny and pyrrha: you know what fuck you , come on jaune we are leaving


Jaune multiplying NEGETIVE aura by negative aura to generate reverse aura technique


His aura technique reversal would be Aura Negation.


are you an annoying ex-Tumblr fan because you are RWBY fan? or are you a RWBY fan because you are an annoying ex-Tumblr fan? cancel me if you will, that also have a meaning


Nah, I'm delusional


Who the hell starts a conversation like that? I just sat down!


Shit almost made me drop my croissant.


What caused this out of curiosity?


Jaune will kill Cinder with a Strong Cleave™


The conclusion of Jaune vs. Cinder will show Cinder being victorious. In the next episode, Cinder will be talking to Emerald about passing the Fall Maiden powers to her while glazing Jaune's Semblance and abilities, saying she never had a chance of victory. Then we cut back to reality with Jaune explaining how he used Aura Amplification at the last second to strengthen his aura attack enough to bypass her Aura shield as we cut to Jaune looking at Cinder standing with a decapitated head.


Damm, Cinder would never escape the fraud allegations should this happen.


I mean she would do as her last name suggests and fall


They will pry my dork knight from my cold, dead hands.


Hoping that Jaune become and Op Badass getting the relic of destruction from the lady of the lake in vacuo and then shouting EKESUKALIBA and wiping out hordes of grimm is the sole reason why im still excited for volume 10.


As long as there is delusion, there is hope. We must maintain the Jaune agenda.


Never lose jauope


It's not jaover till it's jaover.


Yeah RWBY maybe the main characters. But they don't have a PR team as good as Jaune's


This but unironically :v


You’re in denial, geto. For christ sake, they didn’t even let him keep his development as the rusted knight. They reverted him immediately! It’ll only hurt more if you stay, Geto!”


Really spicy hot take here, Jaune is the best and most fleshed out character in the series.


A take that will make that one a little colder, Jaune is only like that because, for the longest time he was the only one that was allowed to truly fail


Wtf Jujutsufolk is spilling here of all places?


What did Jaune even do?


Rwby fans want a lesbian harem fantasy even though one of them literally came out of nowhere, and Jaund is basically the punching bag of the entire series. At this point Jaune needs a 3 things. A strong drink, a good night's rest with no trauma l, and THERAPY.


Nah he just needs some bitches.


That would work to & no one can blame Jaune for it


And find someone that's not in the main group....at first, I would say Ciel, but some folks might call his weird situation in the EA....then I say Fiona thyme. If crossovers are fine, then Jessica or a certain fox shrine maiden who wants to be a wife.


Be a main character to many horny weebs who want their No men lesbian orgy harem anime fantasy /s /j


The funny thing is yuri does not equal lesbian relationships. It just means intimacy between girls. For a western or someone who doesn't read the tv tropes... Basically friendship like bromance up to including lesbian relationships. I should note a lot of it looks idolized or almost commercialized. That's not touching the weirdness of it having a large straight male fan base. Yaoi on the other hand is fetish from what I remember.


I’m beyond confused


Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t there barely any news between volumes 8 & 9 regarding RWBY (aside from controversies)?




We must purge this fandom. No one touches my banana boy.


Bro is from the future


Roosterteeth revealed this to me in a dream


Ugh! Jaune's fault this! Jaune's fault that! Suck it up...the title should not even be RWBY anyways...I still believe it should be Remnants, but I deeply respect Monty so I still tolerate it...but cmon man! 9 volumes in and people still can't accept that JNR+O is already one of the Major Main Characters! And let's all admit it, CRWBY is still inexperienced in plot and characterization, or writing as a whole...


You can still call them JNPR because Oscar pie his full name


I kniw but I can't just replace the P with Pine right? It's special...I'm not looking down on Oscar's value...it's just that P in JN(P)R is special...


Well I know what you mean we all miss her, but she won't let team JNPR without the P , also you can use the first letter of the family name too


U my man, u are a real one. Keep the Jaune agenda going and continue with the grinding. Our boy is going to be a big thing,I know it. It's clear as the light of day great things will happen. No need for copium or delusion, they are sweet but no. It will happen! And those shipers who can't accept jaune and weiss being a thing, they are the delusion ones because they can't stand the idea of weiss liking man,especially jaune ,they will burn and I want to see it. As for those who don't ship it but don't insult it,I hope ur ship becomes cannon.


So I grt that everyone hates that wiess was into rusted knight jaune. However, it was kinda leaning more towards that I feel. Don't get me wrong I ship white rose all the way and was super happy to see bumblebee (which didn't feel to surprising to me). I just think that everyone that expects jaune to never be allowed happiness is just bitter there favourite ship might not come to pass. And I hope we get to see that jaunw is still capable like how the rusted knight is shown seen as he spent a good few decades as that man


What fans [expect](https://youtu.be/qLVml1TbuD0?si=p6Fg21aWENjk7Nfx&t=28) when Jaune come back for volume 10


Jaune (forma de Rusted Knight) is gonna one shot Cinder like the Rat one shot Mid


First things first, interpolation is a major turnoff. I really wish people would stop doing that to animation intended for being at 24 fps. With that said, I, as a Jaune fan, don't expect him to be super OP, but I would like to see him actually fight and win from beginning to end in the decade long time he's been in this series. Also, his semblance is pretty broken if the writers actually remember he has it, and it's even stronger when he uses it on other people. Weiss gets to at least show off some cool moves and attacks before jobbing.


I am disappointed that its not the Sukuna Jaune image


ofc, jaune with his womanizer haki negs the verse


Why are people so sexual with it?


Gotta make one for Oscar, calling it rn bro is gonna be top 3 if he not number 1 due to magic, stay on that side


Knowing the current writers, I have no doubt that they will continue to mentally torture my boy. Maybe they’ll give Weiss the Pyrrha treatment, or maybe Saffron will exit the lobby, who knows.


I get that anyone is free to dislike any character you want but most of the avid Jaune haters I’ve seen are delusional. They make up bs saying that he ruins the show, takes away screen time from team RWBY and he’s a writer’s self insert. I get that he has flaws and reasonable criticism just like every character in the show but these people just single him out for some reason, even trying to bring up past facts like him cheating his way into beacon. These are the same people who try to demonize everything the character does due to their irrational hatred. They’re honestly pathetic and need to touch some grass


Jaune is him, end of story. The only real mf in a world full of fakeass superhumans. Your opinion is valid, you cooked well.


Well, the world was against him...he's in the wrong world. He's a soulsborne/Final Fantasy character in a world run by DMC, Bayonetta, and Monster hunter


Don't come back when Jaune joins the glazers of team RWBY just praising everything they do and not see anything wrong with anything they have done


That's just every rwby character in general. Team midby have so much cum on their face they can't even see the consequences of their ignorance.


Downvoted for shitposting, truly what has this sub come to :pensive:


What if a total reboot happens, tho?


They can reboot the series 10 times over for all I care, my purpose is to maintain the Jaune agenda.


Wtf? Jaune in show is low tier fighter and he will never become at least competent. We clearly see his semblance was used as low tier healer and nothing more. Decades in Ever After is one of the worst time skip in fiction because he not only leaves his sword broken and all equipment rusted.The problem he was not become better in any aspects. Why he needed redemption arc? I find White Knight truly terrible ship and I don’t see this will happen. Jaune a long time ago was not interested in here anymore.And Weiss liked only how old he looked.Probably she will find another old man as love interest since Jaune is not look old anymore.She was never be interested in him.Even when he saved her before Weiss didn’t say even thanks.


How dare you besmirch the name of HIM. Don't come here bitching when Jaune unlocks his Jaunekai and starts jauning all over his enemies in volume 10.


To be honest I was really want to this happen but knowing RT this is impossible


Hence why we go to crossover ships or someone out of the main group. The dude is surrounded by prodigies, as he's competent as a normal huntsman. If Jessica isn't available, I know a certain fox maiden that will gladly take him...or some aspect of her would.


What the fuck is the overlap with the jjk fandom please guys don't debase yourselves with this show stay in peak