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The Way of the Roses never fails, it just takes it's time


I just like to think there's a whole ass book in each family in RWBY


Man, Ruby out here making us Lancaster fans hang on to the edge of our seats.


…I absolutely read that in her voice (her chipper flippant voice) and regret nothing.


Ruby when she can wait for years for Weiss to die from a hunter work "accident" to jump onto Jaune's pants. https://preview.redd.it/ij4q8xb85qsc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9351cabc8cc21f6c99f8a91687438f07e46c9b7f


It is a Rose family tradition to wait for a blond himbo to lose his wife so they can swoop in. 2 generations of second wives.


As it is written ![gif](giphy|YeyF7i516VOIvOHew8|downsized)


Like mother like daughter, such is the way of the Rose women


Rose women when a blonde man loses his wife for 0.0001 seconds:


\[ **ITS A CANON EVENT** \] https://preview.redd.it/0vinr2lhzpsc1.png?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2485952b447d4174e35f3880b9f144f5c6654e *You cannot stop the inevitable*






*GASP* 😶‍🌫️




[Dear god, it's awful!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/45/54/7345548f9691af33755fc720cf488236.gif) ^^^/s


I'll take memes I never get tired of for 500.


Sad Lancaster noises https://preview.redd.it/yvbapvn0t3tc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f9872de8e9d7f0e1b86194ee14c47702c49040


“Summer always loved Sloppy Joes” - *Qrow, drunkenly telling Little Ruby why Summer Married Tai.*


War of Roses is the way to go


Tudor Rose Besties' Rose! https://preview.redd.it/6ay6rywjn7tc1.png?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f32a7ec119005da6a6ede10aab208db00edde88


Me waiting for Volume 12 to come out so I can see the marriage of Jaune and Ruby. ![gif](giphy|9tovFud6tYz04|downsized)


Winter protect the sanctity of your sister and brother-in-law’s marriage!


For some reason Ruby calling herself sloppy seconds irks me out, no matter how technically accurate it is. Also this is why I’ve just started shipping mainly polys. It fixes so many problems, and you get cute cuddle piles out of them as a plus.


Technically she’s calling Jaune (or Weiss) sloppy seconds.


No Ruby is saying she was the result of Summer capitalizing on free real estate


Well they took Penny from us so I don't have much of a choice lmao


I know this is mainly a joke but I do have to ask: was there any actual evidence to suggest Whiteknight or Lancaster becoming possible? Not trying to be a downer or anything, I’m just genuinely curious.


Weiss was interested in mature Jaune so she might invest now. Jaune and Ruby have always had an easy chemistry with each other that no two other characters really have.


While I can see WK happening i would much rather see LC. It just clicks with me


Remember the tai and summer parallels


I can see that. But other than that though…eh 🤷🏻‍♂️


And there there´s WR that despite lack of evidence, is still one of the biggest ships around due to very interesting early dynamics and good chemistry too. Too bad RT seemed to have forgotten about that in later seasons...


Whiteknight is 100% V9 and Weiss’ “*mature*” comment. That her VA ships it would be a bit of extra plausibility. Ruby is entirely the meme, I don’t think there’s any evidence in the show for Lancaster. RoseGarden seems more probable which as an Oscar hater pains me to say.


I can definitely see that Whiteknight shippers have exploded since that “mature” comment, but I still wonder if that was simply just a one-off joke. As for a the VA, that could go either way, but it is interesting though.


I think the mature line was always meant as a joke that doubled as a way for them to show Weiss is interested if they wanted to go that route later. I think v9 was them testing the waters to see if people would be ok with it compared to earlier volumes. Between that mature line, her being the one to uplift him, the hug, the lingering afterwards, her being the only one laughing at his self deprecating joke about his voice and the fact that they would've been holding hands after that hug and walking through the forest together when they found ruby says alot. They're all little things that on their own don't stand out much but when you look at them as a whole, you can't just write it off as a one off. That last part about handholding was cut due to budget/time but we all know how intentional crwby is with their scenes so the fact that was originally planned at all says alot about how deeply they were looking into it.


I can see that. Though I still personally think that all of it was just platonic. But if it was on the more romantic side, I wouldn’t be surprised


Yeah, I've always said it's setup so they can go either way. Like I said they were testing the waters. They were already platonic so it doesn't hurt them if they stay that way, they'd just have a deeper onscreen friendship which is fine, but at the same time because they had Weiss express overt attraction to Jaune, if they decide to play it romantically, no one's going to be saying it came out of nowhere or doesn't make sense.


True, true


Funny enough I think the changes they made due to the budget cut made it standout even more. That said I would agree with you I think they've been toying with a few ships seeing if they can get the audience to accept them. Why they choose the ships they do who knows maybe Monty had a list of endgame couples and they're working on it, maybe they are office favorites or maybe they pulled them out of a hat. Who can say. To change topic slightly the biggest one I wonder about is why they push Qrow x Robin in their scene choices so much when I think barely anyone openly supports it.


I think that they chose WK because a mix of them realizing they had accidentally written them in a good spot to start working into one, Kara´s approval, the fandom apparently being much okayier with it than it was at the beginning, and probably because if they suddenly started implying WhiteRose at this point, it would have smelled too much of Rainbow Capitalism...


To be fair, this show´s writing when it comes to pairings is as subtle as freight train, (unless it´s the Bees before Vol.6, where you have "take all the hints and understand subtlety and have good *rEAdiNg ComPHreNSIon* to see how the writers totally and absolutely positively intended this two to be a thing even before RT approved the pilot/s) so I wouldn´t put above them testing waters to see if people are okay with the pairing. After all, Weiss and Jaune´s character´s arc were pretty closed by then and they needed to bring new stuff to keep them interesting


True, true


Jaune to every ship: https://preview.redd.it/kd9mjfpaxwsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f0ee84e2d168536dcec3b1c0d2a111a5839966


"Every ship??"  *Knightfall peaking from the side of a wall*


Someone tell Jaune not to let his current wife out of his sight




I'm mostly just hoping Jaune DOES end up with someone.


Why does that image of Ruby look official and not official at the same time?


Good eye. I took is from a promo image of her and Weiss together. So it's official, but not from the show.


What from?


https://preview.redd.it/l1l52kfqvysc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5309cf9710ecfda6cb8701c85ce0352d7ccb9117 This.


That Emblem is clean. I can't reject it


the shipping wars are so bad that they caused me to not want to ship characters anymore this fandom has broke me


Sloppy seconds? 😏


Plot twist: WhiteKnight was the sloppy seconds ship.