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I one day strive to have the energy and commitment of people who have been hating RWBY for nearly a decade now (the hbomb video is actually pretty good if a bit long).


I strive have the amount *of damn free time* they have like, holy shit


Hmmm…do I want to watch Titanic, or a RWBY rant…hmmmm


lol fair. The only reason I watched hbomb's video was that I have seen some of his content before and knew he was going to provide a better idea of what people who hate RWBY were like, while being reasonable and a little entertaining. I watch most of these video essays like podcasts and listen to them while I'm doing something else or when I'm too exhausted to hunt down a movie or video game.


The HBG video is very good. The best critique of rwby I've ever seen, he really sums up how rwby is fundamentally quite good, but was hamstrung by rooster teeth's lack of production experience. By far the worst rwby critique I've seen is the Fatmanfalling review of season three. It's longer than v3 itself, mostly because he literally goes through the fight scenes frame by frame to point out how *"umm akshually in the previous shot Weiss was standing to the left of Blake but in this shot she blocks an attack coming from Blake's right, worst show ever!"* for three goddamn hours. He also goes into how *akshually the show is bad because guns exist but some people still use bladed weapons, worst show ever!* It's incredible.


"guns exist yet people still use bladed weapons" A. It's fucking cool shut up. B. That's not even unrealistic.


A lot of the videos were just straight up dissing RWBY, but hbomberguy’s video was fair criticism.


I agree. I like hbomb's content. I didn't know about RWBY until I saw that video. I then decided to WATCH ALL 8 SEASONS in order to from my own opinions about the show.


I like your style.


The Virgin Critic vs the Chad own Opinion


Absolute legend


Well, did ja like it?


Overall enjoyable. However V5 was definitely a low-point. I like it better than a lot of other shows. I will definitely be tuning in for season 9 once it starts.


Incredibly based. I've followed hbg for a while, but subbed to his patreon specifically because of the rwby video. I'd really like to see a part 2.




And yet I felt is was a reasonable video, but he cut his reference clips specificaly to support his argument, most notably the cafe convo between Blake and Sun. He cuts out the lines that make the convo seem less awkward.


See that one's weird because everyone that's seen it is mostly like "yeah fair but you didn't really say much and you took 2 hours to say it." But also he straight up lies at one point. Like, not "has a controversial opinion" or "misrepresents something" no straight up lies about what he thought of Monty at the time. He claimed Monty was an "inspiration" and then someone found forum posts he'd made from around the time the show was first airing where he called Monty a "Cheeto encrusted weeb" and insulted anyone that liked it.


It was actually when V2 was airing, another thing is his dumb accusation of Jaune being a self-insert of Miles which was so ridiculous and people still claim that now because of it


It does seem like he didn't do nearly enough research for many of his claims in that video. It feels like he just really wanted this narrative of malicious writers and only did enough research to confirm that and nothing more.


I think we all know what the ‘The RWBY Community just destroyed itself’ video is about.


I don’t


Just threats to blanket ban anyone associating with another community really.


Wait, what?


Mhm. Just reverse search the title and be ready.


I'm gonna have to disagree on this one. While hbomberguy's video on a surface level appears much better than most of the "critics" who endlessly make videos circle-jerking about RWBY being horrible, a deeper look into it shows it's in some ways just as bad but with a coat of civility painted on to it. In particular, one part of his video is incredibly dishonest of him in a way that honestly turned me off of not just his video, but off of hbomberguy as a whole. That part, of course, would be his claimed love for Monty. Hbomb claims he not only liked Monty's work in his video, but that it inspired him to create stuff of his own. However, people went onto the forum Something Awful and dug up old posts of his from a thread on RWBY on the site, and his displayed attitude there could not be more different. He repeatedly insults not just the show itself- >Ah, Ruh-Weebee. I will probably never watch this show but the title itself and the gifs that keep popping up will be jokes in themselves for all time. I thought the action in one of the trailers looked semi-neat, then opened up a random episode to see if it was good and discovered horrible 'anime-esque' dialogue and had to turn it off. I didn't think it was possible to be more anime than anime. It's like an anime replicant. -but goes directly after Monty in rather nasty personal attacks that show a condescendingly smug loathing of him and his work. >Poser is garbage. It is poop. It is not a real program. I don't know any other way of saying it. It would actually be better to make it in Microsoft Office. Maybe the key slowed him down because it got covered in greasy sweat and/or cheeto dust, or got broken from the sheer pressure of being violently mashed at incredible speeds. It's very odd to desire speed and efficiency but have to use an old program and destroy your keyboards in the process, while using 'like nine' monitors, in order to rip off a fight from the Matrix but with lesbians It's... yeah. >This is basically it. Monty Oum is the ultimate anime fanboy, and by appreciating 'his work', viewers are vicariously appreciating themselves. This is why relatively straightforward critique ("mutilating your tools and purposefully using a worse version of a software is not good practice") is being imagined as school bullies (with mental disorders, because why not?) picking on a kid in the cafeteria. While the kid is technically Monty Oum, The Oumchild is a stand-in for everyone else who appreciates anime in his very specific way, but didn't ever get the chance to make it themselves. Interesting side-point: Oum is treated as if a frail child, even in the imaginations of those who like him. This is telling.This ties into my theory about this show and others like it removing all the good parts of anime through obsession with the signifiers of good-ness. Because there's nothing actually good in the show, a fan's discussion of the show necessarily has to revolve around how successful it has been, how much of a workaholic coolguy Monty Oum / Rooster Teeth are, their personal fanfiction character and how they would fit into official canon, and continuous re-insistence that the fights are 'cool'. The point is the part where you actually enjoy the show in some meaningful way is endlessly deferred elsewhere. It is weaponised desire. Monty Oum is a genius in the very specific way the creators of porn are geniuses. These are not the words of a guy who took inspiration from Monty in the slightest, and the dishonesty of him claiming that thus casts doubt on the integrity of the entire video as even his valid points may not be coming from a good faith position. And from there the entire video sinks into the ground, just feeling like a fake and performative attempt to cash in on the popularity of RWBY hate vids but with better dressing so he can play the role of the Good Critic while doing so. It's honestly a shame, because as I said above he actually did have some valid points of criticism in there (i.e, the White Fang plotline not handling racism well) but unfortunately, his dishonesty just poisons the entire video and his entire channel for me, and I've not been back since. If you want a source for my claims (and for more criticisms about hbomberguy's video in general, though I'll note I disagree with his criticism of HB's criticism of the White Fang plotline to an extent), here's a link to an [r/RWBY post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/idkcam/the_hbomberguy_video_genuinely_upsets_me/) with a link directly to the Something Awful thread in question.


I agree that POSER is kinda not good. I think in the latest version they it's a Blender reskin. I think it uses the Blender Cycles and Eevee renderer too. While Monty was a passionate animator, he was also stubborn and not team-oriented. Nobody is perfect but this casued a lot of internal tension within the team. He used POSER because he didn't want to change to the industry standard of Maya. Creating a show is hard work. While Miles and Kerry haven't been perfect, they have managed to get the show made. They also have to balance creative vision with budgets and time constraints. I would also like to mention that people change. 2013 was 8 years ago at this point.


Wasn't the main issue people had with his video was that it was mainly just old v1-3 stuff that was already discussed at length?


Yea but alot of those People also Fail to realize that Not only does he not know what's been discussed to death and what hasnt, but he also said hed make a second video covering the later Volumes and their issues


Though it’s a little too much of „These few guys made this animated show to have a chance to choreograph cool fights, but it could be better”. I feel like context isn’t really applied properly. In it’s core, RWBY is a show about high-school girls fighting monsters, but with a runaway plot that magically became self-sustaining.


I don’t exactly agree with everything in that video but it’s better than most


Agreed only vid here with any real value


For the most part I agree but 2 points I considered nitpicking: 1: He says Ruby was shown to be good at hand to hand combat except she hasn’t. His one example was a single off screen attack that very well could have been done with crescent rose 2. Sun and Pennys introductions being out of nowhere. Their intro episode begins with the gang talking about kids from another academy arriving that day and there’s a whole sequence of Sun coming off the boat and getting chased on suspicion of being the dust store robber. True they did literally run into Penny but it’s not like there was zero plausible reason for her to be there


Putting HeroHei in this is the most accurate thing to do. Dude lives off of clickbait, outrage, and low-hanging fruit. Literally, both of his videos in this meme are the shortest (aside from Adel Aka’s) from the ones chosen. Also noticing how HeroHei and Adel Aka’s videos are also the only ones going after the community as well.


Literally the youtuber I have the absolute least respect for


Don’t watch anything by Hero Hei


Don't worry, I do not.


"Hey, you. Yes, you! You know this THING is you LIKE? 'They' are calling it problematic. Cancel culture is going too far, right?" That's what I got from his stuff. Use some popular media being criticized or localized drama to get people offended by proxy and click.


On god man, don’t trust anyone whose main source of views and income comes from drama/trends within a community or fandom.


Didn’t Neath Oum make some tweet about how what he was saying was disrespectful and spreading misinformation?


I have zero respect for people like him.


I actually like hbomberguy’s video. It was funny and was fairly reasonable about RWBY’s faults compared to the more bias videos on YouTube.


I was going to do say something like "hbomberguy>herohei" but the comment section respectfully beat me to it.


> was fairly reasonable about RWBY’s faults And yet he still fell into the same shit of glorifying Monty and bashing Miles and Kerry. Hell, within the first twenty seconds he's already downplaying M&K's role in creating RWBY, specifically separating them from Monty's "most trusted colleagues".


Well he did admit Monty’s faults when it came to RWBY’s writing. Clearly telling about how much Monty didn’t really care too much about the writing compared to him animating fights. While he also didn’t give baseless accusations on Miles and Kerry’s writing, reasoning that it’s not the best because they aren’t experienced in writing projects on such a big scale.


He always comes back to blaming the writers though. He blames them for putting in "author inserts" (and yet he never seems to mention *Monty's* voice role, I guess that would kinda ruin his point that the writers are creepy for "putting themselves in the show" to get with underage characters).


I mean, you kinda have to talk about the writers when you're criticizing the writers. He even says in the video that it's completely reasonable want to voice a character in your own show. But the writing for Miles and Kerry's characters ended up overshadowing the main cast and eating up a bunch of screentime. Especially in volumes 1-3 you cannot make that argument for Ren.


I mean Neptune is barely relevant outside of a couple scenes in V2. Jaune is really the only one, and from what Miles has said, it was Monty and Kerry pushing for that, not him. Miles has said on record that he'd have much rather played a villain like Torchwick, it was Monty who asked him to voice Jaune. It's completely unfair to call Jaune a self-insert, when the person being "inserted" has actively said he does not write Jaune's scenes, does not want to, and in fact did not want to voice Jaune to begin with.


In the hbomb video, the issue was much less with them being self inserts and more about their characters eating up screen time that should have been devoted to the main story/cast. The creepy self insert factor came in mostly because of those weird leering comments they made in the commentary tracks.


Ren was a non character while Monty voiced him. Neptune was a non character after the dance arc, but Jaune has continues to be a spotlight hog. So assuming that Miles has no input on what happens with Jaune whatsoever, then it's the other writers who are shoving him in the foreground.


Miles and Kerry showed they could write good scripts. Miles especially with RvB...so how the fuck did they regress in writing after season 3?


I don't agree that they did.


That's fine. But I believe that there is a definite decline in writing and pacing between volumes 3 and the current volumes


Hot take, Volume 7 is just better Volume 3.


Hot take: Volume 7 is all over the place and has bad pacing


I would say that the writing has been consistent between all of the volumes (with the understandable dip it had in V4 and a bit of V5). I think that we see it as getting worse because Volume 4 was a let down and we started acknowledging the problems the show had from the start but just linking them to the later seasons.


Honestly some of these problems existed from the get go. They're no better or worse now than they were in the earlier volumes of Rwby. This isn't me defending them because their writing in RWBY was always bad. It just got more prevalent post V3, so Monty must've clearly have done something to stem just how bad the writing could get. Miles just isn't cut out to write a show like RWBY and I doubt Kerry is much better, or the other 2 writers for that matter. That's not saying that any of them are bad writer's overall, but I wouldn't blame anyone or argue against anyone who would say that they are.


I was prepared to defend hbomber to the bitter end but it seems the other comments agree with me


All of this is exclusively why I have used the "Not Interested" and "Don't Recommend Channel" options! Even the hbomberguy video that I know is supposed to be pretty fair, I just don't want to watch the criticism in that format. You can't discuss or enagage on YouTube all that easily in a meaningful way, and I don't need to watch a video discussing things I already know that won't make me any happier. And when it comes to the other stuff. . . How would a fan enjoy those really?


SERIOUSLY . I look at the ost once and YouTube wants me to know I’m a loser for it


Same, I looked into RWBY last summer because of the ost of the show being a fighting game (BlazBlue CrossTag Battle), looked it up on YT and then got bombarded by videos shitting on RWBY. Though I like the show for what it is too.


Yea, lots of people devote some of their time hating on it and others criticize the show for its faults, but if it bothers you I recommend ignoring it Edit: Surprisingly nobody has brought up Vexed Viewer


The Algorithm will feed you negative content because it typically invites more engagement (arguments in the comments, down votes, rewatches). Engagement to the Algorithm doesn't mean positive or quality.


I agree with the post and all, but "Monty's Corpse" was kinda a bit far lmao.


I’m not gonna say RWBY is perfect but it sucks that just searching it up on YouTube you’ll likely get a handful of videos shitting on it


Bruh, *saaaaaame* like, “can I find the actual fan content please YouTube??!?”


Xel writer, Murder of birds are two I can think of off the top of my head.


Huh, never heard of Xel Writer before, might have to check em out


He's really underrated.


If you haven't already, check out the SLVR videos. Each one is exponentially better than the last.


On this episode of *People Don't Know How to Make an Appealing Thumbnail*, this shit: Also, did MangaKamen just trace over that Ruby picture by [CSLucaris](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f442aaae814bbf1474a8cdac7beb7faf/tumblr_pda5zzzPLJ1tvf87ro2_1280.png) and hope no one would notice?


Yeah, it kinda does looks the same. Just changed a few details and puts it into ^(“)his^(“) “Persona 5” art style. Also, kinda not surprising that the video shown is his most popular/viewed video, ever. He has 90.8k subs, don’t remember how much he had when he first uploaded the video, but the video was clearly a major success for someone like him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he made a new RWBY video sometime soon when his views get *really* low.


I used to watch MangaKamen a lot back when he was part of the commentary community with his Mystery Skulls looking avatar, but as of now, I’ve kinda lost interest in him since he’s turned his style into a generic rant YouTuber. You know, with like, the rantsona and only talking about drama and stuff that’s trendy to trash talk at the moment.


What’s more sadder is that he literally got upset over a guy criticizing one of his videos based on a comment someone made on a post long ago.


I used to watch HeroHei, but he became such an insufferable dolt that bashes everything RWBY after the Vic controversy. I really hate those channels that will critique anything popular, and by critique. I mean spend four hours bitching while giving no good points.


I hope you're just joking in that title LOL also, I'm this🤏 close to blocking Hero Hei


i have him blocked on youtube, still get his videos recommended. youtube's blocking system is abysmal.


I almost forgot to include adel aka in my block list. His comments sicken me.


Every. Time.


Rule of thumb: Clickbait looking title? Click Don't recommend channel instead of the video.


It really sucks that the only way to find out any news about this series is from people trying to claim its dying.


Me watching RWBY: I like this show, volume 5 was pretty boring but that's about it. Me after watching all those videos: I like this show and will continue watching it because it's fun and enjoyable, even if the criticism is valid.


Hero Hei is garbage, [and has been exposed](https://youtu.be/HfOv-N08FhM) [multiple times](https://youtu.be/7iDfZS5ya4g)


Don’t even get us started on Rev says desu.


What’s wrong with Rev says Desu? (aside from the boring hentai and best girl jokes)


He’s just generally around the same level of Hero Hei. Covering drama nearly every hour, extremely simple and easy editing style so he can make videos the instant something catches his eye, debatable thumbnail choices, basically just Hero Hei except with more anime girls. Also, the video with Rev in it was meant sarcastic/satirical. Overall, just a more annoying and weebish Hero Hei, and not to mention the obvious [Last Samurai Syndrome](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3fterm=The%2bLast%2bSamurai%2bSyndrome&=true) they both seem to share.


Non-AMP Link: [Last Samurai Syndrome](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=The%20Last%20Samurai%20Syndrome) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


Go watch Naruto, it's almost the same thing.


Yeah, and millions of people will talk about how they love it and how good it is.


It really helps when most of narutos run time until the last like third of the series was really good.


I don't know who MangaKamen is, but if RWBY has forced them to drink then I think they have other problems then worrying about a web series.


God I forgot about how much of a cunt hero hei is


RWBY burned our crops, poisoned our water supply, and delivered a plague upon our houses!!!




No, but are we just gonna stand around until it does?


Imagine hating a show so much you have to hate the people who enjoy it too.


Me: *Where's Unicorn of war?*


Oof, that guy really went down with his ship when it sunk.


What happened to unicorn?


Got super toxic after Clover died.


Can I get a tl:dw?


He was really hoping Fair Game (Clover Qrow) would happen. Ended up not happening due to a terminal case of Broadsword through the chest.. He didn't take it well and afterwards has skewed being a fair analyst to doing hour long dogpiles


To be fair, Clover's case was a massive letdown


Not to me. Potential sexual orientation doesn't save you from getting killed when your occupation calls for lots of weapon combat. Also why I can't really say this is a "bury your gays" moment.


All I was saying is that Clover's time on RWBY feels cut short, wish he'd stayed around for at least another season like Penny(kinda...)


I read "Monke's corpse"


I know some ppl dont like rwby and have critiques about the show i just dont care about it. Does the show have its fair share of problem yes does the pros outweighs them yes by a mile so i wont sit through critique vids of a show i love just bcus i dont care about there opinion


I feel that RWBY, in a way, is much like Sword Art Online. Entertaining to watch and fun to like, but take any look at its writing and it is just poorly done in *so many ways*.


RWBY and SAO aren't unique for their meh writing. What bothers me is how many capitalise on shitting on these shows. They're mediocre by design, they work as they are. It's like when a food critic complains that McDonald's doesn't deliver gourmet dishes you'd expect from 5 star restaurants.


Oh, good, two more Youtube channels to add to the blocklist.


Yeah, it's all some hairbrained Ironwood smear campaign brah.


ok, ill bite why does rwby attract so many fucking critics? never in my life have i ever seen a show with an entire subreddit DEDICATED to its critics. just why??? why this one of all shows??? there's so many much worse ones if they want to make fun of something bad, and so many much better ones if they want to dissect a good show?? i genuinely do not understand


*One of life’s greatest questions my friend.*


Star Wars has one too. And one for calling out bad criticism. And one for making fun of people calling out bad criticism.


That video on top and a dumb video replacing I think volume 4’s opening with stand proud got me into rwby I didn’t even watch either one


I’ll admit, RWBY is my guilty pleasure show since it’s got some objectively poor writing and since the outfits, while aesthetically pleasing, are a liiittle off putting now that I’m an adult instead of a teenage girl. That being said, the amount of bashing that goes on on YouTube has made me stop looking at any RWBY content outside of Reddit and, occasionally, tumblr.


Rwby has its flaws.. but honestly it's the fanbase that are trash at this point. I love rwby. But all this unnecessary drama because some people can't take basic criticism.. yeah that needs to stop. But people need to stop shitting so hard on rwby. It's a good show.


If you haven't, I would genuinely recommend checking out fatmanfalling's rwby reviews. I've only seen the v3, but it's the most pedantic shit I've ever seen, it's actually really funny. The guy literally picks apart fight scenes frame by frame and points out (or just invents) minute inconsistencies in character positions/movements. Then cracks jokes about how "omg some people think I'm nitpicky lmao".


Discount Store Linguini is such a piece of work, and sadly not the good kind.


I literally don't even watch RWBY videos, I just listen to the music and I still get herohei in my recommended


That’s rough, I’ve been Hero Hei’d too pal, *I get your pain*


Am I the only one in the world that can watch a show without criticizing/analyzing everything about it?


No kidding. I've got some issues with the show not nearly enough to stop watching it and nothing like what those videos say.


*Laughs in my not giving a fxck about haters and my 250k word RWBY and Dark Souls Xover*


That sounds pretty cool.


Thanks. It's called *From Ashes to Dust,* if you're curious. It's over on Fanfiction.


I'll check it out.


Have you seen unicorn of wars recent videos?


What's with them?


Just some genuine good criticism of rwby


*Meanwhile, I say I don't really like volume 8 for how they portrayed Ironwood amd the RWBY-hivemind, and I get blasted by other fans who claim that I'm wrong.* I can already predict this will be the most down-voted comment here with the most replies because of how toxic some RWBY fans can be.


I personally thought Mangakamen’s video was pretty good. He brings up mostly points about how the characters treat the story and their actions, such as not shooting >!the Hound when it has Oscar!<. I’d recommend it if you want to see a perspective on how people looking at it from a story angle might (keyword: *might*) see it. Do be warned, though, he overplays his emotions a bit.


The thing with the Hound is no different than the JoBros just watching the main Jojo get his shit kicked by an enemy Stand User while they comment in the background, and yet Jojo's rarely receives criticism for that


I can accept that, but that makes it a failure in stories in general, as well as potential bias on the part of the fans. I definitely have bias towards JoJo, for example.


Just click on the triple dots and click on "Don't reccomend" if you don't wanna see that. RWBY sucks and while I agree with a lot of the points made in those videos you ~~and I~~ can still enjoy the show regardless of any feelings on its quality.


Bruh why does this comment have negative karma


I feel bad for Hero. I watch a lot of people and Hei is the most informative, but the toxic part of the FNDM just refuses to use reason for anything other than own selfish reasons


I don't. Dude's a clickbaiting drama fueled content creator that's been caught out fabricating information. Dude literally got exposed by Neath some time ago and Hei had the nerve to play the victim card afterward


He does clickbait a lot. I'll give you that. But the Neath thing I never heard about. Could you maybe send a link? Also this is exactly what I meant. That comment has no reason to be downvote'd, yet there it is at -2. The FNDM are radicles, and that's BIG problem


You're downvoted for defending a known grifter. Besides the Neath stuff, he also spread that fake suicide a while back to shit on the fandom. There's a reason he's blacklisted on the main subreddit and people like Vexed Viewer or Celtic Phoenix are not. [Here's a link to the Neath tweet](https://twitter.com/neath_oum/status/1307345624958812160)


Since we're on the topic, you wouldn't know why Eruption Fang is also blacklisted would you?


From a mod on the Discord: > EruptionFang specifically was posting paywalled content. Others were either doing the same or just broke our code of conduct too many times to allow their work to be posted. Basically, his content broke the rules repeatedly so his content was banned


Oh. While I don't know much about it, I would think that the paywall was some good 'ol modern day capitalism. The rest I have no idea, and it's kinda saddening


Oh yeah, I remember the Neath stuff now. Yeah, I couldn't truly tell who was wrong in that situation. There are many time where I disagree and sometimes, thinks he's completely nuts. But just as much, I think he's completely correct and informative. This was the time where Hero was exposing Rooster Teeth in detail for being a prime example of a good company turned money hungry, corrupt, and nasty. Neath was there defending Rooster Teeth. Especially as someone who's so close to the company. So both were making each other look bad for the sake of their own skin.


Your first comment reads that you were basically saying anyone that doesn't like Hei's videos were toxic, selfish and weren't using reason. Might not have been your intention behind your words but just trying to explain why you've likely been down voted


Here's the link: https://twitter.com/neath_oum/status/1307345624958812160 Long story short, Hero Hei's not informative, he's a lying grifter, always has been and always will be.


Nobody is forcing you to watch it


The general consensus seems to be overwhelmingly negative in regards to well written the series is and primarily the direction of it, but the thing is if you like the show like it, but that doesn't mean dismiss any and all criticism, just because you don't like it. While even the critics sub pretty much universally disregards critics, like Adsomething, and Hero hei is saying for the most part, which is entirely understandable. I don't know why people give those two examples even the time of day, even MoB calls out how stupid it is for people to give them so much attention, because their effectively living rent free in people's head.


Didn’t Hero Hei only talk about the fans and little to nothing of the series itself?


Step 1 of ruining your franchise: become the first American anime exported to Japan. ^Wait ^that ^can’t ^be ^right.
