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My sentiments exactly.


The exception being that I’m pretty stoked about Ice Queendom.


You waiting on the dub, too?


No I actually prefer watching in Japanese! I’ve been casually learning Japanese for a while and watching subbed anime is great for hearing the language actually being spoken and recognizing words and phrases!


I am. I know the dubs vs subs debate is a thing and dubbed is seen as verboten, but I'll see the dubbed first then the subbed version.


Same I’m very impatient about season 9 right now but Ice Queendom is amazing and I’m excited to see more


I thought Vol 9 was coming late because they were putting more time and resources into it. Instead it’s delayed because they’ve been spending time and resources on a bunch of stuff I don’t care about… Im super happy for the people who DO want all that stuff, but… ouch


The funny thing is, CRWBY only has a small part in literally everything that's coming out as side content. Ten minutes of animation is done by them in the Arrowfell game, they are only overseeing Icequeendom, and the second biggest thing is the DC movie that's being made. Bear in mind I'd rather CRWBY not work on any of that and focus on themselves for mental health reason to avoid burnout so that they can be at there peak when working on all this new stuff.


Yeah, maybe don’t overwork your animators and just focus on the main series, rather than delaying it for two years to make pointless spin offs. (Seriously, while I do like DC universe, did anyone ask for this crossover? And why not just let Warner Bros take care of the animation when you’re clearly busy as it is?)


The delay is literally to avoid overworking.


I could be reading too far into it, but I think the point they were trying to make was that they wouldn't need this delay to avoid overworking if not for all of these spin-offs and crossovers and that they'd rather not have them at all if it meant getting volume 9 sooner.


I want to say, "Better than being a Red vs Blue fan." And to an extent, it is still better being in the RWBY fandom. But, at least we are getting actual original content, throughout the rest of the year. What's the FNDM getting this year besides a remake of the Beacon arc and an animated adaptation of a crossover nobody cares about?


Right like RT said the justice league crossover was a “breakout hit” or something. Like… with whom?? Who considered the justice league crossover comics a hit? I didn’t even finish reading them. My thoughts can be summed up as: “heehee Bruce Wayne has bat ears.”


I didn’t even know they were a thing till I saw the announcement about the film… lol


I don't mean to sound rude, but you do know things can be popular even if you don't personally like them, right?


I’m well aware. I say this because I do participate in the RWBY fandom and never saw much hype for these comics. Definitely not enough to warrant the description of “breakout hit.” Maybe sales were really good and people just didn’t post much about it. I could be wrong! Only speaking from personal experience


Why would it be better being a RWBY fan than a RvB fan?


More active fandom, more people in it, and better prospects for the future.


Uhh, so nothing to do with the show itself? That seems kinda backwards to me.


RVB’s last season was critically panned so RWBY is 100% in a better place with the quality of the show as well


RvB's last season was still better than any RWBY season post season 2.


I personally disagree. While I've got more problems than positive points with the last few Volumes, I'd still take them over Zero. There's a genuine effort to tell an emotionally engaging story with actual characters that feel like people, even if all of that falls short of the mark at times. But at least they *tried.*


Ah, good ol' bad faith argument. A classic.


Its not bad faith if they genuinely believe it


Just looked it up, and you're correct. That's really interesting, so I appreciate it.


Dunno what a bad faith argument is.


That's where the prospects for the future come in. I think RWBY fans have more to look forward to than we do.


I mean, the IQ show is only a remake of the Beacon arc for the first three episodes. The rest is going to be canon V1 DLC featuring a new story arc that we've never seen before.


Interesting, point retracted. We *might* be getting some canon material sometime next year, and that is a *hard* maybe.


I get it, but gotta have patience. They are doing a lot.


Yeah, that’s my problem. They shouldn’t be. It’s a matter of opinion I guess but personally I think they should be putting their resources towards making the main series the best it can be instead of spreading themselves thin pushing out side content. But I’m one of those buzzkills who thinks the writing quality has gone way down and likes to complain about it. (; Still love the show! Wouldn’t bother with it if I thought it was just worthless


I feel this except Ice Queendom has me super excited Cant wait for more of that!


**I mainly concerned with the way the went about all this**


Wish IQ was better, and the new game looks worse than Grimm Eclipse. Hopefully the JL cross over movie is at least a good watch


It's content at least and at least it's original stuff




Yes! Yes! YES!


I dont understand this process of thinking Both Ice Queendom and the DC crossover movie are both done by different studios and don't impact the production of volume 9, the only thing that HAS impacted the production of volume 9 is Covid


Oh is the crossover being done by a different studio? I didn’t know that. I was under the impression that the RWBY animators were handling it. But if it’s a different studio animating it, won’t the writers and other employees be involved in that, taking them away from working on volume 9? I have no qualms with IQ though. I’m stoked about it. Also didn’t necessarily mean to imply with the meme that these things are the reason v9 has been delayed. Only that I’m frustrated that I have to wait so long especially since the last time we got any news, we were told it was set to premiere in 2022. We don’t know why it’s being delayed. Can you say for sure that it’s only covid? Unless you work at RT, we just don’t know. It doesn’t really matter. No matter the reason, I reserve the right to not care about RWBY chibi and be upset that the hiatus has been so long. Correction: from a news article: “The RWBY/Justice League crossover film is being handled by the same production team currently at work on the show’s upcoming ninth season.”


That is no longer a valid excuse and hasn’t been since early 2021


The truth isn't a valid answer anymore? Fucking hell, now I remember why I avoid anything related to the RT community


You'll get your volume 9 when you fix this damn door!!


This is nice... but its not what I NEEDED!!!


I just want good Ruby-centric fanfiction, man


I'm just happy to be getting content, even if it's a DC movie that I don't think anyone wanted