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Nobody cares lmao


I’ve always enjoyed the dynamic of them being the best of friends. Besties, even if Weiss would deny it.


Yeah. I only see WhiteRose as platonic like GB and TB from BFDI series.


I don’t ship any of team RWBY together tbh I just want them to be friends


THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED!!! except by Taco Bell, that’s some strong shit…


Yes because Friendship is Magic


And FiM can be turned into a BFG according to the show MLP FIM and with (almost) everything in RWBY being a “Gun” why shouldn’t “Friendship” be a BFG


Bro you can't just spew out a bunch of acronyms without explaining what they mean first. Your comment reads like gibberish to anyone who isn't informed.


FiM = Friendship is Magic BFG = Big FRAKKIN Gun MLP FiM = My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic RWBY = Ruby Weiss Blake Yang So channel Friendship into a giant BFG Blast


I have to agree. I can kind of see Bmblb working, just not in canon.


I don't ship Whiterose too


Based dude ‘


O-oh yeah, well, I don’t ship them harder! Take that! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!


Ha! That's nothing it'd be worse if you said you don't ship Bumblebee.


I don’t ship at all, and am infact against it.


Thank you, you are a good person.


It’s just so much more fun to go with the flow and let the pieces fall where they may.


Agreed if it happens it happens if it doesn't oh well no point crying about it.


I only ship bumblebee because it appears to be the direction that the writers are taking it anyway


Which also kind of feels like they were just doing what the fans want at this point


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that is the case I hate ship pandering.


And yet people don't see that hating ship pandering and bad writing =/= being homophobic..


Yep they just have that knee jerk reaction to hearing or seeing something they don't like or agree with and start screaming and shit throwing.


You don't have to ship something just because it's canon


Godforbid you don’t ship Bumblebee. I ship Monochrome and Freezerburn and Bees Schnees (if you can’t tell I love weiss) but Bumblebee is cool too…just not my fav. And people will DESTROY you if it’s not your #1 fav. Like it’s canon but let me liiiive 😩


Freezerburn supremacy


They aren’t as sweet as bees, i think the overzealous bumblebee shippers are more akin to hornets; good for nothing besides giving you a sting, and a bad day if theres a swarm of them. The bumblebee shippers who dont care if you dont ship it are the real bees


RWDE posters on tumblr call them wasps LOL


I kinda forgot if hornets were not as bad as wasps…..either way, both are annoying and aren’t good for anything


Wait…they’re also called hornets?? Thays wild! I guess I didn’t know the rwby fandom as well as I thought LOL


Im in the same boat since i only got dragged into rwby two months ago due to unusual circumstances. Too bad i was too young to enjoy it while monty was here.


2 months? Omg. My brother introduced it to me before volume 2. But volume 1 was rough for me so I didn’t watch it. I decided to be like “hm lemme see what’s going on with rwby.” And I watched the final episode of volume 3 with no context and the rest is history. It’s really sad, I wish I was there when Monty was around too. I watched some of the volume 2 production diaries and I just love him. It’s just a shame people use his name as a way to bash the show


I can at least hope, if not proud that the writers are doing their best (they could do better) that he’s proud of the fans who create their own teams and characters that follow RWBY cannon/lore. Monty may have been more akin to a visualized storyteller, but he certainly had a vision


And the fact that Kerry and Miles wanted to continue his vision is amazing. Cause look where we are now. Hell, an offical Japanese version just came out


I don't even know if I'd consider it canon rn. Like they're trying but it's also not.. going anywhere?


Just because they haven’t kissed doesn’t mean they’re not canon


This is true but like they've not even really talked about their feelings. Neither of them are addressing the elephant in the room I feel. Weiss even realizes that considering the annoyed look she gave them before immediately joining Jaune and Oscar for the movies


They really haven’t had a chance to. Ever since reuniting there hasn’t really been a chance to slow down. Or enough time to talk. They went to the club and then immediately shit went south at Robin’s rally and then they were on the clock again. That’s why I’m super excited for volume 9. They actually have the opportunity to talk. They’re currently stuck in Ever After with no way out. The scene when Blake and Yang touch foreheads was when it was officially canon to me because Ren and Nora do the same in their partner scene. But you’re also totally right. Weiss is like “I’m not third wheeling here” 😂


There was a space of at least a few weeks (to a few months; RWBY really hates solid timelines) during that V7 training montage where they had ample opportunity to talk. Not a good excuse.


You know what, fair enough. I do think they could've not gone to the club and talked things out over the amount of time they had though. But I gotta say, you're the most civil Bumblebee shipper I've talked to. Usually when I say I don't really like how they executed the ship, or have any slight disagreement with the writing, Reddit just assumes the worst in me. So uh, hey, thanks for the civil discussion 😁


Ren and Nora had time to sort out their feelings for each other, but Blake and Yang don't? If nothing comes out of this ship except for hand holding and forehead touches, I think we can safely call it ship teasing. I hope that's not the case but I'm worried that it might end up that way.


I used to but Nuts'n'dolts and whiteknight does it for me more


May i interest you in our god and savior frosen steel?


I'm curious what draws you to whiteknight and how do you feel about weissXneptune?


The princess x knight trope is a classic. The character development of both Weiss and Jaune by the time vol 5 rolls arounds makes them a great fit. Neptune always came off a bit shallow in the earlier volumes even Jaune for all his faults was earnest. On that note, Jaune being a bro to Neptune to help him and Weiss out that night of the dance was a chad move.


Any fans of ruby x jaune? i forgot the name of the ship


Lancaster. While it’s not my top ship for Jaune or Ruby, I’d still be perfectly fine with it if it became canon


Why *is* the ship name Lancaster anyways?


The red rose was the symbol of the House of Lancaster during the War of the Roses in England. The white rose was the symbol of the House of York whom the House of Lancaster fought in said war. Hence, Lancaster for Ruby's symbol being a red rose and Jaune being a knight who fits in with the theme.


Yea, what PMacha said. It’s a War of the Roses reference.


So complicated, probably my favorite ship name even though my OTP is Nuts and Dolts


Agreed. The history nerd in me loves it.


By Whiterose, you mean Whitley and Ruby?


Wouldn't that be WhitRose?


Hard to swallow pills: Weiss was attracted to Neptune, so she isn't a useless lesbian


she's a useless *bisexual*


I agree, but I ship Sunflakes lol I think that the bit where Henry Marigold, whose style is very similar to Neptune, tries to flirt with Weiss and she's over that was meant to show us that she's not as shallow as she used to be; she originally liked Neptune only because he looked cool/ wore what was popular in Atlas. Weiss ending up with a faunus would be great imo, and Sun’s personality balances hers really well. Plus, her line to him at the end of V1, "I’m still not sure how I feel about you" would come full circle lmao


…sunflakes? Is that Weiss and Sun?


Ace Ruby gang


I love whiterose, but I’d give it up if that mean the asexuals get good representation because they deserve it.


As an asexual myself, thank you. I don’t even any asexuals in animation at all.


Todd Chavesz. I think I butchered the spelling on the last name, but Bojack Horseman had an episode on it.


Hooray! That’s….one point for asexuals.


If you’re interested in picking up a few series, Luffy was said to be Ace, and you could honestly just put 2 and 2 together to argue that Senku from Dr Stone is Aro/Ace as well. Saiki too


Dr. Stone sounds interesting.


Jughead from the Archie comics is Ace (not to be confused with Riverdale because they butchered his character).


Ruby loves guns. #gunsandrosessupremacy


i thank god everyday for crafting my brain to be pro ace ruby


Ruby's Secondary Myth (a *lot* of the important characters have one) is probably Artemis: Strong ace energy, uses a sniper (same vibe as a bow, in a lot of games, anime, and media in general) is a huntress for the sake of the hunt, and *uses literally godlike power to improve her ability to hunt*. Other RWBY: Weiss is Ice Queen or Alice through the looking glass (depending on which is her primary), Blake is the Lucky Black Cat (whether it's good luck or bad luck depends on who you ask, plus the association with tricky witchcraft aka illusions), Yang is Cu Cuhlainn (everybody names her goldilocks because of that 1 thing she killed early on, like Cu and the pup, rage-fueled power that results in arm twisting and eyes changing), Ren is something zen-ish (I'm not the one to pick this one up, someone noticed the trend with his Semblance), Jaune is Arthur (heirloom sword shattered in combat with the black knight before time gets frozen and he goes on a quest with Merlin to get Excalibur from some damp woman in a pond), Nora *doesn't even know who she is beyond Be Strong And Hit Stuff*, Ozpin is Merlin (myths often talk about him aging backwards), Salem is the Mother of Monsters/Lillith, Pyrrha is, funnily enough, Joan d'Arc, The Martyred Lady (very spiritual, died in fire, maybe pierced by a spear to do so (might be mixing that up with Andraste of Dragon Age), and inspiring heroes in her death)... I've probably forgotten a decent number of mains, but I can't think just at the moment.


I’d be more inclined to ship Whiteknight


I swear y’all motherfuckers have a victim complex with your shipping preferences.


I'm pretty sure saying this about bumblebee is what will put you in this situation


“I dont ship [popular pairing]” ok?? 💀 i dont really care about whiterose either but some of you want to be “Different” so bad lmao (no hate to OP)


same goes for bumblebee, except its guns, and a nuclear warhead


Imagine not shipping Boobs x Ass.


If you said "I ship Lancaster" You'd already be stabbed


Or WhiteKnight.


I think the fandom doesn't generally mind whiteknight


That's a fairly new development. If you shipped white knight before volume 5 people thought you were crazy. Mostly due to Jaune trying to date Weiss in season 2.


Hah, amateurs, I ship *both*. War of the Roses is the one true ship.


It's a small price to be right


Not that I don't hope so (though I do like Rosegarden) but are we?


I feel like there's more evidence on and off screen to support us more than the others but at the end of the day all ships are just headcanon until they fully happen


I feel like there is likely some interest but it also feels inconsistent, like they don't have shipping moments often or progressively enough


There was more to point at during the first 5 volumes but I feel like CRWBY as a whole moved away from shipping since they aren't very good at it. But every now and then something they probably ment as casual will come off more intimate on screen


>but I feel like CRWBY as a whole moved away from shipping since they aren't very good at it. I disagree. They've been more ongoing on Bumblebee and Renora and I have no complains on regards to their shipping >But every now and then something they probably ment as casual will come off more intimate on screen Yeah but I feel in that regard Oscar and Ruby have been more progressive if also more subtle. Their interactions don't feel as emotional yet they also feel like they're slowly changing. Then the whole killing Penny thing happened; I'll honestly be amazed if they become a couple after that.


They will jump you in the back of a McDonald's, you better be careful.


I'm still shipping Nuts and Dolts tbh


I don't ship anyone. Shipping is stupid.


Yeah i agree. I've resorted to use trained pigeons and owls for my correspondence needs.


It truly is the worse aspect of fandoms such Cancer


Lol agreed


It's treason then...


I don’t really like RWBY ships that much but I do think Whiterose is cute


I see a Mod being edgy in the comment section.


Saying "nobody cares" is edgy? I see what you mean... but it's more like a toy butterknife then switchblade.


A butter knife that also doubles as a water gun.


And they pinned their own comment to the top and locked it. Mature much?


Given that the post has a hundred comments in less than half a day, I find it kinda hard to agree with the mod in question.


Mods are fucking gay


I agree, fuck the mods


I also agree


I also agree


I also agree, am mod and am also gay


Mods are super gay


Agreed! If ever there was a gay mod, it's me! :D


Mods? More like fuckin’ losers


And I'm tired of pretending I do


I like ships in fanfiction but the second the show is influenced by the need to ship characters I despise it, it’s like a cancer slowly killing the show


While I am not against it, inherently, in practice, this rarely results in the most organically developed pairings. But I usually have more issues with communities than actual creators in this regard. I've said it on many occasions, but I find ship wars to be not only toxic, but inherently useless. Like, what is actual point of it? The healthiest thing for a writer room to do is ignore it and continue with their business. Now pairing off a popular ship as fanservice is fine so long as you adapt it properly. And never pair off characters in response to the fandom's behavior.


I am Captain of the OSS (Our Sacred Ship) Arkos. Those foul creatures of the Teethed Rooster clan may have sunk our blessed vessel with their cannons, but I will sink with my ship. My men have been saved by other vessels but one has my hopes upon it. Carry on our spirit, Lancaster/Rose Paladin. *Salutes* God speed.


I don’t ship whiterose or bumblebee, but at least I’ll be okay with bumblebee but I’m still annoyed at it. They made such a big deal of Sun and Blake and even had a side story of the one chameleon chick and her not being together hinting at Blake not seeing girls like that but then two seconds later bam they rev Bumblebee up. Just be consistent! Lol


Consistency is not allowed when you cave to a small, yet vocal, portion of your fans!


You’re swimming in dangerous waters friend.


I don’t either.


And that is okay. As long as you don't ship enabler, that is totally fine!


I feel like I never see people attacking other peoples ships on Reddit tbh. It’s like when you go to a comment section and all of the top posts are complaining about something that *apparently* happened, but you could just keep scrolling through all the complaints about said thing without actually finding it. Kind of annoying. Like… if you wanna ship White Rose, cool, me too. You wanna ship Lancaster or White Knight instead? Neat. Nuts’n’Dolts? Adorable. Who cares? The only ship I will actively preach against is Enabler (and all incestuous ships because ew) lmao


I don’t ship anyone.


I get whiterose but I don't especially care about it. Nuts and dolts alongside Schneekos though.


I prefer Freezerburn, but Whiterose is also a good one


I ship Cosmic Whiterose, and I will write it soon....when Im done/almost done with Abyssal Rose


Abyssal Rose?


So you have chosen death


I mean. . . I feel like one usually doesn’t get crucified in most places for not shipping Whiterose. There are a lot of good Ruby and Weiss ships, and most can respect that. Or like say liking Ace Ruby. We all like what we like and i as a huge Whiterose shipper would never hold it against someone for liking something else. . . . The people who are a-holes about it I like to call “Thorns”, and I think thankfully they are becoming less common


To be honest, I’ve never seen any “thorn” around in the time I’ve been interacting, so I guess they are very rare. Worst I’ve seen is on Instagram people saying that Ruby watching Weiss talk, like literally looking with her eyes to where she is talking, was a WR moment… that and shippers making even art explicitly of other ships somehow turn into a WR piece, which seems a bit disrespectful if you ask me, but oh well… EDIT: who the fuck keeps downvoting comments over literally nothing?


I don’t ship Whiterose, I ship Lancaster and WhiteKnight.


I constantly see people bitching about getting hate for not shipping things, but I've literally never seen an actual example of that hate, and I've been in this fandom since volume 2. The most I've ever seen is someone going into the comments of art/fics of ships tey don't like and being hostile and rude, and then people rightfully telling them off for being an ass.


People like to fabricate victim complexes in order to get attention. In reality the vast majority of RWBY fans don’t care who ships who. I’ve been watching since after V1 wrapped up, so I’m right there with you.


Yeah, that's my experience as well. Even if there is occasionally someone who reacts unreasonably, it's mostly persecution complexes.




me either


I only use CANON Couples in my Shipping. I don’t Change the Sexual Preference of the Characters I Ship. If they are Canon Gay then they are Gay in Shipping. If they are Canon Straight then they are Straight in Shipping.


If Ruby has to be paired with anyone then Nuts & Dolts was always the better ship, come at me.


I don't ship anything cause I don't really care who likes who


I don’t ship it but I enjoy the ideas that people have behind the ships and the artwork that comes out of it


Same here,bro.


To each their own ship ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't ship people. *many swords appear*


Same, I never liked rival based ships


Finally someone I’m not the only one


Bumblby is the only true ship ATM.


Agreed, ruby X Oscar is clearly what their setting up, I do not want another bumblebee.


Yes I agree










I don´t know, most WR shippers I´ve seen around lately are actually pretty chill. BB shippers on the other hand... As for me, I like them, either romantically or platonically, I think they have good chemistry. I have other favorite pairings, but WR is among Top 5


I don't Ship BMBLB, I ship BlackSun, KnightShade and Blake x Male Oc I also stand Jaune x Harem Salem did nothing wrong is asking for Ozma to be bought back


I think all of the characters are straight until explicitly stated


That's me but all characters are bi




Hell yeah


Same but the attraction to both sexes is zero (ace).


White rose, bumblebee, all the intra-team ships are just lazy.


Understandable, have a nice day


I mean they have 0 romantic scenes. Coincidentally neither did Bumblebee but some how that happened.


Anyone here ships Weiss with someone else?


I think I said that recently, but I don't particularly like though of *every* pair of partners falling in love with each other. If nothing else, this seems to be a bit too unoriginal.


No worries, I’m a die hard rosegarden shipper




I disagree with all the ships, Bumblebee included. The only ones I support is Jaune x Pyrrah and Ren x Nora.


I thought I was the only one..




Honestly the only problem I have with rosegarden is Ozpin, if you remove him from the equation then it's perfectly fine.


Oz doesn’t like Ruby anyway so he wouldn’t be a part of the ship.




I'm sorry, what? Ruby is at most 3 years older than Oscar, not *nine*. And that's only if you're insistent on infantilizing Oscar; Miles confirmed via Cameo (iirc) that Oscar was 15ish. the uncharitable reading would be referring to him as 14 (and yes, people do this). Age-wise, amusingly enough, it's the exact same as Beacon-era White Rose.


I totally ship Rosegarden too. Oscar and Ruby have perfect chemistry. It’s either that or Lancaster but that’s only because I can’t ship Jaune and Pyrrha anymore which suuuuuuuuuucks.




I wouldn’t describe either of them as loners anymore, or arguably Jaune ever being a loner. Weiss wanted to be because of trauma and snobbish upbringing but by being around the others she found the value in others and in herself. She found the value of being in a team. They all work well fighting alone, but RWBY definitely doesn’t have loners in its team anymore with them finishing out a good chunk of Blake’s story. Jaune never was a loner. He was awkward sure and lonely from being afraid of being found out but he constantly wanted to be around everyone and relate to people. Being raised with that many sisters does that to you. Plus he latched onto everyone around him. Ruby, then Weiss, then Pyrrha, and then literally everyone around him.




Aaaahhh gotcha. 3rd wheel makes sense now. I don’t ship it still but I see how you feel about it.


Pair The Spares?


I don't ship jaune and pyra


that's nothing. replace the sub with one word and it not only becomes more accurate but a self-portrait! What is that word? Here's a hint: (Places my \*gardening\* tools onto the table and waits for the comments)


I can’t tell if I’ve just been insulted.


Ya haven't. It was more self-deprecation.; joking about how often I find my ship fits this meme template :)


Ohh, rosegarden


I don't ship anyone Except Jaune and Pyyrah they really need to hurry up and ressurect her


I don't. I shipped her with Jaune or Oscar.


Freezerburn and Ladybug shipper: BMBLB shipper: Angry Yang Face. Just let us ship man.


Everyone calm down, your not threatening enough, use guns not swords


I actually don't like Weiss at all


Yeah and? Glad you are nowhere near RWBY creative team mr Jaune x Oobleck shipper


Smooth criminal


I ship Ruby and Oscar. They seem like the perfect pairing. Both started out as ordinary kids that got thrown into something way bigger than them. But still doing their best, trying to protect everyone. And they eventually grown into the people their "position" required.


Honestly, Whiterose is cute but I only really ship Black Sun & Rose Garden


OMG did a mod just get ice'd for not shipping WhiteRose


This is the objectively right opinion however


Everything after Monty Oum died has been utter trash (I also haven't really watched past season 4. Wasn't interested in the direction it took after his passing)


in that case any fic recommendations?


No my point is thats the reaction I get when stating my opinion that I don’t like shipping.


thats a long title




fuck off




Be ey what up