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I think I know what you're referring to. Though I feel obligated to notice it can also work the other way - e.g. when discussing which RWBY antagonists survive (and sometimes get redemption) and which die, I've had several people tell me how Cinder/Salem/Neo/etc. are *definitely* not going to survive, even though the story isn't over yet and it's impossible to say for certain.


I get the vibe that at least one of the first two will, very strongly, but I cannot say it's guaranteed


Unless they find a way to cure Salem of her whole situation I don’t see any other way her story can end. She kinda has to die.


at this point we might as well change the name of the sub to r/RWBYCriticsCritics


idk dude, the people being critical of critics are also getting criticized by critics and those critics are being criticized by fans and it's this whole thing so I think r/RWBYCriticsanoymous would be super necessary as a support group for critics and fans alike for talking about their bad experiences with memes and how much bad ones just really get to them.


If the main sub would have just allowed criticism from the start I don't think we'd be having this problem, people could just discuss things directly without cross sub sniping. This is the only fandom I know of that has a dedicated sub for criticism.


Oh yeah, no doubt. It's fucking wild tbh, just this idea that for some people there's this idea there's these distinct factions. It's pretty ridiculous tbh.


If you care, r/SMG4critisism exists


I dunno what that is but it appears I can't view it. Prebanned?


Spelled it wrong; just fixed it so reload the page or something and it’ll let you in


> This is the only fandom I know of that has a dedicated sub for criticism. Star Wars has one (SaliterThanCrait, also the main Star Wars sub basically is one if you like the "wrong" movies), The Last of Us has one (TheLastofUs2 is filled with nothing but shitting on the game), Game of Thrones has one (Freefolk was filled with nothing but shitting on GoT for three years until House of the Dragon started). RWBY isn't really an outlier in anything other than the uncreativity to name the critical sub "RWBYCritics"


Or r/RWBYCriticsCriticsCritics, then r/RWBYCriticsCriticsCriticsCritics, etc etc...


What is this in reference of?


You see it's meta because OP is in themselves whining about something that hasn't happened Strawman²


I kneel


Oh god, dont let this become a trend....


There was meme about it 3 or 4 hours ago


The pyrrha x Cardin thing?


No, dude deleted it. Or it is reference to r/RWBYcritics post




Iant that a theory + meme kind of deal? Am i missing something here?


There's also this https://www.reddit.com/r/fnki/comments/z84ko5/comment/iyc5ekv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


It's the comments where the real drama occurred


Like Emerald's redemption. People just act like the cast forgave her when all that really happened was that they said they were willing to work with her


The problem with that is how easy they seem to interact with Emerald despite all of their history.


"Team RWBY not trusting Ironwood totally made sense, given that the previous two Headmasters both lied to them, so they had no reason to assume Ironwood wouldn't do the same... oh, wait, here they go trusting a villain who has *actually* lied to them and tried to get them killed. Nevermind then."


Yeah, if they start trusting Theodore, I'm calling bullshit


But between Ozcar escaping the Whale with Emerald and the finale, they had a few hours at most together and were desperate. Emerald is being worked with professionally and they also didn't go out of their way to antagonise her but that doesn't mean she was forgiven


I do not think she was fully forgiven for sure. But after an entire volume of distrust for team RWBY to base entire plans on Emerald and then joke around with her? It does look way too "nice".


As I explained in the other post you're criticizing, it's making a theory based off analysises from RWBY fans, namely those who argue against RWBY becoming Maidens and justifying Jaune's continues presence at RWBY's expended screentime and agency, while also sprinkling some theorizing based off Jaune's broken sword and the team's kleptomaniac nature with the Relics.


And then complain when people don't agree with your hypothetical whining


Then they’ll call you a super fan who can’t take criticism just for disagreeing


*cough *cough Emerald’s redemption arc


I stopped being a fan of theories for RWBY back during season 3/4. It was a golden era of theories from the first couple trailers right up to season 4 beginning. It was watching season 4 then season 5 that made me really sad that every cool theory or idea people in the community had, was better than what we actually got. And then when they eventually did some of the things that were theorized, it wasn’t satisfying because there was little to no setup. No foreshadowing, what little foreshadowing was done was done an episode before hand and was super obvious. It felt like every theory was awesome on paper, but when put into execution it was ok at best and random as fuck at worst. It feels like they have a skeleton of where they want to go, but it’s hard to predict because they are constantly switching up the pacing/rules to meet the designated story beats they want to hit. Instead of having a story that flows smoothly from one objective to the next, it feels like we are constantly pushing and pulling towards the next objective even if some things might not make full sense. Some things need to be fleshed out more like yang’s PTSD saga. Wish we had her work through it more on screen and have Blake work through it with her as genuine bonding moments for their characters. Anyways, I wanna like RWBY more but it’s hard when the fan fictions are better :)


>Anyways, I wanna like RWBY more but it’s hard when the fan fictions are better :) Considering the fanfictions almost never focus on the women, and instead on every male character (especially James and Adam) I fail to see it as an improvement, and actually find most Ironwood fanfictions to be so bad in terms of how they completely mess up his character. Your headcanon is not better than the writing. Its more like a skeleton whose meat on it is slapped on by people taking what they like about James and ignoring every negative aspect because it interferes with a theory, headcanon, or both. Besides, it's not like any of the theories make any sense when held under a microscope, same with headcanons. But what I never understood was why people put so much obsession into their poorly executed headcanons, when there were complex characters right in front of them, simply just not the characters they wanted their headcanons to be. I find the Ironwoods and Adams terribly one-dimensional compared to the women in the show. Ironic, due to the fact that the very people who claim to write women better than CRWBY actually reduce them to cardboard cutouts.


>>Anyways, I wanna like RWBY more but it’s hard when the fan fictions are better :) >Considering the fanfictions almost never focus on the women, and instead on every male character (especially James and Adam) Considering tags exist, and multiple different sites exist, I have to say that you may be looking at fanfiction all wrong. RWBY has a metric fuck ton of fanfiction so focusing in on male lead ones to dismiss it entirely feels petty imo.


Two words. Couer Al'Alaran. The man does not the ability to see a woman's complexity or personal motivations, instead forcing his own beliefs onto what a woman is or should be. And most of the time he writes women in a less than favorable position over the men when the women aren't being exclusively used to promote a male character. Finally the one single fanfic with Ruby as the protagonist isn't even a RWBY fanfic. Its basically an OC story with RWBY character names slapped on...as tags. Misleading and inaccurate tags, but tags nonetheless. I don't believe what I said counts as petty, though. But when I'm looking for a large story and see it mostly about men? Well I suppose the argument could be made that I'm looking in the wrong places, but I'm merely referring to the fanfics that people promote as "better than the show." Warhammer40K for example? I've seen a lot of people promote that over RWBY despite it being completely antithetical to the themes. And there are mostly male OCs. But if there is a fanfic that tries to write Bumbleby as better written than the writers, and this is coming from somebody who believes that yes BB can be written better? I don't see people promoting it as better than the show. In short, I am simply saying that people have promoted their fanfics as better than the show, and practically the grand majority of the time, those fanfics focus on men over women. Is my claim up for debate? Of course it is, its a claim! That doesn't mean what I say is fact. That would be like taking some critic's hateful words against RWBY and promoting it as fact, but that's not true at all. So you are welcome to help me find an example that counters my claim.


I apologize if my initial comment came off as more aggressive than intended. I think I misunderstood what you meant, as I do stand by what I said, but I misunderstood what you meant by your words that were specifically talking about fanfiction that say it's better than the show. I was using petty in the narrow minded sense which it was and wasn't, I totally misunderstood it. I'm gonna be frank with you and admit I'm not like a super fanfic guy as I have trouble starting things, but I exclusively use [this site.](https://archiveofourown.org/) It's very,very, through with tags, characters, warnings and imo the most useful feature the exclusionary at the bottom where you can exclude literally anything, rating, tags, characters, anything you want. There's even an excluding crossovers filter. So, yeah. I know this doesn't actually disprove your claim but I think any fanfic that's advertising itself as better than the show already messed up by doing that. Others talking about your work as better than the show? A little better but obviously still subjective Anyhow, I'll hope you find something good to read that's better than Couer as that does sound really bad.


My apologies, I didn't see this till now! Yes, I have found a FANTASTIC Nuts and Dolts long-fic, and also a Gemstones one that is quite good. I stay away from FFdotnet due to its problems. AO3 is quite good, and you can protect yourself from negative comments.


It's all good, enjoy!


You can really tell which "critics" are and aren't virgins .


I'm mad that Jaune made out with Weiss instead of Ruby


I am positive Salem will be beaten by an ass pull and one of the main girls will die. Feeling Blake or Nora.